
Imposter Syndrome and the Enemy Within

Join Michael in an in-depth discussion about the self-defeating voice in our head that makes us feel like imposters who we will be discovered a frauds, the internal and external influences that feed this negative self-talk, and how we can overcome it in Christ.


PODCAST: Beware of Spray Foam in a Can—The Imposters

Walls & Ceilings’ monthly chat with Tom Harris on spray foam and the industry vents that support the industry.


You’re Not an Imposter if You Have a Dayjob and Write

Over the years I’ve seen some writers who took the full time plunge express strong imposter syndrome and a sense of shame when going back to a day job. Sometimes it kills their desire to write because they feel like a failure. I don’t think biographies of writers emphasize how many famous writers had day […]


Imposter Syndrome (Rebroadcast)

Most people feel in over their heads when they first enter a challenging situation or even a new job. And, while conventional wisdom suggests those with trepidations about trying new things should “fake it ’til they make it,” it may not always be the best course of action. In this edition of Two Guys on...


Imposter Syndrome (Rebroadcast)

What is the real problem when you feel inadequate? How can you help yourself overcome it when you recognize it? In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about The Imposter Syndrome.


Imposter Syndrome (Rebroadcast)

In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman, and Dr. Bob Duke, talk about The Imposter Syndrome. What is the real problem when you feel inadequate? How can you help yourself overcome it when you recognize it?


OCR warns of imposter posing as investigator

Washington — The Office for Civil Rights released a statement April 3 warning of an individual posing as an OCR investigator. The imposter has been calling entities covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 in an attempt to get patient information.


You’re Not an Imposter if You Have a Dayjob and Write

Over the years I’ve seen some writers who took the full time plunge express strong imposter syndrome and a sense of shame when going back to a day job. Sometimes it kills their desire to write because they feel like a failure. I don’t think biographies of writers emphasize how many famous writers had day… Continue reading You’re Not an Imposter if You Have a Dayjob and Write