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Comprehensive and co-ordinated international response needed to tackle refugee crisis

OECD countries are facing an unprecedented refugee crisis and the situation requires a comprehensive and co-ordinated international response to address the immediate needs of asylum seekers and the longer-term challenge of helping them integrate. This is the main message of two new OECD documents, the 2015 International Migration Outlook and a Policy Brief on the Refugee Crisis.

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Is this humanitarian migration crisis different?

The current humanitarian crisis is unprecedented with an appalling and unacceptable human cost. This issue of Migration Policy Debates looks at the most recent developments in the humanitarian migration crisis and what makes this crisis different from previous ones.

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Corruption and the smuggling of refugees

Corruption is one of the primary facilitators of refugee smuggling. In order to fight this crime, and help refugees safely realise their rights, the international community must understand the intricate connections between corruption and refugee smuggling.

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We are entering a new era of migration

It is time to shape a global consensus on the positive impact that migration has on our economies and societies, and on people’s lives everywhere.

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How will the refugee surge affect the European economy?

This edition of Migration Policy Debates provides an assessment of the possible economic impact of the refugee crisis. It stresses that while there will obviously be short-term costs arising from such large flows, there will also be sizeable economic and public-finance benefits provided refugees are integrated into the labour market.

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Helping immigrant students to succeed at school – and beyond

This document reveals some of the difficulties immigrant students encounter – and some of the contributions they offer – while settling into their new communities and new schools. It also presents some of the policies governments can implement to help immigrant students integrate into their host societies.

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Can we put an end to human smuggling?

This edition of Migration Policy Debates scrutinises the factors that facilitate human trafficking, as well as the smuggling routes to OECD countries. It synthesises available evidence and reviews existing policy tools for tackling such crime.

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OECD recommendations for the integration of Humanitarian migrants

OECD recommendations for the integration of Humanitarian migrants

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OECD and UNHCR call for scaling up integration policies in favour of refugees

The heads of the OECD and UNHCR, at a joint high-level Conference on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Paris today, have called on governments to scale up their efforts to help refugees integrate and contribute to the societies and economies of Europe.

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Financial education and the long-term integration of refugees and migrants

This brochure looks at how financial education can contribute to longer term policies aimed at facilitating the integration of refugees. The provision of financial education, as a complement to supply-side financial inclusion initiatives as well as other education and health support, can support refugees and migrants by facilitating social and labour market inclusion as well as improve their (financial) well-being.

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Local responses to refugee crisis: from initial reception to longer term integration

The OECD LEED Programme launches this "Call for Initiatives" to extract what local authorities and other actors know works, what the new scenario is demanding and how equipped they are to respond. We are interested in learning from the experiences of EU member countries, the wider OECD area as well as other countries.

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Sweden in a strong position to integrate refugees, but support for the low skilled needs to be strengthened

Sweden should address housing shortages, begin integration activities early, and improve the support for those with low skills to speed up the effective integration of refugees, according to a new OECD report.

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The refugee crisis: Challenges and responses for social investment

The OECD and CEB have led global work on migration for decades: the OECD has contributed analysis, data, knowledge, and tools to inform dialogue and shape policy; and CEB has worked on the frontlines, financing social projects for migrants, refugees, displaced persons, and other vulnerable groups. Given the complementarities between our work, the potential synergies from co-operation are clear.

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Europe will win from integration

The unfolding refugee crisis requires a bold, comprehensive and global response. At the same time, OECD countries should adapt their policies to foster the integration of those who are going to stay. While this implies significant up-front costs, it is also essential to reaping sizeable medium- to long-term social and economic benefits.

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Refugees are not a burden but an opportunity

When nearly a million Vietnamese “boat people” fled their country in the late 1970s and early 1980s and sought refuge elsewhere, they were typically seen as a burden and often turned away. Eventually, many were allowed to settle in the US. Most arrived speaking little or no English and with few assets or relevant job skills. Yet Vietnamese refugees are now more likely to be employed and have higher incomes than people born in the US.

