technology trends

Eight Small Business Technology Trends to Watch in 2018

New-generation information technology continues to offer more efficiencies for small and midsize businesses, and for those ready to take a leap and invest in these fast new tools and services, 2018 promises to be a good year.

So what exactly are the top technology trends for small businesses? Well, basically anything that a large enterprise needs and uses, midrange-size companies also can put to work. This is not a trickle-down-type process; the midrange enterprise market is the largest in the world, and tech companies continue to come out with new and improved products designed specifically for them.

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technology trends

Government Technology Trends for 2011

What does 2011 hold for technology in government?  This is always hard to predict but we must continually be looking forward, researching the trends, separating the potential break through from the fads, and determining what solid technology in our past is now obsolete.  Investments must be sound to maximize the limited, available dollars.  As we [...]

technology trends

Local Government Technology Trends 2012

Every year about this time I try to predict the technology trends for local government that will influence how we do business in the coming year.  This year, I am doing something a little different.  I started with an article that covered some of the changes we have seen in the past few years that [...]

technology trends

Rob Webster: Convenience and efficiency drive top plumbing technology trends

The ongoing transformation of the plumbing industry has been driven in part by the evolving expectations and priorities of homeowners and consumers. The COVID-19 pandemic reinforced existing concerns about hygiene and public health, pushing the demand for hands-free technology and automated features that reduce contact with germs and bacteria. 

technology trends

Vehicle technology trends are reinventing tire solutions for beverage fleets

Over the next several years it is expected a number of technological trends will drive conversations in the commercial truck tire market.

technology trends

ETSI releases a white paper on future ICT technology trends

ETSI releases a white paper on future ICT technology trends

Sophia Antipolis, 10 May 2021

“Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an exciting and dynamic area, that is in constant innovation, through the evolution of existing concepts and technologies but also through the emergence of disruptive technologies and even sometimes unexpected new use cases”.


technology trends

New Recruiting Technology Trends Report for 2013's new 2013 Recruiting Technology Trends Report is available today for free, with no registration required to download. This 29 page report offers HR and recruiting practitioners insight into the major tech trends for the year, and offers useful recruiting advice as well. This exclusive report is loaded with smart advice and intelligent commentary to keep you on the leading edge of our industry. Inside ...