science and technology Shipping emissions can lead to high local ocean acidification By Published On :: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 09:51:03 +0100 Strong acids formed from shipping emissions can produce seasonal ‘hot spots’ of ocean acidification, a recent study finds. These hot spots, in ocean areas close to busy shipping lanes, could have negative effects on local marine ecology and commercially farmed seafood species. Full Article
science and technology Five years on: changes to vehicle fleets and air quality in London’s low emission zone By Published On :: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:29:58 +0100 Low emission zones (LEZs), which restrict access for high emission vehicles, have proven to be a successful way to improve air quality in line with EU regulations. An analysis of London’s LEZ has revealed discernible reductions in air pollution levels five years after implementation. Full Article
science and technology Climate policies also deliver cleaner air and enhanced energy security By Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:48:36 +0100 Integrating climate change policies with pollution control and energy security measures can deliver improved air quality, better public health and diversified energy supplies, and at a lower total energy cost than many previous studies have indicated, according to recent research. Full Article
science and technology Integrated pollution, climate and energy access policies needed to meet WHO PM2.5 limits By Published On :: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 11:10:54 +0100 A new study finds that meeting WHO Air Quality Guidelines (AQG) on particulate emissions by 2030, thereby improving global human health, will require a combination of stringent policies on air pollution, climate change and access to clean cooking fuels. Full Article
science and technology Ozone levels will vary across Europe under future climate change By Published On :: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 12:05:40 +0100 Climate change affects air pollution at a regional and local scale. A recent study has reassessed the latest findings and suggests that climate change will increase ozone concentrations by about 3 parts per billion (ppb) in central and western Europe in the year 2050 if emissions from human activities remain at present-day levels. However, if emissions increase, ozone concentrations could increase by 16 ppb for much of Europe. Full Article
science and technology Up-to-date knowledge must be used to assess policy objectives By Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:36:56 GMT The most up-to-date knowledge and data must be used to assess policy objectives, new research confirms. Studying air pollution environmental quality targets set by the National Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive1, a new study has shown that if 2001 data are used to assess progress, most such targets appear to have been met. However, more recent and accurate current data show that this may not be the case. Full Article
science and technology Gas flaring and residential burning pollute the Arctic more than previously thought By Published On :: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 11:54:50 GMT Gas flaring and residential combustion are significant sources of soot, or black carbon, pollution in the Arctic, but their role has been underestimated until now, according to a recent study. The research indicates that flaring from oil and gas developments is the largest source of this pollutant, responsible for 42% of black carbon pollution in the Arctic. Full Article
science and technology The co-benefits of co-ordinated climate change policy By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:37:40 GMT Globally co-ordinated climate change policy to limit warming to 2°C could provide additional health, ecological and economic benefits. Using established methods, researchers estimated that the implementation of climate policy would also reduce global expenditures on air pollution control in 2050 by €250 billion. Full Article
science and technology Sparrows could be used to monitor air pollution By Published On :: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 10:44:36 GMT House sparrows have the potential to become indicators of air quality, according to a recent Spanish study. The researchers demonstrated that small blood samples taken from the sparrows varied significantly depending on pollution levels in the birds’ habitat. Full Article
science and technology Ammonia emissions detected upwind from an intensive poultry farm By Published On :: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 08:07:17 GMT High levels of ammonia were observed at a Natura 2000 site nearly three kilometres upwind from an intensive poultry farm in a recent study. While downwind effects of ammonia emissions are to be expected, this study suggests that ammonia emissions could be a significant source of nitrogen pollution even upwind from the source. Full Article
science and technology Mediterranean ozone levels fall in rural areas, but rise in cities By Published On :: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 11:03:18 GMT Air pollution legislation has led to reduced ozone pollution in rural areas in western Mediterranean countries; however, levels in urban and suburban areas are still increasing, new research concludes. This suggests that ground-level ozone, linked to human health issues as well as environmental damage, has the potential to become a more significant air quality issue than previously believed, the researchers say. Full Article
science and technology Industrial pollutant melted European glaciers By Published On :: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 11:03:18 GMT Industrial emissions of black carbon were responsible for the retreat of the glaciers in the European Alps that marked the end of the so-called ‘Little Ice Age’, according to a new study. The researchers explain how black carbon deposits could have caused glaciers to melt more rapidly from the mid-19th century and suggest that human activities were already having a visible influence on the climate before the effects of carbon dioxide were evident. Full Article
science and technology Air quality in Europe: pollution levels have dropped, but health concerns remain By Published On :: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 11:03:18 GMT Some progress has been made towards improving air quality in Europe with levels of sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and benzene all falling substantially in recent years, a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) concludes. However, threats to human health and ecosystems remain, and urban citizens’ exposure to high levels of particulate matter (PM) and ozone are a particular concern. Full Article
