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Top Photos of the Day

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Top Photos of the Day

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Top Photos of the Day

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Top Photos of the Day

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Top Photos of the Day

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Top Photos of the Day

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Top Photos of the Day

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Top Photos of the Day

Our top photos from the last 24 hours.


Top Photos of the Day

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Robots run the show at Japanese hotel

Robots welcome guests at the check-in counter, carry baggage and operate a locker room at a Japanese amusement park hotel. Sharon Reich reports


Climate change has already made parts of the world too hot for humans

Global warming has already made parts of the world – including cities in Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates – hotter than the human body can withstand


More Kids Get Antipsychotic Drugs

Title: More Kids Get Antipsychotic Drugs
Category: Health News
Created: 5/4/2006 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/4/2006 12:00:00 AM


'Healthy Bones' Shot Could Cut Women's Fracture Risk

Title: 'Healthy Bones' Shot Could Cut Women's Fracture Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 5/3/2007 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/3/2007 12:00:00 AM


Record Number of Americans Got Flu Shots, CDC Says

Title: Record Number of Americans Got Flu Shots, CDC Says
Category: Health News
Created: 4/29/2010 4:10:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 4/30/2010 12:00:00 AM


Hot Weather's Return Brings Ozone Warnings

Title: Hot Weather's Return Brings Ozone Warnings
Category: Health News
Created: 4/30/2012 4:06:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 5/1/2012 12:00:00 AM


50 Years of Data Confirm Benefit of Antipsychotics

Title: 50 Years of Data Confirm Benefit of Antipsychotics
Category: Health News
Created: 5/3/2012 11:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/3/2012 12:00:00 AM


Menopause: Smokers Have More Hot Flashes

Title: Menopause: Smokers Have More Hot Flashes
Category: Health News
Created: 5/3/2012 11:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/3/2012 12:00:00 AM


Girls May Need Fewer Gardasil Shots, Study Suggests

Title: Girls May Need Fewer Gardasil Shots, Study Suggests
Category: Health News
Created: 4/30/2013 12:35:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 5/1/2013 12:00:00 AM


No Link Found Between Playing Football in Hot Weather, Concussion Risk

Title: No Link Found Between Playing Football in Hot Weather, Concussion Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 4/28/2014 4:36:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 4/29/2014 12:00:00 AM


With Flu Shot, Timing May Be Everything

Title: With Flu Shot, Timing May Be Everything
Category: Health News
Created: 4/26/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/26/2016 12:00:00 AM


Antibody Shot Protects Monkeys From HIV-Like Infection

Title: Antibody Shot Protects Monkeys From HIV-Like Infection
Category: Health News
Created: 4/27/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/28/2016 12:00:00 AM


Birth Control Pill vs. Shot (Depo-Provera): Similarities and Differences

Title: Birth Control Pill vs. Shot (Depo-Provera): Similarities and Differences
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 6/15/2017 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/13/2020 12:00:00 AM


More Hot Flashes Could Mean Higher Odds for Heart Trouble

Title: More Hot Flashes Could Mean Higher Odds for Heart Trouble
Category: Health News
Created: 9/24/2019 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/24/2019 12:00:00 AM


Health Tip: Relieving Hot Flashes

Title: Health Tip: Relieving Hot Flashes
Category: Health News
Created: 10/4/2019 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 10/4/2019 12:00:00 AM


Dangerously Hot Days for U.S. Farm Workers Could Double by 2050

Title: Dangerously Hot Days for U.S. Farm Workers Could Double by 2050
Category: Health News
Created: 5/5/2020 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/6/2020 12:00:00 AM


Traveling Abroad? Make Sure Your Measles Shot Is Up to Date

Title: Traveling Abroad? Make Sure Your Measles Shot Is Up to Date
Category: Health News
Created: 7/24/2019 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/24/2019 12:00:00 AM


Phototropin2 Contributes to the Chloroplast Avoidance Response at the Chloroplast-Plasma Membrane Interface

