science and technology Benefits of constructed wetland ecosystem services worth more than double the costs By Published On :: Thur, 10 Sep 2015 9:23:19 GMT The economic benefits of the ecosystem services provided by constructed wetlands far outweigh the costs of maintaining them, new research has confirmed. Analysis of a wetland that treats the third largest lake in Florida, US, shows that it provides ecosystem services worth $1.79 (€1.64) million per year, against costs of less than half that figure. Full Article
science and technology Link found between ‘algal blooms’ and liver disease By Published On :: Thur, 10 Sep 2015 9:23:19 GMT Cyanobacteria — often referred to as blue-green algae — are found in water bodies around the world and can produce toxins with potential health risks. This US-wide study found a significant positive association between cyanobacterial bloom coverage and death by non-alcoholic liver disease. The researchers say their study suggests some evidence of a potential health risk and should be used to generate further investigation into the health impact of cyanobacteria. Full Article
science and technology Global variation in persistent organic pollutants in breast milk By Published On :: Thu, 17 September 2015 9:12:34 GMT Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are priority pollutants that pose a risk to human health, and can be passed on to children via breast milk. This study investigated how concentrations of POPs in breast milk vary worldwide by reviewing studies published between 1995 and 2011. They found that levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins in breast milk are higher in Europe and North America, whereas pesticides are more prevalent in Africa and Asia. The authors call for harmonisation of methodologies to enable high quality comparisons between studies. Full Article
science and technology Disease-causing bacteria made more resilient by standard water disinfection practices By Published On :: Thu, 17 September 2015 9:12:34 GMT Halogenated nitrogenous disinfection by-products (N-DBPs) in water increase bacterial resistance to antibiotics, new research shows. The study found that a strain of bacteria which can cause disease in humans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, increased its resistance to a range of different antibiotics by an average of 5.5 times after the bacteria were exposed to chemicals which form as by-products of common water treatment procedures. The results highlight the risks to public health which these currently unregulated by-products may cause. Full Article
science and technology Compost made by worms from livestock manure yields benefits when applied to maize By Published On :: Thu, 24 September 2015 9:54:32 GMT Vermicomposting livestock manure with maize can increase agricultural benefit by 304%, shows a new study. The combination of increased crop yield and the additional earthworms produced as a result of the process led to a substantial increase in output compared to a traditional composting system. Full Article
science and technology Collecting data to explore the ecological threat of nanomaterials By Published On :: Thu, 01 October 2015 9:23:32 GMT The overall ecological impact of 10 engineered nanomaterials has been modelled for the first time using toxicity data from multiple living species. These models will allow researchers to assess the effect nanomaterials may have on both ecosystems and people. Full Article
science and technology Mussels: Biomonitoring tools for pharmaceutical pollution in the marine environment? By Published On :: Thu, 01 October 2015 9:23:32 GMT Pharmaceutical pollution of marine environments has important biological consequences for aquatic organisms. This study investigated the effects on mussels of treatment with environmentally relevant levels of an antidepressant, fluoxetine, and a beta-blocker, propranolol, using biomarkers including DNA damage. The results showed that mussels are most vulnerable to these drugs in combination. Full Article
science and technology Gulf of Mexico oil spill exposed Peregrine falcon species to harmful hydrocarbons By Published On :: Thu, 08 October 2015 9:23:32 GMT Migrating tundra peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus tundrius) experienced increased levels of harmful hydrocarbons in their blood following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a new study finds. Blood from juvenile females was found to have the highest levels of contamination. Full Article
science and technology Effects of extreme weather, climate and pesticides on farmland invertebrates By Published On :: Thu, 08 October 2015 9:23:32 GMT Cereal fields provide a staple food, but are also home to a wide array of invertebrates. This study analysed over 40 years of data to investigate the effects of extreme weather, climate and pesticide use on invertebrates in cereal fields in southern England. As pesticide use had a greater effect on abundance than temperature or rainfall, the authors also recommend reducing pesticide use. Full Article
science and technology Some plants are more sensitive to herbicides during reproductive stages of life cycle By Published On :: Thu, 15 October 2015 09:23:32 GMT This study assessed the effects of herbicides on non-target plants in Denmark and Canada. The findings showed that some plants are more sensitive to herbicides in the reproductive stages of their life cycle and can experience delays in flowering and reduced seed production. The authors say future ecological assessments should consider reproductive outcomes. Full Article
