status quo

DC Round-Up: ACTION COMICS #1075 delivers a nice retcon AND a fun new status quo

Action Comics #1075 features a retcon and a major status quo development for Metropolis across the Superman titles.

status quo

HC modifies the status quo order on maintaining constructions for Tent City in two islands of Lakshadweep

status quo

Multiple Orthodox ‘jurisdictions' in America: Status quo or scandal

Orthodox churches in America are separated into multiple ‘jurisdictions’ based on ethnic-national lines. Antiochian priest Fr Josiah Trenham (PhD.) speaks frankly and passionately about the subject and its implications, both spiritual and pastoral. Everyone may not agree with his perspective, but it raises important questions for the future of Orthodoxy in America!

status quo

Catalogna: l’insostenibile follia dello status quo
Alessandro Sahebi

Cinismo e pugno di ferro. La ricetta di Mariano Rajoy per la Catalogna sembrerebbe, agli occhi di un osservatore esterno, avere avuto i suoi effetti: l'incarcerazione di sette ministri e la ritirata strategica di Carles Puigdemont in Belgio appaiono infatti ai più come il tramonto di una vicenda che per qualche giorno ha tenuto con il fiato sospeso l'intera Europa e i suoi assetti. Ciò nonostante la strategia del governo centrale spagnolo tutto può rivelarsi fuorché il frutto di un abile ingegno diplomatico e quella che sul campo di battaglia sembrerebbe poter essere letta come una travolgente vittoria potrebbe trasformarsi, in poco meno di due mesi, in un temibile autogol.

Da una parte ci siamo noi, che osserviamo. Ridiamo, confezioniamo meme e ci godiamo i quotidiani sviluppi di una storia che sembra essere stata scritta sul copione di una tragi- commedia politica di serie B. Dall'altra, tuttavia, c'è un popolo. Un popolo che l'1 ottobre ha visto la ragion di Stato trasformarsi in abuso (come ammesso dallo stesso governo spagnolo), un popolo che vede i suoi rappresentanti incarcerati ed esiliati, ricordati come i numerosi eroi politici catalani di epoca franchista. C'è un popolo che ha vissuto sulla propria pelle la pressoché totale ottusità di Madrid e dei suoi rappresentanti, il furto della propria autonomia. Le aziende non fuggono dalla Catalogna, lo sanno bene i catalani. Scappano le sedi centrali ma qualsiasi buon economista sa che il capitalismo globalizzato, oggi, non ha confini se si tratta di profitti. E lo sa bene l'Europa, silenziosamente imbarazzata i primi giorni delle violenze a Barcellona, ben più decisa nelle settimane successive.

Una presa di posizione fedele alla Spagna che a Bruxelles sanno bene di non poter tenere ciecamente se dalle urne, il 21 dicembre, i movimenti indipendentisti avranno la meglio. Mitizzazione del leader politico Puigdemont, assenza di ascolto e pugno di ferro in cabina elettorale potrebbero essere dei veri e propri boomerang per Mariano Rajoy e potrebbero riconfermare, nonostante tutto, le istanze indipendentiste dei catalani. A quel punto il nostro cinismo, la nostra ironia e il nostro pragmatismo non potranno fare altro che i conti con la loro volontà.

La follia dello status quo sta nell’ignorare totalmente il cambiamento. Lo Stato è un concetto pre-democratico messo in discussione dalle spinte locali da una parte, dall’europeismo dall’altra. Ripensare gli assetti non è una pazzia, la pazzia è pensare che non siano soggetti al corso della storia. In questa ottica essere in grado di assorbire gli shock senza chiudersi in una cieca visione ancorata al passato è una sfida che, soprattutto in quest'epoca di sconvolgimenti politici e sociali, l'Europa deve affrontare con coraggio e con la consapevolezza che nel corso della sua storia, lunga o corta che sia, ne incontrerà con certezza in continuazione.

La risposta, darwiniana se volete, è sapersi evolvere. Se non teniamo aperta la porta del cambiamento ci chiudiamo nello stagno delle nostre sicurezze. A quel punto i casi sono due: o la porta chiusa verrà sfondata, travolgendoci, o diventeremo stagno. E nello stagno tutto muore.


status quo

Possible to Account for Disadvantaged Populations in Medicare’s Value-Based Payment Programs and Improve Payment Status Quo, Says New Report

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine says that Medicare’s value-based payment programs could take into account social risk factors – such as low socio-economic position, residence in disadvantaged neighborhoods, or race and ethnicity – but any proposal to do so will entail both advantages and disadvantages that need to be carefully considered.

status quo

Big Law Innovators Tell How To Beat The Status Quo

Scott Rechtschaffen shares the thought process behind Littler's KnowledgeDesk, a system through which the firm's attorneys ask a question and human researchers find the answer.