Blue-light-induced chloroplast movements play an important role in maximizing light utilization for photosynthesis in plants. Under a weak light condition, chloroplasts accumulate to the cell surface to capture light efficiently (chloroplast accumulation response). Conversely, chloroplasts escape from strong light and move to the side wall to reduce photodamage (chloroplast avoidance response). The blue light receptor phototropin (phot) regulates these chloroplast movements and optimizes leaf photosynthesis by controlling other responses in addition to chloroplast movements. Seed plants such as Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) have phot1 and phot2. They redundantly mediate phototropism, stomatal opening, leaf flattening, and the chloroplast accumulation response. However, the chloroplast avoidance response is induced by strong blue light and regulated primarily by phot2. Phots are localized mainly on the plasma membrane. However, a substantial amount of phot2 resides on the chloroplast outer envelope. Therefore, differentially localized phot2 might have different functions. To determine the functions of plasma membrane- and chloroplast envelope-localized phot2, we tethered it to these structures with their respective targeting signals. Plasma membrane-localized phot2 regulated phototropism, leaf flattening, stomatal opening, and chloroplast movements. Chloroplast envelope-localized phot2 failed to mediate phototropism, leaf flattening, and the chloroplast accumulation response but partially regulated the chloroplast avoidance response and stomatal opening. Based on the present and previous findings, we propose that phot2 localized at the interface between the plasma membrane and the chloroplasts is required for the chloroplast avoidance response and possibly for stomatal opening as well.


ONE-HELIX PROTEIN1 and 2 Form Heterodimers to Bind Chlorophyll in Photosystem II Biogenesis

Members of the light-harvesting complex protein family participate in multiple processes connected with light sensing, light absorption, and pigment binding within the thylakoid membrane. Amino acid residues of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins involved in pigment binding have been precisely identified through x-ray crystallography experiments. In vitro pigment-binding studies have been performed with LIGHT-HARVESTING-LIKE3 proteins, and the pigment-binding ability of cyanobacterial high-light-inducible proteins has been studied in detail. However, analysis of pigment binding by plant high-light-inducible protein homologs, called ONE-HELIX PROTEINS (OHPs), is lacking. Here, we report on successful in vitro reconstitution of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) OHPs with chlorophylls and carotenoids and show that pigment binding depends on the formation of OHP1/OHP2 heterodimers. Pigment-binding capacity was completely lost in each of the OHPs when residues of the light-harvesting complex chlorophyll-binding motif required for chlorophyll binding were mutated. Moreover, the mutated OHP variants failed to rescue the respective knockout (T-DNA insertion) mutants, indicating that pigment-binding ability is essential for OHP function in vivo. The scaffold protein HIGH CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE244 (HCF244) is tethered to the thylakoid membrane by the OHP heterodimer. We show that HCF244 stability depends on OHP heterodimer formation and introduce the concept of a functional unit consisting of OHP1, OHP2, and HCF244, in which each protein requires the others. Because of their pigment-binding capacity, we suggest that OHPs function in the delivery of pigments to the D1 subunit of PSII.


Location, Location, Location: Phototropin 2 Action at the Chloroplast Membrane


Phosphoregulation within the Photorespiratory Cycle: Regulate Smarter, Adapt Better?


Hot on the Trail of DREB2A Protein Stability


A nonlinear beam model of photomotile structures [Engineering]

Actuation remains a significant challenge in soft robotics. Actuation by light has important advantages: Objects can be actuated from a distance, distinct frequencies can be used to actuate and control distinct modes with minimal interference, and significant power can be transmitted over long distances through corrosion-free, lightweight fiber optic cables....


Aerosol-photolysis interaction reduces particulate matter during wintertime haze events [Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences]

Aerosol–radiation interaction (ARI) plays a significant role in the accumulation of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) by stabilizing the planetary boundary layer and thus deteriorating air quality during haze events. However, modification of photolysis by aerosol scattering or absorbing solar radiation (aerosol–photolysis interaction or API) alters the atmospheric oxidizing capacity, decreases...


PCARE and WASF3 regulate ciliary F-actin assembly that is required for the initiation of photoreceptor outer segment disk formation [Genetics]

The outer segments (OS) of rod and cone photoreceptor cells are specialized sensory cilia that contain hundreds of opsin-loaded stacked membrane disks that enable phototransduction. The biogenesis of these disks is initiated at the OS base, but the driving force has been debated. Here, we studied the function of the...


