
Catawba Co. joins other area counties & cities to approve settlement of Catawba River Basin Inter Basin Transfer issue

The Catawba County Board of Commissioners, at its January 19, 2010 meeting, joined with other local governments across the region in approving the agreement. The main points of the agreement hinged on Concord and Kannapolis modifying their ability, contained in their IBT certificate, to withdraw 10 million gallons of water per day (MGD) from the Catawba River at all times, by significantly limiting withdrawals during times of drought. The agreement limits withdrawals to 6 MGD during times of most severe drought, or �exceptional� drought; 7 MGD during �extreme� drought; 8.5 MGD during �severe� drought; and 9 MGD during �moderate� drought. Further, the agreement restricts Concord and Kannapolis from withdrawing more than 3 MGD from the Catawba until July 1, 2015, and after they first are withdrawing 5 MGD from the Yadkin River.


Lighting Ceremony Kicks Off Construction Of UNCCs EPIC Project

Two members of the Catawba County Board of Commissioners, Vice-Chair Lynn Lail and Commissioner Barbara Beatty joined UNC Charlotte officials and leaders from business and power industries to celebrate the start of construction on the University�s Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC). EPIC is a planned research endeavor between the University and private partners with the goal of expanding energy engineering and research within the region based on industry needs. The Catawba County EcoComplex will play an important role in EPIC through research partnership between Catawba County and UNC-Charlotte


FEMA grant will help pay to improve fire and rescue radio communications in Catawba County.

A partnership of all fourteen fire departments and all five rescue squads in the county with Catawba County Emergency Services has resulted in a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that will fund a large amount of the costs to purchase new radios to significantly improve communications by and between the fire and rescue agencies and the County�s 911 Communications Center.


Catawba County names new Emergency Services Director

Bryan Blanton, who has steadily risen in positions of responsibility from paramedic to Training Officer to Manager of Emergency Medical Services, will now permanently supervise all of Catawba County's Emergency Services.


Public Health's WIC Program helps kids develop a healthy appetite!

Children learn their habits, attitudes and beliefs from their parents and other caregivers, and that includes their willingness to try new and healthy foods. The American Dietetic Association and Catawba County Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) encourages adults to be good role models and teach children how to appreciate nutrition and enjoy healthful eating.


Catawba County names new Human Resources Director

Cynthia Eades, a long-time resident of Catawba County who is currently serving as Human Resources Director in Iredell County and has ten years of experience in local government human resources, has been named Catawba County�s new Human Resources Director. She will begin her new duties with Catawba County on July 1, 2010.


Veteran of Catawba County Cooperative Extension is named new director

Jeff Carpenter, who will begin new duties as Cooperative Extension Director on September 1, 2010, will oversee delivery of services to meet the Extension mission of sustaining agriculture and forestry, protecting the environment, maintaining viable communities, developing responsible youth and developing strong, healthy and safe families.


Important milestones begin in 2011 property revaluation in Catawba County

The final stages of the 2011 property revaluation process in Catawba County have begun with the presentation of the proposed 2011 Schedule of Values to the Board of Commissioners, and will continue into November, when property owners will receive notice of the new value of their property, and into December and early 2011 when the appeal process begins.


Catawba County Commissioner Glenn Barger honored by Board upon his retirement

Commissioner Barger was recognized as �a leader with insight and determination� and a person of �trust, integrity, responsibility, and concern for fellow citizens� in a Distinguished Public Service Award presented to him during the meeting.


Catawba County telecommunicator named Supervisor Of The Year by state association

Brian Drum, one of the supervisors of the Catawba County 911 Communications Center, who has been called upon to increase his supervising duties over the past year and has a record of dedication to 911 dispatch that spans more than ten years, has been recognized by his peers in the North Carolina Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association (NC NENA) as Supervisor of the Year.


Catawba County makes information on traffic incident locations available via Twitter.

