academic and careers

A Realist Philosophy of Economics [Electronic book] / Karl Mittermaier.

Bristol : Bristol University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Reading Shakespeare's mind [Electronic book] / Steve Sohmer.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2019]

academic and careers

Reading Nature in the Early Middle Ages : Writing, Language, and Creation in the Latin Physiologus, ca. 700–1000

[S.l.] : ARC HUMANITIES PR, 2023.

academic and careers

Reading and teaching ancient fiction : Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman narratives [Electronic book] / edited by Sara Johnson, Rubén René Dupertuis, and Chris Shea.

Atlanta : SBL Press, 2018.

academic and careers

Re-enchanting the world : feminism and the politics of the commons [Electronic book] / Silvia Federici.

Oakland, CA : PM Press ; Brooklyn, NY : Autonomedia, [2019]

academic and careers

Radical Play : Revolutionizing Children's Toys in 1960s and 1970s America [Electronic book] / Rob Goldberg.

Durham : Duke University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Race talk : Languages of racism and resistance in Neapolitan street markets [Electronic book] / Antonia Lucia Dawes.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]

academic and careers

Race, science, and medicine, 1700-1960 [Electronic book] / edited by Waltraud Ernst and Bernard Harris.

London ; New York : Routledge, 1999.

academic and careers

Race and the Yugoslav region : Postsocialist, post-conflict, postcolonial? [Electronic book] / Catherine Baker.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Rabbinic Parodies of Jewish and Christian Literature [Electronic book] / Holger Michael Zellentin.

[s.l.] : Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2023.

academic and careers

R. S. Thomas : Identity, environment, deity [Electronic book] / Christopher Morgan.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

The Qur'ān's Legal Culture : The Didascalia Apostolorum as a Point of Departure [Electronic book] / Holger Michael Zellentin.

[s.l.] : Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2023.

academic and careers

Queering fat embodiment [Electronic book] / edited by Cat Pausé, Jackie Wykes, Samantha Murray.

London ; New York : Routledge, 2016.

academic and careers

Queer sinophone cultures [Electronic book] / edited by Howard Chiang and Ari Larissa Heinrich.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2014.

academic and careers

Queer kinship : race, sex, belonging, form [Electronic book] / Tyler Bradway and Elizabeth Freeman, editors.

Durham : Duke University Press, 2022.

academic and careers

Queer for fear : horror film and the queer spectator [Electronic book] / Heather O. Petrocelli.

Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2023.

academic and careers

Pulp fictions of medieval England : Essays in popular romance [Electronic book] / ed. by Nicola McDonald.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Public Poetry : Lyrik im urbanen Raum [Electronic book] / Claudia Benthien, Norbert Gestring.

Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2023]

academic and careers

The Public and Their Platforms : Public Sociology in an Era of Social Media [Electronic book] / Mark Carrigan, Lambros Fatsis.

Bristol : Bristol University Press, [2021]

academic and careers

Psychodrama [Electronic book] / Matt Wilkinson.

London : Methuen Drama, 2022.

academic and careers

Psychiatry and Empire [Electronic book] / edited by Sloan Mahone, Megan Vaughan.

London : Palgrave Macmillan UK : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

academic and careers

Proportionality in Private Law [Electronic book] / Franz Bauer, Ben Köhler.

[s.l.] : Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2023.

academic and careers

Propaganda and empire : the manipulation of British public opinion, 1880-1960 [Electronic book] / John M. MacKenzie.

Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press, Date of production or publication2017.

academic and careers

The Promise [Electronic book] / Ben Brown.

London : Faber & Faber (Plays), 2010.

academic and careers

Projecting race : postwar America, civil rights and documentary film [Electronic book] / Stephen Charbonneau.

London : Wallflower Press, [2016]

academic and careers

Projected cities [Electronic book] / Stephen Barber.

London : Reaktion Books, 2002.

academic and careers

Project management step by step : how to plan and manage a highly successful project [Electronic book] / Richard Newton.