science and technology Biomonitoring study suggests exposure to environmental chemicals varies greatly across the EU By Published On :: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 09:01:23 GMT The framework for a Europe-wide biomonitoring programme has been established by a new study. The preliminary investigation of 17 European countries showed that monitored levels of toxic chemicals varied significantly between countries. Although the levels were mostly within recognised health-based guidance values, in a few cases these values were exceeded. The researchers suggest that a fully-fledged European biomonitoring programme would help to develop policies to avert public health risks presented by environmental chemicals. Full Article
science and technology Microalgae sticks to microplastics and transports them to the seabed By Published On :: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 09:01:23 GMT Fragments of microplastics are readily incorporated into groups of microscopic algae, altering the rate at which the plastics move through seawater, a recent study has found. In laboratory tests, polystyrene microbeads, which usually sink to the bottom of seawater at a rate of 4 mm a day, sank at a rate of several hundreds of metres a day when part of microalgae aggregates. Full Article
science and technology Tests reveal toxic effects of a broad-spectrum herbicide on aquatic plants By Published On :: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 09:01:23 GMT Herbicides in aquatic environments can have negative consequences on local plant life. This study investigated the effects of glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides in the world, on a marine plant species. The herbicide caused significant changes to the plant, reducing the number and chlorophyll content of leaves, and high concentrations were lethal. The authors say use of this chemical may be dangerous to plants in estuaries. Full Article
science and technology Pesticides may harm wild bees but natural areas can mitigate effects By Published On :: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 09:11:22 GMT The use of pesticides in orchards may be threatening populations of wild bees, which are important pollinators that increase crop productivity, a new study concludes. However, the damage was mitigated in areas where the orchards were surrounded by natural landscapes, such as deciduous forests. Full Article
science and technology New method for detecting microplastic particles in fish stomachs By Published On :: Thu, 05 Nov 2015 11:11:11 GMT A novel approach for identifying and isolating anthropogenic – including microplastic – particles in fish stomachs has been devised by researchers in Belgium. The new method may enable scientists and policymakers to better assess the presence, quantity and composition of particles ingested by marine life, and improve understanding of the environmental effects of marine plastic pollution. Full Article
science and technology Soil and Water: a larger perspective - November 2015 By Published On :: Tues, 10 Nov 2015 9:23:19 GMT Land use changes over time have altered relations between soils and water cycles throughout the world. Soils have been lost and degraded, and the closely interlinked processes of soils and water have become an urgent issue for European policymakers. This Thematic Issue aims to provide a review of new research into the links between soil and water issues in Europe, including a message that the soil-water links must be considered at their proper spatial scales. Full Article
science and technology Integrating animal and crop production can reduce nutrient leaching from agricultural fields By Published On :: Tues, 10 Nov 2015 9:23:19 GMT Nutrient leaching, the movement of plant nutrients from soil to water, can have negative effects on aquatic ecosystems due to eutrophication, which reduces the oxygen available in water, causing species and habitat loss. Ecological Recycling Agriculture (ERA), which is based on ecological principles and integrates crop production and animal husbandry, may limit this effect. This study investigated the impact of ERA on agricultural fields in Finland, showing that the practice can reduce nitrogen leaching and may help to achieve agricultural nitrogen-reduction targets. Full Article
science and technology Orchard management practices may lead to changes in diversity of spiders By Published On :: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 08:18:14 GMT Different management practices using pesticides affect the diversity, number and ecological traits of ground spiders in apple orchards, a new study finds. Because spiders are viewed as good indicators of the quality of an entire ecosystem, the results reveal that organic orchard management may be better for local management and landscape characteristics when compared to those with pesticide use. Full Article
science and technology Anti-diabetic drug causes intersex in male fish By Published On :: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 09:18:14 GMT Intersex fish, in which male reproductive tissues become ‘feminised’, are increasingly being identified. This effect has traditionally been attributed to birth-control medications. This study exposed fish to a widely prescribed anti-diabetic, metformin. Male fish developed female sexual characteristics and reproductive rate decreased, which suggests that metformin may be a non-traditional endocrine-disrupting compound. Full Article
science and technology The German environmental specimen bank – a blueprint for EU chemicals management? By Published On :: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 09:18:14 GMT Environmental specimen banks (ESBs) first emerged in the 1960s and are now essential to environmental management across the globe. ESBs sample and archive environmental specimens and can be used to identify the distributions of chemicals within ecosystems and trace their exposure over time. This study uses the German ESB to illustrate their potential for chemicals monitoring in the EU. Full Article
