
Photo: Fancy tarantula shows off his frippery

Our photo of the day comes from the magical rainforest of Ecuador.


8 natural remedies to get rid of household insects

From ants and pantry moths to black flies and fruit flies, these non-toxic DIY solutions are safer and more eco-friendly than traditional pesticides.


Epicures gathered in France for Bug & Wine pairing

For the first time ever, insects took the place of cheese at an upscale gastronomical event.


Bed bugs: Better, stronger, faster!

Research reveals that bed bugs develop resistance to widely used chemical treatments, potentially paving the way for super bed bugs.


Photo: Caterpillar impersonates plant

Our photo of the day illustrates the whimsical world of camouflage.


Photo: The very hairy caterpillar

Our photo of the day illustrates why the word 'caterpillar' (literally, shaggy cat) makes perfect sense.


Here's how 'night owls' can reset their sleep clocks

Over 3 weeks, researchers trained night owls to reset their sleep patterns; the results are pretty remarkable.


Here's how to reverse teen sleep problems in just a week

A new study shows how adolescents quickly improved their sleep time and quality in just one week's time.


5 ways to defeat fatigue

Fatigue can happen to anyone, and is not necessarily an inevitable part of getting older.


5 benefits of a night shower (including improved sleep)

Trade the morning shower for one before bed for better sleep and more.


Are you an 'advanced sleeper'?

One in 300 people are extreme early birds, and it may be genetic.


Why you need a good evening routine

When the evening is carefully planned, the morning goes smoothly.


The 'Hurry Slowly' podcast can help you do more by slowing down

Hosted by Jocelyn K. Glei, these wonderful interviews boost productivity, creativity, and resilience in surprising ways.


Social media use linked to depression in teens, study finds

But video games are surprisingly OK, making teens feel happier.


What is Instagram's role in overtourism?

Can the social media platform be blamed for the surge in camera-happy tourists?


Notes from a digital detox

Or, what happens when you go without Facebook and Instagram for an entire month.


No, we don't want an app for that

One smartphone user makes a case for using old-fashioned items like alarm clocks and newspapers.


On Canada's Birthday, a call for a Union of Climate Action

Those crazy radicals at 475 demand High Performance Building across the Dominion.


Plant-derived food additive touted as replacement for overuse of antibiotics

Is this carrot-based animal feed additive something worth crowing about?


Horrific abuse of chickens revealed at Eggland's Best farm

The company should really be called 'Eggland's Worst,' based on how these poor animals are treated.


Why I remain skeptical about McDonald's food changes

Everyone is jumping up and down for joy at the fact that McDonald's is now serving antibiotic-free chicken. Please, let's not ignore everything else that's so wrong with the company.


How Internet-driven activism has improved animal welfare

Over the past 15 years, awareness and interest in livestock conditions and wellbeing have increased exponentially, leading to significant improvements. How much further can it go?


What kind of milk can I drink without feeling guilty?

Welcome to my personal dairy dilemma and the weird, convoluted thoughts that keep me up at night.


Perdue says it's concerned about chickens' desires

The chicken-producing giant is desperate to rebrand itself as an ethical, transparent poultry producer.


Nutrition and animal welfare were winners on Election Day

Several monumental measures were passed in last week's U.S. election.


Don't believe what's printed on egg cartons

A new investigative report from Viva! reveals that conditions for laying hens are as hellish and squalid as ever, even if they're labelled free-range.


Are backyard eggs really that dangerous?

With an increase in salmonella cases this year, health officials are pointing the finger at hobby farmers, which isn't entirely fair.


This Newfoundlander wants kale, not cod

Jackson McLean is the face of a new vegan food movement on this remote Canadian island that's long been defined by fishing.


Organic food won't reduce your carbon footprint, study says

It's a disappointing conclusion, but surely there are other reasons why Earth-friendly food production is a good idea.


White Castle becomes first fast food chain to serve plant-based Impossible Burger

The so-called "bleeding" veggie burger is bleedin' everywhere these days.


So, what does White Castle's plant-based 'Impossible Slider' taste like?

A few intrepid film makers went to check it out. Their responses were not exactly uniform.


Antibiotics in meat could be making us fat

If these drugs have a fattening effect on livestock animals, it's logical that they would do the same for humans.


Pizza Hut promises antibiotic-free wings and side orders by 2022

The fast food chain has taken last year's promise to eliminate antibiotics from pizza a step further.


Are farmers and environmentalists teaming up?

Scientists found a way to get more crops per acre and save the planet at the same time.


Deadly ground beef recall comes with 'High' health risk warning

Cargill Meat is recalling 132,600 pounds of beef products nationwide that may be contaminated with E. coli.


Female pigs in U.S. are dying in record numbers

The premature deaths are linked to excessive breeding.


What does a renowned nutritional scientist eat?

Dr. David Jenkins is the man who came up with the glycemic index. His own diet may surprise you.


How do 7 million pounds of beef get contaminated?

Another massive recall raises questions about food safety standards -- and how animals are raised.


The peaceful farm I stayed on in northern Illinois

I picked a lot of squash.


Farm Burger introduces invasive species sandwich

Few things make as much sense as eating a harmful species, while sparing the threatened ones.


Cheap food harms public health and the environment, UK report says

Report also provides a blueprint for how to overhaul the food system to improve wellbeing all around.


Robin Day, Master of British Furniture Design, Dies

Yesterday TreeHugger asked whether the Monobloc was the most famous plastic chair in the world. Now, sadly, the death has been announced of the creator of another very famous plastic chair.


Dirty Rags; from old uniforms to funky object (Photos)

What can you do with 1.285 bright green used uniforms? This was the brief the design students at Elisava school in Barcelona received by Urbaser, a local waste collection and urban


Transformer Furniture: A Bookshelf Hides Table and Chairs

From Japanese designer Sakura Adachi comes this marvel of space-saving design: "Trick," the bookshelf that hides a table and two chairs. Featured by Italian manufacturer Campeggi at the 2010 Salone del Mobile in Milan, this is a great


London Pop-up Shop Showcases Best of British Design

Our friends over at the design blog Dezeen have launched a pop-up shop in the smartest part of town. Calling it Temporium, because it is only up for 10 days, it features the best of new British design.


An Adjustable Book Shelf Lets You Put Your Own Spin On Your Living Room

From South Korean design studio DesignJoo comes the Giro One, the piece that lets you put your own spin on your shelves, lighting, and side tables. The concept is simple: shelves can be added and their height adjusted by spinning them


Recycle a Christmas Tree; Make a Stool

The big day is over and it's time to think about getting rid of the tree. If you've got a sturdy one and want a piece of furniture, here's an idea.


10 Transformer Tables For a Tiny Urban Space: Help Pick The Best

TreeHugger founder Graham Hill is trying to radically reduce his footprint and live happily with less space, less stuff and less waste -- on less money -- but with more design. He calls it LifeEdited. To find each ideal piece of furniture for his small Ne


A Line of Furniture You Build & Rebuild, However You Like

I move around a lot - between being home, at school, and now living abroad, I've lived in seven different apartments or rooms in the last five years. And I don't see myself settling down any time soon. That's why I'm


Four-Piece, No Screw No Glue Modular Shelving System By Disenaveral In Buenos Aires

Another interesting find from Buenos Aires design fair, Feria Puro Diseno (FPD), this is a modular system designed by local studio Disenaveral to build different kinds of shelving spaces that adapt to changing situations.