science and technology

Benefits to integrating climate change into air quality policy

New research suggests potential benefits in integrating air quality and climate change policy. It predicts that accounting for the climate impact of certain air pollutants in the EU, USA and China could complement policies designed to reduce the air quality impacts of these pollutants.

science and technology

New model for estimating ship emissions to guide policy

EU-supported research has established a new model to calculate air pollution emissions from ships. Its calculations could create a database that lists emissions per ship type and size as well as by country.

science and technology

Evaluating the impact of air quality measures is essential

Recent research has investigated the effectiveness of air quality management at the regional level in Italy and found that some of the most commonly adopted measures do not always produce the highest emissions reductions.

science and technology

Unregulated pollutants may cause health risks in Western Balkans

Several pollutants that are not covered by UN regulations could be harmful to humans, according to new research in the Balkans. By sampling air at various urban sites, the research showed that polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs) have the potential to be a major health risk.

science and technology

Air pollution policy must be based on indoor and outdoor sources

New research reveals that indoor air pollution is an important indicator of the impact of emissions from an oil refinery on nearby communities. It suggests policies based on outdoor monitoring alone are not sufficient to safeguard health, especially with regards to breast cancer.

science and technology

New compilation of research on indoor industrial air pollutants

A recent analysis of indoor industrial air pollutants could be useful for implementing REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals). Implementation of REACH should be based on sound analytical methods and targeting of priority chemicals, according to the researchers.

science and technology

Levels of several air pollutants are higher indoors than outdoors

New European research finds that the levels of several harmful air pollutants are greater indoors than outdoors, and even greater when measured on the person themselves. The levels of benzene are especially concerning and often exceed EU limits.

science and technology

Four fast-action strategies to tackle abrupt climate change

A new study has assessed the potential of several “fast-action” climate change mitigation strategies. Key options are reducing use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), reducing emissions of black carbon and ozone-forming pollutants, and sequestering carbon through afforestation and biochar production.

science and technology

Modelling marine exhaust emissions in the Baltic Sea

A new tool used to investigate exhaust emissions of marine vessels has been developed and applied to shipping in the Baltic Sea.

science and technology

A hydrogen future: clean and cool?

A new study suggests that widespread adoption of hydrogen fuel could have major benefits for tackling climate change and air pollution. The researchers modelled the impacts of replacing petrol with hydrogen as a fuel for cars and claim their methods, which employ a new modelling tool, could be useful in planning and policymaking.

science and technology

Air pollution's impact on health: a European and N. American analysis

A team of investigators has examined the effects of air pollution on human health using the databases of earlier studies from Europe, the United States and Canada. They concluded that PM10 and ozone are associated with an increase in mortality. Different modelling approaches do not significantly affect the results.

science and technology

Asian air emissions increases ozone over western North America

science and technology

What is the best 'school run' for the environment?

ew research indicates that educational policies can affect the environmental, health and financial impacts of school commuting. It found that the most effective school-enrolment policy for reducing traffic emissions is to send children to the school closest to where they live.

science and technology

Health impacts of air pollution need better communication

Reductions in air pollution in European cities significantly reduce the number of premature deaths, according to researchers. However, these results need to be communicated effectively to policy makers in order to have an impact.

science and technology

Economic benefits from reducing mercury emissions

Large benefits can be achieved for society by reducing global emissions of mercury. Global savings of US$1.8-2.2 billion (€1.3-1.6 billion) can be made by reducing damage to IQ alone, according to recent research.

science and technology

Fine particles trap more heat in atmosphere than previously thought

Fine particles in the air produced by road transport trap more radiation in the earth's atmosphere than previously estimated, and therefore may contribute more to global warming than realised, according to new research. In contrast, the impact of particles from shipping appears to reflect more radiation than previously thought, whilst the effect of particles from aviation is comparatively small.

science and technology

Air quality co-benefits should be considered in climate policies

Measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have the additional benefit of reducing air pollutants. However, these benefits are rarely included in the design and evaluation of climate change policies. A new study suggests that considering these benefits in climate change policy could reduce the cost of such policies, and engage stakeholders who are otherwise unmotivated to tackle climate change.

science and technology

Lessons from Gothenburg on setting air pollution ceilings

The 2010 deadline for the Gothenburg Protocol ceilings for transboundary air pollutants is fast approaching and new ceilings may soon be set for 2020. Recent research indicates that, although the ceilings have been effective, they could benefit from more flexibility to allow for the inherent uncertainty in modelling future energy use, technologies and growth.

science and technology

Characterising particulate matter from sites across Europe

A recent study has analysed the physical and chemical characteristics of particulate matter (PM) from 60 sites across Europe. The results suggest there is no single ratio between PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations for all the sites, and that PM mass cannot be directly related to the concentration of particle numbers.

