
25 Pawsitive Energy Meowtivation Memes of Fierce Felines for Fending off Fall Fatigue

Unfortunately, life offers a myriad of buzzkillers throughout the day. Sometimes they pounce on you with some alarming news, but most of the time they creep in, luring you to slouch on the couch like snoozy sirens, and you can't find the will to fight back. 

It can be the cold weather, a grouchy boss, or even current events - negative thoughts and low energy tend to spread like a bad odor.  

Well, that's just not going to happen, fellow I Can Has-ers! We got your back. All you need is an energy boost of fierce feline funnies, furrociously pumping their paws. True, there are plenty of meownching photos in our content menu. We don't deny it! For everything, there is a season, a time to munch, and a time to crunch. 

For days of gloomy clouds, boring work, or just when your boss doesn't get your priorities (cats first, obviously), our Paw Power Practice is just the thing for you. The method we developed is both refreshing AND as old as time: the secret is to laugh until your abs strengthen, and your frown is upside down. Feline Fitness Fun, Try it! Fending off fall fatigue has never been so easy.


26 Particularly Pawsitive Purr-Powered Posts to Put You in a Pawsitive Place

After a chaotic Caturday it is time for us weary hoomans to harness the pawsitive power that cats have within them. After all, if you are a feline pawrent, you spent most of your day yesterday cleaning, feeding, playing and pampering your at home purr machine to no end. But in the case that your cats have decided to keep the Caturday celebrations going all weekend long, or you simply do not have a cute cat at home, we made this list of particularly pawsitive purr-powered posts to put you in a pawsitive place.

From the fat and friendly feline who loves people but loves food even more, to the cute catto who does not believe in having a closed door policy at home and will reach its little paws under any closed door until it is opened once more, to the smiling feline sweetheart who might not understand what is being said to it, but it sure can pull off a coy smile, to the confused cat who has lost its operating manual and is working on how to move its body.