Telework transportation research in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

If you’re fortunate enough to still be working during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you are likely to be doing so from home. Teleworking (or telecommuting) has been suddenly and widely adopted. For example, Arizona DOT reports doubling the number of employees who telework in multiple departments in just two weeks. In conjunction with Texas' disaster declaration related to COVID-19, TxDOT is also requiring its office-based employees to telework beginning March 16. Your workplace is likely making si...


В России за сутки выявили 10 699 заболевших коронавирусной инфекцией

Общее число заразившихся – 187 859 человек


Набиуллина рассказала о 100 сотрудниках ЦБ, заболевших COVID-19


Мэрия Москвы разделит с бизнесом расходы на тестирование сотрудников на COVID-19

Обычные тесты будут проводиться за счет работодателя, а тесты на антитела оплатит город


Как выглядела Москва 9 мая 1945 года

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На аукционе Sotheby's продадут кроссовки Майкла Джордана


'Doom Eternal' updates will add supercharged demons and a fresh campaign

Whatever you think of Doom Eternal right now, id and Bethesda are determined to spice it up going forward. They’ve hinted at what’s coming next for the hellish shooter, starting with a preview of the game’s first free update. The simply titled Update...


Elon Musk says he'll move Tesla's headquarters to Nevada or Texas

Elon Musk has been frustrated that Tesla’s Fremont factory has remained shut down due to Alameda County’s lockdown order, and that anger has apparently reached the boiling point. Musk has claimed that he’ll move Tesla’s headquarters to Nevada or Texa...


Over 60 People Helped "Tell Us 'Our' Story" in April: What drew you to the transportation community, and what keeps you here?

Susan Heap, the Director of Operations at Ferrovial Services says that "Transportation is meaningful across all societies, for many different reasons. I chose a career that connected me to things that matter to all of us. I stay in this industry because of the variety of people and projects that I get to work with every day. There is always a new challenge to overcome or skill-set to learn." Thank you Susan for participating in TRB's Centennial Celebration. To read the more than 60 responses to April's q...


TR News November-December 2019: Climate Change Resilience

Issue 324 of TRB's magazine (November-December 2019) focuses on climate change resilience. Along with several explorations within that topic, a short history of TRB is offered as well as all the usual standing features of the magazine. TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes brief news items of interest to the transportation community, research pays off articles , profiles of tr...


ABC to Broadcast "AFV@Home," A One-Hour Special Presenting All-New LOL Moments from Viewers' Homes, Sunday, May 17, Hosted by Alfonso Ribeiro

"America's Funniest Home Videos" will resume the remainder of season 30 the following week at 7:00/6:00c.


Jeremy Wade Explores World's Most Astounding Underwater Mysteries in All-New Discovery Channel Series, "Mysteries of the Deep" Premiering May 27 on Discovery Channel

The series was previously scheduled to roll out Thursday, April 2 on sibling Science Channel.


Protecting Yourself Against COVID-19

As more COVID-19 outbreaks are reported around the world, it’s important to stay calm, be informed, and take steps to protect yourself and others. Although older and chronically ill adults face greater risks, teens and young adults are also facing serious health complications from COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said, “Don’t get the attitude, ‘Well, I’m young, I’m invulnerable’ ... you don’t want to put your loved ones at risk, particularly the ones who are elderly and the ones who have compromised conditions. We can’t do this without the young people cooperating. Please cooperate with us.”

While there is currently no vaccine against COVID-19, there are things you can do to take care of your health. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice). Dry your hands thoroughly after washing them. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that are commonly used by people can help, too. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a list of approved disinfectants to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 on their website.


Protecting Children - B.S.A.'s Top Priority

Every adult leader must complete an extensive Youth Protection Training program. ...


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, it seems the best thing to do is follow the advice in the Scouts BSA handbook, "What to Do When Lost": Stay calm, think, observe, and plan. ...


Список горных туристов, взошедших на семитысячники с 1959 по 1991 год

Кассин Юрий Петрович - первый турист, который взошёл на пик Сталина в 1959 году.

