born Week 10 waiver wire: A reborn running back and a magical QB highlight top options By Published On :: Sun, 04 Nov 2018 21:39:17 +0000 The dismissal of coach Hue Jackson seems to have given Duke Johnson Jr. new life with the Browns. Full Article
born AT#222 - Travel to Borneo By Published On :: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 15:00:00 +0000 The Amateur Traveler talks to Betty from Betty in the Sky with a Suitecase about her recent trip to Borneo (Sarawak and Sabah) to see the orangutans and proboscis monkeys. Betty flew into Kuching in Sarawak and started in the Demai beach area where she stayed in a treehouse. She saw the Probiscus Monkeys at Bako National Park and the Bat “fireworks” at Mulu National Park. Betty also visited the market at Sandakan and snorkeled off the beaches at Mabul. Full Article
born Children 'born of war': a role for fathers? By Published On :: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 13:28:47 +0000 4 March 2020 , Volume 96, Number 2 Camile Oliviera, Erin Baines Read Online In this article, we examine exceptional circumstances in which men who father children born as the result of conflict-related sexual violence assume full or partial responsibility for their child's well-being. Children ‘born of war’ are increasingly recognized as a particular victim group in relevant international policy frameworks. Their social status falls somewhere between the victimization of their mother and perpetration of their father. Given the circumstances of their birth, they often experience social rejection and loss of identity with a long-term impact on their well-being. Previous scholarship has primarily documented the challenges faced by their mothers as caregivers and as victims of wartime sexual violence. A discussion on fathers to children ‘born of war’ is absent, attributable not only to their perpetrator status, but also to the assumption that their identity is unknown or that a relationship between father and child is undesired. The article demonstrates this is not always the case. Based on research in northern Uganda between 2016 and 2019 which included interviews and focus group discussions with former male combatants in the rebel group the Lord's Resistance Army, we explore how some fathers seek to maintain a relationship with children born as the result of ‘forced marriage’ and assume partial or full responsibility for their well-being and care. Full Article
born CBD Press Release: The Draft Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing is born in Cali. By Published On :: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
born CBD Press Release: The Nagoya - Kuala Lumpur Protocol on Liability and Redress for Damage Resulting from Living Modified Organisms born in Nagoya By Published On :: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
born CBD Press Release: A new era of living in harmony with Nature is born at the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit. By Published On :: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
born It’s becoming depressing - Mother enduring long wait for newborn’s coronavirus results By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 05:01:40 -0500 A Manchester mother is pleading with the authorities to provide her with the results of COVID-19 tests done on her and her week-old baby. The woman claims that she has been in isolation in hospital since April 27, a day after she gave birth to... Full Article
born Children 'born of war': a role for fathers? By Published On :: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 13:28:47 +0000 4 March 2020 , Volume 96, Number 2 Camile Oliviera, Erin Baines Read Online In this article, we examine exceptional circumstances in which men who father children born as the result of conflict-related sexual violence assume full or partial responsibility for their child's well-being. Children ‘born of war’ are increasingly recognized as a particular victim group in relevant international policy frameworks. Their social status falls somewhere between the victimization of their mother and perpetration of their father. Given the circumstances of their birth, they often experience social rejection and loss of identity with a long-term impact on their well-being. Previous scholarship has primarily documented the challenges faced by their mothers as caregivers and as victims of wartime sexual violence. A discussion on fathers to children ‘born of war’ is absent, attributable not only to their perpetrator status, but also to the assumption that their identity is unknown or that a relationship between father and child is undesired. The article demonstrates this is not always the case. Based on research in northern Uganda between 2016 and 2019 which included interviews and focus group discussions with former male combatants in the rebel group the Lord's Resistance Army, we explore how some fathers seek to maintain a relationship with children born as the result of ‘forced marriage’ and assume partial or full responsibility for their well-being and care. Full Article
born Born equal - the launch of The BMJ special issue on race in medicine By Published On :: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 18:18:08 +0000 Last week the BMJ published it’s first special edition into Racism in Medicine. The issues tacked ranged from differential attainment in medical school, to the physiological effects that experiencing everyday discrimination has. The issue was guest edited by Victor Adebowale, the Chief Executive of the social care enterprise Turning Point, and... Full Article