science and technology

Tougher targets needed to reduce ozone pollution

20 years of policies in Europe to reduce emissions that contribute to the formation of ozone have successfully reduced short-term peak ozone levels, according to a new study conducted in central England. However, tougher targets are needed to further reduce average annual levels.

science and technology

Clean Development Mechanism projects in China improve air quality

Despite some criticisms about the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a new study has indicated that CDM projects in China could be making sizeable improvements to air quality. The research predicted, in particular, that the projects' associated SO2 reductions would make up 13-14 per cent of the reductions in 2010 towards the national target level.

science and technology

Traffic pollution and childhood asthma link identified

New research has found a possible link between traffic-related air pollution outside people's homes and the onset of asthma in children during the first eight years of life. Higher levels of nitrogen dioxide, PM2.5 and soot were more likely to be recorded at the homes of those children who developed asthma and asthma symptoms.

science and technology

New indicators for monitoring photosmog

Croatian researchers have developed new indicators that can be used to analyse photochemical pollution and smog caused by ozone. The indicators are based on simple mathematical formulae and could make it easier for those who monitor pollution levels to make meaningful comparisons between different sites.

science and technology

Cyclists inhale high levels of traffic pollution

One of the benefits of cycling is improved physical health. However, recent research suggests that cyclists inhale more air pollutants than motorists in traffic, mainly due to faster, deeper breathing. This suggests that town planners should carefully consider cycle routes.

science and technology

Global footprint of commercial aviation emissions

New research has estimated the global footprint of emissions from commercial aircraft. In 2006 nearly 190 million tonnes of fuel were burnt and 162 million tonnes of carbon from CO2 were emitted. The vast majority of the fuel was burned in the Northern hemisphere and half the emissions were over the US, Europe and East Asia.

science and technology

Cost of damage to crops from ozone pollution

The policy implications of agricultural losses caused by high concentrations of ground level ozone have been highlighted by a recent study. The study modelled ozone impacts on 14 of the most important crops grown in the Greater Thessaloniki area of Greece. The results provide information about differences in scale of losses and economic impacts across the region which may be useful in designing agricultural subsidy schemes.

science and technology

Benefits from combining climate, air and energy security policies

Policies based on cost-benefit analysis that tackle climate change, air pollution and energy security together produce far greater benefits than policies designed to address these issues separately, according to a new study. For example, current oil reserves would last until much longer than currently predicted and the number of premature deaths due to air pollution would be reduced by some 3 million per year globally, if all three policy areas were combined.

science and technology

Climate change impacts on future air quality over Europe

Climate change is likely to significantly affect future air quality over Europe. According to a recent European study, climate change alone is likely to significantly increase ozone pollution in Europe and by as much as 50 µg.m-3 (micrograms per cubic metre) over central France in July by the year 2100, compared with 1990 levels.

science and technology

Distributed power generation may be better for air quality

A recent study has compared the impact of future power generated from large, central stations with power generated from smaller distributed generators (DG) in California on air quality. It concluded that although DG produces more emissions, its impact on air quality is likely to be smaller than central power stations due to complex interactions between air chemistry and transport.

science and technology

Reducing black carbon emissions benefits both climate and health

A recent assessment suggests that reducing black carbon emissions, produced by burning carbon-based materials, would prevent millions of premature deaths in developing countries as well as helping meet climate change mitigation targets.

science and technology

Do climate policies need a 'pollution safety margin'?

A recent analysis suggests climate change policies may have to include a 'pollution safety margin' which accounts for the warming impact of many air pollutants. Available evidence suggests that policies to reduce the harmful effects of air pollutants could accelerate climate change over coming decades by cutting emissions that currently contribute to cooling the climate.

science and technology

How climate change could affect European ozone pollution

A study by Swedish scientists provides new insights into how climate change could affect future ozone concentrations in European countries. The findings of this study suggest that average ozone concentrations will increase more in Southern Europe than in more Northern and mountainous regions under the influence of climate change in the 21st century.

science and technology

Climate impacts on air pollution could increase respiratory disease

Evidence from modelling studies suggests that climate change is likely to increase concentrations of ozone, one of the most important urban air pollutants responsible for respiratory problems. Under this assumption, rapid reductions of emissions from fossil fuel burning are needed to protect the health of both current and future generations.

science and technology

Integrated climate change and air pollution strategies: a winning combination

Combining policies that tackle local air pollution and global climate change will deliver enhanced benefits for climate change mitigation, according to researchers. Medium-term efforts to control air pollution will provide additional benefits to long-term strategies that aim to curb climate change.

science and technology

Unravelling the complex chemistry of the atmosphere

Although there have been significant advances in the understanding and monitoring of atmospheric processes in the last decade, a recent study suggests that uncertainties in their assessment continue to grow and more complex studies are required to understand the precise relationship between atmospheric chemicals, such as air pollutants, and climate change.