Catawba County has upgraded a feed from its 911 Center of the information on calls regarding traffic incidents. The feed shows the type of incident reported, such as a vehicle accident, stranded motorist or vehicle fire, and gives the location of the incident. Only traffic related incidents are reported through this feed.


Planning to meet an emergency is especially important for persons with special needs

As it continues to note National Emergency Preparedness Month, Catawba County Emergency Services reminds citizens who have family members with special needs, and caregivers of those with special needs, that it�s very important to be prepared in advance to help those with special needs cope with an emergency or disastrous situation.


Catawba County Public Health Educator wins Promising New Health Educator Award

Lindsey Smith was recognized by the North Carolina Society for Public Health Education as a new health educator in North Carolina who has made outstanding contributions to the profession.


Social Services' Children's Services Manager honored.

Cyndy Benson, who recently retired as Family and Children�s Services program manager in the Department of Social Services, has received the Kimberly F. Crews Memorial Award from the N.C. Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. This award is presented annually to honor a person who works directly with children suspected of having been abused.


Catawba County wins grant for wireless broadband connection at EcoComplex

Catawba County has been awarded one of only two grants presented across the nation, by Motorola and the National Association of Counties (NACo), to local governments that suggested innovative solutions to improve operations within their respective counties. The $30,000 grant will fund the wireless broadband internet capacity needed at Catawba County�s EcoComplex to allow for real-time monitoring between EcoComplex laboratories, universities and businesses.


Low interest Small Business Administration loans available for Catawba County residents who suffered tornado damage.

Residents and businesses affected by severe storms and tornado on Oct. 26 in Catawba County can apply for low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration, SBA Administrator Karen G. Mills announced today. Mills made the loans available in response to a letter from North Carolina Gov. Beverly E. Perdue on Nov. 12, requesting a disaster declaration by the SBA. The declaration covers Lincoln County and the adjacent counties of Burke, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Iredell and Mecklenburg in North Carolina.


Catawba County Public Health brings flu immunization to 2500 students after cases increase in schools.

Between February 16 and 24, 2011, more than 2,500 students in Catawba County�s three public school systems received the 2010-11 flu vaccine due to a successful partnership between the schools and Catawba County Public Health. School nurses collected permission forms from parents and coordinated flu vaccine mini-clinics at 43 schools.


Catawba County Social Services program works to help adult adoptees, birth parents and close relatives find each other.

Family Builders, the adoption service of Catawba County Social Services, can now help adult adoptees, birth parents and their close relatives find each other. Not all counties in North Carolina offer this service, which is called Confidential Intermediary Services. Until recently all adoption records were sealed under North Carolina state law. In 2008, a new law took effect that allowed the release of certain records to adult adoptees and birth parents, if both parties agreed.


Catawba County Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda for 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 4, 2011

The agenda for the next meeting of the Catawba County Board of Commissioners, 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 4, 2011, 1924 Courthouse, Newton, is now available.


WIC representatives scheduling appointments at April 16 Family Fair at CVCC.

Representatives from Public Health�s Women, Infants and Children program will be attending the upcoming Family Fair at Catawba Valley Community College (CVCC) April 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to provide information and schedule appointments for families who qualify for WIC assistance.


Catawba County managers join mayors to assist with Mayors for Meals program

Three area mayors and several other local officials recently participated in Mayors for Meals in Catawba County. This event was sponsored by Catawba County Social Services� Senior Nutrition Programs, which operates Meals on Wheels, Seniors Morning Out and other senior nutrition programs serving more than 1,000 people.


Catawba Industrial Commons to create manufacturing, distribution and warehousing space for industries

RealtyAnalytix Advisors, LLC announces the introduction of Catawba Industrial Commons, a multi-tenant industrial campus offering the most attractive, affordable and functional manufacturing, distribution and warehousing space in the Greater Catawba County region.