born COVID burnout! - Health workers burdened as they fight stubborn virus By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:25:45 -0500 Edmond Campbell/Senior Parliamentary Reporter Conceding that healthcare workers in the public sector are burnt out as they combat COVID-19, Health and Wellness Minister Dr Christopher Tufton says the Government is taking steps to boost its... Full Article
born CARPHA urges public to guard against mosquito-borne diseases By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 10:16:34 -0500 PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – The Trinidad-based Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) is urging people in the region to remember that despite the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, they must be mindful that other public health threats still... Full Article
born Immigrants and WIOA Services: Comparison of Sociodemographic Characteristics of Native- and Foreign-Born Adults in the United States By Published On :: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:31:10 -0500 As federal and state governments ramp up efforts to implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, these fact sheets compare key characteristics of the foreign born and the U.S. born that are relevant to understanding needs for adult education and workforce training services. The fact sheets cover the United States, the 20 states and 25 counties with the largest immigrant populations, and New York City. Full Article
born Foodborne illnesses rise 15% in U.S. in 2019, CDC says By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 16:29:49 -0400 Infections caused by contaminated food are up 15 percent across the United States, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network. Full Article
born Born With the Desire to Know the Unknown By Published On :: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 00:00:00 EDT America is awash in secrets and conspiracies. Moviegoers are agog over the 2,000-year-old conspiracy theory in "The Da Vinci Code," which suggests that Jesus may not have died celibate. In a conspiracy exactly one order of magnitude smaller, Brad Meltzer's new novel, "The Book of Fate," tells about... Full Article Nation Born With the Desire to Know the Unknown
born Out of Unenforceable Laws, Amnesties Are Born By Published On :: Mon, 04 Jun 2007 00:00:00 EDT The ambitious immigration overhaul package that Congress is studying has drawn criticism from conservatives who say it offers amnesty to lawbreakers, and from immigration advocates who say it will not do enough to bring millions of people out of the shadows. Full Article Opinions Out of Unenforceable Laws Amnesties Are Born
born State Sociodemographic Portraits of Immigrant and U.S.-Born Parents of Young Children By Published On :: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 16:53:09 -0500 These fact sheets provide a sociodemographic sketch of parents with children ages 0 to 8 in the 30 states with the largest number of immigrant families, offering data and analysis of some of the key parental characteristics to help stakeholders identify populations that could be targets for early childhood and parent-focused programs working to improve child and parent outcomes. Full Article
born A Study of Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes among African-Born Women Living in Utah By Published On :: Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:30:31 -0500 Resettled African refugee women may experience particularly acute complications during pregnancy, birth, and the child's early infancy. Yet health care-providers and policymakers may not be aware of the particular challenges that these women and their children face. This report, examining women giving birth in Utah over a seven-year period, compares perinatal complications of the African born and a segment of the U.S. born. Full Article
born Born-again blakfella / Jack Charles with Namila Benson. By Published On :: Charles, Jack, 1943- Full Article
born Contractions of the foramen ovale of the new born lamb. By Published On :: United Kingdom, c.193? Full Article
born Contractions of the foramen ovale of the new born lamb. By Published On :: United Kingdom, c.193? Full Article
born Die Doppelbildungen und angebornen Geschwülste der Kreuzbeingegend in anatomischer und klinischer Beziehung / von Wilhelm Braune. By Published On :: Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1862. Full Article
born Die Fötuslunge im gebornen Kinde für Pathologie, Therapie und gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft / geschildert von Eduard Jorg. By Published On :: London : Black, Young & Young, 1835. Full Article
born King Robert the Bruce saves the life of a mother and her new born infant on a battlefield in Ireland. Engraving by J. Burnet, 1842, after W. Allan, 1840. By Published On :: (Edin.r [Edinburgh] : Printed by A. Mc.Glashon), [1842] Full Article
born Common problems in the newborn nursery : an evidence and case-based guide By Published On :: Fri, 1 May 2020 19:44:43 -0300 Callnumber: OnlineISBN: 9783319956725 (electronic bk.) Full Article
born Winnipeg-born hockey players get cut, investigated by teams for comments on group chat By Published On :: Fri, 8 May 2020 16:15:02 EDT A group of Winnipeg-born hockey players connected with a sexist group chat are being either let go from their teams or investigated, after screenshots from the private chat were made public earlier this week. Full Article News/Canada/Manitoba
