
Life and Death in the ‘Hot Zone’

“If people saw this, they would stay home.” What the war against the coronavirus looks like inside two Bronx hospitals.


The Best Photo Editing Software for 2020

Whether you're a casual smartphone shooter or a professional using an SLR, software can get the most out of your images. We help you find the best photo editing software for your needs.


Apple Wi-Fi hotspot patent infrigement saga ends with a whimper

After several years of back-and-forth litigation, Apple has withdrawn what was likely its final appeal in a Wi-Fi hotspot patent infringement case due to a Supreme Court decision.


Hot day invites hospitality

OM short-term workers visit a Muslim family and enjoy food and conversation, which they hope will help lead the family to the truth.


Therapy and Psychotropic Medication Use in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder


Guidelines suggest young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) receive intensive nonpharmacologic interventions. Additionally, associated symptoms may be treated with psychotropic medications. Actual intervention use by young children has not been well characterized. Our aim in this study was to describe interventions received by young children (3–6 years old) with ASD. The association with sociodemographic factors was also explored.


Data were analyzed from the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (AS-ATN), a research registry of children with ASD from 17 sites in the United States and Canada. AS-ATN participants receive a diagnostic evaluation and treatment recommendations. Parents report intervention use at follow-up visits. At follow-up, 805 participants had data available about therapies received, and 613 had data available about medications received.


The median total hours per week of therapy was 5.5 hours (interquartile range 2.0–15.0), and only 33.4% of participants were reported to be getting behaviorally based therapies. A univariate analysis and a multiple regression model predicting total therapy time showed that a diagnosis of ASD before enrollment in the AS-ATN was a significant predictor. Additionally, 16.3% of participants were on ≥1 psychotropic medication. A univariate analysis and a multiple logistic model predicting psychotropic medication use showed site region as a significant predictor.


Relatively few young children with ASD are receiving behavioral therapies or total therapy hours at the recommended intensity. There is regional variability in psychotropic medication use. Further research is needed to improve access to evidence-based treatments for young children with ASD.


Hot List 2020: Anna Acquroff, Francine Toon, SHHE and Helen Sedgwick



Shots fired on Korean border

South Korea says its troops have exchanged fire with North Korea along their tense land border.


Checkout: Spa Breaks, MacDonald Inchyra Grange Hotel, Grangemouth



Paul Hollywood Eats Japan; Van der Valk; Normal People; The Real Marigold Hotel, reviews

FACE it – we are going nowhere. Even if we had a particular place to venture the regulations would not permit. For the foreseeable we shall have to contract out our travelling to others. On the upside, no airport hassle. On the downside, no giant Toblerone.


TV preview: Lucy Worsley's Royal Photo Album; Charlie Brooker's Antiviral Wipe

THE market for TV historians is crowded and fiercely competitive. Drop your guard for a second and Dan Snow or Bettany Hughes will be in the door and taking your gig faster than you can don a pair of those special white gloves all in the trade must have. Lucy Worsley made her name by combining immense knowledge – she is the chief curator at Historic Royal Palaces – with a steadfast dedication to raiding the dressing up box.


Desegregation Order Lifted on Georgia School District in Coronavirus Hotspot

Dougherty County, a largely black school district in an region heavily affected by coronavirus, is no longer subject to desegregation orders first imposed in 1963.


TV review: State of Happiness; Inside Central Station; The A Word; First Dates Hotel

SOMETIMES, for a giggle, I like to imagine what Scotland would have been like had we kept the oil for ourselves. Like Saudi Arabia without the weather and executions, maybe? Or more like canny Norway, investing the cash in a big brolly for some future rainy day?


Old pals act: as an exhibition of his photographs of John Byrne opens in Edinburgh, David Eustace on his long friendship and working relationship with the artist and playwright

For three decades now, the artist and playwright John Byrne has been sitting regularly for photographer David Eustace, the Glasgow-born photographer who left school at 16 and joined first the navy and then the prison service before settling on a career behind a camera.


RBS new £20 note photography competition

The Herald, in proud partnership with Royal Bank of Scotland, is inviting the country's photographers to enter their most accomplished work in a new competition which celebrates the launch of a stunning new £20 banknote design.


Dose-Response Relationship of Phototherapy for Hyperbilirubinemia

A dose-response relationship exists between light irradiance and decrease of total serum bilirubin concentration (TsB) at relatively low irradiances. It has been questioned whether by increasing irradiance a "saturation point" exists, above which no further decrease of TsB is seen.

We found a linear relation between light irradiance in the range of 20 to 55 μW/cm2/nm and decrease in TsB after 24 hours of therapy, with no evidence of a saturation point. (Read the full article)


Early Growth of Infantile Hemangiomas: What Parents' Photographs Tell Us

Infantile hemangiomas have a period of rapid growth in early infancy. Most hemangioma growth is completed by 5 months of age, but the majority of patients are not seen by a specialist until after the growth phase is complete.