Друзья, приветствую вас! Шесть лет назад, в 2015 году к 120-летию самодеятельного туризма, меня попросили написать Летопись о восхождениях горных туристов на семитысячники. В процессе подготовки этого материала в моих руках оказалось столько информации, что возникла мысль всё это зафиксировать, а, главное, систематизировать. Таким образом, появились три составляющих:
1. Список горных туристов, взошедших на семитысячники в период с 1959 по 1991 год.
2. Летопись восхождений с 1959 по 1991 год.
3. Список погибших горных туристов


Летопись восхождений горных туристов на семитысячники СССР с 1959 по 1991 г.

Психологически очень трудно проходить сложнейшие перевалы рядом с вершинами, до которых «рукой подать» и не зайти на вершину. Занимаясь туризмом как спортом, классифицируя походы по сложности, туристы изобретали всевозможные искусственные «перевалы», например, «перевал» между двумя вершинами Эльбруса, «перевал» через плато Правды рядом с пиком Коммунизма и, кажется, даже «перевал» через седловину между двумя вершинами Ушбы. Выход на такие перевалы включает большую и технически сложнейшую часть восхождения на гору. Однако туристам вершины запрещены. Запреты обходят, как могут: например, включают в маршрут «выход на панорамную точку для фотографирования», или просто совершают восхождения втихаря, подальше от посторонних глаз, многократно увеличивая тем самым опасность тяжелых последствий любой аварии. Эти слова принадлежат Юрию Слезину – МС СССР по альпинизму, доктору наук.

Он прав, до слов «Однако, туристам вершины запрещены». Напротив Конституция СССР провозглашала равенство прав всех граждан страны и запрещала ограничивать свободу передвижения в своей стране для любого её гражданина. Никакие партийные, общественные или спортивные организации не имели права нарушать основной закон государства!

Именно эти два мнения определяли коллизию отношений между альпинистами и горными туристами во второй половине прошлого века. Альпинисты обижались на то, что им приходилось иногда отвлекаться от своих дел и помогать туристам, попавшим в беду. Туристы обижались на нарушения их конституционных прав.

Начало обозначенного в заглавии периода времени соответствует первому восхождению туриста на семитысячник, а конец – прекращению существования СССР. Представленный обзор содержит в хронологическом порядке все, известные мне, факты восхождений. В связи с отсутствием официальной регистрации рассматриваемых восхождений могут встречаться неточности. Кроме этого некоторые ссылки могут быть не актуальны, поскольку материал начал собираться с 2015 г. Номер маршрута совпадает со списком взошедших по годам. Стиль изложения будет различаться друг от друга, поскольку старался придерживаться текстов, присланных первоисточниками. Эта летопись, я думаю, будет постоянно дополняться. Друзья, надеюсь на вашу помощь!


Забег на северную стену пика Коммунизма 7495 м


One sleep 'til Princemas


the rogue's arsenal




Rally 'round the white flag


Ranger Ron's Wilderness survival guide


Hart's line


Beginners' guide to siege warfare


TSA 2019


Particle Physics Turns to Quantum Computing for Solutions to Tomorrow's Big-Data Problems

Giant-scale physics experiments are increasingly reliant on big data and complex algorithms fed into powerful computers, and managing this multiplying mass of data presents its own unique challenges. To better prepare for this data deluge posed by next-generation upgrades and new experiments, physicists are turning to the fledgling field of quantum computing.


The Medical Minute: Is 'impossible' meat too good to be true?

It sizzles on the grill. But does it fizzle in terms of nutrition? That's the question when it comes to the new burgers made of plant-based meat substitutes that are flying off grocery store shelves and restaurant tables.


Drug Lord's Hippos Make Their Mark on Foreign Ecosystem

Scientists published the first assessment of the impact that invasive hippos imported by drug lord Pablo Escobar are having on Colombian aquatic ecosystems. The hippos are changing the area's water quality by importing large amounts of nutrients and organic material from the surrounding landscape.


NSF's Newest Solar Telescope Produces First Images

Just released first images from the National Science Foundation's Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope reveal unprecedented detail of the Sun's surface and preview the world-class products to come from this preeminent 4-meter solar telescope. NSF's Inouye Solar Telescope, on the summit of Haleakala, Maui, in Hawai'i, will enable a new era of solar science and a leap forward in understanding the Sun and its impacts on our planet.