born How Music Therapists Helped A Mother Connect With The Newborn She Still Hasn’t Met – Houston Public Media By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 17:21:59 +0000 How Music Therapists Helped A Mother Connect With The Newborn She Still Hasn’t Met Houston Public Media Full Article IMC News Feed
born Retired goalkeeper Karina LeBlanc 'stronger' following separation from newborn daughter By Published On :: Mon, 4 May 2020 20:01:12 EDT Karina LeBlanc was returning home from her second hospital visit after giving birth to her first child, only this time she would have to spend 14 days in self-isolation after doctors feared she contracted COVID-19 during her stay. Full Article Sports/Soccer
born Born to be beautiful By Published On :: Thu, 07 Apr 2011 00:00:00 +0000 A group of fourteen OM volunteers recently started organising meetings for ten- to thirteen-year-olds in Mexico: the ‘Butterfly Club’. It´s a weekly gathering of thirty young girls in Hermosillo, Mexico. They come from a vulnerable environment with broken families that lack many basic resources. Full Article
born Parental Understanding of Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis After a Negative Sweat-Test By Published On :: 2011-01-10T04:01:16-08:00 The current standard of care includes informing women about prenatal testing and newborn screening for cystic fibrosis and providing genetic counseling to parents whose child is referred for sweat-testing. Despite counseling, early data identified some persistent confusion about residual risk. Prenatal discussions about carrier testing and newborn screening for cystic fibrosis are not routine. Parental anxiety about abnormal results from a screen is decreased after speaking to a genetic counselor when scheduling the sweat test. Despite counseling, residual risk continues to be poorly understood. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Aerobic Capacity and Exercise Performance in Young People Born Extremely Preterm By Published On :: 2011-12-26T00:06:33-08:00 Extreme preterm birth is associated with developmental shortcomings that may reduce exercise capacity and participation in physical activities in later life. The number of studies addressing these issues in adolescent populations is limited, test methods differ, and results are diverging.Exercise capacity after preterm birth was in the same range as in term-born control subjects. Participation in physical activity was lower in preterm subjects compared with control subjects; however, the response to exercise in terms of increased aerobic capacity was similar. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Citizens' Values Regarding Research With Stored Samples From Newborn Screening in Canada By Published On :: 2012-01-16T00:06:52-08:00 Newborn screening (NBS) programs may store bloodspot samples and use them for secondary purposes, such as research. Recent public controversies and lawsuits over storage and secondary uses underscore the need to engage the public on these issues.This public engagement study identifies values underlying citizens’ acceptance of and discomfort with research from NBS samples. Well-designed methods of public education and civic discourse on the risks and benefits of storage and secondary uses of NBS samples are required. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Public Attitudes Regarding the Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens for Research By Published On :: 2012-01-16T00:06:48-08:00 The retention and use of residual bloodspots is a practice of many state newborn screening programs. This practice has become controversial, and little is known about public attitudes on the retention and research use of newborn residual bloodspots.This study offers a detailed analysis of public attitudes regarding bloodspot retention and use for biomedical research. The results also offer insights on how education regarding this practice influences support for newborn screening and residual bloodspot use. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Comparison of the US and Australian Cystic Fibrosis Registries: The Impact of Newborn Screening By Published On :: 2012-01-16T00:06:46-08:00 Registries have been established in a number of countries to monitor the health of patients with cystic fibrosis. Few international comparisons have been made between registries. International data registry comparisons may be useful for informing best practice and benchmarking.Registry comparisons are feasible but are limited by factors such as nonstandardization of data collection. Lung function was lower in Australian children with cystic fibrosis compared with their US counterparts after adjusting for the benefits of diagnosis after newborn screening. (Read the full article) Full Article