science and technology New method needed to estimate contamination in vegetables By Published On :: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 09:12:03 GMT The traditional method for estimating contamination levels of vegetables grown in contaminated soils may not be as reliable as previously thought, a new study finds. A new risk assessment technique showed that the daily intake of cadmium in lettuce grown in soils near Swedish glasswork sites was above the safety threshold for a fifth of the study population. Full Article
science and technology Integrating Environmental Risk Assessment – December 2015 By Published On :: Thur, 10 Dec 2015 12:23:19 GMT Environmental risk assessment is challenging because of the complexity of the physical and ecological systems around us. Natural disasters, the spread of dangerous substances, ecosystem changes leading to food and health security issues, and the emergence of new materials, new events and new knowledge make it essential to update our understanding continually, to be able to identify threats and opportunities for timely action. This Thematic Issue presents some collaborative and integrated paths towards forward-thinking assessment and management of environmental risks. Full Article
science and technology Risk management: a dynamic approach with real-time assessment of new hazards By Published On :: Thur, 10 Dec 2015 12:23:19 GMT New research has combined two different techniques for identifying hazards and assessing risks into a single dynamic risk assessment process. The new approach fills a gap in many current risk assessment techniques as it can be applied throughout the lifetime of a process, not just during its design phase, taking into account new information to update risk assessments and calculations systematically. Full Article
science and technology Chemical risk governance in the EU: limits and opportunities to integration and harmonisation By Published On :: Thur, 10 Dec 2015 12:23:19 GMT Chemical risk assessment and governance can be integrated and harmonised, but only up to a limit, albeit a variable limit, finds new research. The study’s authors examined the socio-political processes and factors surrounding integrated risk assessment and governance associated with chemicals in the EU. The research suggests there are opportunities for improvement if different views and implications of risk integration are considered through open communication and negotiations. Full Article
science and technology Bridging the gap between life cycle assessments and planetary boundaries: a cross-EU chemical footprint By Published On :: Thur, 10 Dec 2015 12:23:19 GMT A methodology for assessing ‘chemical footprints’ has been developed by researchers to evaluate human pressures and the impact of chemicals released by the production and consumption of goods. The study integrates a life-cycle approach with different methodologies, such as those developed in the context of environmental risk assessment and sustainability science, with the aim of assessing the extent to which chemicals impact on ecosystems beyond their ability to recover (i.e. surpass planetary boundaries). Full Article
science and technology Prospects for integrating chemical risk assessment By Published On :: Thur, 10 Dec 2015 12:23:19 GMT Chemicals regulation in Europe could be improved through integrated risk assessment, says an EU project. The project team presents a range of perspectives on how the integration of hazard, exposure and socio-economic assessments can be promoted and implemented. Full Article
science and technology Lithium accumulates in plasma and brains of fish after short-term exposure By Published On :: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 09:11:38 GMT Lithium production has increased dramatically during the past decade. A new study has found that exposure of rainbow trout to lithium results in fast accumulation in plasma and the brain, along with decreased concentrations of ions such as sodium. Full Article
science and technology Active pharmaceutical ingredients in wastewater: who are the major contributors? By Published On :: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 09:11:38 GMT Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) — responsible for the biological activity of drugs — have been widely found in the environment, yet the precise sources and relative importance of emissions via wastewater are not quite clear. This study assessed emissions from three health institutions in Germany — a hospital, a psychiatric hospital, and a nursing home — and found their contribution was low compared to that from households. However, more research is needed to understand the environmental effects of neurological drugs, emissions of which were in some cases relatively high. Full Article
science and technology Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution alter the mutual relationship between corals and algae By Published On :: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 09:11:38 GMT Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution change the relationship between the tropical coral Stylophora pistillata and the algae living inside its tissues, a recent study has found. The researchers say the pollutants, mainly from urban and agricultural discharges, affect algae photosynthesis and the essential transfer of carbon from algae to the coral. Full Article
science and technology Modelling emissions of perfluorinated chemicals to the Danube River Basin By Published On :: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 09:11:38 GMT The emissions of two perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) into the Danube River Basin have been estimated in a test of four different hypotheses regarding the factors affecting those emissions. The results were used to simulate water concentrations for comparison with measured data. The researchers found that incorporating wastewater treatment information and wealth distribution alongside population data can improve the accuracy of emissions estimates. Full Article