Visualizing the structure and motion of the long noncoding RNA HOTAIR [ARTICLE]

Long noncoding RNA molecules (lncRNAs) are estimated to account for the majority of eukaryotic genomic transcripts, and have been associated with multiple diseases in humans. However, our understanding of their structure–function relationships is scarce, with structural evidence coming mostly from indirect biochemical approaches or computational predictions. Here we describe direct visualization of the lncRNA HOTAIR (HOx Transcript AntIsense RNA) using atomic force microscopy (AFM) in nucleus-like conditions at 37°. Our observations reveal that HOTAIR has a discernible, although flexible, shape. Fast AFM scanning enabled the quantification of the motion of HOTAIR, and provided visual evidence of physical interactions with genomic DNA segments. Our report provides a biologically plausible description of the anatomy and intrinsic properties of HOTAIR, and presents a framework for studying the structural biology of lncRNAs.


Spectral and photochemical diversity of tandem cysteine cyanobacterial phytochromes [Plant Biology]

The atypical trichromatic cyanobacterial phytochrome NpTP1 from Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133 is a linear tetrapyrrole (bilin)-binding photoreceptor protein that possesses tandem-cysteine residues responsible for shifting its light-sensing maximum to the violet spectral region. Using bioinformatics and phylogenetic analyses, here we established that tandem-cysteine cyanobacterial phytochromes (TCCPs) compose a well-supported monophyletic phytochrome lineage distinct from prototypical red/far-red cyanobacterial phytochromes. To investigate the light-sensing diversity of this family, we compared the spectroscopic properties of NpTP1 (here renamed NpTCCP) with those of three phylogenetically diverged TCCPs identified in the draft genomes of Tolypothrix sp. PCC7910, Scytonema sp. PCC10023, and Gloeocapsa sp. PCC7513. Recombinant photosensory core modules of ToTCCP, ScTCCP, and GlTCCP exhibited violet-blue–absorbing dark-states consistent with dual thioether-linked phycocyanobilin (PCB) chromophores. Photoexcitation generated singly-linked photoproduct mixtures with variable ratios of yellow-orange and red-absorbing species. The photoproduct ratio was strongly influenced by pH and by mutagenesis of TCCP- and phytochrome-specific signature residues. Our experiments support the conclusion that both photoproduct species possess protonated 15E bilin chromophores, but differ in the ionization state of the noncanonical “second” cysteine sulfhydryl group. We found that the ionization state of this and other residues influences subsequent conformational change and downstream signal transmission. We also show that tandem-cysteine phytochromes present in eukaryotes possess similar amino acid substitutions within their chromophore-binding pocket, which tune their spectral properties in an analogous fashion. Taken together, our findings provide a roadmap for tailoring the wavelength specificity of plant phytochromes to optimize plant performance in diverse natural and artificial light environments.


An arrestin-1 surface opposite of its interface with photoactivated rhodopsin engages with enolase-1 [Protein Structure and Folding]

Arrestin-1 is the arrestin family member responsible for inactivation of the G protein–coupled receptor rhodopsin in photoreceptors. Arrestin-1 is also well-known to interact with additional protein partners and to affect other signaling cascades beyond phototransduction. In this study, we investigated one of these alternative arrestin-1 binding partners, the glycolysis enzyme enolase-1, to map the molecular contact sites between these two proteins and investigate how the binding of arrestin-1 affects the catalytic activity of enolase-1. Using fluorescence quench protection of strategically placed fluorophores on the arrestin-1 surface, we observed that arrestin-1 primarily engages enolase-1 along a surface that is opposite of the side of arrestin-1 that binds photoactivated rhodopsin. Using this information, we developed a molecular model of the arrestin-1–enolase-1 complex, which was validated by targeted substitutions of charge-pair interactions. Finally, we identified the likely source of arrestin's modulation of enolase-1 catalysis, showing that selective substitution of two amino acids in arrestin-1 can completely remove its effect on enolase-1 activity while still remaining bound to enolase-1. These findings open up opportunities for examining the functional effects of arrestin-1 on enolase-1 activity in photoreceptors and their surrounding cells.


