
Bridging the rural digital divide

This paper examines recent policy and technology approaches to bridging the digital divide in rural and remote areas in OECD countries. It also includes a summary of common challenges and good practices to bring improved communication services to individuals and communities in rural and remote regions.


OSAA-OECD high-level event on leveraging pension funds for financing infrastructure development in Africa

Addis Ababa - Part of the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development, this event explored strategies to leverage Africa’s pension funds and other sources of private financing to develop Africa’s infrastructure. Ways to improve the investment climate in Africa using the recently updated Policy Framework for Investment were also be addressed.


Seminar on pension foresight: Envisaging retirement income plans of the future

21 June 2017, Paris: Co-organised by the International Network for Pensions, Aging, and Retirement Research (INPARR), the OECD and IOPS, this seminar provided a window into the latest thinking and research that sheds light on where pension plans and designs are headed in the future and challenges to their future sustainability and efficiency.


The Contribution of Reinsurance Markets to Managing Catastrophe Risk

This report makes use of a unique set of data on premiums and claims provided by global reinsurance companies to examine the contribution that reinsurance has made to enhancing the capacity of the primary insurance market to manage catastrophe risk and to reducing the economic and insurance market disruption that often follows catastrophic events.


Countries should strengthen pension systems to adapt to changing world of work

Governments should urgently reform their pension systems to ensure that the growing share of workers in temporary or part-time employment can contribute enough during their working lives to receive an adequate income in retirement, according to a new OECD report.


Managing our natural resources: can we build more with less? - Insights Blog

For World Environment Day on 5 June 2014, the OECD Environment Directorate looks at how we use and manage natural resources.


The climate is changing, so should we - Insights Blog

The OECD Environment Directorate has produced two videos to explain key climate issues as the UN Climate Summit opens today at UN headquarters in New York.


National Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation

Developing countries are increasingly moving towards more strategic national policies and plans, the effectiveness of which will depend upon proper assessment of a given country’s vulnerability to climate change. This report draws upon emerging monitoring and evaluation practices across developed and developing countries to identify four tools that countries can draw upon in their own assessment frameworks.


The Business Climate Has Changed: Imagining New Approaches for Our Climate

In his remarks to the Business & Climate Summit, the Secretary-General said that business lies at the heart of what we need to achieve on climate action. If Governments produce clear, credible and coherent national policies and clear messages and signals, the full transformative power of business, markets and human ingenuity will be unleashed.


Understanding and Managing the Unequal Consequences of Environment Pressures and Policies - Insights blog

The consequences of degradation of environmental quality as well as the consequences of environmental policies are typically unevenly distributed. In general, poorer countries and lower income households are more severely affected by environmental degradation and at the same time have less capacity to adapt.


Conference on Adapting to a changing climate in the management of wildfires

Organised in collaboration with PLACARD, the European research platform on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, this conference will bring together climate change adaptation and wildfire experts from governments and public agencies to discuss recent insights into wildfire risks as well as the extent to which policies have been able to address emerging challenges.


International Transport Forum: Transport for a changing world

The ITF is an intergovernmental organisation within the OECD to tackle mobility issues for the 21st century. The Forum acts as a platform to advance transport policy and practice, with a view to ensuring transport's contribution to economic growth, environmental protection, social inclusion and the preservation of human life and well-being. The ITF 2014 annual Summit is being held in Leipzig, Germany on 21-23 may 2014.


The Business Climate Has Changed: Imagining New Approaches for Our Climate

In his remarks to the Business & Climate Summit, the Secretary-General said that business lies at the heart of what we need to achieve on climate action. If Governments produce clear, credible and coherent national policies and clear messages and signals, the full transformative power of business, markets and human ingenuity will be unleashed.


Increased investment in renewable energy is key to spur sustainable growth in Emerging Asia

Despite a challenging global environment, the growth prospects of Emerging Asia (Southeast Asia, China and India) remain robust over the medium term, according to the latest edition of the OECD Development Centre’s Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India.


Custom applications bringing changes in online business

In yester years, only the business organizations with huge financial backing were able to initiate the process of custom software development. This condition immediately changed when positive remarks on the usage of these applications...


Advanced economies growing again but some emerging economies slowing, says OECD

A moderate recovery is underway in the major advanced economies, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Assessment. Growth is proceeding at encouraging rates in North America, Japan and the UK. The euro area as a whole is out of recession, although output remains weak in a number of countries.


Managing Hospital Volumes: Germany and Experiences from OECD Countries

To help inform the Conference on Managing Hospital Volumes, co-organised by the German Federal Ministry of Health and the OECD, and held on the 11th April 2013 in Berlin, the OECD Secretariat produced a paper to provide an international perspective on Germany’s situation and the current policy debate.


