
OECD Anti-Bribery Ministerial Meeting, 16 March 2016 - Open to media from 9:45 AM to 12:45 PM, Live webcast

Bribery in international business undermines good governance and economic development, perpetuates poverty and distorts international competition.


OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum 30-31 March 2017, OECD Conference Centre

Corruption and abuse of public office are a blight on democracies and a drain on public finances. With trust in government flagging in many countries and voter disillusionment on the rise, raising standards of integrity is more important than ever.


OECD Working Group on Bribery reports on Finland and the United Kingdom launch Thursday, 23 March 2017

The OECD Working Group on Bribery will release reviews of Finland and the UK’s efforts to fight foreign bribery on Thursday 23 March 2017 at 11.00 CET/10.00 GMT.


OECD Working Group on Bribery report on Argentina launches Friday, 24 March 2017

The OECD Working Group on Bribery will release a review of Argentina’s efforts to fight foreign bribery on Friday, 24 March 2017 at 11.00 CET/07.00 Buenos Aires time.


Secretary-General at the International Summit on the Teaching Profession (The Netherlands, 13th - 14th March 2013)

The Secretary-General, Mr. Angel Gurría, will visit The Netherlands on 13th and 14th of March 2013, to attend the 2013 International Summit on the Teaching Profession. He will also go to The Hague and hold a bilateral meeting with Mr. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Finance Minister.


International Summit on the Teaching Profession - 28 and 29 March 2014, Wellington New Zealand.

The three questions that this Summit will focus on are: How can high quality teachers and leaders be attracted into and retained in schools of the greatest need? What are the levers for achieving equity in increasingly devolved education systems? How are learning environments created that meet the needs of all children and young people?


Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research

Reducing income inequality would boost economic growth, according to new OECD analysis. This work finds that countries with lower income inequality grow faster than those with higher inequality.


International Summit on the Teaching Profession (29-30 March 2015 Banff, Alberta, Canada)

ISTP 2015 will be held in Banff, Alberta, on March 29–30, 2015, and will bring together education ministers and leaders of teachers’ unions and associations from a number of high-performing and rapidly improving education systems.


Archived webinar December 17 2015 - Immigrant Students at School: Easing the Journey towards Integration presented by Presented by Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD

Archived webinar December 17 2015 - Immigrant Students at School: Easing the Journey towards Integration presented by Presented by Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD


Archived Webinar - Supporting Teacher Professionalism. (Friday, 12 February 2016, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)

Archived Webinar - Friday, 12 February 2016, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (ET) - The Alliance for Excellent Education and the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF) joined forces with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to host a joint U.S. release of the OECD’s new report Supporting Teacher Professionalism.


Archived webinar - Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed (February 10, 2016) with Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD, and Daniel Salinas, Analyst, OECD.

Archived webinar - Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed (February 10, 2016) with Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD, and Daniel Salinas, Analyst, OECD.


Archived webinar - Teaching Excellence through Professional Learning and Policy Reform - Lessons from around the World (March 2, 2016)

If the quality of an education system can never exceed the quality of its teachers, then countries need to do all they can to build a high-quality teaching force.


Is international academic migration stimulating scientific research and innovation? (OECD Education&Skills Today Blog)

Today, around 5 million students study and do research in a country other than their own, attracted by the quality of overseas universities and willing to complement their education portfolio with international experience.


Archived webinar with Andreas Schleicher, Director of the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, presenting the findings of Skills Matter - Further Results from the Survey of Adult Skills

The Survey of Adult Skills, a product of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), was designed to provide insights into the availability of some of these key skills in society and how they are used at work and at home.


Archived webinar of September 15,2016 with Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD, presenting the findings of Education at a Glance 2016.

Archived webinar of September 15,2016 with Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD, presenting the findings of Education at a Glance 2016.


Archived webinar - School Leadership for Learning: Insights from TALIS 2013 (September 20, 2016)

Archived webinar - School Leadership for Learning: Insights from TALIS 2013 (September 20, 2016)


Archived webinar - PISA 2015 Q&A Session with Andreas Schleicher, Director of the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills discussing the PISA 2015 results.

More than half a million 15-year-olds took part in the OECD’s latest global education survey, known as PISA. The main focus was on science, an increasingly important part of our economic and social lives.


Closing the Achievement Gap - Archived webinar with Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD.

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines not just what students know in science, reading and mathematics, but what they can do with what they know. Results from PISA show educators and policy makers the quality and equity of learning outcomes achieved elsewhere, and allow them to learn from the policies and practices applied in other countries.