science and technology Should critical levels of plant ozone exposure be lower? By Published On :: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 11:03:18 GMT ‘Critical levels’ of ozone exposure for plants, above which significant adverse effects may occur, are currently calculated by examining ozone’s impacts on only a small number of species. However, researchers have now compared this measure with a new approach which examines all species in a group, and defines the critical levels as the concentration at which 5% of species are affected. These critical levels, which may be more suitable for semi-natural ecosystems, are stricter than current standards. Full Article
science and technology Black carbon pollution from megacities and effects on global air quality By Published On :: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 9:23:19 GMT Air pollution from the world’s megacities not only has local impacts, but can spread to remote regions of the world. Recent research has highlighted, for example, that megacities are a source of black carbon pollution in lowest kilometre of atmosphere in the Arctic, with European megacities contributing more than others. Full Article
science and technology Economic hardship in Greece has increased wood burning to keep warm in winter By Published On :: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 9:23:19 GMT Air quality in the Greek city of Thessaloniki has worsened during the recent economic crisis, as residents burn more wood and other types of biomass to keep warm. A recent study has found a 30% increase in the concentration of fine particle (PM2.5) emissions associated with wood smoke from residential heating in 2012 and 2013, with implications for the health of local residents. Full Article
science and technology Black smoke pollution may have ‘medium-term’ delayed effects on mortality rates By Published On :: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Increased black smoke pollution was associated with increased mortality rates almost a month after exposure in a recent study. The researchers studied death rates in relation to pollution concentrations over a 22-year period in the city of Glasgow, UK, and found significantly higher mortality rates among residents at 13-18 and 19-24 days after increased exposure to black smoke. Full Article
science and technology Measuring the impacts of the Nitrates Directive on nitrogen emissions By Published On :: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT The EU's Nitrates Directive has led to significant decreases in nitrogen pollution in Europe, a new study suggests. Modelled scenarios with and without implementation of the Directive showed that it had resulted in a 16% reduction of nitrate leaching by 2008. These improvements could be further increased as implementation becomes stricter, the researchers conclude. Full Article
science and technology Health ratings for urban environments provided by new software By Published On :: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT New software has been developed to rate the health risks of different activities in the urban environment, for example, cycling or driving in different areas of a city. 'CENSE' is based on a variety of different pollutants and environmental health hazards encountered in urban environments and may provide a useful tool for urban planning and improving residents’ quality of life, its developers say. Full Article
science and technology Indoor pollution modelled to inform policy on home insulation By Published On :: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Increased insulation in homes could reduce ventilation and lead to greater exposure to indoor air pollution, a new study suggests. This, in turn, could affect health. The researchers modelled exposure to fine particles, which indicated that insulating half the homes in Greece by 2020 could lead to a 6% increase in adverse health effects. Sources of indoor air pollution should be reduced as far as possible and, failing that, sufficient airing is key, they recommend. Full Article
science and technology Individual non-methane VOCs have large impacts on human health By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) can have damaging effects on human health. New research has now revealed that only three substances out of a large number of NMVOCs are responsible for almost all damaging effects on human health. Air pollution policies should be designed to target these substances specifically, rather than overall NMVOC emissions, the researchers recommend. Full Article
science and technology PM2.5 air pollution strongly linked to increased risk of heart attacks By Published On :: Thu, 30 APR 2014 9:23:19 GMT Long-term exposure to particulate matter pollution is strongly linked with heart attacks and angina, a new European study of over 100 000 people has shown. The results indicate that this association exists at levels below current European limits, and that the burden of disease due to particulate matter may have been largely underestimated. Full Article
science and technology New ozone-depleting chemicals found in the atmosphere By Published On :: Thu, 15 May 2014 9:23:19 GMT Four ozone-depleting gases, previously undetected in the atmosphere, have been found by new research. The work suggests that more than 74 000 tonnes of these human-made substances have been released since 1978, and that two are continuing to accumulate in the atmosphere. However, it is not yet known where they come from. Full Article
science and technology Wood burning in London undermines low traffic emissions' gains By Published On :: Thu, 22 May 2014 9:23:19 GMT Particulate matter (PM) emissions from domestic wood burning in London are higher than the PM reductions achieved through London’s Low Emission Zone, finds a new study. The research suggests that increases in wood burning could risk undermining policies aimed at meeting EU PM10 targets. Full Article
science and technology Further sulphur dioxide reductions would lead to greater health benefits By Published On :: Thu, 06 Jun 2014 9:23:19 GMT EU air pollution legislation to reduce sulphur dioxide (SO2) has effectively reduced rates of premature deaths, new research suggests. Moreover, additional reductions would lead to even further public health benefits, the researchers say. Full Article