Recovery continuing in G7 countries, but emerging economies are mixed, OECD says

Recovery is under way in the world’s advanced economies, underpinned by supportive financial conditions and reduced drag from budgetary tightening, but activity in the major emerging markets is mixed, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Assessment.


Good jobs for all in a changing world of work: The new OECD Jobs Strategy - Key findings for Germany

The digital revolution, globalisation and demographic changes are transforming labour markets at a time when policy makers are also struggling with slow productivity and wage growth and high levels of income inequality. The new OECD Jobs Strategy provides a comprehensive framework and policy recommendations to help countries address these challenges.


Presentation of Clean-Tech Clustering as an Engine for Local Development: The Negev Region, Israel

The Negev region has the potential to deliver real and tangible benefits for regional development, green growth and social inclusion. The report explains how the region can exploit its existing strenghts and competitive advantages, including a niche in research, demonstration and testing in renewable energies and water efficiency.


Euro area labour costs converging, but imbalances persist

The euro area crisis finds its roots in the credit booms seen in many countries following the introduction of the euro in 1999. Easy credit led to strong growth in a range of sectors, notably housing, as well as higher levels of public spending. Inflation in these over-heating economies was higher than the euro area as a whole. Rising prices led to rising costs and a loss of international competitiveness.


Canada: Leveraging Training and Skills Development in SMEs - An analysis of two urban regions Montreal and Winnipeg

This paper looks at a study carried out among 80 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in two Canadian cities, Montréal and Winnipeg, based on a survey and case studies, which show the importance of innovation among Canadian SMEs. These innovations in turn create new demands for skill development, both through formal training and in informal activities.


Forging a gender-balanced economy

Getting more women into work is a priority goal of G20 policy, but gender inequality is a barrier. To overcome this, the OECD, ILO and others have identified ways forward.


Policy Brief: Adapting to the changing face of work - Policies to make the most of part-time and temporary work

OECD countries are seeing a trend away from traditional employment towards part-time and temporary work and self-employment. However, there are concerns that part-time and temporary work are contributing to inequality and poverty. Policy needs to focus on ensuring that these "non-traditional" jobs are stepping stones to better jobs, not dead ends.


Call for papers: Engaging employers in Skills development and utilisation

The work will seek to identify good practices for employer engagement in the areas of both developing and utilising skills, including setting up innovative workplace learning methods, designing effective employer partnerships with the employment and training system as well as financing mechanisms for employer-led training, including how best to reach SMEs.


School-to-work transitions in Emerging and Advanced Economies

Improving school-to-work transitions and ensuring better career opportunities for youth after labour market entrance are common goals in emerging and advanced economies as they can contribute to raising the productive potential of the economy and to increasing social cohesion. However, the challenges faced in achieving these objectives and the policies required vary between emerging and advanced economies.


A New Initiative: Adapting to Changing Skills Needs

Today the OECD is launching a new project with JP Morgan and Chase Foundation to measure and analyse skills needs in a harmonized way across countries. Experts from various countries and fields of discipline are meeting at the OECD to discuss methodological issues involved in developing a cross-country indicator of skill needs. By informing policy, this new data tool will make strides towards addressing skill shortages.


Closing gender gaps in the labour markets of emerging economies: The unfinished job

Despite unprecedented progress over the past century, gender gaps in the labour market persist throughout the world and are especially marked in emerging economies. While the quantity of jobs held by women has increased in many countries, female workers continue to have worse jobs than men.


Gender gaps in emerging economies: the role of skills

Despite unprecedented progress over the past century, gender gaps in the labour market persist throughout the emerging world and are accompanied by important skill gaps. Women tend to perform worse in STEM subjects, have lower financial literacy and business knowledge than men. The OECD Employment Outlook 2016 paints an up-to-date picture of gender gaps in 16 emerging economies and outlines a comprehensive set of policy recommendations.


Green shoots of recovery in entrepreneurship beginning to appear

The post-crisis recovery in entrepreneurial activity remains mixed across countries, but new data released today by the OECD provides tentative signs of a turning point, with trends in enterprise creation rates pointing upwards in most economies.


Adapting to changing skill needs

The conference on Adapting to changing skill needs was an OECD event supported by the JPMorgan Chase Foundation. This event showcased the OECD Skills for Jobs database, providing detailed information about the skill needs of the labour markets in all EU countries and South Africa.