Archived webinar - What does PISA reveal about teacher policy and practice

For the first time in PISA a teacher questionnaire provides valuable information on teaching practices and learning activities in the classroom. This webinar will focus on insights from the PISA findings on teacher policy and practice.


Archived webinar - "Where did equity improve", with Andreas Schleicher - Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills (February 6, 2017)

The persistence of social inequities in education – the fact that children of wealthy and highly educated parents tend to do better in school than children from less privileged families – is often seen as a difficult-to-reverse feature of education systems. PISA shows that, rather than assuming that inequality of opportunity is set in stone, school systems can become more equitable over a relatively short time.


Archived webinar - What do we know about the largest education system in the world A snapshot of education in China (February 21)

China has the largest education system in the world. With almost 260 million students and over 15 million teachers in about 514 000 schools (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2014), excluding graduate education institutions, China’s education system is not only immense but diverse.


Archived webinar - "Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession" (February 24th, 2017)

Highly qualified and competent teachers are fundamental for equitable and effective education systems. Teachers today are facing higher and more complex expectations to help students reach their full potential and become valuable members of 21st century society.


7th International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) (Edinburgh, Scotland 30-31 March, 2017)

Since its inaugural edition in 2011 in New York City, the ISTP has become an important forum for open and constructive exchange on effective teacher policies and practices. It assembles governments and teacher organisations from a number of high-performing and rapidly improving school systems, as certified by recent results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).


Archived webinar - Gender differences in education - through the lens of PISA (March 8, 2017)

In 2015, PISA asked students about the occupation they expect to be working in when they are 30 years old. Students’ responses were later grouped into science-related and non-science-related careers – with the former including science and engineering professionals; health professionals; science technicians and associate professionals; and information and communication technology (ICT) professionals.


OECD Education and Skills Newsletter - March 2017

Bringing you the highlights from the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills


Archived webinar - Empowering and Enabling Teachers to Improve Equity and Outcomes for All (with Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD)

Despite increased funding and many reforms, most education systems are still seeking ways to better prepare their students for a world in which technological change and the digital revolution are changing the way we work, live and relate to one another.


Developing an agenda for research and education in Wales (OECD Education Today Blog)

Wales is implementing a wave of reforms designed to improve delivery of teacher education. There is a new curriculum; new teacher and leadership standards for teachers; and new accreditation standards for providers of initial teacher education.


Archived webinar - Tax incentives to invest in education and skills

This public session discussed the financial incentives to invest in education, with a particular focus on how tax systems impact skills development in OECD countries. The webinar presented some of the key findings from the OECD’s new report, Taxation and Skills and their implications for policy makers.


Archived webinar - PISA Q&A Webinar - New Data and Insights from PISA on Students' Well Being

with Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills


Archived webinar - PISA Q&A Webinar - Students' Financial Literacy" with Andreas Schleicher - Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills

PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy, explores students’ experience with and knowledge about money and provides an overall picture of 15-year-olds’ ability to apply their accumulated knowledge and skills to real-life situations involving financial issues and decisions.


Archived webinar - Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education

The transition from early childhood education to primary school is a big step for all children, and a step which more and more children are having to take. Quality transitions should be well-prepared and child-centred, managed by trained staff collaborating with one another, and guided by an appropriate and aligned curriculum.


Archived webinar - Education at a Glance 2017 (with Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD)- September 12,2017

Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world.


Archived webinar - "PISA 2015 Results (Volume V) - Collaborative Problem Solving"

with Andreas Schleicher - Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills (November 21, 2017)


Vitamin D deficiency increases COVID-19 mortality, research shows

The finding could explain several mysteries, including why children are unlikely to die from COVID-19.



Company: Confidential
Qualification: Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), 12th Class (XII), Masters of Architecture (M.Arch)
Experience: 3 to 8
location: Canada
Ref: 24369288
Summary: Work experience with a minimum of 3 years of experience in Private practice or working as a Architects.


OECD Conference on the Environmental Uses of Micro-organisms, 26-27 March 2012, Paris, France

The conference will cover developments and the state-of-the art of environmental microbiology, as it is applied for biotechnological purposes, and the role of genetic engineering of micro-organisms intended for use in the environment, now and in the near future.


Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides (EPA HHBP) now searchable on eChemPortal

US Environmental Protection Agency derived the Human health benchmarks for pesticides by applying the health effects data from pesticide registrations to the typical methods used for developing drinking water health advisories. It was developed to enable states, water systems and the public to better determine whether the detection of a pesticide in drinking water or source waters for drinking water may indicate a potential health risk.


The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) database of completed chemical reviews is now searchable in eChemPortal

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) database of completed chemical reviews including (in some cases) detailed risk assessment reports addressing human health and the environment. A review, initiated from new concerns, may lead to the reconsideration of the registration of agricultural and veterinary chemicals in the marketplace if potential risks to safety and performance have been identified.


On the Record — the archive podcast unearths letters of love and sadness

A new series offers a fascinating glimpse into lives lost to history


Researchers prepare for human challenge trials of Covid-19 vaccine

Deliberately infecting volunteers could accelerate research but raises ethical questions


From the FT archive: Britain and Europe

The UK’s four tumultuous decades of membership have fuelled controversy and featured huge change


Union Of India vs Broadcast Initiatives Ltd on 3 March, 2020

2. At the outset, it is deemed useful to record that besides the two agreements both dated 1.4,2012 between the parties which are covered by present petition, the petitioner and a sister concern of the respondent namely, Mi Marathi Media Ltd. also had a similar agreement with the petitioner. Some of correspondences ayailable on record support the aforesaid fact and disclose common meetings on the issue of outstanding dues.

3. Against Mi Marathi Media Utd, alryost in similar factual situation, petitioner had preferred BP No. 39 of 2018 for claiming an amount of Rs. 1.31 crores approximately. After considering ali the relevant issues, that broadcasting petition alongwith BP No. 163 of 2018 was heard ex-parte and substantially allowed by a recent judgment and order of this Tribunal dated 14.2.2020. Learned counsel for the petitioner has placed strong reliance upon that judgment more so because this petition is also against the sister concern of Ml Marathi Media having aimest identical factual background and is also being heard ex-parte. This petition has been filed for a money decree for an arnount of Rs. 2,46,20,606/- and for pendente lite and future interest @ 18% ¢.a, 4, The petitioner is Union of india in the capacity of a service provider. The respondent, who is a broadcaster Heencee, is.alse a service previder. The respandent has been shawn ta be ef a "Hcencee" within the meaning of the term under the TRA! Act, 1997. The petition is, therefore, claimed ta be covered within the ambit of Section 14 of the TRAI Act.


Gmr/Hyderabad International ... vs Aera And Ors on 4 March, 2020

2. The Appellate Tribunal at the relevant time could not take up the appeals because of vacancies in its composition and therefore, the appellant approached the Hon'ble High Court of Hyderabad through a writ petition bearing WP No.22474/2014 to challenge the impugned Tariff Order dated 24.02.2014 and also to seek its suspension/stay. The High Court issued notices and by an order passed on 26.11.2014 it also directed the Registry to requisition/eall for the records of the present appeal. The Appellate Tribunal was also directed to send the records of this appeal which was accordingly sent within time. It may be noted that the High Court did not transfer the appeal to itself but only requisitioned the records. When the Appellate Tribunal began to function, then in the presence of learned counsel for the appellant, vide order dated 26.11.2015, it held that since the Hon'ble High Court has decided to examine the correctness and validity of the impugned Tariff Order challenged in the present appeal, the appeal has been rendered mfructuous.


Indusind Media & Communications ... vs Perfect Octave Media Projects Ltd on 20 March, 2020

os Nobody has appeared on behalf of the respondent even after service of notice and as a result the petition has been heard ex parte. The respondent has not appeared at any stage and has filed neither reply nor any affidavit of evidence

2. The petitioner company carries on the business of receiving signals from broadcasters of various television channels and of redistributing the same through franchisee cable network. The respondent company carries on business as a broadcaster/eontent provider. Both the parties are service providers and as such amenable to the jurisdiction of this Tribunal.

3. Through this petition, the petitioner is seeking recovery of Bs.13,41,756/- said to be the outstanding dues inclusive of interest as on 15.03.2016 along with interest @ 18% til the date of realization from the respondent. The dues are towards carriage fee for the services availed by the respondent from the petitioner for carriage of its television channels.