Catawba County honors employees with 25 or more years of service

Employees with 25 or more years of service were recognized at the twenty-sixth annual Quarter Century Club lunch at the Catawba Country Club. Many current members of the club celebrated with retired County employees, who also served with the County for 25 or more years. Catawba County formed the Quarter Century Club in 1986.


Next Household Hazardous Waste Collection set for May 7, Government Center parking lot, Newton.

Do you have any unwanted household products, such as paints, cleansers, solvents, antifreeze, batteries or used motor oils; or electronics like computer equipment, old radios, mobile phones, TVs, VCRs, calculators or copiers? Dispose of them properly, free of charge, on May 7th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Catawba County Children's Agenda Planning Committee releases report after two years of gathering information.

The committee compiled existing information about the status of children in the county. It also held public meetings and surveyed members of the public about their priorities and ideas. The committee found that most children in the county are well-cared for, but that a substantial number are falling through the cracks. A major cause of concern is the large number of children living in poverty.


New Seniors Morning Out program begins in Claremont, NC

A new Seniors Morning Out location has opened at Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Claremont. This program, which is operated by Catawba County Social Services, provides a nutritious lunch, plus social activities, for persons age 60 or older.


Social Services program helping teens make smart choices wins national award

A Catawba County Department of Social Services program that helped teenagers enrolled in a poverty reduction and teen pregnancy program better understand the myths of government support programs has been named a winner of a 2011 National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award.


Computer equipment, televisions to be banned from landfills by new State law effective July 1st.

Beginning July 1, 2011, computer equipment and televisions will be banned from disposal in North Carolina landfills, under a law passed last year by the General Assembly. Catawba County will provide four one-day electronics recycling collection events in fiscal year 2011-2012, free of charge. All residents of Catawba County will have access to these electronics recycling events, including those who live in the cities and towns in the county.


Social Services' Senior Nutrition Services have a new home

Senior Nutrition Services is now housed at 507 Boundary Street in Conover. Senior Nutrition Services includes Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels), Seniors Morning Out, Nutritional Supplements (Ensure and Boost), Frozen Meals, and In Home Aide Services.


My Catawba County app developed for mobile devices!

Anyone accessing My Catawba County will be able to choose from a selection of informational links and County applications. The application was developed for mobile devices with a web browser such as iPad, iPhone, Android phones and tablets.


WIC program, Cooperative Extension join forces to plant "seeds" for healthy eating.

Area youth participating in the NC Cooperative Extension�s 4-H program helped children at Catawba County Public Health plant vegetable seeds. The activity was one of a series of visits by local North Carolina Cooperative Extension staff and volunteers to Public Health�s Women, Infants and Children (WIC) clinic designed to encourage WIC families to grow and eat fresh vegetables.


Hickory volunteer nominated for Meals on Wheels American Volunteer Award.

Catawba County�s Meals on Wheels program has nominated Winnie Hovey for the award and is asking the public to vote for Hovey in the contest. The contest is featured on Facebook, and the top vote-getter will be named the winner.


Access the Catawba County Library System website from your Smartphone!

You may now access the Catawba County Library System website from your smartphone, thanks to a recent upgrade to the library�s home page. LS2Mobile is accessible with an iPod Touch or iPhone.


Catawba County-Appalachian State University Biodiesel Research, Development and Production Facility officially opens.

The facility is now testing biodiesel fuel being produced by several companies in the region and from the harvest of crops growing around the landfill to test which ones grow best in the local climate while producing the best oils for biodiesel.


Sheriff�s Office to assist in Operation Pill Stoppers drop box program.

The Catawba County Sheriff�s Office, in conjunction with The Cognitive Connection and The Foothills Coalition, is sponsoring an Operation Pill Stoppers program that now provides fixed locations for citizens to properly dispose of their unused and unwanted medications.


Cable TV show profiling services of local governments, schools, quality of life, to premiere

�Catawba Communities,� a monthly show which will feature information about programs and services provided by local governments, school systems and associated agencies across Catawba County, will premiere on Charter Communications� Government Channel (Channel 3) on Tuesday, August 23, 2011, at 8:00 p.m.