science and technology Airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels falling faster in cities than rural areas By Published On :: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 9:23:19 GMT Levels of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are falling at urban and rural sites in Europe and North America, according to recent research. These results contribute to growing evidence demonstrating that the legislation to reduce these harmful emissions has been successful. Concentrations of PAHs in urban areas were highest, the researchers found, but they were also declining at the fastest rate. Full Article
science and technology Particulate matter increases diabetes, heart and lung disease deaths By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Airborne particulate matter pollution leads to increases in death rates among people with underlying health conditions such as heart disease, according to a new study. The study suggests the effects are mainly related to the air pollution known as PM2.5 - particles smaller than 2.5 micrometres (μm). The study is the first to assess the health effects of this type of pollution across several European countries at once. Full Article
science and technology Loss of cooling effect of aerosols can be offset by greenhouse gas reductions By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT The net cooling effect that aerosols have on the climate will be lost as emissions drop in the future, new research suggests. However, the consequent warming will ultimately be counter balanced if policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are put in place. Full Article
science and technology Greater risk of heart defects for babies born near unconventional gas wells in Colorado By Published On :: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 9:23:19 GMT Pregnant women living within 16 km of unconventional gas wells in Colorado, US, are up to 30% more likely to give birth to a baby with a heart defect, new research has found. These findings suggest that more research is needed to understand the potential health impact of natural gas developments, say the researchers. Full Article
science and technology Air pollution from road traffic can raise blood pressure By Published On :: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 9:23:19 GMT High blood pressure is linked to long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution, new research suggests. After accounting for lifestyle factors, socioeconomic status and pre-existing health conditions, the researchers found that a rise in traffic emissions of nitrogen dioxide corresponded to a rise in blood pressure of exposed individuals. Full Article
science and technology Simple Swedish device effectively reduces harmful indoor air pollution By Published On :: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 9:23:19 GMT Indoor air quality can be significantly improved using a simple device which traps harmful chemicals emitted from glues, paints and building materials, a new study has shown. Designed in Sweden, the researchers demonstrate that the 'surface emissions trap', especially effective for damp buildings, also prevents emissions from mould and can remove unpleasant odours. Full Article
science and technology Protest votes: why will some people not tell how much they are willing to pay for clean air? By Published On :: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 9:23:19 GMT What is the value of clean air? Answering such a question may be achieved by asking citizens how much they are willing to pay. However, some individuals give 'protest vote' responses to such questions. Recent research in EU countries found that the main reasons for this were because they felt that the polluters themselves or the government should be responsible for such costs. Full Article
science and technology Childhood obesity linked to traffic pollution By Published On :: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 9:23:19 GMT Traffic pollution contributes to childhood obesity, a recent study concludes. In the US investigation of over 4 500 children, the researchers estimated that air pollution increased the body mass index (BMI) of 10-year olds in the most polluted areas of study by 0.4 units, compared to those in the least polluted areas. It is thought that pollution may have slowed the children’s metabolism. Full Article
science and technology Cyclists map Antwerp air pollution with on-bike monitors By Published On :: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 9:23:19 GMT Cyclists with pollution monitors and GPS trackers attached to their bicycles have produced detailed maps of Antwerp’s air quality, as part of a recent study. Their data show that a gap of just a few metres between cycle lanes and cars significantly reduces cyclists’ risk of inhaling high levels of ultrafine particle pollution. Full Article
science and technology Time spent in traffic has major effect on personal exposure to cancer-causing chemicals By Published On :: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 9:23:19 GMT Our lifestyles determine how often we are exposed to cancer-causing chemicals, such as those in traffic emissions and cigarette smoke. A Swedish study reveals how exposure to these chemicals varies from person to person. Among its findings, the amount of time a person spends in traffic or refuelling their car significantly affects how much benzene and butadiene they could inhale. Full Article
science and technology Individual power stations' emissions can be identified from a distance By Published On :: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 9:23:19 GMT Air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) from a coal-fired power station have been correctly identified 12 km away, researchers report in a new US study. Their monitoring method paves the way for a space-based satellite system which can check emissions reported by individual power stations against actual emissions. Full Article
science and technology Air pollution and the brain: potential neurological risk shown in Parkinson’s study By Published On :: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 9:23:19 GMT Elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease are at greater risk of emergency hospitalisation, as well as premature death, following short periods of increased air pollution by fine particles, finds a US study. The researchers believe that these findings support the theory that fine particles may affect the brain. They also found possible links between pollution and hospitalisation rates for diabetes patients. Full Article
science and technology Ozone levels still pose risk to health and vegetation By Published On :: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 9:23:19 GMT Better hydrogen production could be on the horizon thanks to a cheap new way of making a key component of electrolysers with a 3D printer, a new study suggests. This achievement could speed-up the development of electrolysis, a method of extracting hydrogen from water. Full Article