The most rapid hemangioma growth is between 1 and 2 months of life, much earlier than previously believed. Patients with high-risk hemangiomas should be followed closely, and treatment initiation should be considered before or during the most rapid growth phase. (Read the full article)


Practical Community Photoscreening in Very Young Children

Amblyopia affects 2% to 4% of the US population and is preventable In January 2011, the US Preventive Services Task Force concluded there is insufficient evidence to support vision screening in children younger than age 3 years.

Results of the Iowa photoscreening program in 210 695 children older than 11 years suggest photoscreening reliably detects amblyogenic risk factors in children 1 to 3 years of age, and we recommend photoscreening children starting at 1 year of age. (Read the full article)


National Trends in Psychotropic Medication Use in Young Children: 1994-2009

Studies of psychotropic use in very young US children in the last decade have been limited by the regions, insurance types, or medication classes examined. There is a paucity of recent, nationally representative investigations of US preschool psychotropic use.

In a national sample of 2 to 5 year olds, the likelihood of psychotropic prescription peaked in the mid-2000s, then stabilized in the late 2000s. Increased psychotropic use in boys, white children, and those lacking private health insurance was documented. (Read the full article)


Gunshot Injuries in Children Served by Emergency Services

Gunshot injuries are an important cause of preventable injury and mortality in children, with emergency services often providing the initial care for patients. However, there is little recent population-based research to guide public health, injury prevention, and health policy efforts.

Gunshot injuries are uncommon in children, but cause greater injury severity, need for major surgery, mortality, and costs compared with other injury mechanisms. There is also large variation in the population-adjusted incidence of pediatric gunshot injuries between regions. (Read the full article)


Psychotropic Medication Use and Polypharmacy in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Psychotropic use is common and increasing in children with mental disorders but little is known about the long-term patterns of psychotropic use and polypharmacy among commercially insured children with autism spectrum disorders.

Among 33 565 children with autism spectrum disorders, 64% used psychotropic medications and 35% had evidence of polypharmacy. Older children and those who had seizures, attention-deficit disorders, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or depression had increased risk of psychotropic use and polypharmacy. (Read the full article)


Adherence to Guidelines for Glucose Assessment in Starting Second-Generation Antipsychotics

In 2003, the US Food and Drug Administration issued warnings about hyperglycemia and diabetes with second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs). Since 2004, hyperglycemic and diabetes risk with SGAs has been stated in product labels, and published guidelines have recommended baseline metabolic screening.

Between 2006 and 2011, 11% of children 2 to 18 years starting an SGA had baseline glucose assessed. Youth at risk for diabetes may not be identified. Further, lack of screening impedes determining the contribution of SGAs to hyperglycemia. (Read the full article)


Transcutaneous Bilirubin After Phototherapy in Term and Preterm Infants

Phototherapy decreases bilirubin concentration in skin more rapidly than in blood. During and after phototherapy, transcutaneous bilirubin measurements are considered unreliable and therefore discouraged.

Transcutaneous bilirubin underestimates total serum bilirubin by 2.4 mg/dL (SD, 2.1 mg/dL) during the first 8 hours after phototherapy. This gives a safety margin of ~7 mg/dL below the treatment threshold to omit confirmatory blood sampling. (Read the full article)


Antipsychotic Medication Prescribing in Children Enrolled in Medicaid

Although the rates of antipsychotic medication treatment are rising for children and adolescents, little is known about the factors associated with this practice.

This study provides some of the first data regarding when and why clinicians decide to use antipsychotic medications. It reveals clues as to how prescribing might better follow best practice guidelines. (Read the full article)


Adobe Photoshop for iPad

Adobe's initial attempt to shoehorn the sprawling Photoshop image editor into the tablet form-factor makes an impressive and pleasing start, but it really is just a start.


Atari Wants to Build Video Game-Themed Hotels

The first hotel will break ground later this year in Phoenix, Arizona. Another is being planned for Las Vegas. They promise to offer Atari-themed lodging, along with lots of video gaming experiences.


Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 VII

The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 VII point-and-shoot is a modest update to the RX100 VI, offering better autofocus and video stabilization for a bit more money.


HUB-Robeson Galleries presents exhibit of graduate student's photography

The HUB-Robeson Galleries are proud to present "moments," an online thesis exhibition of photography by Zsuzsanna Nagy, a second-year master of fine arts student in photography.


Hotel Burundi

Am 20. August 2015 legte Burundis Präsident Pierre Nkurunziza schnell und leise zum dritten Mal den Amtseid ab. Die Vereidigung war erst am selben Morgen angekündigt worden, und die in der Hauptstadt akkreditierten Botschafter aus Europa und den USA blieben ebenso demonstrativ fern wie die Vertreter der Afrikanischen Union. Mit Blick auf die Sicherheitslage und die hohe Zahl politischer Morde im August hatte man sich entschlossen, die Vereidigung rasch und ohne großes Aufheben durchzuziehen.


Avast to End Browser Data Harvesting, Terminates Jumpshot

'As CEO of Avast, I feel personally responsible and I would like to apologize to all concerned,' wrote Ondrej Vlcek following a PCMag-Motherboard investigation into the privacy risks around the data harvesting.


Google Photos Videos Were Shared With Strangers

Google's Takeout service was designed to let people download their data, but accidentally sent videos from Google Photos accounts to strangers.