Non-photopic and photopic visual cycles differentially regulate immediate, early, and late phases of cone photoreceptor-mediated vision [Molecular Bases of Disease]

Cone photoreceptors in the retina enable vision over a wide range of light intensities. However, the processes enabling cone vision in bright light (i.e. photopic vision) are not adequately understood. Chromophore regeneration of cone photopigments may require the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and/or retinal Müller glia. In the RPE, isomerization of all-trans-retinyl esters to 11-cis-retinol is mediated by the retinoid isomerohydrolase Rpe65. A putative alternative retinoid isomerase, dihydroceramide desaturase-1 (DES1), is expressed in RPE and Müller cells. The retinol-isomerase activities of Rpe65 and Des1 are inhibited by emixustat and fenretinide, respectively. Here, we tested the effects of these visual cycle inhibitors on immediate, early, and late phases of cone photopic vision. In zebrafish larvae raised under cyclic light conditions, fenretinide impaired late cone photopic vision, while the emixustat-treated zebrafish unexpectedly had normal vision. In contrast, emixustat-treated larvae raised under extensive dark-adaptation displayed significantly attenuated immediate photopic vision concomitant with significantly reduced 11-cis-retinaldehyde (11cRAL). Following 30 min of light, early photopic vision was recovered, despite 11cRAL levels remaining significantly reduced. Defects in immediate cone photopic vision were rescued in emixustat- or fenretinide-treated larvae following exogenous 9-cis-retinaldehyde supplementation. Genetic knockout of Des1 (degs1) or retinaldehyde-binding protein 1b (rlbp1b) did not eliminate photopic vision in zebrafish. Our findings define molecular and temporal requirements of the nonphotopic or photopic visual cycles for mediating vision in bright light.


Photo Quiz: A 55-Year-Old-Man with Rectal Bleeding and a Rectal Mass [Photo Quiz]


Answer to May 2020 Photo Quiz [Photo Quiz]


Digital medical photography recording: a personal view


Microbial Diversity in Deep-Subsurface Hot Brines of Northwest Poland: from Community Structure to Isolate Characteristics [Geomicrobiology]

Deep-subsurface hot brines in northwest Poland, extracted through boreholes reaching 1.6 and 2.6 km below the ground surface, were microbiologically investigated using culture-independent and culture-dependent methods. The high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons showed a very low diversity of bacterial communities, which were dominated by phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. Bacterial genera potentially involved in sulfur oxidation and nitrate reduction (Halothiobacillus and Methylobacterium) prevailed in both waters over the sulfate reducers ("Candidatus Desulforudis" and Desulfotomaculum). Only one archaeal taxon, affiliated with the order Thermoplasmatales, was detected in analyzed samples. Bacterial isolates obtained from these deep hot brines were closely related to Bacillus paralicheniformis based on the 16S rRNA sequence similarity. However, genomic and physiological analyses made for one of the isolates, Bacillus paralicheniformis strain TS6, revealed the existence of more diverse metabolic pathways than those of its moderate-temperature counterpart. These specific traits may be associated with the ecological adaptations to the extreme habitat, which suggest that some lineages of B. paralicheniformis are halothermophilic.

IMPORTANCE Deep-subsurface aquifers, buried thousands of meters down the Earth’s crust, belong to the most underexplored microbial habitats. Although a few studies revealed the existence of microbial life at the depths, the knowledge about the microbial life in the deep hydrosphere is still scarce due to the limited access to such environments. Studying the subsurface microbiome provides unique information on microbial diversity, community structure, and geomicrobiological processes occurring under extreme conditions of the deep subsurface. Our study shows that low-diversity microbial assemblages in subsurface hot brines were dominated by the bacteria involved in biogeochemical cycles of sulfur and nitrogen. Based on genomic and physiological analyses, we found that the Bacillus paralicheniformis isolate obtained from the brine under study differed from the mesophilic species in the presence of specific adaptations to harsh environmental conditions. We indicate that some lineages of B. paralicheniformis are halothermophilic, which was not previously reported.