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Europe is underachieving in the global competition for talent

The European Union should reform its legal labour migration policies to get its fair share of the global talent pool, according to a new report published by the OECD.

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The Netherlands should strengthen policies to attract and retain migrant skilled workers

The Netherlands should improve its policies to attract and retain highly skilled migrants in order to address labour shortages and strengthen its position as a knowledge-based economy, according to a new OECD report.

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Refugee crisis: Enough words, now it is time for action

This article by OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría addresses the refugee crisis, encouraging governments to seize the opportunity that refugees bring for our economies and societies.

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Governments must address anti-immigration backlash

OECD countries need to address the growing anti-immigration backlash and reinforce migration and integration policies while fostering international cooperation in this area, according to a new OECD report.

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Migration policy debates 11 - Why is migration increasing in the Americas?

This edition of Migration Policy Debates presents updated information on international migration in the Americas up to 2014 as well as on labour market outcomes of emigrants originating from the hemisphere. It also summarises available evidence on the emigration of doctors and nurses from the region.

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Migration policy debates 12 - Are there alternative pathways for refugees?

This edition presents an overview of some “alternative pathways” that could help take the pressure off the main traditional pathways for refugees in general and assesses their potential application for Syrians in particular. Overall, these alternatives can help provide safe channels and good integration prospects to refugees who might otherwise be tempted to risk their fate with smugglers and illegal border crossing.

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Recruiting for success: Challenges for Canada’s Labour Migration System

This document provides an overview of the key challenges for Canada’s labour migration system, along with recommendations for future policy making.

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Better international co-ordination could lead to more worldwide benefits from migration

Perspectives on Global Development 2017: International Migration in a Shifting World shows that while the share of global migrants originating from developing countries has remained fairly stable at around 80% over the last 20 years, the share of developing country migrants heading to high-income countries has jumped from 36% to 51% of the world total.

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Who bears the cost of integrating refugees? New edition of the Migration Policy Debates

Who bears the cost of integrating refugees? New edition of the Migration Policy Debates

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Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries

Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries

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(external link to) Labor Migration in Asia – Safeguarding rights from home to the workplace

Labor Migration in Asia – Safeguarding rights from home to the workplace

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Finding the Way: A Discussion of the Finnish Migrant Integration System

While the number of migrants in Finland remains small, the relatively short history of migration in Finland has led to a number of integration challenges.

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Call for papers and sessions

Call for papers and sessions

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Cambodia needs to integrate migration into sectoral and national development strategies, says new joint OECD Development Centre – CDRI report

Emigration is a significant and growing phenomenon for Cambodia. Between 2000 and 2015, the number of Cambodians abroad increased by about 160%, from around half a million to 1.2 million people. The country would benefit from strengthening its whole-of-government approach to making migration an integral part of its overall development strategies.

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Will labour remain different from the other factors of production?

When it comes to labour and migration, global governance of almost any kind is missing. When it comes to labour, the International Labour Organization, which is the oldest among the institutions mentioned here, has little power and deals mostly with national labour rules.

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The Dominican Republic stands to benefit from integrating migration further into sectoral and national development strategies, says new joint OECD Development Centre – UNIBE report

The Dominican Republic stands to benefit from integrating migration further into sectoral and national development strategies, says new joint OECD Development Centre – UNIBE report

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OECD calls on countries to step up integration efforts for migrants and refugees

The number of humanitarian refugees arriving in OECD countries peaked in 2016 and governments continue to grapple with a humanitarian crisis. They should focus on helping refugees who are likely to stay in the host country settle and integrate in the labour market and society. This calls for a rethinking of both domestic policies and international co-operation, according to a new OECD report.

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A portrait of family migration

A portrait of family migration

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OECD calls on governments to foster the integration of family migrants – a large and often forgotten group of immigrants

OECD calls on governments to foster the integration of family migrants – a large and often forgotten group of immigrants

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New OECD data expose deep well-being divisions

New well-being data released today expose deep divisions in our society along fault lines of age, wealth, gender and education. The OECD’s latest How’s Life? report shows that while some aspects of well-being have improved since 2005, too many people are unable to share the benefits of the modest recovery that is underway in many OECD countries.