born A Decision-Tree Approach to Cost Comparison of Newborn Screening Strategies for Cystic Fibrosis By Published On :: 2012-01-30T00:06:39-08:00 Although it has been shown that cystic fibrosis newborn screening is beneficial, the strategies vary widely, and there has been uncertainty about the costs and consequences of different algorithms and whether screening methods/decisions should be based on assumed cost differences.This study contributes by offering a comparison of both costs, assessed comprehensively, and the consequences associated with the 2 most popular screening methodologies, immunoreactive trypsinogen/immunoreactive trypsinogen and immunoreactive trypsinogen/DNA, by using a decision-tree framework allowing variation in the model parameters. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Antenatal Antecedents of Cognitive Impairment at 24 Months In Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns By Published On :: 2012-02-13T00:08:34-08:00 Among extremely premature infants, survival has improved, but the rate of cognitive impairment has not. Impaired cognition is the most frequent developmental problem identified in survivors. Several antenatal factors have been associated with cognitive impairment, mostly related to social disadvantage.In addition to social disadvantage, antenatal characteristics associated with cognitive impairment include maternal obesity and thrombosis of fetal stem vessels. Prenatal infection and inflammation were not associated with impaired early cognitive function among extremely preterm infants. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Discomfort and Pain in Newborns With Myelomeningocele: A Prospective Evaluation By Published On :: 2012-02-27T00:08:29-08:00 Active termination of life in newborns with myelomeningocele because of assumed suffering in these newborns has been extensively discussed. However, the level of discomfort and pain in these newborns has never been substantially assessed.This is the first study presenting quantitative data on discomfort and pain in newborns with myelomeningocele. Therefore, it can be of guidance in the choice of treatment: either active treatment or palliative care in the context of end-of-life decisions. (Read the full article) Full Article
born High Blood Pressure in 2.5-Year-Old Children Born Extremely Preterm By Published On :: 2012-04-02T00:07:12-07:00 Subjects born preterm have higher blood pressure (BP) in childhood and adolescence. Little is known about at what age the deviation from normal BP starts, and data are especially scarce for the new generation of survivors after extremely preterm birth.In a population-based study, we found that BP was higher in 2.5-year-old children born extremely preterm compared with controls. This finding might have implications for follow-up programs after preterm birth, with the goal of improving later cardiovascular health. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Developmental Outcome at 6.5 Years After Acidosis in Term Newborns: A Population-Based Study By Published On :: 2012-05-07T00:07:47-07:00 Conflicting results exist concerning long-term outcome in healthy infants with metabolic acidosis at birth.Neonates who appear well after perinatal metabolic acidosis do not have an increased risk of neurologic or behavioral problems in need of referral actions or pedagogic arrangements at the age of 6.5 years. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Predictors of Survival in Children Born With Down Syndrome: A Registry-Based Study By Published On :: 2012-05-21T00:07:43-07:00 Survival of children born with Down syndrome has been improving, but few studies have used population-based data to examine the influence of fetal and maternal characteristics on survival.This study examined predictors of survival for children born with Down syndrome using population-based data from the UK Northern Congenital Abnormality Survey and shows that year of birth, gestational age, birth weight, and presence of additional anomalies influence survival status. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Approach to Infants Born at 22 to 24 Weeks' Gestation: Relationship to Outcomes of More-Mature Infants By Published On :: 2012-05-28T00:07:21-07:00 Although morbidity-free survival for preterm infants has remained constant in US NICUs when assessed collectively, morbidity-free survival differs among centers. Center-specific practices before, at, or after delivery might affect outcomes of the most premature infants.Our findings suggest that the approach taken to infants at the limits of viability is associated with outcomes of more-mature infants. Identifying centers with higher survival and lower morbidity might lead to identification of key practices to improve morbidity-free survival. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Self-Reported Adolescent Health Status of Extremely Low Birth Weight Children Born 1992-1995 By Published On :: 2012-06-04T00:07:37-07:00 Previous cohorts of extremely low birth weight adolescents have assessed their health status similar to that of normal birth weight controls.Extremely low birth weight adolescents born in the 1990s assess their health similar to controls but report less risk taking. Extremely low and normal birth weight children rate their health to be poorer at 8 than at 14 years. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Vitamin B6 Vitamer Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid Differ Between Preterm and Term Newborn Infants By Published On :: 2012-06-25T00:07:31-07:00 There is no literature on the concentrations of vitamin B6 vitamers in cerebrospinal fluid of preterm and term newborn infants. This knowledge, however, is highly important, because vitamin B6 plays a pivotal role in brain development and functioning.In cerebrospinal fluid of newborn infants, B6 vitamer concentrations are strongly dependent on postmenstrual age, indicating that vitamin B6 homeostasis in brain differs between preterm and term newborns. This has implications for the evaluation of epilepsy and vitamin B6 deficiency. