education technology

Visions of a Wireless Future in Education Technology

education technology

Education Technology

Although educational apps for preschoolers abound, many don't include sound teaching strategies, says a new study in the journal Learning, Media and Technology.

education technology

Education Technology

The lack of access to technology and internet connectivity at home is especially severe among poor, rural, and minority students, according to a new survey from ACT's nonprofit Center for Equity in Learning.

education technology

Education Technology

One-to-one technology programs may boostmath scores over time, finds a new study in the Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis journal.

education technology

Education Technology

More than two-thirds of districts are very confident in their networks' ability to support a digital device for every student, and nearly a quarter of districts now average two devices for each student, finds the latest annual report of the Consortium for School Networking.

education technology

Education Technology

A massive international analysis finds more screen time is associated with a lower sense of well-being among teenagers, but the effects are too small to require policy changes, according to a study in the journal Nature Human Behavior.

education technology

Education Technology

When it comes to a key international test, there's little evidence that technology use benefits student scores and some evidence that it could drag them down, according to a new report by the nonprofit Reboot Foundation.