
Lovely Zig Zag Shaped Magazine Holder Doubles As Shelve And Clothes Hanger

Also spotted at the recent edition of the Feria Puro Diseno, Buenos Aires biggest design show, this simple yet interesting wooden home accessory goes in line with some of our favorite concepts: multi-purpose objects and small


A Desk for Kids Multitasks and Transforms As They Grow

You want your kid to have a desk that fits her, to do homework, play and draw. You also want your kid to grow up, eventually. But you don't want to buy a new desk every few years as she outgrows the old one. So


LifeEdited: Home Electronics and Entertainment

Photo credit: William Hook via Flickr/Creative Commons


Ryan Frank is Back with Bee Friendly Furniture for the National Theatre

All images via Ryan Frank. Ryan Frank may have moved his design studio to the sunnier climes of Barcelona, but he is still getting great commissions back in London, where he's made a name for his funky ways with reclaimed materials. The latest project


5 Ways to DIY Gorgeous Fall Harvest Decor

Fall isn't just known for the end of summer, finally-I-can-turn-off-the-air-conditioning temperatures, afternoon football games, and a return to your favorite soups and stews: It's also famous for its bounty of rich, saturated


Pendant Lamp That Lights, Grows & Cleans The Air: Babylone By Greenworks

Perfect idea for spaces with poor air quality: a multi-functional hanging lamp that grows air-purifying plants.


'Mushroom Death Suit' Could Remediate Bodily Toxins With Specially-Trained Mushrooms (Video)

Using mushrooms to challenge our unhealthy obsession with "body preservation," artist Jae Rhim Lee fabricates a suit that will remediate environmental toxins from dead bodies.


Clever 450 Sq. Feet Transformer Apartment Accomodates Father and Three Children in Brazil

Designer Paulo Alves took down all walls and created multi-function furniture for his small place.


22-Year-Old Frank Zappa Teaches How to Play the Bicycle (Video)

Sure, a bicycle can replace your car -- but as Frank Zappa demonstrates, it could replace your drum-set, too.


How GM earns $1 billion recycling

Forbes reports on how General Motors is recycling or reusing "90 percent of its manufacturing waste."


UpUp Play Tower is a standing desk, jungle gym and play space all rolled into one

Passive house designer creates a very active play house.


These musicians play instruments made of vegetables

From the impressive Vienna Vegetable Orchestra to hand-carved pipes and whistles in Japan, these creative people know how to find music anywhere, even in the crisper.


Smart robotic multifunctional unit for micro-apartments transforms with touch of a button (Video)

This automated smart home system for small apartments takes the effort out of having to transform your all-in-one furniture unit by hand.


Transformer tiny house automatically expands with RV-inspired pop-out

It's one answer to the complaint that tiny houses are too small: build it with an electrically operated, expandable slide-out.


All-in-one classy shoes come with different swappable heels (Video)

These transforming shoes can go from flat to a stylish stiletto within seconds.


Theatrical mobile unit creates multifunctional micro-apartment for two

Inspired by theater set design, this versatile volume holds storage and other hidden furniture.


Did scientists just solve the mystery of the pyramids?

For thousands of years, people have wondered how these monuments in Egypt were made.


Florida development is a trifecta of solar power, size and efficiency

Finally, Net Zero done right.


Mass renovation project halves energy use of existing homes

What if we declared climate change a crisis and put some serious resources to this type of initiative?


On elegance and energy efficiency

Dr. Steven Fawkes defines elegance as "the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple."


Have you changed all of your light bulbs to LEDs? (Survey)

They are cheaper and better than ever, and doing it can cut energy consumption for lighting by up to 90 percent.


Trump administration will try to exempt specialty bulbs from energy efficiency standards

Mini-spots, reflectors and candelabra bulbs were supposed to become more efficient next year, saving 80 billion kWh.


Electrify Everything: Why our thinking has to be as flexible and resilient as our buildings

It is hard keeping up with the latest ideas in green building, but things are changing fast.


No, Bill de Blasio has not banned glass and steel buildings in New York

But maybe he should.


Small loads from Internet-connected devices all add up

Our always-on devices turn out to consume a lot of power. Do I really need to connect my garage door to the Internet?


Simple cooking trick could save you 100 gallons of water, makes dinner better

If all Americans adopted this (almost) waterless method of cooking pasta, we'd save billions of gallons of water.


Embodied carbon is in the spotlight

Architects are finally taking it seriously. It's about time.


The top ten posts of the week, from good apartments to bad eggs

Also we've got electric motorcycles and hot rocks.


The top <s>ten eleven</s> twelve posts of June from yoga mats to wind turbines

With a few tips from Grandma thrown in.


Top ten posts of the week, from no poo to cozy rooms

Plus two ways to go green as we upgrade our popular series.


Top ten posts of the week, from eating bugs to rolling coal

Not to mention getting buried in dirt or building with it.


Get your daily or weekly dose of TreeHugger delivered to your inbox

Who says newsletters are old school? We pick the best of each day's TreeHugger and add a little je ne sais quoi


The top ten posts of the week, from Teslas to tiny houses

Plus lots of green things.


Top 10 posts of the week from cupboards to toilets

With a visit to a festival and a brown lawn.


The top ten posts of the week, from fair trade undies to fair trade coffee

And a few looks back at themes of the last ten years.


The top ten posts of the week by the pound

Also, much ado about nothing.


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In today's weekly newsletter, we go on about why cold showers are good for you (not the reasons you think); show off some very fancy LED lights in a very old fixture design and whine about the designs of tiny houses.


The top ten tiny houses of 2014

Here are the favorites in our favorite category


The ten most popular modular and shipping container projects of 2014

We love little boxes!


The top toasters of TreeHugger

A Guardian article inspires a silly roundup


2015: The year in wood construction

We're not called TreeHugger for nothing.


The top 10 Urban Design stories of 2015

Many of them seem to be about bikes and transportation though....


From MNN: A roundup of roundups

Lloyd Alter's favorite stories from our sister site.


The top ten posts of the year on TreeHugger

You picked them! We hug'em!


The top tiny houses of August

August is the best month for tiny houses and here are the best tiny houses of August.


The top ten TreeHugger posts of 2016

From tiny houses to busy bees


Let's go camping! A tour of teardrop trailers

They are light and efficient and easy to tow.


It's the week in TreeHugger

Can't keep up? Here's the best of the week in TreeHugger in digestible little bits.