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status quo

Challenging the Custom AHU Status Quo

Designing, selling, and producing AHUs is a long process. Is there anything we can do to accelerate the process?

status quo

Can AI help us create a more diverse workforce or will it reinforce the status quo?

If you’ve applied for a job at a large company in the last few years, there’s a good chance that an algorithm sorted your resume before a human being even saw it. Companies that make AI hiring algorithms are out to disrupt recruiting and hiring by making it faster and easier to find the “right” […]

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status quo

Challenging the status quo: deprescribing antihypertensive medication in older adults in primary care

status quo

It’s status quo on interest rate

There may be no fresh reductions in home loan lending rates, at least not until the first quarter of the next calendar year.

status quo

Not exactly a status quo policy

The RBI has explained its food inflation concerns for those who discount them in the context of monetary policy — while flagging financial stability issues

status quo

Ambitious AFI looking to shake up the status quo of Indian athletics

Post the Paris Olympics, the association has planned to completely restructure its training and competition modules, possibly allowing more freedom and opportunities to athletes in both; this includes doing away with centralised national camps, grading the training centres and academies and increasing regional events for easy access to competitions

status quo

Centre decides to maintain status quo of return on small savings scheme

The interest rates on small savings schemes such as Public Provident Fund (PPF) and National Savings Certificate (NSC) are reset each quarter

status quo

Possible to Account for Disadvantaged Populations in Medicare’s Value-Based Payment Programs and Improve Payment Status Quo, Says New Report

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine says that Medicare’s value-based payment programs could take into account social risk factors – such as low socio-economic position, residence in disadvantaged neighborhoods, or race and ethnicity – but any proposal to do so will entail both advantages and disadvantages that need to be carefully considered.

status quo

Disrupting TV’s Status Quo

Famed producer Norman Lear on developing groundbreaking sitcoms, managing creative partnerships and the lessons he wants to pass on to the next generation.

status quo

Australia Maintains Status Quo

Australia's central bank maintained its interest rate and the target yield on three-year government bonds as economy experiences severe downturn after measures taken to stem the spread of coronavirus, or Covid-19. At the monetary policy meeting on Tuesday, the Reserve Bank of Australia board kept its interest rate at a record low 0.25 percent.

status quo

Election results in Victoria keep status quo; Corangamite and Dunkley change after boundary shifts

Despite Labor's belief in a "mood for change" in Victoria, the only seats in the state likely to switch parties are those where boundaries had been redrawn since the last election.

status quo

Congo: Ending the Status Quo

A new consensus and strategy are urgently needed to tackle the numerous, brutal armed groups in eastern Congo and to save the February 2013 Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework (PSCF) in the Great Lakes region.

status quo

Burma's Constitutional Referendum: Breakthrough or Status Quo?

Burma's Constitutional Referendum: Breakthrough or Status Quo?
On May 10, the Burmese people will vote on a new constitution, a rare opportunity for the Burmese to express their political opinions about the ruling military junta's protracted path to "guided democracy."

In the latest edition of the East-West Center in Washington's Asia Pacific Bulletin series of issue briefs on current events, Zaw Oo, professor of international development at Chiang Mai University in Thailand, argues that, while the May referendum represents a significant step forward for the Burmese political process, procedural mishaps, opacity about the language of the constitution itself, and an imminent clash between the state news media's "yes vote" and the Burmese democracy movement's "no vote" campaigns may negatively impact the referendum process.

status quo

IHC HR e-briefing 117 - Disability discrimination: in preserving the status quo, the Court of Appeal takes a radical leap!

The Court of Appeal has approved the application of the House of Lords decision in the case of London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm [2008] IRLR 700 to employment-related cases. See our previous HR e-briefing 366 for further information. In many res...

status quo

Therapeutic Inertia in Pediatric Diabetes: Challenges to and Strategies for Overcoming Acceptance of the Status Quo

Despite significant advances in therapies for pediatric type 1 diabetes, achievement of glycemic targets remains elusive, and management remains burdensome for patients and their families. This article identifies common challenges in diabetes management at the patient-provider and health care system levels and proposes practical approaches to overcoming therapeutic inertia to enhance health outcomes for youth with type 1 diabetes.

status quo Switzerland Confirms Status Quo With UK

Switzerland has said that the withdrawal of the UK from the EU on January 31 will not change the relationship between Switzerland and the UK in the near future.

status quo Switzerland Confirms Status Quo With UK

Switzerland has said that the withdrawal of the UK from the EU on January 31 will not change the relationship between Switzerland and the UK in the near future.

status quo

HC extends status quo on sale of HPL shares

The Calcutta High Court Thursday extended till December 16 the status quo on the sale and transfer of 155 million shares of ailing Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd to IOC.

status quo

Akal Takht calls for status quo on Haryana gurdwaras

  • DO NOT USE Punjab and Haryana
  • India

status quo

Forty Years Ago, April 8, 1980: Assam status quo

status quo

Forty Years Ago, May 9, 1980: Assam Status Quo