Scottish hotels set for ‘stepped’ reopening

Hotels are poised for a “stepped” reopening in Scotland once lockdown restrictions are eased, a sector expert has said.


Coronavirus RECAP: Scottish hotels set for 'stepped' reopening | England's lockdown plan emerges

The Herald is bringing you the latest coronavirus news and updates from Scotland, the UK and the world.


Get Organized: How to Scan Your Old Photos

It's time to free your old photos from shoeboxes and albums no one ever looks at. Scanning your photos makes them more shareable, searchable, and resistant to disasters. Productivity expert Jill Duffy tells you how to get started.


Save $30 on Canon IVY Mobile Mini Photo Printer

The Canon IVY mobile mini photo printer, which lets you print 2-by-3-inch photos from your phone and social media, is 22 percent off at Amazon. Grab it now for just $99.99.


Netgear Teases Better 5G Hotspot, Probably for AT&T

The Netgear M5 is the 5G hotspot we've been waiting for, but it isn't coming out until the second half of the year. A separate Netgear CES announcement, meanwhile, showed another weakness of 5G in the US right now.


Hot on the Heels of Ryzen 3000 Series, AMD Tips 4 New Processors

AMD is on a roll this year, and in the spirit of striking while the iron is still hot, the company will add four more processors to its swelling lineup of killer CPUs.


Hottest PC Components and Storage at CES 2020: AMD, and SSDs, Still Rising

A 64-core/128-thread CPU. A new challenger in laptop processors. A feisty new fighter in midrange graphics. These three things have three letters in common. Plus: SSDs take on stunning new capacities, speeds, and looks.


CES 2020: The Hottest PC Cases and Modder Gear

What's CES without a little desktop-PC excess? These dozen products were the ones that mesmerized the PC modder and builder in us.

hot | Somerset West among the Western Cape's fastest-growing property hotspots

Somerset West stands out as one of the fastest growing property areas – commercial, residential and industrial - in the Western Cape, according to a new report on the state of the property sector in the Western Cape.


Snap shot: Denmark gatecrash EURO party

Our series focusing on the big moments in EURO history and the people involved reaches 1992, and the final act of last-minute entrants Denmark's fairy-tale summer.


Man Pleads Guilty to Leaving Infant in Hot Car Leading to Child’s Death

Other defendants face prison time on manslaughter, drug, weapons, robbery, and burglary charges Syiee Parker, a Wilmington man who left his 10-month-old child in a car one day last summer has pleaded guilty to causing her death. In July 2019, Parker, 37, dropped his wife off at work, and took 6 other children to summer […]

  • Criminal Division
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  • Department of Justice Press Releases
  • Attorney General Kathy Jennings
  • Delaware Department of Justice
  • superior court


The Mezzanine Gallery to Exhibit Ray Magnani’s “Oxidation and The Dance” Photographs

Wilmington, Del. (September 27, 2017) – Oxidation and The Dance: Two Photographic Essays will be on view in the Mezzanine Gallery from October 6-27, 2017. An opening reception to meet the artist will be held on Friday, October 6 from 5-7 p.m. Magnani received a 2017 Emerging Fellowship in Photography. In this exhibition, he is […]


The Mezzanine Gallery to Exhibit Beth Trepper’s “People You Won’t Recognize” Photographs

Wilmington, Del. (November 20, 2017) – People You Won’t Recognize will be on view in the Mezzanine Gallery from December 1-29, 2017. An opening reception to meet the artist will be held on Friday, December 1 from 5-7 p.m. The opening will include live music performed by Karen Mercer, the artist’s cousin. Trepper received a […]


The Mezzanine Gallery to Exhibit Shelley Koon’s “Wither” Photographs

  On view from August 3-31, 2018 Free opening reception on Friday, June 1 at 5 p.m. Wilmington, Del. (July 24, 2018) – Wither: Exploration of the Forgotten, a photography exhibit by Shelley Koon, will be on view in the Mezzanine Gallery from August 3-31, 2018. The artist will host a free opening reception on Friday, […]


Small screen, bigger budget: Netflix, Hotstar spending big on content

OTT platforms are sexing up their original content library with bigger budgets, foreign locales and slick production values


We operate in mid-market and smart hotels space: JB Singh, president and CEO, InterGlobe hotels

"India is at the onset of a brand revolution where, in the coming decade, I hope homegrown brands will make it to the top," says JB Singh, President and CEO, InterGlobe Hotels


From Hotstar and Amazon Prime to Zee5, OTT players forging collaborations

Will partnerships such as these be the norm in the digital entertainment market in India?


Nikon releases the NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f/2.8 VR S, a fast telephoto zoom lens for the Nikon Z mount system


Nikon releases the AF-S NIKKOR 120-300mm f/2.8E FL ED SR VR, a fast telephoto zoom lens compatible with the Nikon FX format


Vanessa Bryant Sues LA County Sheriff's Department Over Crash Site Photos

Kobe and Gianna Bryant were among nine people who died in the January 26 helicopter crash in the mountains west of Los Angeles.