
Christmas Trees Recycled Into Fish Habitats Across the Country

Around the country, Christmas trees are recycled for an unlikely purpose: they make for good fish habitat.


Multi Purpose, Flat Pack Aluminium Christmas Tree for the Ultimate Minimalist

Created by Argentine designer José Manuel Rebert Alarcon, the sleek alternative to a dead tree allows other uses during the year.


Let's Have A Real War On Christmas Excess And Revive SPUG, the Society for the Prevention of Useless Gifts

Why should Fox News have all the fun?


Natural Trees Come With Christmas Critters

A new twist in the ongoing debate over the best Christmas tree: live, natural, artificial, or other?


How Do You Light Your Tree? (Survey)

How much have things changed over the years? Not much.


Green the holidays. Eat your Christmas tree.

Live Christmas trees are a great way to keep the holiday spirit alive into the New Year. But what if you could eat them too?


It's a floating Christmas tree

An old boat and nets are recycled into a lovely surprise.


Awesome Christmas tree from an old ladder

We've done them all - the organic Xmas tree, the re-plant live Xmas tree, the bike-delivered Xmas tree. This one feels the greenest of them all.


When it comes to Montreal's "ugly" Christmas tree, we're TreeHuggers.

Because it is really a Solstice Tree, and it is all about life in a harsh climate.


How to care for a living Christmas tree

Instead of buying a cut tree that gets used once, choosing a potted or burlap-bagged living Christmas tree can yield years of enjoyment.


How to have the greenest Christmas tree ever

These eco-friendly decorating tips will make your tree greener than the color of its pine needles.


Christmas tree shortage will be felt for a long time

When it comes to live Christmas trees, we're still feeling the effects of the Great Recession ten years ago.


Beautiful South African Christmas tree is made of recycled materials

Every year, the town of Barrydale makes a magnificent tree using upcycled plastic, ribbons, and interactive lighting.



It is the winter solstice today, celebrated in Rome as part of Saturnalia.


What's wrong with Amazon selling fresh Christmas trees?

The e-behemoth has just announced (IN SEPTEMBER) that it will be selling and shipping 7-foot trees this year. Here are the problems with that plan.


Living Christmas tree rental takes off in England, too

Pot-grown trees are a nice idea. Especially if someone else looks after them.


Why I always choose a real Christmas tree

It comes down to the plastic. I want as little of it in my life as possible.


A Canadian forester argues in favor of real Christmas trees

From supporting local farmers to boosting happiness, there are many reasons to use a real conifer in your house.


Look out for wild animals in your Christmas tree!

A few households have had surprising visitors.


Taking baby to the beach? Don't spend a fortune on dumb gadgets

After reading an article that recommended spending $1,300 on 'must-have' beach gear, it's time a serious talk about what's necessary and what's not.


Brand new shoes are washing up on beaches around the Atlantic

Scientists and concerned beachcombers are looking for answers.


Plastic cutlery makes top 10 list of trash items found on beaches

This dismal finding shows that our eating culture needs a serious overhaul.


Plastic-stemmed cotton buds are now illegal in Scotland

It's one less form of plastic pollution on beaches and coastlines.


The coronavirus and the cold chain

So much of our diet comes on refrigerated trucks. It consumes a lot of fossil fuels and puts out a lot of CO2.


Ten years ago today: Natural gas could be as bad as oil and coal

A look back at when we started learning the truth about natural gas.


Cottonwood Canyon Experience Center is built out of wood nobody wants

Juniper is an invasive species that's tough to work with.


First Contact: How will we deal with doors after the coronavirus?

It's a problem when nobody wants to touch anything.


Plant Prefab introduces two new sustainable modern prefabs by Koto Design

It would be nice to hang out in one of these right now.


Should every apartment or flat have a balcony?

Maybe, but we need balconies done right.


European engineers' recommendation: Stop recirculating air in buildings

Almost every American office building and home has this.


Now, more than ever, we need Arbor Day

Planting trees is one of the most effective things we can do to fight climate change. Too bad Arbor day is missing the opportunity.


Bring back the Open Air School

One way to keep kids healthy is to give them light, air, and openness.


New study shows how the coronavirus moves around an office

We are definitely not going back to the way we were.


Amsterdam apartment building is a modern "ship on land"

But let's not oversell wood construction.


After the coronavirus, we have to throw out The American Way of Building

Why now, more than ever, all new building should be Passive House.


This May Day, celebrate the front-line workers

It's Loyalty Day in America, but International Workers Day in much of the world. That's what we should celebrating right now.


New study confirms that gas stoves are bad for your health

Just using them for an hour pushes pollution above legal limits.


Yet another study concludes that gas stoves are really bad for kids' health

Serious cooks are serious about gas, but it's time to give it up.


Will the office be killed by the coronavirus?

Looking at how one firm, Bergmeyer, is returning to work raises some questions.


Frugal green living: Seven tips to get recession ready

There are some ideas that come around again with every economic crisis.


"Intertwined homes" are efficient, healthy, prefab and all-electric

Toronto project pushes every TreeHugger button


In defense of the pumpkin spice latte

Especially when civility is in tatters, why do we feel the need to judge little things that bring others joy?


This luxurious tiny house is powered by coffee grounds (Video)

Compact but comfortable, this small home features clever small space design ideas and uses coffee grounds as fuel.


Boulder embraces a radical solution to disposable coffee cups

Check out an insulated stainless steel mug for free, as you would a library book.


We can't just change our coffee cups, we have to change our lives

Why design fancy cups that work like disposables? Just sit down and smell the coffee.


Coffee stand folds out of a 60-year-old Morris Minor woody wagon

Talk about creative and adaptive reuse!


London coffee shop turns their cups into biochar

Does this make any sense, and is it truly circular?


No, Italy's coffee culture does not need to modernize

The Washington Post has proposed the worst idea I've heard in a while.


To get to a circular economy we have to change not just the cup, but the culture

Single use plastic waste is a fundamental driver of a linear system that is hard to bend.


Climate change is wiping out coffee

Most wild coffee species are at risk for extinction.