Tiny, ancient meteorites suggest early Earth's atmosphere was rich in carbon dioxide

Tiny meteorites that fell to Earth 2.7 billion years ago suggest that the atmosphere at that time was high in carbon dioxide, which agrees with current understanding of how our planet's atmospheric gases changed over time.


Hard News: Has Iran found an effective Covid-19 treatment?

For obvious reasons, there has been a lot of attention paid to work going into developing vaccines that could prevent Covid-19 infection, and drugs that could treat it. In particular, there has been some excitement about new animal trial data for remdesivir, a drug developed by Gilead Sciences. Gilead's share price rose nearly 10% on the day the trial data were announced.
It will be some time yet before the safety and efficacy of remdesvir is established, if ever (it's worth noting that it was tried, unsuccessfully, as a treatment for Ebola). And since I started work on this post…


Hard News: ICYMI: Links and things I've been doing

Like most people, I've been staying at home, doing a bit in the garden, cooking a lot and managing occasional bouts of anxiety. I've also written more here than I have done for a while. At a time when every Friday night has me missing my mates, it's been nice to see you all again.
But in the midst of it all – and after everything else disappeared – I got a new gig. It's with my friends from Spark Lab, it's called The Pivot Reports and it's a series of live-streamed shows over the next six weeks talking to business owners…


Your Pet Tributes'Lady'

Today I said goodbye to the most amazing, resilient, loving cat in the world. After fighting a myriad of diseases like a champ, her body finally tired


Your Pet Loss Stories'My Sweet Jess. My Guardian Angel'

I got my sweet Jess for my birthday 14 years ago. Little did I know at the time that she would become my everything, the love of my life. She died 5 weeks


Your Pet Tributes'Denver Mays' (June 18, 2000-June 15, 2013)

Our Beloved Denver (Big Guy), Thank you for teaching us the true meaning of what love was always meant to be. You were a beautiful dog with a beautiful


Your Pet Tributes'Reggie'

My dear, beloved friend, whom I loved more than life itself, is gone. My darling Reggie, the Plymouth Rock rooster, was snatched from my arms by a sudden


Your Pet Loss Stories'Maggie'

Maggie, it has been five days since you've passed from this life to the next. I miss you so terribly much! My heart aches every day. I listen for your


Your Pet Tributes'Turner'

Turner, Our boy always loving, playful. We will miss you but, we know it's time. We have held you, given you a thousand kisses, and told you how much


Your Pet Tributes'Jesse'

I've been reading these stories about beloved pets who died at such young ages, so I feel very blessed to have had you for 14 years. Thank you very much


Your Pet Loss Stories'Unconditional Love'

My brother owned a Chinese Crested named Phantom for almost 15 years. Their relationship was far beyond owner and pet, it was 100% family. Old age left


Your Pet Tributes'Sophie'

Our beautiful 23 year old long haired tabby Sophie died peacefully in my husband's arms this week on 19 June 2013 - my birthday. The pain is unbearable


Your Pet Loss Diaries'Dea & Samantha'July 08, 2013

Hi my angel Day 283 : Damn Each day is worse than the day before. “Time does not heal anything, it just teaches us how to deal with the pain . . .”


Your Pet Loss Poems'New Memories'

Oh what has happened, my darling little friend? I knew that it would happen, but I longed for us to never end. What shall I do without you? What shall


Your Pet Loss Stories'Storm, My Handsome Gentleman'

We got Storm when he was 13 weeks old as a companion for our Border Collie, Shadow. We decided on a Labrador because they were the opposite of BC's. Storm


Your Pet Loss Poems'How I Loved My Donny'

Death is in air The death of an old white horse His name; Donny His death was tragic to me How loved could he be How much I loved my Donny With his


Your Pet Loss Stories'My Best Friend'

I had a Himalayan Chocolate Point named Mooshie. I had her since she was 6 months old. We grew very close in the coming years. When she was a kitten she


Your Pet Tributes'Poppy'

You were the perfect companion. We did not share your life on earth for very long, just 6 short years. I feel privileged to have been part of your life


Your Pet Loss Stories'Denver Mays' (June 18, 2000 - June 15, 2013)

Our Beloved Denver, Thank you for teaching us the true meaning of what love was always meant to be. You were a beautiful dog with a beautiful soul that