maternal mortality

California surgeon general sets goal of reducing maternal mortality by 50%

California's surgeon general unveiled a new initiative Tuesday aimed at reducing maternal mortality, setting a goal of halving the statewide rate of deaths related to pregnancy and birth by December 2026.

maternal mortality

UN Applauds India's 70% Drop in Maternal Mortality Ratio

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) commended India for its significant achievements in maternal health and family planning. Recognizing the country's

maternal mortality

Maternal Mortality and Women's Political Participation [electronic journal].

maternal mortality

Six Delaware Community-Based Organizations Receive Mini-Grants to Reduce Infant and Maternal Mortality

To reduce disparate birth outcomes and save the lives of both infants and their mothers, the Division of Public Health (DPH) and the Delaware Healthy Mother and Infant Consortium (DHMIC) awarded mini-grants to six community organizations. The local grant recipients were announced Dec. 10, during the DHMIC’s quarterly meeting in Dover.

maternal mortality

Research Unearths Publicly Funded Pregnancy-related Programs Can Improve Maternal Mortality Rates

The study conducted by FAU College of Business faculty members Patrick Bernet, Ph.D., Gulcin Gumus, Ph.D., and Sharmila Vishwasrao, Ph.D., and recently