academic and careers

Shiʿite Legal Theory : Sources and Commentaries [Electronic book] / ed. by Robert Gleave, Kumail Rajani.

Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

The Sex Party [Electronic book] / Terry Johnson.

London : Faber & Faber (Plays), 2022.

academic and careers

Seventeenth-century libraries : problems and perspectives [Electronic book] / edited by Robyn Adams, Jacqueline Glomski.

Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2023]

academic and careers

Seriality and texts for young people : the compulsion to repeat [Electronic book] / edited by Mavis Reimer, Nyala Ali, Deanna England and Melanie Dennis Unra.

Houndmills, Basingstoke ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

academic and careers

The senses in early modern England, 1558-1660 [Electronic book] / ed. by Simon Smith, Amy Kenny, Jacqueline Watson.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]

academic and careers

Semantiken der Muße aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven [Electronic book] / Monika Fludernik, Thomas Jürgasch.

[s.l.] : Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2023.

academic and careers

Seeking the risen Christa / Nicola Slee.

London : SPCK, 2011.

academic and careers

Security/Mobility : Politics of movement [Electronic book] / ed. by Matthias Leese, Stef Wittendorp.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2017]

academic and careers

Sea Creatures [Electronic book] / Cordelia Lynn.

London : Nick Hern Books, 2023.

academic and careers

Screening Nature : Cinema beyond the Human [Electronic book] / ed. by Guinevere Narraway, Anat Pick.

New York; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2013]

academic and careers

Scottish cinema : texts and contexts [Electronic book] / Christopher Meir.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2015.

academic and careers

Scientific Babel : how science was done before and after global English [Electronic book] / Michael D. Gordin.

Chicago, [Illinois] ; London, [England] : The University of Chicago Press, 2015.

academic and careers

The Science-Media Interface : On the Relation Between Internal and External Science Communication [Electronic book] / ed. by Irene Broer, Steffen Lemke, Athanasios Mazarakis, Isabella Peters, Christian Zinke-Wehlmann.

Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Saur, [2023]

academic and careers

Science in performance : Theatre and the politics of engagement [Electronic book] / Simon Parry.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]

academic and careers

Science and the politics of openness : Here be monsters [Electronic book] / ed. by Brigitte Nerlich, Alexander Smith, Sujatha Raman, Sarah Hartley.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Schreibweisen des Exotismus : Sinnesfülle und Fremdheit in der westeuropäischen Literatur vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert [Electronic book] / Franziska Bergmann.

Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2023]

academic and careers

Saint Paul and Contemporary European Philosophy : The Outcast and the Spirit [Electronic book] / Gert-Jan van der Heiden.

Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

The Russian Imperial Army, 1796-1917 [Electronic book] / edited by Roger Reese.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.

academic and careers

Rural quality of life [Electronic book] / ed. by Pia Heike Johansen, Anne Tietjen, Jens Kaae Fisker, Henrik Lauridsen Lolle, Evald Bundgård Iversen.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Rural economy and tribal society in islamic Egypt : a study of Al-Nābulusī's villages of the Fayyum [Electronic book] / by Yossef Rapoport.

Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols Publishers, [2018]

academic and careers

Run, Rebel [Electronic book] / Manjeet Mann.

London : Nick Hern Books, 2023.

academic and careers

Ruckus [Electronic book] / Jenna Fincken.

London : Methuen Drama, 2022.

academic and careers

Royal tourists, colonial subjects and the making of a British world, 1860-1911 [Electronic book] / Charles Reed.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2017]

academic and careers

Royal Messianism and the Jerusalem Priesthood in the Gospel of Mark [Electronic book]/ Bernardo Cho.

London : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2019.

academic and careers

Roy and Zhores Medvedev : Loyal Dissent in the Soviet Union Barbara Martin [Electronic book] / Barbara Martin.

