
Canadian teens beg Tim Hortons to make 'Roll Up The Rim' contest less wasteful

Every year, people go crazy buying coffee and tossing the cups, in hopes of winning a prize. It's a ludicrously antiquated model.


Atomo has invented the world's first beanless coffee

This curious concoction has been engineered to have all of coffee's fabulous flavor, minus the bitterness.


Starbucks' latte levy is being used to boost cup recycling rates

£1 million in grants will be divided among groups wanting to improve recycling facilities. But why should people have to compete for help in dealing with Starbucks' own trash?


Would a 25 cent charge for a disposable coffee cup make a difference?

That's what they are doing in Berkeley, and it will spread.


The life-changing magic of the short-stack coffee mug

This could be the key to getting people to carry reusable mugs each day.


How much coffee should you drink in a day?

No more than six cups, new research says.


Reusable coffee cup trial launches at Gatwick airport

Travellers can take a reusable cup and drop it off at a 'cup check-in point' before boarding a flight.


Dirty golden milk has changed my mornings (recipe)

This vegan, sweet, and spicy drink with a caffeine kick is an eye-opening way to start the day.


This coffee mug can find you a friend

A curious Norwegian initiative is connecting people in coffee shops who want to chat.


Can a Starbucks become "a beloved community hub"?

Years ago, we used to fight to keep out these corporate invaders. Now we fight to save them?


Why do cars have so many cupholders?

The Convenience Industrial Complex makes it so easy to just keep sipping while you drive.


Why did coffee cups and soda cups get so big?

There is more money in it for the Convenience Industrial Complex.


Take a reusable coffee mug to go at Berkeley cafés

But you'd better return it within 5 days or else you'll get fined.


How to make a greener cup of coffee

Reusable mugs aren't everything.


Blue Bottle cafes will be zero waste by the end of 2020

Realizing that recycling isn't working, the chain will be eliminating single-use cups and coffee bags.


Why Americans will never love tea as much as coffee

But some thoughts on why they should...


Starbucks announces yet another sustainability initiative

They do this every few years. Will this one be any more successful?


Vancouver's approach to coffee cup waste is too weak

Single-use cups don't need more sorting. They need to be eliminated.


Tim Horton's annual contest just got a lot greener

The Canadian coffee giant has redesigned Roll Up the Rim to encourage reusable cups.


Coronavirus is threatening the zero waste movement

Businesses are saying no to shoppers who want to use their own cups and containers.


25 things you should start adding to your compost pile

If you’re to take composting to the next level, here’s a list of some less-common items that can also get tossed in your composting bin or tumbler.


Solutions for single-use plastic pollution must consider all stakeholders

Teamwork pushes bold initiatives through.


Don't toss apple cores and banana peels on the ground

You may have learned that natural foods decompose in nature; Glacier National Park reminds us why it's a bad idea.


A guide to sustainable packaging labels

Consumers are choosing brands they think are better for the planet, so it’s important they know what they’re getting.


Why such hype over Pizza Hut's new round compostable box?

Until it can be composted in my own backyard, I'm not getting excited.


Why does Obama love natural gas? It's complicated.

Josh Fox says President Obama's support for natural gas shocked him, but Brad Plumer shows how the issue of gas exports and production has much to do with maintaining trade relationships.


Vice President Biden opposes Keystone XL. What can this tell us about Obama's plans?

"Vice President Joe Biden told a South Carolina environmental activist Friday that he opposes a controversial oil pipeline from Canada, but said he is "in the minority" inside the Obama administration."


Quid Pro Quo on Keystone approval? Not likely.

As we wait for President Obama and the State Department to make a decision on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, talk seems to have shifted away from why the pipeline should be rejected to what should be done in the event the project is approved.


Vice President Biden talks climate to Rolling Stone

Douglas Brinkley at Rolling Stone sat down for an hour with Vice President Joe Biden and the topic of climate change made up considerable bulk of the interview. It's worth a read


President Obama to make major climate change address

The White House released a preview video announcing President Obama will make a major national address on climate change, Tuesday, June 25.


What will Obama propose in climate speech?

On Tuesday, President Obama will give a major speech on climate change. He is expected to make major policy announcements, including the regulation of existing power plants. Here are some reactions from around the web.


President Obama proposes new climate change plan. (VIDEO)

Today, President Obama announced his new climate change plan, which includes a proposal to establish new rules for cutting carbon pollution from existing power plants. Read the plan and watch the speech here.


Four key moments of Obama's climate change speech

What should we make of President Obama's speech yesterday announcing his plan for addressing climate change? Here are four key moments worth remembering.


President Obama's Climate Change Plan (Infographic)

On Tuesday, President Obama announced his new climate change plan. Below is an infographic produced by the White House illustrating some facts about climate change and how these new proposal


Map of climate change deniers in Congress

If you're wondering why Congress has yet to tackle this global crisis despite overwhelming scientific consensus and ballooning costs of inaction, Think Progress maps which members of Congress deny the realities of global warming.


President Obama talks climate plan in weekly address

In his weekly address on Saturday, President Obama spoke about his new climate change plan.


Senate FINALLY confirms EPA chief, Gina McCarthy

After an unprecedented delay, the Senate finally voted 59 - 40 to confirm Gina McCarthy as the new administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.


Making a Republican case for climate action

Three Republicans and former administrators of the Environmental Protection Agency penned an important op-ed in The New York Times arguing for a Republican case for climate action.


Young Republican voters won't support climate denial, poll finds

A new poll conducted for the League of Conservation Voters found strong views among young voters, including young Republicans, regarding climate change denial.


Good news! Wind and solar power double under Obama

During the first four years of President Obama's administration, US electricity from wind and solar more than doubled, according to two new reports released today.


White House finally reinstalling solar panels

It took a while, but there will soon be solar panels on the White House.


Coastal flooding could cost $1 trillion by 2050, as Task Force warns to prepare for future storms

We've long known that sea level rise caused by global warming would threaten communities along the coasts, but a new study puts a startling figure on the potential damage. Meanwhile, the Hurricane Sandy Task Force releases a report.


The billionaire fighting to stop Keystone XL

In the current issue of the The New Yorker, Ryan Lizza tells the story of how Tom Steyer, "a fifty-six-year-old billionaire" has thrown his clout and money behind the effort to stop the Keystone XL pipeline.


Was southern leg of Keystone XL built illegally?

Steve Horn reports that in addition to expediting the southern leg, Executive Order 13604 also led to the expediting of 48 other oil pipeline projects.


With the government shutdown, is it time for Obama to reject Keystone XL?

The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza spoke with Fresh Air's Dave Davies about the Keystone XL pipeline and how because of the government shutdown, now is a good time to take action on climate change.


Bill McKibben on the failure of Obama's energy policy

Bill McKibben makes a strong case that despite the EPA's new power plant regulations and increasing fuel efficiency in cars, President Obama has largely been a failure in terms of pursuing a progressive energy policy


President Obama establishes a climate change preparedness and resilience task force

Today, President Obama signed an Executive Order (E.O.) establishing a Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience.


Was Keystone XL a huge mistake? Weighing the strategic importance of the tar sands pipeline fight

Was focusing on Keystone XL a mistake? Recent debates on that issue within the environmentalist community have caused some controversy. Here's a look at what people are saying.


Solar panels are back on the White House roof, 28 years later (it's about time!)

The 6.3kW solar array might not produce enough energy to power the White House, but its symbolism is important.


Fist bumps reduce bacteria transmitted by 90% compared to shaking hands.

Lets give a high five to these scientists who show that shaking hands is a filthy idea.