science and technology Are endocrine disrupting chemicals responsible for downward trends in male fertility? By Published On :: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT A growing body of evidence suggests that endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) are contributing to declines in fertility. This case-control study found that EDCs were associated with changes to sex hormones and risk of subfertility in men. The researchers say environmental levels of these chemicals should be reduced to protect male fertility. Full Article
science and technology Advances in freshwater risk assessment: experiences with Biotic Ligand Models By Published On :: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT To assess the risk posed by metals in the aquatic environment, Biotic Ligand Models (BLMs) were developed, and are now considered suitable for use in regulatory risk assessments. This study reviews the advantages of BLMs and BLM-based software tools, providing examples from across the EU, and offers recommendations for their widespread implementation. Full Article
science and technology Mercury-resistant bacteria useful for studying toxic metal cycling By Published On :: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT Mercury-resistant bacteria could help scientists to understand more about mercury cycling in the environment. In a new study, researchers identified one particular strain of soil bacterium that could serve as a model for the conversion of the toxic metal into less toxic forms. They also discovered a new gene involved in the conversion process. Full Article
science and technology High levels of endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in sediments and fish from the Italian River Po and its Lambro tributary By Published On :: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT Researchers have recommended that fish from some sections of the River Po and the River Lambro, one of the Italian River Po tributaries, should not be eaten due to high levels of some endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the river sediments and fish. This recommendation is based on an extensive update regarding pollution levels of such substances in the rivers. Full Article
science and technology Salmon aquaculture could incorporate seaweed and sea urchins to reduce nitrogen enrichment By Published On :: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT Farming fish together with seaweed and other species could help improve the sustainability of aquaculture and reduce pollution. A new study provides a tool for designing sustainable fish farming systems and calculates their potential to recycle waste. An example of a salmon farming system incorporating seaweed and sea urchins could reduce nitrogen releases to the environment by 45%. Full Article
science and technology Common consumer products contain high levels of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances By Published On :: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and its derivatives — linked to health problems in animals — have been found in levels exceeding EU thresholds in some outdoor textiles, leather goods and ski waxes, according to a recent analysis of everyday consumer items. Better quality control in the processing and manufacture of goods coated with the substances is among the recommendations made by researchers to reduce human exposure to these toxic chemicals. Full Article
science and technology Herbicide reduction can preserve crop yields as well as biodiversity benefits of weeds By Published On :: Thu, 04 Feb 2016 09:12:34 GMT Pesticide-sparing approaches to farming do not have to compromise on crop yields, new research suggests. A study that explored the impact of reduced herbicide use across a variety of different farming contexts found that herbicide-efficient systems could be just as productive as conventional systems — and more so than organic systems — whilst having other important environmental benefits. Full Article
science and technology Lake Como contaminated with chemicals banned in the 1970s By Published On :: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 09:12:34 GMT Research has found evidence for recent contamination of Lake Como, northern Italy, with chemicals banned in the EU since the 1970s. Levels of DDT and PCBs in sediment, aquatic microorganisms and fish were examined. The results suggest glacial meltwater as a source for renewed DDT contamination and show recent contamination of fish above safe levels. The findings demonstrate the need for continued monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in European waters. Full Article
science and technology Egg consumers may be exposed to dioxins above EU limit due to farmyard PCP By Published On :: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:12:34 GMT Chickens foraging on soils containing environmental pollutants can accumulate these chemicals in their tissues and eggs. This study assessed levels of dioxins in eggs produced in Poland, in some cases finding concentrations several times above the safe EU limit. The researchers identified the source as preservative-treated wood in the chicken coop, which they say is a public health risk. Full Article
science and technology Exposure to BPA derivatives: newer analogues may also have endocrine-disrupting effects By Published On :: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:12:34 GMT Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that is widespread in the environment. Researchers reviewed and critically discussed the sources and routes of human exposure to chlorinated derivatives (ClxBPA) and alternatives to BPA (BPF, BPS), as well as their metabolism, toxicity and concentrations in human tissues. The researchers suggest BPA alternatives and derivatives may have similar effects, and provide directions for future research. Full Article
