
OECD Health Statistics 2015 - Country Notes

Specific country notes have been prepared using data from the database OECD Health Statistics 2015, July 2015 version. The notes are available in PDF format.


OECD Health Statistics 2015 - Country Notes

Specific country notes have been prepared using data from the database OECD Health Statistics 2015, July 2015 version. The notes are available in PDF format.


Health care reform and long-term care in the Netherlands

The Netherlands, as other OECD countries, faces the challenge of providing high quality health and long term care services to an ageing population in a cost-efficient manner.


Health at a Glance 2019: Key findings for Mexico

Mexico is one of the few OECD countries where gains in life expectancy have not slowed down in recent years. Nevertheless, life expectancy remains approximately five years below the OECD average. Health care expenditure comprises 5.5% of GDP, which is amongst the lowest across OECD countries. Coverage for a core set of health services in Mexico is the lowest in the OECD at 89.3%.


Improving the Czech health care system

The Czech health care system is doing well in terms of health outcomes compared to other Central East European economies that inherited similar health systems after the transition and has been converging to OECD averages.


Why does the United States spend so much more on health than other countries?

The United States spent 16% of its national income (GDP) on health in 2007, which is by far, the highest share in the OECD. This presentation was given by Mark Pearson, Head of OECD Health Division, to the U.S Senate Special Committee on Aging.


Health: Switzerland’s health system is high-performing but must prepare for the future

The Swiss health system is one of the world’s best but must adapt to deal with rising costs and higher rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, according to a new OECD/WHO report.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: Japan

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: Korea

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: Italy

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: Australia

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: United Kingdom

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: United States

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: Germany

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: Canada

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Employment: mental health issues rising in workplace, says OECD

Mental illness is a growing problem in society and is increasingly affecting productivity and well-being in the workplace, according to a new OECD report.


US health care system from an international perspective

Data from OECD Health Data 2012 focusing on key US issues: why is the US health spending so high? Is US health spending higher due to higher prices or higher service provision? (or both?)? Is the quality of care better in the US? What are the trends in key risk factors to health in the US?


Briefing note for OECD Health Data 2012: How Does Korea Compare (in Korean)

한국의 GDP 대비 국민의료비 비중은 2000년 4.5% 에서 2010년 처음으로 7%을 넘은 것(7.1%)으로 나타났다. 그러나 한국의 GDP 대비 국민의료비 비중 7.1%는 OECD 평균 9.5 %에 비해서는 낮은 편이다. 미국은 GDP 대비 17.6%로 가장 높다.


Health: Growth in health spending grinds to a halt

Growth in health spending slowed or fell in real terms in 2010 in almost all OECD countries, reversing a long-term trend of rapid increases, according to OECD Health Data 2012.


Israel: excellent primary health care, but hospitals must improve

Israel has world class-primary care services and should now focus efforts on bringing its hospitals up to the same high international standards, according to the OECD’s Health Care Quality Review of Israel.


OECD Expert Workshop on Improving Health Expenditure Forecasting Methods

This workshop will convene leading experts from health and finance backgrounds in government, academia, and international organisations to take stock of progress in health expenditure forecasting and to discuss future directions, in light of policy needs and recent advancements in techniques, detailed data and computing power.


Health spending in Europe falls for the first time in decades

Health spending fell across the European Union in 2010, as cash-strapped governments curbed outlays to help cut budgetary deficits, according to Health at a Glance: Europe 2012, a new joint report by the OECD and the European Commission.


Health care reform and long-term care in the Netherlands

The Netherlands, as other OECD countries, faces the challenge of providing high quality health and long term care services to an ageing population in a cost-efficient manner.


Belgium should be more proactive in tackling mental health issues in the workplace, says OECD

Belgian companies, mutualities and employment services should be more proactive in helping people with mental health problems stay in the workplace or find a job, according to a new OECD report.


Health Spending Growth at Zero: Which Countries, Which Sectors Are Most Affected?

OECD Health Working Papers No. 60: Health Spending Growth at Zero: Which Countries, Which Sectors Are Most Affected?


Denmark: good hospitals but primary health care must improve

The Danish central government and regions are leading international efforts to reform hospital systems, improving quality and safety by gathering specialists into major hospitals and closing smaller ones.


Mental Health and Work Expert Seminar - Lessons from the First Country Reports

The main purpose of this meeting is to shortly present where the Mental Health and Work project stands and to discuss some good practice examples from the first countries that have been reviewed.


Public spending on health and long-term care: a new set of projections

This paper provides new projections of public spending on health and long-term care for OECD countries and the BRIICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa). Despite the inevitable uncertainty surrounding projections, they suggest a rapidly rising trend over the next 50 years.


Health spending continues to stagnate, says OECD

After falling sharply in 2010, health spending remained flat across OECD countries in 2011 as the economic crisis continued to have an impact, particularly in those European countries hardest hit by the crisis, according to OECD Health Data 2013.


Public Health in an Age of Genomics

This report presents the findings of a research project to investigate the drivers and criteria shaping the application of genomic biotechnology to health in different national settings, and the barriers to implementation nationally and internationally. Findings are based on case studies on Finland, Israel, Luxembourg, Mexico, the United Kingdom, China and South Africa.