science and technology Both traffic noise and air pollution linked to stroke By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Road traffic noise and air pollution both increase the risk of having a stroke, recent research from Denmark suggests. The results suggest that traffic noise is more strongly associated with ischaemic stroke, whereas only air pollution appears to be linked with more serious, fatal strokes. Full Article
science and technology Air pollution and climate policies not in conflict By Published On :: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 9:23:19 GMT Air pollution policy does not undermine the long-term goals of climate change policy, a new study concludes. Although reductions in the pollutant sulphur dioxide could have some warming effects on the Earth’s temperature, the impacts are only short term and will never outweigh climate policy’s cooling effects. Full Article
science and technology Long-term exposure to air pollution associated with an increased risk of type-2 diabetes By Published On :: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 9:23:19 GMT Long-term exposure to air pollution may increase the risk of developing type-2 diabetes, a Swiss study has found. The results also suggest that the association between type-2 diabetes and air pollution occurs at concentrations below World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines. Full Article
science and technology Sulphur and nitrogen pollution falling - but still harming ecosystems By Published On :: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 9:23:19 GMT European emissions of sulphur and nitrogen pollution have fallen greatly in recent decades, a new report shows. However, even at present levels they harm sensitive ecosystems, and will continue do so for some years to come. Full Article
science and technology Semiconductor and aluminium industries underestimate greenhouse gas emissions By Published On :: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 9:23:19 GMT Emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) tetrafluoromethane (TFM) and hexafluoroethane (HFE) reported by industry accounted for only around half actual levels measured in the atmosphere between 2002 and 2010, new research reveals. The semiconductor and aluminium production industries, the two main sources of these gases, have reported success in their voluntary efforts to control these emissions. However, this does not match ‘top-down’ atmospheric monitoring, the researchers say. Full Article
science and technology Regional air pollution improvements have global health benefits By Published On :: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 9:23:19 GMT Reductions in emissions of fine particle air pollution can prevent premature deaths, not just locally, but also in countries thousands of kilometres away, new research illustrates. The transcontinental study examines the effects of reducing air pollution emitted from Europe, North America, South and East Asia by 20% and shows that, for example, reductions in the EU would mean 3700 fewer premature deaths in the other three regions every year. Full Article
science and technology Deadly effects of particulate matter pollution shown in French study By Published On :: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 9:23:19 GMT Particulate matter (PM) pollution has a significant effect on death rates in French cities, a new study shows. The research confirms the short-term impacts of PM10, but also sheds new light on the effects of smaller particulates: PM2.5 and PM10-2.5. Its results could help inform public health advice, the authors propose. Full Article
science and technology Wider gaps between cycle paths and traffic reduce active commuters’ air pollution dose By Published On :: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 9:23:19 GMT Setting cycle and footpaths further back from the road can significantly lower the amount of air pollution that cyclists and pedestrians inhale, suggests new research. While wide gaps are not always practical, the study shows that even small increases in distance could substantially reduce the dose of pollution. Full Article
science and technology Greater efforts to reduce ammonia emissions needed to meet air pollution targets By Published On :: Thu, 18 DEC 2014 9:23:19 GMT Levels of particulate matter (PM) in the atmosphere are linked to ammonia emissions. However, reducing ammonia emissions only as far as targets set out by the Gothenburg Protocol will not necessarily ensure compliance with EU PM limits, according to a new study. Greater reductions in ammonia emissions would reduce the number of days when PM limit values are exceeded, the researchers found. Full Article
science and technology East Asian air pollution to have bigger global impact under climate change By Published On :: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 9:23:19 GMT Greater amounts of air pollutants emitted in East Asia will move around the globe under climate change, a recent study predicts. Changes to wind speeds and air pressure will mean that movement of pollution from this region is enhanced under a changing climate. These results highlight the need for globally coordinated efforts to tackle air pollution and climate change. Full Article
science and technology Radioactive particles from Chernobyl disaster may be re-released by wildfires By Published On :: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 9:23:19 GMT Fires in forests contaminated by the Chernobyl nuclear accident could lead to areas of Europe and Russia being exposed to further radioactive fallout, new research has found. The study examined the spread of the fallout and the health effects on people and animals under three different scenarios: 10, 50 and 100% of the forests being burnt. Full Article
science and technology Waters acidified by air pollution have recovered as predicted By Published On :: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 9:23:19 GMT Back in 1999, a group of scientists predicted how changing air pollution levels would affect the acidity of lakes and rivers in Europe in 2010 using a computer model. A follow up study has now gathered actual measurements of these waters to see if the predictions came true. The observations show that most of the rivers and lakes did recover from acidification, as forecast by the model, and demonstrate the model’s value in predicting future water chemistry, the authors say. Full Article