
Steel Market Developments Q4 2017

This document provides an overview of recent steel market developments, as well as additional information about financial vulnerabilities, the latest developments in global steelmaking capacity and a brief overview of developments in selected downstream sectors.


Improving Italy’s capital market will boost growth opportunities for Italian companies and savers

Italy’s structural reforms of recent years have improved the financial health of the corporate sector and contributed to a gradual economic recovery. However, the Italian economy still lags other large European economies. Improving the way capital markets function would help drive investment in the real economy, creating jobs and boosting productivity, according to a new OECD report.


Wireless Market Structures and Network Sharing

A key issue for policy makers and regulators is market structures that will best deliver efficient and inclusive mobile communication services. This report addresses recent experience in selected countries that have changed or held constant the number of facilities-based operators; and initial experience and key questions that have arisen with wireless network sharing.


Supporting an effective cyber insurance market

13/05/2017 - With the frequency and scope of cyber incidents growing significantly, this report provides an overview of the market for cyber insurance as well as the current challenges in terms of data availability, quantification of cyber risks, awareness and misunderstanding about coverage. It identifies potential policy measures to address some of the main challenges to the development of an effective cyber insurance market.


Trust in peer platform markets: Consumer survey findings

In order to better understand the role and drivers of consumer trust in peer platform markets, the OECD’s Committee on Consumer Policy conducted an online survey of 10,000 consumers across 10 OECD member countries. This report discusses the findings of that survey.


Consumer protection enforcement in a global digital marketplace

This report examines information on consumer protection enforcement authorities of OECD member and non-member countries, especially on the ability of these authorities to co-operate across borders. It is based on questionnaire responses from 31 countries, supplemented by additional research.


Global Insurance Market Trends 2012

A complement to the OECD insurance database, this report monitors and analyses the insurance industry’s overall performance and health in OECD countries and Hong Kong (China), India, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, South Africa and Thailand.


OECD-Latin America Seminar on enhancing transparency and monitoring of insurance markets

This regional seminar in Montevideo, Uruguay, focused on the monitoring and transparency of insurance markets in Latin America through the provision of sound insurance statistics and indicators, regionally and globally.


Pension Markets in Focus 2013

After showing an average negative rate of return on investment across the OECD zone in 2011, pension fund assets achieved high returns in almost all OECD countries in 2012, with a real return greater than 5% in 18 countries, according to the latest edition of Pension Markets in Focus.


Pensions at a Glance 2013 - Highlights for Denmark

Highlights for Denmark from Pensions at a Glance which is a comprehensive examination of pension systems in OECD and selected non-OECD countries looking at recent trends in retirement and working at older ages, evolving life expectancy, design of pension systems, pension entitlements, and private pensions.


Supporting an effective cyber insurance market

13/05/2017 - With the frequency and scope of cyber incidents growing significantly, this report provides an overview of the market for cyber insurance as well as the current challenges in terms of data availability, quantification of cyber risks, awareness and misunderstanding about coverage. It identifies potential policy measures to address some of the main challenges to the development of an effective cyber insurance market.


The cyber insurance market: Responding to a risk with few boundaries

With the growth of cybercrime, and intensive media coverage of privacy breaches and ransomware attacks over the last year, could complacency about cyber risks soon be a thing of the past? Bill Below and Leigh Wolfrom of the OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs look at some of the challenges to insuring cyber risk.


Conference on unleashing the potential of the cyber insurance market

22-23 February 2018, Paris - The potential role of the nascent cyber insurance market in enhancing cyber resilience is increasingly being recognised by policy makers. This conference provided an opportunity to exchange knowledge and share experiences on addressing the challenges impeding the development of the cyber insurance market.


Financial markets, insurance and pensions: Digitalisation and Finance

This publication compiles a series of articles that focus on the impact of digitalisation and technology in the areas of financial markets, insurance, and private pensions. It also discusses the tools and policies needed to ensure that the challenges posed by digitalisation result in better outcomes and better management of the risks involved.


Insurance Markets in Figures, 2018

18 June 2018 - Preliminary data for 2017 show an increase in life and/or non-life gross premiums of domestic insurance companies in 40 out of the 43 reporting countries, compared to 2016.


The Contribution of Reinsurance Markets to Managing Catastrophe Risk

This report makes use of a unique set of data on premiums and claims provided by global reinsurance companies to examine the contribution that reinsurance has made to enhancing the capacity of the primary insurance market to manage catastrophe risk and to reducing the economic and insurance market disruption that often follows catastrophic events.