ICTs and the Health Sector: Towards Smarter Health and Wellness Models

The future sustainability of health systems will depend on how well governments are able to anticipate and respond to efficiency and quality of care challenges. Bold action is required, as well as willingness to test innovative care delivery approaches. This book examines the whole new world of possibilities in using mobiles and the Internet to address healthcare challenges.


Prevention and value for money in health spending must remain a priority for Ireland, says OECD Health at a Glance report

Ireland continues to make substantive headway in improving health outcomes, but more can be done in reducing risk-factors for major diseases and improving value-for-money in health spending, according to a new OECD report.


Major brake in health spending growth as governments cut budgets in the crisis, says OECD

Total health spending has fallen in one of three OECD countries between 2009 and 2011, with those hardest hit by the crisis most affected. This is a sharp reversal from the strong growth in the years prior to the crisis, according to a new OECD report.


Australia needs to tackle its rising levels of obesity, says OECD Health at a Glance report

Australians continue to enjoy one of the highest levels of health across the developed world but need to address Australia’s growing obesity problem, according to a new OECD report.


Health spending falls in Italy, says OECD Health at a Glance report

Health spending per capita in real terms fell by 2% in Italy in 2011, and is estimated to have fallen by a further 0.4% in 2012. Spending per capita also fell in 10 other European countries between 2009 and 2011, following the recession and the need for fiscal consolidation, according to a new OECD report.


Japan needs to improve the efficiency of its health care system, says OECD Health at a Glance report

Japan has good health outcomes and has rapidly increased its spending on health care in recent years. It now needs to focus on improving efficiency of its health system in order to continue delivering high-quality care while containing costs, according to a new OECD report.


Mexico needs to tackle ever rising obesity, says OECD Health at a Glance report

Mexico needs serious investment in prevention programmes to address its massive, and still rising, obesity rate, according to a new OECD report.


Health spending fell in real terms in the United Kingdom in 2010 and 2011, says OECD Health at a Glance report

Health spending has fallen in the United Kingdom in 2010 and 2011 for the first time since the 1970s, according to a new OECD report. Health at a Glance 2013 says that spending in real terms per capita fell by 1.1% in 2011, following a 2.5% decline in 2010.


Toward New Models for Innovative Governance of Biomedecine and Health Technologies

This report examines examples of new and emerging governance models to support responsible development of diagnostics and treatments based on the latest advances in biomedicine. It identifies some of the main challenges for policy makers, regulators and other communities involved in the translation of biomedical innovation and health technologies from the lab bench to point of care.


Sweden has excellent health care but must improve care co-ordination, says OECD

Sweden’s health and elderly care systems deserve their reputation as being among the best in the world. Yet an ageing population with growing chronic conditions and requiring more complex health services are testing Sweden’s ability to continue delivering high-quality care, according to a new OECD report.


Switzerland needs to improve its approach to mental-health issues in the labour force, says OECD

Switzerland needs to do more to help people with mental disorders find a job or stay in work, according to a new OECD report.


Health spending starts to rise but remains weak in Europe, says OECD

Health spending has started to rise again after stagnating or even falling in many OECD countries during the crisis. But the pace of growth remains well below pre-crisis rates, especially in Europe, according to OECD Health Statistics 2014.


Health-care expenditure and health policy in the USA versus other high-spending OECD countries

The USA has exceptional levels of health-care expenditure, but growth slowed dramatically in recent years, amidst major efforts to close the coverage gap with other OECD countries.


Governments must tackle regional variations in health care use, says OECD

Health care use varies widely across countries but can also vary as much or more within countries. Governments should do more to improve their health systems to prevent unnecessary interventions and ensure that everyone has the same access to quality healthcare, wherever they live, according to a new OECD report.


Redesigning how health services are delivered in Japan would better meet the needs of a super-ageing population, says OECD

Elderly individuals with complex, chronic diseases need continuous and tailored care to maintain their health and maximise their ability to participate in society. Japan must change the way it delivers health services for older citizens by strengthening its specialist primary care and making mental health care services more widely available, according to a new OECD report.


Mental Health and Work - Achieving Well-integrated Policies and Service Delivery (OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No. 161)

Improving labour market participation of people with mental health problems requires well-integrated policies and services across the education, employment, health and social sectors. This paper provides examples of policy initiatives from 10 OECD countries for integrated services.


Inequalities in health and access to quality care persist in Europe, shows a new OECD/EC report

Today, Europeans enjoy a much longer life expectancy than the previous generation, but large inequalities in health remain across and within countries. These are largely due to disparities in access to and quality of care, as well as individual lifestyles and behaviours, according to a new joint OECD/European Commission report.


Still too much variation in health care quality across Italian regions, says new OECD report

Italy has significantly improved the quality of health care in recent decades but needs to tackle the wide disparities that remain between regions, according to a new OECD report.


New approach needed to tackle mental ill-health at work, says OECD

Health and employment services should intervene earlier, involve key stakeholders and ensure they work together in order to help people with mental-health issues find work and stay in a job, according to a new OECD report.


Health systems are still not prepared for an ageing population

OECD insights blog: Francesca Colombo, Head of the OECD Health Division, discusses the issues related to health systems and an ageing population.