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OECD recommands to France to modernise and better govern labour migration

OECD recommands to France to modernise and better govern labour migration

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The OECD calls on France to modernise and strengthen the co-ordination of labour immigration

In a new report, the OECD says that France should modernise and strengthen the co-ordination of labour immigration in order to attract foreign talent and align itself more closely with the needs of the labour market.

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Immigrant workers do contribute significantly to Thailand’s economy, says new ILO-OECD Development Centre report

In recent decades, Thailand has been an attractive destination for migrant workers due to its relatively high wages and its fast economic growth. A joint report by the OECD Development Centre and the International Labour Organisation, How Immigrants contribute to Thailand’s economy, demonstrates the contribution of migrant workers and makes recommendations regarding the enhancement of this contribution.

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Better integration of immigrant workers would enhance their contribution to Kyrgyzstan’s economy, says new ILO-OECD Development Centre report

Since its independence from the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan has rather been known as an emigration country, however around 4% of the population was born outside the current national territory and the country keeps attracting new immigrants.

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7th Annual OECD-CEPII International Conference on Immigration in OECD Countries on 11-12 December 2017

7th Annual OECD-CEPII International Conference on Immigration in OECD Countries on 11-12 December 2017

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Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas (SICREMI)

SICREMI is an initiative of the Organization of American States (OAS) that aims to contribute to the promotion and development of public policies that lead to improved migration management in the Americas through the facilitation of dialogue, cooperation, institutional strengthening and access to information.

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How does having immigrant parents affect the outcomes of children in Europe?

This edition of Migration Policy Debates assesses the intergenerational transmission of the disadvantages encountered by migrants, in absolute and relative terms, and the conditions under which the native-born children of immigrants may be resilient in the face of the challenges of their parents’ generation. It summarises a recent OECD report (OECD, 2017) on this issue, funded by the European Commission.

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The International Forum on Migration Statistics

The first International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) will showcase the most innovative research and initiatives to measure population mobility and generate timely statistics. This unique Forum, co-organised by the OECD, IOM and UNDESA, will also create synergies between all stakeholders and perspectives, with representatives from 'origin', ‘transit’ and 'host' countries of migrants.

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OECD Development Centre and ILO call for tapping immigrants’ contribution to foster economic transformation

How immigrants contribute to developing countries’ economies shows that negative perceptions are often unjustified. It points out that immigrants are no burden on the economies of host countries, and that in developing countries, their impact on labour markets, economic growth and public finance is generally positive although relatively limited.

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Massive data gaps leave refugee, migrant and displaced children in danger and without access to basic services

Gaps in data covering refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and internally displaced populations are endangering the lives and well-being of millions of children on the move, warned five UN and partner agencies today.

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Lithuania needs to address its demographic challenge and boost job quality

Lithuania’s economy has recovered strongly from the global financial crisis, with GDP, wages and employment levels back up to their pre-crisis levels. The country should now focus on tackling the demographic challenge of a fast-declining population and making the job market more inclusive, according to a new OECD report.

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More efforts needed to help immigrant students succeed at school and in society

Socio-economic disadvantage and language barriers are the biggest obstacles to success at school and in society for students with an immigrant background. More effective and better targeted education and social policies are needed to help migrant children integrate and fulfil their potential, according to a new OECD report.

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Labor Migration in Asia: Increasing the Development Impact of Migration through Finance and Technology

This report documents the increase in labor migration in Asia and looks at how finance and technology can aid its positive impact on home countries. As diasporas increase, governments have reached out to citizens abroad to provide them with financial instruments. Remittance channels have long been consolidated, but financial technology is changing the ways in which migrants remit—reducing fees and opening opportunities for new actors.

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UNHCR and OECD action plan

The document not only identifies the challenges, opportunities and best practices in the integration of refugees to the labour market, but also offers a list of concrete actions to support the successful employment of refugees.

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Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants

The countries and regions covered in this publication are Austria, the European Union, France, Germany, the Netherlands, North America and Sweden.