
In Simvision, how do I change the waveform font size of the signal names?

Hi Cadence, 

I use simvision 20.09-s007 but my computer screen resolution is very high. As a result, the texts are too small. 

In ~/.simvision/Xdefaults I changed that number to 16, from 12. But the signal names in the waveform traces don't reflect the change. 

Simvision*Font: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Other .font changes seem to reflect on the simvision correctly, except the signal names. 

How do I fix that? I dont mind a single variable to change all the texts fonts to 16. 

Thank you!

PS: I found the answer with another post. I change Preference/Waveform/Display/Signal Height. 


Xcelium/Simvision/xrun running very slow (waiting for SimVision/Verisium Debug to connect...)


I would like to use the simulation software xrun/simvision that comes with XCELIUM. We are currently using classroom licenses and want to disable all ip addresses on the student pcs except the license server ip. We want to make sure that students cannot copy confidential data from the Cadence tools.


When I launch the xrun simulation while all ip addresses are blocked, it starts but the performance is very slow. The GUI starts after 5 minutes and the simulation is ready after 10 minutes. The interesting thing is that when I enable all blocked ip addresses, everything works at a reasonable speed.

Terminal Output (execution without internet connection):

xrun -gui design.vhd

waiting for SimVision/Verisium Debug to connect...

Is there a way to run the simulation tools without an Internet connection? Or can you give me the ip addresses that are used by the simulation tools so that I can enable only those specific ips?




AMS simvision cannot load big psf.trn

Hello all,

I have run a simulation with a lot of instnaces extraction and the psf.trn is >= 200 Gb, I tried to load it with simvision and it just breaks.

I would like to ask if there is a way to open this file, e.g. if I could read only some time window e.g. from 10us -> 15us.

"sub-version  ICADVM20.1-64b.500.34 "


thank you in advance


UVM debugging: How to save and load signals during an interactive session in Simvision


I am aware of command script .svcf file that saves signals and loads them in while opening Simvision.

I am wondering, if there is a way for saving signals while we are in an interactive session and loading them next time when we open Simvision interactively.

Any ideas on how to do this?

Thank you in advance.

Swetha. C


Simvision Array Slicing

> reg [63:0] rMem [0:255] signal

it can be confirmed by rMem [0:255] in Simvision

Is it possible to generate a new rMem1 signal and rMem2 signal by splitting it into 32 bits width through right-click> Create on rMem?


Auto-Coloring Waves in Simvision?


First, I had something working that broke in the past few versions that I've been meaning to get working again. There was some setting I recall in the GUI that allowed me to have inputs be placed in the waveform viewer with yellow traces, and output signals with orange traces to match the name colors. How can I set this to happen in the .simvisionrc file?

Second, I would like to add something to my .simvisionrc file to go through foreach signal and depending on key locations based on the signal's Path.Name (mainly the model and design areas) such that if the path contains "mon", then to auto-set the trace and name colors to something such as cyan. I'd like to have loops for various key areas of the design to color-code the signals.

Third, I am interested if there is a possibility of coloring names/traces foregound colors to based on which position they are in the waveform viewer to make banding, ideally such that every three (or whatever) are one color (or a color mutation, adding some gray to signals colorized by the auto-coloring mentioned already, etc) that allows for the signal names/traces to be colorized along with the built-in optional black/gray background banding.

Thanks in advance


Simvision - Signal loading

Hi all 

Good day.

Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to view the signals once it is modified from its previous values without closing the simvision window. If possible kindly let me know the command for it(Linux).

 Is it possible to view the schematic for the code written?? Kindly instruct me.

 Thanks all.

S K S 


Start Your Engines: An Innovative and Efficient Approach to Debug Interface Elements with SimVision MS

This blog introduces you to an efficient way to debug interface elements or connect modules in a mixed-signal simulation.(read more)


How to dump waveform, fsdb in SimVision?

As title,

How to dump waveform, fsdb in SimVision? 
(Simulation Analysis Environment  SimVision(64) 18.09-s001)
Please help.




Unable to open Source Browser. It goes into an infinite loop of loading, with the hour glass displayed and message "loading snapshot".

The deisgn was compilied with "15.20.s028" and that is the same version of simvision I am using to open the code.

The waveform viewer is uo and so is the Design Browser. I can take signals from Design Broweser and view the waveform viewer,

but the source brower hangs.

What should I be looking at to resolve this situation. Many of us at the company are sufferring from it. Colossal waste of time.


Simvision Schematic Information

Hi all,

I would like to understand if it is possible from Simvision to get the information regarding the view of a block. In principle using the Schematic Tracer Simvision is able to find the information about the config of that particular model, but I did not found a command for describing the nature of the module (for example if it is schematic or rtl or real model...)

Any functions that I can use for this purpose?

Many thanks


How to run a regressive test and merge the ncsim.trn file of all test into a single file to view the waveform in simvision ?

Hi all,

         I want to know how to run a regressive test in cadence and merge all ncsim .trn file of each test case into a single file to view all waveform in simvision. I am using Makefile to invoke the test case.



                     irun -uvm -sv -access +rwc $(RTL) $(INTER) $(PKG) $(TOP) $(probe) +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_MEDIUM +UVM_TESTNAME=test0


                   irun -uvm -sv -access +rwc $(RTL) $(INTER) $(PKG) $(TOP) $(probe) +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_MEDIUM +UVM_TESTNAME=test1

          I just to call test0 followed by test1 or parallel both test and view the waveform for both tests case.

        I new to this tool and help me with it



OVM transactions in simvision


I'm using OVM transaction level tracing in SV. I was wondering if I can have simvision render different types of transactions with different colors e.g. based on a transaction attribute. I know how to do it at signal level using mnemonics but I haven't succeeded doing this at transaction level. Anyone?



Simvision - Signal loading

Hi all 

Good day.

Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to view the signals once it is modified from its previous values without closing the simvision window. If possible kindly let me know the command for it(Linux).

 Is it possible to view the schematic for the code written?? Kindly instruct me.

 Thanks all.