science and technology

Black carbon from wildfires is travelling across Europe

New research has recorded high levels of airborne aerosol black carbon (BC) in Lithuania during two periods in 2008 and 2009. Further investigation indicated this is from smoke produced by wildfires in Ukraine and southwest Russia, which then travels northwards.

science and technology

Policy, not market alone, must dictate future transport emissions

Existing technologies could reduce emissions of CO2 and air pollutants from land transport by almost a third. But, reductions will not be delivered through markets alone, according to a recent assessment, particularly for CO2. The researchers argue that strong policy interventions will be essential to mitigating climate change caused by emissions from land transport.

science and technology

Do strict speed limits really reduce traffic emissions?

Environmental policy makers increasingly rely on computer models to test traffic policies. Researchers have investigated the impact of reducing speed limits on traffic emissions using two different models, but the models produced some contradictory results. The researchers therefore warn policy makers to interpret model results very carefully and to avoid relying on simple 'macroscopic' models.

science and technology

Megacities need mega-models to assess their environmental impact

Assessing the impact of large urban areas on air quality and climate change needs an integrated approach with a range of spatial and temporal scales, according to researchers. The EU-funded MEGAPOLI project considers time scales from seconds to decades and spatial scales from local to global.

science and technology

Best technologies for treating bad smells from wastewater identified

A new study has compared treatments to reduce odour from wastewater treatment plants, and has suggested that biotrickling filtration and activated sludge diffusion are the two most promising technologies. These appear to perform best on a combination of environmental, economic and social indicators.

science and technology

Evidence of Montreal Protocol's success in protecting ozone layer

The results of a new study appear to support the view that the Montreal Protocol has been effective at protecting the ozone layer. Researchers modelled the impacts of the Protocol's phasing out of ozone depleting substances and found that they matched actual changes of global ozone over the last 50 years.

science and technology

Improved prediction of urban air quality through ‘neural’ networks

A recent study assesses new methods for comparing and predicting air quality data in Helsinki, Finland and Thessaloniki, Greece, that significantly improve the capability to analyse and predict air quality in these cities. There are good indications that the methods could be applied to other European cities.

science and technology

New framework for estimating agricultural emissions

Agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Researchers have developed a framework for estimating emissions of methane and nitrous oxides from agriculture, by updating the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) approach, which captures more detail about differences between locations.

science and technology

Health impacts and costs of air pollution in European cities

A new study has shown that life expectancy and monetary benefits increase significantly when levels of fine particles are reduced further in European cities. It also reveals that living near busy roads could be responsible for a substantial amount of poor health attributable to air pollution.

science and technology

Research finds link between road proximity and childhood leukaemia

Living near busy roads is associated with an increased risk of childhood leukaemia, according to French researchers. The study found that children living within 500 metres of major roads were more likely to develop leukaemia than those who lived far from such roads. It is possible that high levels of traffic pollution from the roads are responsible for the higher rates of the illness.

science and technology

Does ISO 14001 certification reduce industry pollution?

Companies with environmental standard ISO 14001 certification may emit just as much air pollution as non-certified companies, according to a recent study. The results suggest companies see ISO 14001 as a way to appear environmentally responsible rather than to actively improve their environmental credentials.

science and technology

Researchers assess indoor air pollution across Europe

The quality of indoor air varies widely across Europe, according to a recent study. However, more data are needed from a range of locations, especially in towns and cities, and greater harmonisation of sampling and analysis procedures are needed to develop a more comprehensive picture of European indoor air quality.

science and technology

A simple model of urban air pollution

Traffic fumes can cause serious health problems, but their distribution and spread in complex urban environments can be hard to predict. Now, researchers have created the ‘STEMS-Air dispersion model’, which can be used by planners and health authorities to give accurate daily and annual estimates of exposure to traffic fumes and other forms of air pollution in cities.

science and technology

Researchers assess indoor air pollution across Europe

The quality of indoor air varies widely across Europe, according to a recent study. Poor indoor air quality is mainly due to household products, outdoor pollution and smoking yielding high levels of organic pollutants harmful to human health. The study indicates higher levels of indoor air pollution in southern Europe than in northern Europe, and with an associated risk of cancer higher than the acceptable unit risk. However the present data must be improved in order to get more precise risk estimates

science and technology

Analysing trends in tropospheric levels of ozone

A new study has analysed trends in ozone levels in the European troposphere from 1996 to 2005. It indicated that average levels have been increasing despite reductions in pollutants that influence ozone formation. However, it also identified year-by-year variations, caused by climate and weather events, and suggested they could be masking the impact of emission reductions on long-term ozone trends.