Earthquake survival tips from Catawba County Emergency Services

What if the August 23 earth tremors had been closer or stronger? Would you know what to do? Here are some tips from Catawba County Emergency Services.


Catawba County Animal Services to offer free rabies vaccinations, while they last, on September 21, 2011

Vaccines will be administered on a first-come, first-serve basis, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or until the supply is depleted on September 21, World Rabies Day, thanks to 250 vaccines provided by the World Rabies Organization and Pfizer Animal Health.


Hickory volunteer wins national Meals on Wheels American Volunteer Award

Winnie Hovey has won the American Volunteer contest sponsored by the Meals on Wheels Association of America. Hovey is a 92-year-old Hickory resident who has been volunteering with the local Meals on Wheels organization for approximately 30 years


Lee Worsley, Assistant County Manager in Catawba County since 2005, named Deputy County Manager in Durham County.

During his tenure with Catawba County, Worsley has had a positive impact in many areas, including emergency services, the use of emerging technologies, and mentoring people who are just starting out in local government management.


Work underway on reopening of Conover Branch of County Library, in new location, on September 20.

Work is under way to ready the Conover Branch Library for re-opening on Tuesday, September 20. Staff and volunteers are unpacking boxes of library materials and arranging furniture. The new branch address is 403 Conover Station, SE, in the Warlong Building on the former Broyhill plant property along the railroad tracks downtown.


Conover branch of County Library system reopens in new location!

The Library re-opened for business in newly renovated space on the top floor of Conover Station. Its new address is 403 Conover Station, SE, in a 1918 structure erected for the Warlong Glove Manufacturing Company. Business hours will remain unchanged: 12 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, 9- 6 p.m. Wednesday through Friday and 9 - 2 on Saturday.


Winners of 4-H Garden Contest named

The program started in the spring, when 4-H youth received a set of plants and participated in a workshop where they learned how to create a successful home mini vegetable garden with tomatoes, peppers, squash and more.


Meals on Wheels now bringing food for pets of those they serve

Catawba County 4-H Club members are collecting dry dog and cat food for the pets of Catawba County Meals on Wheels recipients.


Catawba County 4-H members win state presentations awards

Presentations are an example of a traditional 4-H program that dates back to at least the 1950s. They involve giving a 5-12 minute talk on a topic using tabletop visuals and posters to illustrate main points.


Rita Beaver, Assistant Register of Deeds, named Catawba County 2011 Emloyee Of The Year

A 35 year veteran of the Register of Deeds Office, Beaver was praised by all her co-workers in that office for excellent customer service, for being a patient instructor on the laws involved in her work, and for preserving the County�s history.


Catawba County Social Services wins Best Practices Award from state association

The award was presented for the agency's Children and Aging Strategic Planning Projects in the category �Profiles in Community Collaboration�. The entry described the Children�s Agenda Planning Committee and the Aging Leadership Planning Project. In both cases, Social Services took the lead in collaborating with area agencies to develop reports about the needs of children and older adults.


Foothills Regional Conference for early childhood educators aims to make difference in lives of children.

More than 120 people recently attended the seventh annual Foothills Regional Conference for Early Childhood Educators in Statesville. This year�s conference theme, "You Make a Powerful Difference", explored the difference that early childhood educators make in the lives of young children.


New Librarian serving Conover and Claremont branches of County Library

Catawba County Library System has hired a librarian to serve both the Conover and Claremont branches. Siobhan Loendorf will add preschool Ready to Learn sessions, computer classes and adult programming for Conover and Claremont branch libraries.


NCDOT releases recommendations on widening of Highway 16 South in Catawba County

The North Carolina Department of Transportation has released recommendations on widening of Highway 16 South in Catawba County (within the minutes of public meetings). Link to project maps: http://www.ncdot.org/doh/preconstruct/highway/roadway/hearingmaps_by_county/county/Catawba.html