Insurance Markets in Figures, 2019

27 June 2019 - Preliminary data for 2018 show an increase in gross premiums of domestic insurance companies in most countries, especially in the non-life sector.


Pension Markets in Focus

Pension assets have been growing over the last decade, reaching USD 44.1 trillion worldwide at the end of 2018, despite a decline relative to end-2017. This trend is attributable to positive real net returns over the long term, and to increased contributions paid as more people are being covered by a pension plan in a number of countries, especially in those with recent mandatory or auto-enrolment programmes.


Global insurance market trends

This annual report analyses insurance market statistics collected by the OECD to monitor the insurance industry’s overall performance and health. It covers all OECD countries plus selected Asian, African and Latin American countries.


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SOPEMI 2011EbookFragments_with_friendlyDenmark_engl


OECD Review on the Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and their Children in Austria

Austria has a higher share of immigrants in the total working-age population than many other OECD countries. At the same time, the framework for integration policy is less developed than in a number of other OECD countries. These are among the main findings of this review.


Jobs for immigrants (Vol.3): Labour market integration in Austria, Norway and Switzerland

This publication reviews the labour market integration of immigrants and their children in three OECD countries (Austria, Norway and Switzerland) and provides country-specific recommendations. It also includes a summary chapter highlighting common challenges and policy responses. It is the third and last in a series which has covered eleven OECD countries.


Free Movement of Workers and Labour Market Adjustment

Maintaining a high-quality workforce represents a key strategic goal for both employment and economic growth.


Matching economic migration with labour market needs: EU-OECD conference in Brussels on 24-25 February 2014

The International Migration Division at the OECD together with the European Commission (DG Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion) organise a conference on migration and mobility and how to match economic migration with labour market needs.


Matching Economic Migration with Labour Market Needs

How can governments ensure that migration and free movement of workers contribute to meeting the labour market shortages that are expected to arise over the next 50 years? How can societies better use the skills of their migrants? What lessons can non-European OECD countries offer Europe, particularly regarding labour migration management? “Matching economic migration with labour market needs” addresses these questions.


Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries

Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries


Better adapting migration policies to labour market needs would help Ghana’s economy, says new ILO-OECD Development Centre report

Migration should be better integrated in labour market information and analysis. This could amplify the impact of Ghana’s efforts to enhance the economic contribution of migration, which culminated in 2016 with the adoption of a National Migration Policy aiming to mainstream migration into Ghana’s other development policies.


Countries should focus on labour market policies to help refugees and improve coordinated actions to tackle illegal immigration

Migration flows to OECD countries have dropped slightly for the first time since 2011, with around 5 million new permanent migrants in 2017, down from 5.3 million in 2016. This trend is mainly due to a significant decrease in new asylum applications, with 1.2 million applications in 2017 compared to 1.6 million in 2016, according to a new OECD report.


Addressing Competitiveness and Carbon Leakage Impacts Arising from Multiple Carbon Markets: A modelling Assessment - Environment Working Paper No. 58

Competitiveness and carbon leakage issues have been some of the main concerns in the implementation and discussions of climate policies. This paper examines the macroeconomic and sectoral competitiveness and carbon leakage impacts associated with a range of stylised mitigation policy scenarios.


Impacts of Green Growth Policies on Labour Markets and Wage Income Distribution: A General Equilibrium Application to Climate and Energy Policies - Environment Working Paper

This paper explores the consequences on the labour markets of structural changes induced by decarbonisation policies. These policies are likely going to have consequences on labour-income distribution given i) existing rigidities in the labour markets, and ii) their different impacts on sectors and on job categories.


The Environmental and Welfare Implications of Parking Policies - Environment Working Paper

Parking policies have significant environmental and economic implications, which have often been left unconsidered. This paper reviews the relevant literature to provide a deeper understanding of the main environmental and economic consequences of common parking policies, and suggest policy options to protect the environment and increase social welfare.


Market Development for Green Cars

This report reviews government policies and attempts to provide a better understanding of the growing market for green vehicles as well as new analytical instruments to identify measures that could be designed to foster the uptake of green cars.


Wanderer's Guide: Embark on a Journey to Explore the Vastness of India this November

Time flies as we try to catch up with our busy lives amidst the urban jungles.


Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries

Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries


Enhancing the inclusiveness of the labour market in Belgium

The global crisis led to a smaller increase in the unemployment rate than in most other OECD countries as employment has been sustained through intensive use of reduced working time schemes.


The Dutch labour market: preparing for the future

The well performing labour market has delivered low unemployment and relatively stable wage developments.


Labour market reforms in Denmark must tackle mental health issues

Ongoing reforms of Denmark’s disability benefits and flexjobs are promising, but a stronger focus on helping people with their mental health issues is needed for the reforms to contribute to a sustainable decline in the high rate of unemployment, according to a new OECD report. Past labour market reforms failed because underlying mental health problems of the jobless remained unaddressed.


Report: An international benchmarking analysis of public Programmes for High-growth firms

High-growth firms (HGFs) – firms able to grow fast over a short period of time – contribute to most new jobs in advanced economies.


Making labour markets inclusive

In this time of chronic unemployment, it is all too easy to lose sight of the single greatest trend underlying the long-term labour market: the demographic time bomb in the developed world. Indeed, the defining employment challenge of the future will be not the surplus, but the shortage, of appropriate labour.


Review of Recent Developments and Progress in Labour Market and Social Policy in Israel

This report presents the OECD's assessment of recent developments in Israel in the area of labour market and social policy. It focuses on recent trends in poverty and employment outcomes and policy development to improve employment opportunities, especially for the Arab and Haredi communities


People First! - Secretary-General's Opening Remarks to OECD Forum 2013

This OECD Forum and the Ministerial Council Meeting that follows, are precisely about people. This is the raison d’etre of this event: the wellbeing of our people. So be confident, you are at the right place, this Conference is about you, and your families, and your friends, and their dreams, fears and opportunities, said Angel Gurría.


OECD and ILO to release labour market update ahead of G20 Labour Ministerial in Moscow

The OECD and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) will publish updated G20 labour market data on Wednesday 17 July 2013 ahead of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers meeting in Moscow.


Spain’s labour market reforms on track but more assistance needed for young jobseekers, says OECD

Spain has taken courageous steps to strengthen its labour market. Recent reforms have helped create jobs and should further boost competitiveness and employment in the years to come. But additional efforts are needed to boost competition in product markets and to improve assistance to job seekers, particularly young people, according to a new OECD report.


Quality Apprenticeships for Giving Youth a Better Start in the Labour Market, G20-OECD-EC Conference

This conference on 9 April 2014 will provide an opportunity for a mutual sharing of good practice in fostering the better insertion of youth into the labour market through the development of quality apprenticeships. It would also seek to foster a greater commitment by countries to take action to introduce or strengthen apprenticeship initiatives and to take stock of the progress achieved.


Canada: Sustain inclusive growth by reducing housing market risks and overcoming specific skills shortages, says OECD

Canada has experienced solid economic growth since the global crisis, allowing it to reverse recession-induced job losses and put federal public finances on a sound footing, says the OECD. Growth is expected to accelerate from 2.5% this year to 2.7% in 2015.


Recent labour market reforms have yet to fulfil their promise, says OECD

The UK labour market weathered the recent recession moderately well. After a relatively limited fall, total employment recovered and it recently reached 30 million for the first time, even if a number of the new jobs created are low productivity and low paid.


Matching Economic Migration with Labour Market Needs

How can governments ensure that migration and free movement of workers contribute to meeting the labour market shortages that are expected to arise over the next 50 years? How can societies better use the skills of their migrants? What lessons can non-European OECD countries offer Europe, particularly regarding labour migration management? “Matching economic migration with labour market needs” addresses these questions.


G20: Remarks for Session 2 - Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth

We therefore need a “copernician” change in our approach to the growth – inequality nexus: let’s not think growth first, and inequality thereafter but let’s consider both of them, together, in their circularity. In other words, let’s think “Inclusive Growth”, right from the start, and let’s make it another touchstone of our efforts and complement the Pittsburgh tryptic of strong, sustainable and balanced growth!


How the Labour Market Drives Mismatch and its Penalties

Why are workers mismatched in the first place? Many, if not most, students choose a field of study based on what they want to become and do to earn a living. Yet almost four in ten workers end up doing something unrelated. This is sometimes by choice but not always.


The growing importance of social skills in the labour market

The fact remains that robots have persistently failed to imitate the most human of skills, such empathy, teamwork, relationship building, etc. While technology may be reducing the demand for some routine skills, it is simultaneously increasing the demand for more difficult-to-automate social skills.