
Soon-to-be abandoned mine shafts could provide geothermal energy

Shafts that haven't been closed could be transformed into geothermal boilers to produce heat and hot water for nearby communities.


Geothermal heating and cooling

Geothermal heating and cooling systems are a blend of the old and the new. An ecologically and financially-efficient option.


The time is now for Big Geothermal

In North America alone, there is enough energy trapped beneath the Earth's surface to produce 10 times as much electricity as coal currently does.


#HugATree: 10 animals show humans how it's done

Did you know that 80 percent of the known terrestrial plant and animal species are found in forests?


NASA wants you to adopt a small piece of Earth

In celebration of Earth Day on April 22, NASA has launched a clever online campaign that enables participants to "adopt" a small piece of the planet.


Betty White's love for animals spans 9 decades

Hollywood icon Betty White discusses her passion for animals and her book, "My Life at the Zoo."

  • Arts & Culture


Birds are wicked smart, despite their small brains

Being called a bird brain really isn't an insult, now that scientists have uncovered just how smart these feathered friends really are.


5 animal tracks you can identify in your yard

Learn the tracks of animal species that live right next door, starting with these common neighbors.


Meet the bilby! 5 fast facts about this adorable Australian animal

The Australian bilby is becoming more popular, and they may just take over as the country's animal representative for Easter.


8 vampire animals that aren't necessarily bloodsuckers

We label a lot of species with the shiver-inducing denizen of the night, even if they don't suck blood.


5 questions you should ask yourself before taking a selfie with an animal

The barrage of Darwin Award-worthy and just plain cruel animal selfie photos in the news is our cue for a reality check.


Surprising facts about how animals sleep

Sea otters hold hands so they don't float away during naps, and baby dolphins don't sleep at all for the first months of life.


Meet the chevrotain, the small and secretive mouse deer

The mouse deer. Or the pig deer. Or the little goat. Whatever you call the chevrotain, this is a truly distinct looking (and tiny!) ungulate.


A farm grows in Malibu

Planning to surf in Malibu this summer? Hang ten at Zuma Beach -- then stop by Vital Zuman Organic Farm for delicious local produce.


Small Business Saturday

American Express is encouraging its card members to shop at small businesses this Saturday.


Nature's 10 best animal dads

For Father's Day, we celebrate animals that buck the deadbeat dad idea.


MNN week in review: Historic robots, tiny animals and why you shouldn't fret about green cars

Don't miss the best original stories of the week from Mother Nature Network.


31-mpg Chevy Malibu or (the pricier) 47-mpg Malibu Hybrid: I know which one I want

The only thing better than a nice, roomy 2016 Chevy Malibu that gets 31 mpg combined is one that adds hybrid efficiency for 47 mpg combined.


BRIGHTER LIVING: Geothermal challenge

Brighter Living with Jill Cordes: Some of the biggest companies are meeting the challenge.

  • Research & Innovations


See animals and the environment through a surrealist's eyes

Artist Amy Guidry uses dreamlike and unusual images to make a statement about the relationship between humans and the world.

  • Arts & Culture


Kleptoparasites: 8 animals that steal from others

From chinstrap penguins to cuckoo bees, these kleptomaniac parasites rob their fellow critters for food and supplies.


Where do the animals go? This map-filled book lets them answer the question

Animal tracking is time-consuming and difficult, but a new book "Where the Animals Go" by Cheshire and Umbert shows how technology is helping.


'Look Big' takes a humorous yet helpful approach to wild animal encounters

From a moose to a tick, from a coyote to a cockroach, author Rachel Levin walks us through what to do in her book, "Look Big."


Other animals have 'human' emotions, too

Animal emotions can be surprisingly similar to ours, primatologist Frans de Waal explains in a new book, especially in our fellow mammals.


Destination of the week: The Maldives

If you've got the cash to spare, visit this low-lying Indian Ocean paradise before rising sea levels swallow it up.


Destination of the week: Penang Island, Malaysia

Malaysia's Penang Island is one of the most unique places to travel in Southeast Asia. As a beach destination, it pales in comparison to the region's best stret


Why more dogs and cats are leaving animal shelters alive

Euthanasia rates have dropped dramatically at animal shelters across the U.S.


A beautiful thing happens when farm animals are 'Allowed to Grow Old'

In 'Allowed to Grow Old,' photographer Isa Leshko captures dignified portraits of elderly farm animals in sanctuaries.


How you can help people and animals impacted by Australia's devastating wildfires

Here's how you can donate or otherwise help the animals, residents and first responders affected by wildfires in Australia.


The truth about the tree that grows 'brains' and scares small children

The creepy bodark tree produces unnervingly strange fruit.

  • Wilderness & Resources


The brain is a 'mosaic' of male and female traits

There is no such thing as a "male brain" or a "female brain," new research finds.

  • Research & Innovations


The 10 strangest animal discoveries of 2015

Here's a look at 10 newly identified, and exceptionally strange, animals, both living and extinct discovered in 2015.


FDA moves to make pet and animal food safer

FDA issues a proposal to improve food safety for animals. Proposed rule would require producers of treats, blamed for pet deaths, to meet new requirements.

  • Protection & Safety


Humane animal testing startup helps sick pets and maybe human lives, too

The One Health Company seeks to find disease cures without killing animals.


If it doesn't come from an animal, is it milk?

There's a debate about whether liquid plant-based foods should be labeled as milk. Is it time to change the definition of milk?


Are Starbucks drinks getting smaller?

Save money (and calories) with a smaller-sized mini Frappuccino.


That coffee Chick-fil-A is giving away all February? Small farmers in Central America were paid fairly for it

The chicken chain is working with THRIVE to purchase coffee from farmers who can by-pass the middleman and get paid up to 10x more for their beans.


A second, smaller moon has been hanging around our planet for years

Astronomers have found a mini-moon called 2020 CD3 in Earth's orbit, but it won't be around for very much longer.


Forget Black Friday: Support your kids and Small Business Saturday instead

Small businesses generate more jobs — and our kids are going to need them — so support Small Business Saturday.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


How to make easy coasters with an animal theme

These coasters are a cinch to customize for the animal-lovers in your life.


DOE awards $188 million to small businesses

The Department of Energy has awarded $188 million to small businesses in 34 states to spur clean energy innovation, job creation and more.


DOE awards $57 million to small businesses

The U.S. Department of Energy awards $57 million to 33 small business projects.


DOE: Fridges must have smaller carbon footprints

Although refrigerators continue to grow in size and become more tricked out, new standards will also require them to be drastically more energy efficient.


DOE awards $11 million to geothermal projects

The U.S. Department of Energy will provide more than $11 million to support eight geothermal energy projects.


These wild animals can help guard your garden

Growing food isn't about green-thumbing our nose at Mother Nature; it's about knowing her well enough to enlist her assistance.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


This mall in Sweden sells only recycled stuff

The ReTuna mall in Eskilstuna provides a shining example of how the buy-use-dispose model can be turned on its head.


7 superlative flying animals

From the fastest to the heaviest, there are some impressive flying creatures in the animal kingdom, including birds, fish and snakes.


How moonlight affects animals and plants

The light from the moon influences more than you might suspect, including animal behavior and farming.


This African-American female scientist helped launch the space race

The movie "Hidden Figures" is the story of the African-American trailblazers who helped win the space race. Now NASA is naming a building after one of them.


Why wild animals need wildlife corridors

Habitat loss is devastating rare species worldwide, but as the success of wildlife corridors suggests, a little connectivity can go a long way.