Conference on engaging employers in building better local jobs and creating a more responsive skills system

This conference organised jointly by the OECD, Warwick University, the Work Foundation, and the Centre for Cities brought together stakeholders from national government departments, cities, Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) as well as business, NGOs and research institutions to discuss the key challenges facing the United Kingdom in building more and better quality jobs


Strong labour relations key to reducing inequality and meeting challenges of a changing world of work – OECD & ILO

Unions and employers, together with governments, can play a major role in making growth more inclusive and helping workers and businesses face the challenges of a changing world of work. Good labour relations are a way to reduce inequalities in jobs and wages and better share prosperity, according to a new OECD-ILO report.


'Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk': Engaging But Not Exceptional

Director: Ang Lee; Cast: Joe Alwyn, Kristen Stewart, Chris Tucker, Garrett Hedlund, Makenzie Leigh, Vin Diesel, Steve Martin, Brain "Astro" Bradley, Arturo Castro.


OSINERGMIN, Peru's energy regulator, begins RIA implementation

OSINERGMIN, the Supervisory Agency for Investment in Energy and Mining of Peru, advances in transparency and accountability to improve its regulation.


Regulatory Quality and COVID-19: Managing the Risks and Supporting the Recovery

Regulatory decisions are vital at nearly every stage of resolving the health crisis and its social and economic effects. The current situation makes the need for trusted, evidence-based, internationally co-ordinated and well-enforced regulation particularly acute.


How are university students changing? | Education Indicators in Focus No. 15

This Education Indicators in Focus No. 15 sets out the changing needs of a more diverse generation of university students.


Education in Focus No. 31 - How is the global talent pool changing (2013, 2030)?

The global talent pool has grown over the past decade and is expected to continue growing through to 2030. The number of young people aged 25-34 with a tertiary qualification increased by nearly 45% between 2005 and 2013 in OECD and G20 countries and is expected to keep increasing in the coming decade.


Backpacks and belonging: What school can mean to immigrant students (OECD Education&Skills Today Blog)

How school systems respond to immigration has an enormous impact on the economic and social well-being of all members of the communities they serve, whether they have an immigrant background or not.


Doctors and nurses are from Venus, scientists and engineers are from Mars (for now) (OECD Education Today Blog)

There is little doubt that in OECD countries, the chances for boys and girls to succeed and contribute to society have become more equal over the past century.


Archived webinar - "Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession" (February 24th, 2017)

Highly qualified and competent teachers are fundamental for equitable and effective education systems. Teachers today are facing higher and more complex expectations to help students reach their full potential and become valuable members of 21st century society.


Have emerging Latin American countries chosen quantity over quality in education? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Developing human capital is an integral part of economic growth and social progress.


The Netherlands should step up its efforts to give people the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world, according to a new OECD report.

The Dutch education system and the skills of the Dutch population are very strong overall. But there are concerns that too many people in the Netherlands are not developing the “right” skills to succeed or taking sufficient responsibility for maintaining and further developing their skills in adulthood.


Awarding – and imagining – teaching excellence (OECD Education Today Blog)

Tertiary qualifications have become the entrance ticket for modern societies. Never before have those with advanced qualifications had the life chances they enjoy today, and never before have those who struggled to acquire a good education paid the price they pay today.


What matters for managing classrooms? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Teaching is a demanding profession. Teachers are responsible for developing the skills and knowledge of their students, helping them overcome social and emotional hurdles and maintaining equitable, cohesive and productive classroom environments. On top of their teaching responsibilities, they are also expected to engage in continued professional development activities throughout their careers.


Teaching for Global Competence in a Rapidly Changing World

This new publication sets forward the PISA framework for global competence developed by the OECD, which aligns closely with the definition developed by the Center for Global Education at Asia Society.


Scaler Academy Review:The career accelerator offers engineers better access to employment opportunities with top companies

Scaler Academy is an ed-tech platform that has been helping working professionals and college graduates navigate the changing software technology landscape by training them on skills that are sought after by top tech employers


Presentation of Clean-Tech Clustering as an Engine for Local Development: The Negev Region, Israel

The Negev region has the potential to deliver real and tangible benefits for regional development, green growth and social inclusion. The report explains how the region can exploit its existing strenghts and competitive advantages, including a niche in research, demonstration and testing in renewable energies and water efficiency.


Canada: Leveraging Training and Skills Development in SMEs - An analysis of two urban regions Montreal and Winnipeg

This paper looks at a study carried out among 80 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in two Canadian cities, Montréal and Winnipeg, based on a survey and case studies, which show the importance of innovation among Canadian SMEs. These innovations in turn create new demands for skill development, both through formal training and in informal activities.


Action is needed to secure future livelihoods in developed and emerging economies, says the OECD Development Centre

New global trend such as jobless growth, a rising youth population and resource scarcity threaten to undo much of the progress of recent decades in securing people’s ability to make a living, according to a new report by the OECD Development Centre launched in Paris today at the OECD Global Forum on Development.