Harlow, England : Pearson, 2016.

academic and careers

Progress and pathology : Medicine and culture in the nineteenth century [Electronic book] / ed. by Sally Shuttleworth, Melissa Dickson, Emilie Taylor-Brown.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]

academic and careers

The problem of evil in the ancient world : Homer to Dionysius the Areopagite [Electronic book] / Mark Edwards.

Eugene, Oregon : Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers, [2023]

academic and careers

Prismatic Jane Eyre [Electronic book] : close-reading a world novel across languages / Matthew Reynolds with Andrés Claro, Annmarie Drury, Mary Frank, Paola Gaudio, Rebecca Ruth Gould, Jernej Habjan, Yunte Huang, Abhishek Jain, Eugenia Kelbert, Ulric

Cambridge : Open Book Publishers, [2023]

academic and careers

Principles of government and politics in the Middle Ages [Electronic book] / Walter Ullmann.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.

academic and careers

Principia Scriptoriae [Electronic book] / Richard Nelson.

London : Faber & Faber (Plays), 1999.

academic and careers

The Princeton guide to historical research [Electronic book] / Zachary M. Schrag.

Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2021]

academic and careers

Primed for violence : murder, antisemitism, and democratic politics in interwar Poland [Electronic book] / Paul Brykczynski.

Madison, Wisconsin : The University of Wisconsin Press, [2016]

academic and careers

Preventing Dementia? : Critical Perspectives on a New Paradigm of Preparing for Old Age [Electronic book] / ed. by Silke Schicktanz, Annette Leibing.

New York; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2020]

academic and careers

Practising shame : female honour in later medieval England [Electronic book] / Mary C. Flannery.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2020.

academic and careers

A practical guide to museum ethics [Electronic book] / Sally Yerkovich.

Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Rowman & Littlefield, [2016]

academic and careers

The power of vulnerability : Mobilising affect in feminist, queer and anti-racist media cultures [Electronic book] / ed. by Katariina Kyrölä, Ingrid Ryberg, Anu Koivunen.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

The Power of the Story : Writing Disasters in Haiti and the Circum-Caribbean [Electronic book] / ed. by Vincent Joos, John Ribó, Martin Munro.

New York; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2023]

academic and careers

Povesti pokoĭnogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina [Electronic book] / Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin.

Warszawa : Izdatelʹstvo, 2018.

academic and careers

Poverty and Prejudice : Religious Inequality and the Struggle for Sustainable Development [Electronic book] / ed. by Mariz Tadros, Philip Mader, Kathryn Cheeseman.

Bristol : Bristol University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Postcolonial feminist interpretation of the Bible [Electronic book] / Musa W. Dube.

St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, [2000]

academic and careers

Population, providence and empire : The churches and emigration from nineteenth-century Ireland [Electronic book] / Sarah Roddy.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2019]

academic and careers

Population games and evolutionary dynamics [Electronic book] / William H. Sandholm.

Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, [2010]

academic and careers

Popol vuh : the Mayan book of the dawn of life [Electronic book] / translated by Dennis Tedlock ; with commentary based upon the ancient knowledge of the modern Quiché Maya.

[Place of publication not identified] : [], [1996]

academic and careers

Pope Alexander III (1159-81) : the art of survival [Electronic book] / edited by Peter D. Clarke and Anne J. Duggan.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2016.

academic and careers

Die politische und soziale Bedeutung der Naqsbandiyya in Mittelasien im 15. Jahrhundert [Electronic book] / Jürgen Paul.

Berlin ; Boston : Walter De Gruyter, [2010]

academic and careers

The politics today companion to West European Politics [Electronic book] / Geoffrey Roberts, Patricia Hogwood.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

The politics of vaccination : A global history [Electronic book] / ed. by Christine Holmberg, Paul Greenough, Stuart Blume.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2017]

academic and careers

Politics of disinformation : the influence of fake news on the public sphere [Electronic book] / edited by Guillermo López-García, Dolors Palau-Sampio, Bella Palomo, Eva Campos-Domínguez, Pere Masip, Ramon Llull.

Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021.