science and technology Wastewater treatment plant discharges can promote the development of antibiotic resistance in streams By Published On :: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:12:34 GMT Widespread use of antibiotics has led to pollution of waterways, potentially creating resistance among freshwater bacterial communities. A new study looked for antibiotic resistance genes in a river basin in Spain, revealing that wastewater discharges can promote the spread of antibiotic resistance in streams and small rivers. Full Article
science and technology Chemicals applied to fruit after harvesting affect soil microbe function By Published On :: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 09:12:34 GMT Wastewaters from fruit-packaging plants may contain preservative chemicals. When spread onto fields, these wastewaters affect the way soil microbes cycle nitrogen, new research has found. Although this may impair crop growth, according to the authors, the results could also lead to the development of new substances that reduce nitrate run-off from agricultural land. Full Article
science and technology Harmful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons removed from soil using wastewater sludge and polyacrylamide By Published On :: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 09:30:23 GMT Wastewater sludge is widely used to remove toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soil, and yet the mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear. A new study reveals the extent of PAH removal following different treatments, and could provide a useful resource for those looking to diminish the effects that these pollutants have both on people and on the environment. Full Article
science and technology Resistant sugar beet varieties better for controlling cyst nematodes than trap crops or pesticides By Published On :: Wed, 04 May 2016 12:34:56 GMT Growing sugar beet varieties which are resistant to their pest, the cyst nematode, is the best way to achieve high sugar yields in northern Germany, recent research has concluded. The researchers say this method is better than growing trap crops or using pesticides to control the pests. Full Article
science and technology Biodegradation of PPCPs in wastewater treatment plants — a Danish case study By Published On :: Wed, 04 May 2016 12:34:56 GMT The non-restricted production and use of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) has led to their presence in effluents from treatment plants, which can pose a threat to aquatic organisms downstream. This study analysed the breakdown of six common chemicals in four Danish treatment plants. The findings shed new light on the factors affecting removal of PPCPs from waste, showing that the composition of waste is more important than the design of the treatment plant. Full Article
science and technology Increasing impact of oestrogen pollution through climate change and population growth By Published On :: Wed, 25 May 2016 10:10:10 GMT Oestrogens are ‘female’ hormones that can enter the aquatic environment after excretion by humans and animals, causing ‘feminisation’ of male fish. This study carried out a risk assessment for oestrogen-like endocrine disruption in the UK in the 2050s, based on likely changes to the human population, river flows and temperature. The authors found that risk is likely to increase under future conditions and recommend further research to assess whether improving sewage treatment could reduce oestrogen pollution. Full Article
science and technology New technique developed to recycle indium from waste LCD screens By Published On :: Thu, 02 Jun 2016 09:01:15 GMT Researchers have developed a technique to recover indium, an important raw material with limited supply, from liquid crystal display (LCD) screens. The method could contribute to a resource-efficient, circular economy. Full Article
science and technology Pesticide additives can weaken the predatory activity of spiders By Published On :: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 09:01:15 GMT Two chemicals used as co-formulants in pesticides have been found to reduce the predatory behaviour of the wolf spider Pardosa agrestis, an insect predator found within agricultural landscapes. A third co-formulant was found not to affect the predatory behaviour of females and increased the prey behaviour of male spiders. This is the first time that pesticide additives have been shown to alter the predatory activity of a potential biological control agent of crop pests. Full Article
science and technology Chemicals risk assessment: evidence-evaluation methods analysed for nine EU regulations By Published On :: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 09:01:15 GMT The use of two methods to systematise evidence-evaluation methods is reviewed in nine EU regulations dealing with chemicals risk assessment. The majority of frameworks were found to promote the use of ‘weight of evidence’ or ‘systematic review’-style approaches, but the study found a lack of structured, consistent and detailed guidance for these approaches. The researchers recommend this guidance is developed collaboratively by European regulatory agencies and points to best practice for this guidance. Full Article
science and technology Pollutants at India’s biggest ship recycling yard, including heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons, quantified By Published On :: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:12:34 GMT A study of the pollution caused by ship scrapping in Alang, India, shows significantly higher levels of heavy metal and petroleum hydrocarbons in sediment and seawater, compared to a control site. The researchers also found reduced populations of zooplankton — a critical food source for marine biota — and increased numbers of pathogenic bacteria. Full Article