[s.l.] : Academic Studies Press, 2024.

academic and careers

Routledge handbook of constitutional law [Electronic book] / edited by Mark Tushnet, Thomas Fleiner and Cheryl Saunders.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2013.

academic and careers

The Routledge companion to world literary journalism [Electronic book] / edited by John S. Bak and Bill Reynolds.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2023.

academic and careers

The Routledge companion to the cultural industries [Electronic book] / edited by Kate Oakley and Justin O'Connor ; contributors, Mark Banks [and forty eight others].

London ; New York : Routledge, 2015.

academic and careers

Rohinton Mistry [Electronic book] / Peter Morey.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2010]

academic and careers

Robert Nozick : property, justice and the minimal state [Electronic book] / Jonathan Wolff.

Cambridge : Polity Press, 2013.

academic and careers

Ritual and recovery in post-conflict Sri Lanka [Electronic book] / Jane Derges.

London ; New York : Routledge, [2013]

academic and careers

Rights and the City : Problems, Progress, and Practice [Electronic book] / ed. by Sandeep Agrawal.

Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, [2022]

academic and careers

right where we left us [Electronic book] / Rebecca Jade Hammond.

London : Methuen Drama, 2022.

academic and careers

Revolutionary spring : fighting for a new world 1848-1849 [Electronic book]/ Christopher Clark.

London : Penguin Books, 2023.

academic and careers

The Revised New Jerusalem Bible : study edition [Electronic book] / [translated by] Henry Wansbrough.

London : Darton, Longman & Todd LTD, 2019.

academic and careers

Reuse and renovation in Roman material culture : functions, aesthetics, interpretations [Electronic book] / edited by Diana Y. Ng, Molly Swetnam-Burland.

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018.

academic and careers

Rethinking Global Health : Frameworks of Power [Electronic book] / Rochelle A. Burgess.

[s.l.] : Routledge, 2023.

academic and careers

Rethinking European Union foreign policy [Electronic book] / ed. by Ben Tonra, Thomas Christiansen.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Rethinking Athens before the Persian wars : proceedings of the international workshop at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat München (Munich, 23rd-24th February 2017) [Electronic book] / Constanze Graml, Annarita Doronzio, Vincenzo Capozzoli (Hrsg.).

München, Germany : Utzverlag, 2020.

academic and careers

Resettled Iraqi Refugees in the United States : War, Refuge, Belonging, Participation, and Protest [Electronic book] / Jared Keyel.

New York; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2023]

academic and careers

A research handbook for patient and public involvement researchers [Electronic book] / ed. by Penny Bee, Helen Brooks, Karina Lovell, Patrick Callaghan.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Republican learning : John Toland and the crisis of Christian culture, 1696-1722 [Electronic book] / Justin Champion.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Representing reality : issues and concepts in documentary [Electronic book] / Bill Nichols.

Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1991.

academic and careers

Religiöse Erfahrung und ihre transformative Kraft : Qualitative und hermeneutische Zugänge zu einem praktisch-theologischen Grundbegriff [Electronic book] / Sabrina Müller.

Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2023]

academic and careers

Relational pedagogies: connections and mattering in higher education [Electronic book]/ Karen Gravett.

London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2022

academic and careers

Regional schools in Hellenistic sculpture : proceedings of an international conference held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, March 15-17, 1996 [Electronic book] / edited by Olga Palagia and William Coulson.

Oxford ; Havertown, Pennsylvania : Oxbow Books, 2017.

academic and careers

Refugees and the violence of welfare bureaucracies in Northern Europe [Electronic book] / ed. by Dalia Abdelhady, Nina Gren, Martin Joormann.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]

academic and careers

Recognition and Global Politics : Critical encounters between state and world [Electronic book] / ed. by Patrick Hayden, Kate Schick.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2016]

academic and careers

Reckoning with Restorative Justice : Hawai'i Women's Prison Writing [Electronic book] / Leanne Trapedo Sims.

Durham : Duke University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Rechtsextrem: Biografien nach 1945 [Electronic book] / hrsg. von Gideon Botsch, Christoph Kopke, Karsten Wilke.

München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2023]