Imcl vs Optimmus Media Network India Pvt ... on 20 March, 2020

3. Through this petition, the petitioner is seeking recovery of Rs. l6,52,587/- said to be thé outstanding dues inclusive of Interest as on 15.03.2016 along with interest @ 18% ail the date of realization from the respondent. The dues are iowards carriage fee for the services availed by the respondent from the petitioner for carriage of tts television channels.

of areas and other details including the schedule of carriage foe and payment schedule are mentioned in the agreement dated LB.1O2013 which was valid for one year for the period 23.05.2015 to 22.05.2016. A oypy of the agreement is annexed with the petition and has also been proved as exhibit. Trac and correct copies of the inveices and a credit note have also heen proved as an exhibit icolly.). These show that the dues are as per invoices and pertain to the period covered by the agreement.


Indusind Media & Communications ... vs Lemon Entertainment Ltd on 20 March, 2020

2. Yhe petitioner company carries on the business of receiving signals from Pt gh ei ae broadcasters of various television channels and of redistributing the same thr franchisee cable network. The respondent company carries on business as a broadeaster/content provider. Both the purlies are service providers and as such amenable to the jurisdiction of this Tebunal,

3. Through this petition, the petitioner is seek dng recovery of Re.4d0 98 000/.

aid to be the oufstand) me dues inelusive of interest as on 1s 03 2016 along with os interest @ 18% till the date of realization from the re Spondent. The dues are a towards carriage fee for the services availed by the respondent trom the petitioner for carnage of its television channels.


Delhi International Airport Ltd vs Airport Economic Regulatory ... on 20 March, 2020

2. The other appeal (No.7of 2013) has been preferred by Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) which has challenged the legality etc. of a subsequent Order No.30/2012-13 dated 28.12.2012 issued by AERA in exercise of powers under Section 13(1)(b) of the AERA Act read with Section 22A of the Airports Authority of India Act 1994(AAI Act) to re-determine the amount of DF at IGI Airport, New 4 Delhi. By this order AERA reviewed the earlier DF Order dated 14.11.2011 in a small measure, reduced the rate of DF w.e.f. 01.01.2013 and extended the levy period upto April, 2016 subject to further review. The FIA, it appears, had challenged the earlier DF order dated 14.11.2011 also. Its stand is that levy of DF to bridge the funding gap for IGI Airport is contrary to law and the relevant agreements which cast a duty upon DIAL to arrange for funds for development of the Airport. It is also pleaded that the project cost has been blown-up beyond realistic proportions and AERA has failed to exercise the required level of scrutiny which would have kept the final project cost at a reasonable and permissible level.


Shri Suprabhat Roy, Proprietor, ... vs Shri Saiful Islam Biswas, ... on 12 March, 2020

Case Nos. 36 of 2015, 31 of 2016 and 58 of 2016 33

Koushik Das: Yes, one BCDA N.O.C. is required with the application.

Shri Arajit Das: Yes, that is essential, you prepare your papers I need the orders, otherwise it is problem to me. I have submitted my drug licence number, trade licence number everything.

Koushik Das: Yes, but only those papers are not enough, there are something more, you have deal with Alembic before and done with other parties also.

Shri Arajit Das: that is not required.


Xyz vs Association Of Man Made Fibre ... on 16 March, 2020

2. It was stated that OP-1 is an association of man-made fibre manufacturers in India; OP-2 is the largest producer and seller of Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF) in India; OP-3 is a company registered in Thailand and promoted by OP-2; and OP-4 is a company belonging to the Aditya Birla Group operating in Indonesia and engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling and exporting VSF to customers located in the US, Europe, Turkey, Japan, Korea, China and other countries in both textile and non-woven segments.

3. The Informant alleged that OP-2 is the sole producer of VSF having a market share of almost 100% in India and it is misusing its sole position in the domestic market to squeeze the textile industry consumers. With regard to OP-3 and OP-4, it was alleged that OP-2 imports and markets its products and Case No. 62 of 2016 2 Public Version OP-3, operating from Thailand and OP-4, operating from Indonesia, have joined hands to exploit the Indian market.


Kamrun Nessa vs Mr. Khalil Ahmed & Ors on 18 March, 2020

A five-storied building could not have been constructed in an unauthorised manner within a couple of days. It must have taken months for the same to be constructed. The Municipal authorities, as also the local police station, cannot feign ignorance of the building having coming up in their presence upto the fifth floor in an unauthorised manner.

In such circumstances, the said Mr. Joysurja Mukherjee, as we are now told is posted as Officer-in-Charge, Tiljala Police Station, should also be present in Court on 20th March, 2020 to assist this Court and explain how could such an unauthorised structure came up upto the fifth floor.