urban sprawl

Insights blog: Steering urban sprawl

Cities with highest average population densities in the world are facing the challenge of urban sprawl. Finding sustainable solutions to reduce sprawl demands rethinking urban space and weighing the private benefits of low density living–my house and garden–against social, environmental and infrastructure costs.

urban sprawl

Flexibility is key to managing urban sprawl

As society changes, it places new demands on its surroundings. New research has found that some EU countries are better able to manage the undesirable expansion of cities, the concept known as ‘urban sprawl’, because they have a flexible spatial planning policy that can easily adapt to changes. Urban sprawl is a term used to describe the expansion of residential suburbs around city centres, driven by peoples’ desire to live in larger houses and the ease of transport made possible by cars.

urban sprawl

Flexibility is key to managing urban sprawl

As society changes, it places new demands on its surroundings. New research has found that some EU countries are better able to manage the undesirable expansion of cities, the concept known as ‘urban sprawl’, because they have a flexible spatial planning policy that can easily adapt to changes. Urban sprawl is a term used to describe the expansion of residential suburbs around city centres, driven by peoples’ desire to live in larger houses and the ease of transport made possible by cars.

urban sprawl

Policies to limit urban sprawl compared

There is a growing demand for new settlements in and around urban areas due to social, economic and population factors. However, this can lead to the loss of agricultural land and green spaces that provide essential ecosystem services and contribute to the wellbeing of local people. Several countries, such as the UK and Germany, have attempted to limit the growth of urban areas by encouraging the redevelopment of brownfield sites.

urban sprawl

Urban sprawl expected to triple by 2030

Urban development is set to triple in the first three decades of this century, the largest cityscape expansion in human history, according to a new study that f

  • Wilderness & Resources

urban sprawl

Barcelona's 'Penthouse Flats' limit urban sprawl by building up, not out

In a marriage of modular building and adaptive reuse, one Spanish developer has taken to the rooftops.

urban sprawl

Nightingale inner-city development proposed for Ballarat amid fears of urban sprawl 'social disaster'

A prominent urban researcher warns that Ballarat is heading towards a "social disaster" unless it can curb urban sprawl.

urban sprawl

Offshore architecture and marine urban sprawl

There’s a new emphasis on land reclamation and building floating structures for everything from accommodation to marine farming to energy generation. Re-defining the use of the ocean is part of the emerging “blue economy” – one that can be both economically beneficial and environmentally responsible. How well can these often contradictory goals be reconciled?

urban sprawl

Will Melbourne's growing urban sprawl impact food security?

A sixth-generation farming family living on the urban fringes of Melbourne are watching farming properties around them disappear because of the urban sprawl.

  • Regional Development
  • Urban Development and Planning
  • Sustainable and Alternative Farming
  • Environmentally Sustainable Business
  • Globalisation - Economy

urban sprawl

Op-Ed: Angelenos love their suburban sprawl. The coronavirus proves them right

Housing patterns and transit modes could turn out to be decisive factors in why some cities were better able to fend off spread of the coronavirus.

urban sprawl

Letters to the Editor: Urban sprawl is bad for your health, with or without the coronavirus

Coronavirus: Los Angeles is doing better than New York, but much worse than San Francisco. Our experience with COVID-19 is not an argument for sprawl.

urban sprawl

Letters to the Editor: Of course elites hate suburban sprawl. Don't listen to them

Professors don't want us living in single-family homes, the only option for average people to own something all their own.

urban sprawl

Urban sprawl overspreads Earth at an unprecedented speed

urban sprawl

Snakes invading Bangkok homes, thanks to urban sprawl

The fire department had received 31,801 calls this year for help in removing snakes, three times as many as in 2012.

urban sprawl

NASA Satellite Images of Istanbul Put Causes and Consequences of Urban Sprawl in Stark Relief

Building new roads has been a major contributor to the city's unsustainable growth, newly released Landsat photos show, but more of the same appears to be on the horizon.

urban sprawl

Uncovering an Ancient City Felled by Urban Sprawl

With a population that approached 1 million and a surface area of more than 115 square miles, the Khmer city of Angkor in Cambodia was the largest preindustrial settlement on the planet. After coming into being during the ninth century A.D., it thrived

urban sprawl

Oscar Niemeyer's Bold Response to Latin American Suburban Sprawl in the XX Century

Of all of Niemeyer's impressive works, the 1960s Copan building in Sao Paulo is the one speaking directly to contemporary urban trends.

urban sprawl

Deconstructing Canada’s housing markets: finance, affordability and urban sprawl

House prices have increased significantly in Canada over the past decade, driving household debt and residential construction activity to historical highs.

urban sprawl

The effect of transportation subsidies on urban sprawl

urban sprawl

The effect of land-use on urban sprawl

urban sprawl

Transportation costs of urban sprawl