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Academic Achievement Varies With Gestational Age Among Children Born at Term By Published On :: 2012-07-02T00:07:34-07:00 Late preterm infants are at risk for a variety of developmental impairments; however, little is known about developmental differences among children born within the term range of 37 to 41 weeks’ gestation.This study links comprehensive birth record data from 128 050 term births to children’s school records 8 years later. Analyses establish that, even among the "normal term" range, gestational age is an important independent predictor of academic achievement. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Neonatal Morbidities and Developmental Delay in Moderately Preterm-Born Children By Published On :: 2012-07-09T00:07:41-07:00 Moderately preterm-born children (32–356/7 weeks’ gestation) are at risk for both neonatal morbidities after birth and developmental delays in early childhood. It is unknown whether neonatal morbidities contribute to the developmental delays of this particular group.Of all neonatal morbidities commonly seen in moderately preterm-born children, only hypoglycemia increased the risk of developmental delay after moderately preterm birth. A concerted effort to prevent hypoglycemia after birth might enhance developmental outcome in this group. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Misclassification of Newborns Due to Systematic Error in Plotting Birth Weight Percentile Values By Published On :: 2012-07-23T00:07:49-07:00 Percentile charts for birth weight are used to assess the somatic development of neonates (small, appropriate, or large for gestational age).A systematic error was identified in the majority of birth weight percentile charts. As a consequence, small for gestational age rates are overestimated and large for gestational age rates are underestimated; ~5% of neonates are misclassified. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Functioning of 7-Year-Old Children Born at 32 to 35 Weeks' Gestational Age By Published On :: 2012-09-03T00:07:30-07:00 Approximately 80% of all preterm children are born moderately preterm (32–36 weeks’ gestation). Moderately preterm children are at increased risk for developmental delays, but the specific neuropsychological functions that may underlie these delays are unknown.Moderately preterm birth is associated with poorer performance in intelligence, attention, visuospatial reasoning, and executive functioning. Using gender-specific norms, our data suggest that preterm boys catch up, whereas preterm girls lag behind their peers at 7 years of age. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Comparison of One-Tier and Two-Tier Newborn Screening Metrics for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia By Published On :: 2012-10-15T00:08:05-07:00 The false-positive rate of newborn screening for classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) remains high and has not been significantly improved by adjusting 17α-hydroxyprogesterone cutoff values for birth weight and/or gestational age. In response, 4 states have initiated second-tier steroid profile screening.Under second-tier screening, the false-positive rate remains high, and classic CAH cases missed by screening (false-negatives) occur more frequently than reported. Physicians are cautioned that a negative screen does not necessarily rule out CAH. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Informed Choice for Newborn Blood Spot Screening in the United Kingdom: A Survey of Parental Perceptions By Published On :: 2012-11-12T00:08:28-08:00 Newborn screening is often seen as a fait accompli, even in programs that ostensibly proceed on the basis of informed choice and parental consent.The study reports details of parental understanding, perceived ability to make an informed choice, and the availability of choice together with variables predictive of parental assessments of having made an informed choice. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Cerebral Palsy and Neonatal Death in Term Singletons Born Small for Gestational Age By Published On :: 2012-11-19T00:08:02-08:00 Children born small for gestational age (SGA) have increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality, neonatal death, and cerebral palsy (CP). Causes of SGA, such as congenital malformations, intrauterine infections, and preeclampsia, are also risk factors for the same outcomes.In 90% of singletons born SGA, CP is apparently of prenatal origin. Low proportions of intrapartum events leading to CP could not be fully explained by a higher neonatal mortality rate in SGA than in non-SGA children. (Read the full article) Full Article
born Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs in Late Pregnancy and Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn By Published On :: 2012-12-03T00:07:41-08:00 Knowledge is limited regarding the epidemiology of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Previous work has implicated a host of perinatal risk factors and a few antenatal antecedents of PPHN, including maternal consumption during pregnancy of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications.In contrast to results of previous studies, we found no association between PPHN and maternal consumption during late pregnancy of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in general or ibuprofen in particular. (Read the full article) Full Article