
The Clergy Initiative: Healthy Clergy, Healthy Parishes

Join Bill Marianes for a conversation about the Clergy Family Initiative with project members Dr. George Koulianos, Dr. George Stavros, and Presvytera Nicole Keares. They'll share the latest empirical research on the issues faced by clergy families, and things we can do to make their lives better.


Living A Christian Worldview

Join Bill and Dr. Barry Doublestein to find out what a Christian worldview is, how to define and clarify yours, and learn what you can do to become a Christ-centered leader who is worthy of being followed.


Buddhism and Orthodox Christianity

Frederica uses the recorded comments of a Buddhist monk to examine the similarities and differences between Orthodox and Buddhist beliefs, particularly as they relate to anger and forgiveness.


A Christian Ending

Frederica interviews Dn. Mark and Mat. Elizabeth Barna, authors of A Christian Ending: A Handbook for Burial in the Ancient Christian Tradition, published by Divine Ascent Press.


Christian Colleges

Frederica speaks on many college campuses, both secular and Christian. You may be surprised by her observations related to the Christian colleges!


Great Canon and Prayer - Orthodox Christian Book Club

Frederica speaks with the Orthodox Christian Book Club about the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and the topic of prayer.


What Christians Can Learn From CrossFit

As Christians seek to form a community, the fitness phenomenon, CrossFit, has a great deal to teach us! Join Christian this week in exploring how CrossFit can show the Church what it means to be a community.


A Christian Response to Terrorism

Fr. Tom follows up on his thoughts on suffering and pain by looking specifically at the events of 9-11-2001.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 1

What is the relationship between the concepts of natural selection and Christian theology? Fr. Tom begins a series of reflections on Charles Darwin and what he has learned in his research may surprise you!


Christianity in the Time of Darwin

In part 3 of the Darwin series, Fr. Tom explores the Darwin era and what was happening at that time in Christianity.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 4

In part 4 of Fr. Tom Hopko's talks on the Darwinian revolution, he looks at what Charles Darwin may have experienced in terms of Christianity in his day.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 5

In the 5th part of his series on Charles Darwin, Fr. Thomas talks about the relationship of this Darwinian Revolution and natural science in general to the issue of Orthodox Christian theology.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 6

In his continuing series on Charles Darwin, Fr. Thomas reflects on the Darwinian revolution and Christian theology having to do with the Bible. How do the Scriptures relate to the scientific world in which we live especially following the 19th century?


Darwin and Christianity - Part 7: The Genesis Account (part 1)

In his continuing series on Charles Darwin and Christianity, Fr. Tom begins a reflection on the creation story as told in Genesis.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 8: The Genesis Account (part 2)

Fr. Tom Hopko continues his series on Darwin with his 2nd reflection on the creation story in Genesis.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 9: The Genesis Account (part 3)

Part 3 of the teachings from Genesis as a section in the larger series on Darwin and Christianity.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 10: The Genesis Account (part 4)

Part 4 of the teachings from Genesis as a section in the larger series on Darwin and Christianity.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 11: Death

In this episode on the Darwinian Revolution and the relationship between natural science and Christian theology, Fr. Thomas Hopko reflects on the issue of death.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 12: The Soul

How do you describe the distinction between human beings and animals? Is it the soul or is it something else altogether?


Darwin and Christianity - Part 13: God and Creation

Fr. Tom continues his series on Darwin and Christianity with some musings on God and Creation.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 14: Meditation on Miracles

What are some of the misunderstandings and misgivings about miracles, and how does that relate to natural science and Christian theology?


Darwin and Christianity - Part 15: Nature and Super-nature

As Fr. Tom gets close to the end of his series on Darwin and Christianity, he reflects on the terms and concepts of nature and super-nature.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 16: Faith and Knowledge, Reason and Revelation

This is the next-to-last episode in the Darwin series.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 17: The Final Chapter

In this final installment in his Darwin and Christianity series, Fr. Tom Hopko compares the task and method of natural science with the task and method of Christian theology.


How Should Orthodox Relate to Other Christians?

If we believe that the Orthodox Church is the True Church, how are we to relate to those in other faith traditions or even non Christians? Fr. Tom takes us to the Church Fathers for answers.


Christian Leadership in the Home

Fr. John shares about godly parenting from Ephesians 5:22-33.


A Tale of Two Kinds of Christians

Fr. John shares from 3 John 1:1-14.


To the Church of Philadelphia: The Name of Christian

Fr. John speaks from Revelation 3:7-13.


Christian Is As Christian Does

Fr. John Whiteford shares from 1 John 2:28-33.


Christian Is As Christian Does

Fr. John Whiteford preaches from John Chapter 3 verses 4-10, saying that to be a Christian is to live like a Christian. None of us are perfect but we must strive to overcome our sins and not give in to the devil.


The Importance of Christian Marriage

Fr. John Whiteford's sermon from September 15, 2024.


Escaping the Inertia of Mediocrity

The Good News of Jesus Christ invites us to such a radical departure from the fallen vision of our true purpose that confronting this message invariably challenges us. This challenge will be received differently by each person based on the true nature of their heart.


Why Christians Must Acquire the Soul of a Poet

St. Porphyrios wrote, “Whoever wants to become a Christian must first become a poet.” Most of us are not poets so does this preclude us from being true Christians? Join Michael as he explores God’s poetic and artistic nature and how to understand and connect to Him through the divine language of symbol, beauty, and our own personal artistry even while living in a culture dominated by utilitarianism and reductionism.


True Christians Have No Enemies

True Christians Have No Enemies (w/ Fr. Seraphim Aldea)


Tuesday Dec 18 - The Holy Martyr Sebastian and Those With Him


Holy Martyr Sebastian and Those with Him


Dec 18 - Holy Martyr Sebastian


Mar 09 - Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastia


Feast of the Tikhvin and Hodigritia Icons of the Mother of God


Aug 03 - Sts. Dalmatus And Faustus, Ascetics Of The Dalmatian Monastery


Jan 12 -  Holy Martyr Tatiana


Holy Martyr Tatiana


Feb 24 - St. Aethelbert, First Christian King Of Kent


May 25 - Holy Martyrs Pasicrates, Valentian, Julius And Those With Them


Holy Martyrs Pasicrates, Valentian, and Julius


St. Isaac, Founder of the Dalmatian Monastery at Constantinople


Saint Aethelberht, First Christian King of Kent


Holy Martyr Vitus, with Modestus and Crescentia


Holy Martyr Tatiana


Saint Aethelberht, First Christian King of Kent