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More Than in God's Image

What is the best way to defend the exceptional nature of human beings?

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Even The Worst MDs Can Be Suicide Doctors

Do "doctors of death" need any specialized training to diagnosis and prescribe lethal drugs to patients who want to die?

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Religious Conscience Unwelcome in Healthcare

Will healthcare providers who hold to the sanctity of human life be allowed work in the emerging secular society?

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It's Time to Debate “Brave New World”

Are we living in the "Brave New World" of Aldous Huxley?

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How Assisted Suicide Advocacy Hurts the Sick

Wesley J. Smith shares the story of his friend, Robert Salamanca, who died peacefully with dignity of ALS.

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“Animal Rights” Would Ban Pets

Should animals and humans have the same rights? How best should we care for animals in a humane way without confusing the value of the two?

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Assisted Suicide Right for the Institutionalized Mentally Ill

Is euthanasia really the best way to alleviate the suffering of those dealing with serious mental illness?

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Pro-Lifers: Get Out of Medicine!

Returning to the podcast after a personal break, Wesley ask, "Can doctors and other healthcare providers be forced to provide medical proceeds, like abortions, when it goes against their convictions?"

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Rivers Declared to be “Persons”

Should aspects of nature be given the same kind of rights as human beings?

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Three Culture of Death Tipping Points

How did our society become so accepting of a culture of death - from Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Terri Schiavo, and Planned Parenthood?

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Whose Baby is Charlie Gard, Anyway?

Who should decide what is best for a child, the parents or medical professionals and the state?

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What's Love Got to do With Transhumanism?

Wesley introduces the Transhumanists and then explains what is wrong with their desire to increase human intelligence.

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What If There Was Another Polio Epidemic?

To what extent should efforts be made to work for the healing of those with significant illnesses, like polio, rather than letting them die with assistance?

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How the Media Promotes “Some” Suicides

Should we be working to prevent all suicide, or should we support and encourage "some" suicides?

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Will We REALLY Kill Alzheimer's Patients?

Will the United States follow the lead of other countries who have put into law the most radical euthanasia policies?

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East Meets East - The Indian Orthodox

Dr. Rossi interviews a young seminarian at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary about the Indian Orthodox Church. We also hear some examples of Indian Orthodox chant.

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Welcome to Our First Episode

In this inaugural program, Dr. Rossi helps us define what "a Healing Presence" is and how we can begin that journey together. Included is a touching musical recording of Dr. Rossi's dear wife who fell asleep in the Lord several years ago, but who is still his life's companion.

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God Heals Others Through Us

Dr. Rossi explores how the fire of God's healing presence can flow right through us to others.

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Metropolitan Kallistos says "Solitude is a state of soul, not a matter of geographical location. The real desert lies within the heart." In this episode, Dr. Rossi explores the healing nature of silence.

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The Power of the Name

When we are silently aware of the presence of Christ, the whisper of His name will bring healing to us and spill out to others.

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Hearing the Snow

When we are intentional in our listening and silence, we are in the best position to commune with Christ.

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The Heart of the Matter

Our communion with God springs from the heart - our all important "inner space."

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Walking in God's Presence

What does it mean to be constantly in the presence of God? Dr. Rossi explores the practical implications in today's episode.

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The Still Small Voice

How does God speak to us? Are we listening?

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Internet Pornography - Part 1

Dr. Rossi identifies the the alarming statistics and the alluring dangers of Internet Pornography.

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Internet Pornography - Part 2

In part 2, Dr. Rossi gives some practical advice to those who are struggling with internet pornography or those who provide counseling.

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Anger - express it or repress it? Dr. Al Rossi gives us guidance and helps us understand the healthy and Christ-like alternatives.

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Living for Others

Part of becoming a healing presence is to share our lives with others without the expectation of reward or acknowledgement. Dr. Rossi shares the story of Johnny Appleseed as an example.

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The Power of Being Non-Judgmental

Dr. Rossi talks about the jungle of wicked thoughts in our minds and the need to not judge others.

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Today, Dr. Rossi distinguishes between despondency and depression and helps us recognize and deal with it so we can be a healing presence to others.

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Our Memories

How should we consider our memories? As simple camcorders, recording each event and recalling them the same way each time or something more complex?

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Rigorous Honesty

In this episode Dr. Rossi talks about pursuing a personal policy of honesty in all things.

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Personal Freedom

What are we free and not free to do as believers in Christ? Dr. Rossi gives some practical examples of freedom used where freedom was not appropriate.

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Orthodoxy is “Paradoxy”

Dr. Rossi talks about the many paradoxes in Orthodoxy that defy explanation but at the same time define our faith.

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Embracing Ambiguity

Continuing the theme of the last episode which dealt with Orthodoxy as Paradoxy, Dr. Rossi talks about the need to embrace ambiguity.

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Sane Asceticism

Dr. Rossi begins a short series on the "Pendulum of Asceticism" with today's episode titled "Sane Asceticism."

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Dark Asceticism

Continuing his series on the "Pendulum of Asceticism", Dr. Rossi talks about "Dark Asceticism" and its dangers.

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The Problem of Suffering

Why is there suffering in the world? Is God trying to punish us? Dr. Rossi addresses this important topic and helps us understand that there is purpose in suffering.

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Asceticism and Orthodox Secularism

In the third installment on the general topic of asceticism, Dr. Rossi addresses the subtle temptation to slip into secularism.

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The Problem of Death

None of us can avoid death. So as Orthodox Christians, how should we look at death and grief in a healing manner?

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Suicide - Part 1

In the first of a two-part series, Dr. Rossi helps us be a healing presence for those who are tempted with suicide.

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Forgiveness From the Heart

True forgiveness comes from the heart and Dr. Rossi tells us what that looks like.

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Christian Time Management

Books and seminars abound on the topic of time management but Dr. Rossi says as Christians we need to look at time management in a different way.

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The Sacrament of the Present Moment

We hear so much about "living in the present moment" but what does that mean and how do we do it?

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Evangelizing Orphans

Dr. Rossi interviews Fr. Nicholas Andruchow, Associate Director of Project Mexico.

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Vocation as a Way of Life

What is the difference between a career and a vocation? Dr. Rossi tells a personal story from his days as a Monk.

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Silent Night

In his special Christmas episode, Dr. Rossi explores the "night" in both the Nativity story as well as Christ's Passion.

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Les Miserables

Dr. Rossi reviews the new movie, Les Miserables, and points out the messages that are consistent with the Orthodox faith.

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Icons - Windows and Mirrors

Today, Dr. Rossi reflects on icons and the very different perspective of the Orthodox Christian when viewing them.

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Amazing Grace

Today Dr. Rossi reflects on this well-known hymn from both a personal standpoint as well as its place in Orthodox theology.