coffee maker

Now the New Travel Mug Fits the Coffee Maker

  • there I fixed it

coffee maker

PINKAH Stainless Steel French Press Coffee Maker review – a great daily driver for a caffeine fiend!

REVIEW – Look at my fancy coffee maker! The PINKAH Stainless Steel French Press Coffee Maker is a contemporary take on the French Press design that features an innovative leakproof pouring mechanism and a double-walled design that keeps your beverages hot for hours. We love all the coffee things, so let’s learn more. To the […]

coffee maker

Two-piece electric coffee maker

The two-piece electric coffee maker includes a Dallah (a traditional Arabian coffee pot for making Arabian coffee) and an electric stove. The coffee pot has a temperature sensor that extends from the base of the coffee pot handle into the pot. The base of the handle also has an electrical connector extending downward from the handle. The electric stove has a housing, a ceramic heating element or plate, a display console, and a mating electrical connector facing upward so that the connectors engage each other when the pot is placed on the heating element. An electronic control unit in the stove housing regulates boiling water for the coffee, reducing the heat after the water has started to boil, annunciating an alarm signal when the temperature of the water is suitable to add coffee grounds to the pot, and monitors brewing time for the coffee.

coffee maker

Drip filter coffee maker

Disclosed in this specification is a drip filter coffee maker that includes features to improve the taste of the brewed coffee and to enhance to ease of use. In one embodiment, an integral plate burr grinder sends coffee ground down a coffee chute that feeds the filter cone. A chute door at the end of the coffee chute prevents vapors or condensation from entering the coffee chute. In another embodiment, the eject tray that carries the filter cone may be coupled with a dampened spring biasing mechanism which moderates the eject motion. Further, a pivot float may be provided within the carafe so that the user may read the carafe fill level easily.

coffee maker

Solar Still Makes Water Purification Easy, Works Like an Upside-Down Coffee Maker

This simple, innovative solar still purifies water without electricity or filters.

coffee maker

Who Would Have Thought That My Presso Coffee Maker Is The Most Repairable Thing I Own? (Photos)

These days when your coffe machine breaks, it is usually cheaper and less hassle to just buy a new one. I was therefore pleasantly surprised about the repairability of my Presso coffee maker, which still keeps serving me off the grid!

coffee maker

Your coffee maker can also do these other amazing things; find out