
CSSplay - CSS only responsive slide down/up menu

A CSS ONLY responsive slide down/up full screen menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - Responsive full screen slideshow

A responsive full screen vertical scrolling slideshow using CSS and a little jQuery for all modern browsers and OS.


CSSplay - CSS only responsive droplist menu version 2

A CSS ONLY responsive multi-level droplist menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - Responsive 'Slanty' layout

A CSS and jQuery responsive single page website with 'slanty' partitions, suitable for all modern browsers and OS


CSSplay - Percentage border and text sizing

A CSS only method of producing percentage border widths and text sizing without using @media queries.


CSSplay - Responsive 'Wavy' layout

A CSS and jQuery responsive single page website with 'wavy' partitions, suitable for all modern browsers and OS


CSSplay - CSS responsive slideshow with auto play option

A CSS only responsive slideshow with auto play option for all the latest browsers and operating systems.


CSSplay - CSS responsive slideshow with auto play option, version 2

An update to the CSS only responsive slideshow with auto play option for all the latest browsers and operating systems, to simplify and add extra functionality.


CSSplay - CSS basic auto play slideshow

A basic responsive auto play slideshow using the latest CSS selectors.


CSSplay - CSS responsive auto play slideshow

A responsive left/right auto play slideshow using the latest CSS selectors.


CSSplay - CSS responsive left right slideshow with wrap around

A responsive left/right slideshow with wrap around using the latest CSS selectors.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap multi level menu

A CSS ONLY responsive click/tap multi level menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap droplist menu

A CSS ONLY responsive click/tap droplist menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - CSS responsive autorun slideshow tutorial

A tutorial for a simple responsive autorun slideshow sutiable for all the latest browsers and OS.


CSSplay - CSS responsive video aspect ratio converter

A tutorial for a responsive video (iframe) aspect ratio converter using calc()


CSSplay - CSS responsive video aspect ratios

A tutorial for CSS only responsive video (iframe) aspect ratios.)


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap droplist menu - version 2

A second CSS ONLY responsive click/tap droplist menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS fade in/out menu panel

A CSS ONLY responsive click/tap fade in/out menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS multi-level menu

A CSS responsive multi-level menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS multi-level menu

Another CSS responsive multi-level menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSS PLAY - Responsive swipe action stacked slideshow

A responsive swipe action stacked slideshow for all browsers and OS, using a little jQuery.


CSS PLAY - Responsive swipe action stacked slideshow v2

A responsive swipe action stacked slideshow, with multiple instances and sizes, for all browsers and OS, using a little jQuery.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS multi-level jQuery menu

A CSS responsive multi-level menu for all browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones using a little jQuery.


CSSplay - Responsive 'viewport' layout

An experimental CSS responsive single page website using 'viewport', suitable for all modern browsers and OS (buggy in Opera and fails in Safari PC


CSS PLAY - Responsive foreground image 'contain'

A CSS only method of containing a responsive foreground image in a fullscreen browser window without @media queries.


CSS PLAY - Responsive foreground image 'cover'

A CSS only method of covering a responsive foreground image in a fullscreen browser window without @media queries.


CSS PLAY - Responsive foreground image 'cover/contain' slideshow

A CSS only responsive foreground image fullscreen slideshow with 'cover' and 'contain' images and no @media queries.


CSSplay - Responsive experimental 'viewport' layout

A second experimental CSS responsive single page website using 'viewport', suitable for all modern browsers and OS (fails in Safari PC)


CSSplay - Responsive experimental 'viewport' grid layout

Another experimental CSS responsive single page website using 'viewport' with a 3 x 3 grid, suitable for all modern browsers and OS (fails in Safari PC)


CSS PLAY - Tracking images using CSS shape

Using CSS shape to have text track the shape of images. For all modern browsers except IE and Firefox.


CSS PLAY - Emulating shape-inside

Using CSS shape-outside to emulate shape-inside with fixed positioning. For all modern browsers except IE and Firefox.


CSS PLAY - CSS shape autorun slideshow version 2

A second demonstration showing how to animate CSS shapes using @keyframes to produce an autorun slideshow. For all modern browsers except IE and Firefox.


CSSplay - Responsive slide down menu

A CSS responsive slide down menu for all the latest browsers, OS and devices without using media queries.


CSS PLAY - CSS responsive keyframe slideshow

A CSS ONLY responsive slideshow to rival jQuery/javascript with ability to show different images on PCs, tablets and mobiles


CSS PLAY - Javascript responsive swipe action panel changer

A javascript (no jQuery) responsive swipe action panel changer for mouse and touch screens. Works in all the latest browsers and operating systems.


CSS PLAY - Responsive momentum swipe gallery for touch screens and trackpads

A CSS only responsive swipe action gallery with momentum scrolling. For touch screen and trackpad.


CSS PLAY - Responsive momentum swipe gallery for touch screen, trackpad and mouse

A CSS and javascript responsive swipe action gallery with momentum scrolling. For touch screen, trackpad and mouse.


CSSplay - Responsive swipe action momentum menu

A CSS responsive swipe action momentum menu for all the latest browsers, OS and devices using a little javascript.


CSS PLAY - Responsive full page gallery

A CSS only responsive full page gallery for all devices with no visible scrollbars.


CSS PLAY - Responsive 3D 'slinky'

A CSS responsive 3D 'slinky' animation for all the latest browsers, but buggy on iOS.


CSSplay - CSS only page using 'scroll snap points'

A CSS only page layout using 'scroll snap points to scroll the page one screen at a time.


CSS PLAY - Responsive auto run slideshow'

A CSS responsive auto run slideshow with image selection and pause on hover


CSS PLAY - Responsive full featured slideshow'

A CSS responsive slideshow with play, pause, previous, next, captions and image selection


CSSplay - CSS only multi-level tree menu with slide action, version 2

A second CSS only responsive multi-level tree menu with slide action suitable for all the latest browsers and OS.


CSSplay - CSS only multi-level tree menu with slide action, version 3

A third CSS only responsive multi-level tree menu with slide action suitable for all the latest browsers and OS.


CSSplay - Responsive slideshow using 'Swiper' with html5 picture element.

Using 'Swiper' with html5 'picture' element to change the images depending on the browser window size, and update parameters.


CSSplay - Responsive slideshow using 'Swiper' with thumbnails.

How to have thumbnail images on a single responsive 'Swiper' slideshow.


CSSplay - Responsive slideshow using 'Swiper' customized v2.

Customizing a single responsive 'Swiper' slideshow to have thumbnails, animated captions, dynamic prev/next arrows and pause autorun.


CSSplay - Responsive slideshow using 'Swiper' customized v3.

Customizing a single responsive 'Swiper' slideshow to have background thumbnails and large images, animated captions, pause autorun.


CSSplay - CSS only multi-level menu with slide action, version 4

A fourth CSS only responsive multi-level menu with slide action suitable for all the latest browsers and OS.