Unexpected Abundance and Diversity of Phototrophs in Mats from Morphologically Variable Microbialites in Great Salt Lake, Utah [Microbial Ecology]

Microbial mat communities are associated with extensive (~700 km2) and morphologically variable carbonate structures, termed microbialites, in the hypersaline Great Salt Lake (GSL), Utah. However, whether the composition of GSL mat communities covaries with microbialite morphology and lake environment is unknown. Moreover, the potential adaptations that allow the establishment of these extensive mat communities at high salinity (14% to 17% total salts) are poorly understood. To address these questions, microbial mats were sampled from seven locations in the south arm of GSL representing different lake environments and microbialite morphologies. Despite the morphological differences, microbialite-associated mats were taxonomically similar and were dominated by the cyanobacterium Euhalothece and several heterotrophic bacteria. Metagenomic sequencing of a representative mat revealed Euhalothece and subdominant Thiohalocapsa populations that harbor the Calvin cycle and nitrogenase, suggesting they supply fixed carbon and nitrogen to heterotrophic bacteria. Fifteen of the next sixteen most abundant taxa are inferred to be aerobic heterotrophs and, surprisingly, harbor reaction center, rhodopsin, and/or bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis proteins, suggesting aerobic photoheterotrophic (APH) capabilities. Importantly, proteins involved in APH are enriched in the GSL community relative to that in microbialite mat communities from lower salinity environments. These findings indicate that the ability to integrate light into energy metabolism is a key adaptation allowing for robust mat development in the hypersaline GSL.

IMPORTANCE The earliest evidence of life on Earth is from organosedimentary structures, termed microbialites, preserved in 3.481-billion-year-old (Ga) rocks. Phototrophic microbial mats form in association with an ~700-km2 expanse of morphologically diverse microbialites in the hypersaline Great Salt Lake (GSL), Utah. Here, we show taxonomically similar microbial mat communities are associated with morphologically diverse microbialites across the lake. Metagenomic sequencing reveals an abundance and diversity of autotrophic and heterotrophic taxa capable of harvesting light energy to drive metabolism. The unexpected abundance of and diversity in the mechanisms of harvesting light energy observed in GSL mat populations likely function to minimize niche overlap among coinhabiting taxa, provide a mechanism(s) to increase energy yield and osmotic balance during salt stress, and enhance fitness. Together, these physiological benefits promote the formation of robust mats that, in turn, influence the formation of morphologically diverse microbialite structures that can be imprinted in the rock record.


Lactoferrin Is Broadly Active against Yeasts and Highly Synergistic with Amphotericin B [Susceptibility]

Lactoferrin (LF) is a multifunctional milk protein with antimicrobial activity against a range of pathogens. While numerous studies report that LF is active against fungi, there are considerable differences in the level of antifungal activity and the capacity of LF to interact with other drugs. Here we undertook a comprehensive evaluation of the antifungal spectrum of activity of three defined sources of LF across 22 yeast and 24 mold species and assessed its interactions with six widely used antifungal drugs. LF was broadly and consistently active against all yeast species tested (MICs, 8 to 64 μg/ml), with the extent of activity being strongly affected by iron saturation. LF was synergistic with amphotericin B (AMB) against 19 out of 22 yeast species tested, and synergy was unaffected by iron saturation but was affected by the extent of LF digestion. LF-AMB combination therapy significantly prolonged the survival of Galleria mellonella wax moth larvae infected with Candida albicans or Cryptococcus neoformans and decreased the fungal burden 12- to 25-fold. Evidence that LF directly interacts with the fungal cell surface was seen via scanning electron microscopy, which showed pore formation, hyphal thinning, and major cell collapse in response to LF-AMB synergy. Important virulence mechanisms were disrupted by LF-AMB treatment, which significantly prevented biofilms in C. albicans and C. glabrata, inhibited hyphal development in C. albicans, and reduced cell and capsule size and phenotypic diversity in Cryptococcus. Our results demonstrate the potential of LF-AMB as an antifungal treatment that is broadly synergistic against important yeast pathogens, with the synergy being attributed to the presence of one or more LF peptides.


Shophouse Metro Star, hot nhất khu Đông, cầu bộ hành nối liền tầng 2 của dự án vào nhà ga số 10

Lấy cảm hứng từ Myeongdong - khu phố mua sắm, giải trí nổi tiếng bậc nhất Seoul Một Myeongdong Hàn Quốc sẽ được tái hiện sống động ngay tại khu Đông Sài Gòn hứa hẹn tạo nên không gian sầm uất của phố thị rực rỡ.Tập trung hàng trăm thương hiệu thời trang nổi tiếng, không gian ẩm t...