
Earth to earth : a plea for a change of system in our burial of the dead / by Francis Seymour Haden.

London : Macmillan, 1875.


Edinburgh, 18th Dec. 1889. At a meeting of the Faculty of Advocates, held this day, the Dean moved, and it was unanimously agreed : "That a Committee be appointed for the purpose of considering whether the Faculty should place themselves in communica

[Edinburgh] : [publisher not identified], [1890]


The Edinburgh medical and physical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms of art in anatomy, physiology, pathology ... as employed in the present improved state of medical science ... : to which is added, a copious glossary of obsolete terms

Edinburgh : Bell & Bradfute, 1807.


The effect of the cold weather in the early part of 1895 on the admission of medical cases into the Royal Edinburgh Infirmary. With a note on some earlier periods of severe weather / by A. Lockhart Gillespie.

London : Kenny & Co, [1895?]


Ein neuer Sphygmograph und neue Beobachtungen an den Pulscurven der Radialarterie / von Julius Sommerbrodt.

Breslau : A. Gosohorsky, 1876.


Eine neue Art von Strahlen / von Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen.

Wurzburg : Stahel, 1896.


Einfuhrung in das Studium der medicin : (medicinische Encyklopadie und Methodologie) / Vorlesungen gehalten an der Universitat zu Berlin von Jul. Pagel.

Berlin : Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1899.


El cólera en Valencia en 1885 : memoria de los trabajos realizados durante la epidemia / presentada por la Alcaldía al Excmo. Ayuntamiento en nombre de la Junta Municipal de Sanidad.

Valencia : M. Alufre, 1886.


Electricity : its application in medicine and surgery : a brief and practical exposition of modern scientific electro-therapeutics / by Wellington Adams.

Detroit, Mich. : G.S. Davis, 1891.


Elementary text-book of zoology / by C. Claus ; translated and edited by Adam Sedgwick ; with the assistance of F.G. Heathcote.

London : W. Swan Sonnenschein, 1884-1885.


Elementary text-book of zoology : special part : mollusca to man / by C. Claus ; translated and edited by Adam Sedgwick ; with the assistance of F.G. Heathcote.

London : Swan Sonnenschein, 1897.


Elementary treatise on natural philosophy / by A. Privat Deschanel ; translated and edited, with extensive additions, by J.D. Everett.

London : Blackie, 1870-1872.


Elements of materia medica : containing the chemistry and natural history of drugs, their effects, doses, and adulterations : with observations on all the new remedies recently introduced into practice, and on the preparations of the British Pharmacopoeia

London : J. Churchill, 1864.


Elements of medical jurisprudence; or, A succinct and compendious description of such tokens in the human body as are requisite to determine the judgment of a coroner, and courts of law, in cases of divorce, rape, murder, &c : To which are added, Dire

London : printed for J. Callow, 1814.


Elements of physiology, for the use of students, and with particular reference to the wants of practitioners / by Rudolph Wagner ; translated from the German, with additions, by Robert Willis.

London : Sherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, 1844.


Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates / adapted from the German of Robert Wiedersheim by W. Newton Parker.

London : Macmillan, 1897.


Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates / adapted from the German of Robert Wiedersheim by W. Newton Parker ; with additions by the author and translator.

London : Macmillan, 1886.


Eminent medical men of Asia, Africa, Europe and America, who have advanced medical science; for the use of students and for the Vydians and Hakims of India / by Edward Balfour.

Madras : printed by C. Foster, 1876.


Encyclopédie anatomique. Comprenant l'anatomie descriptive, l'anatomie générale, l'anatomie pathologique, l'histoire du développement, et celle des races humaines / par G.-T. Bischoff [and others] : traduit de l'all

Londres : H. Bailliere, 1843-1847.


The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, ... / by Nich. Culpepper.

London : printed for P. M'Queen, J. Laikington [sic], J. Mathews; Wilson and Spence, York; J. Binns, Leeds; Jo. Clarke and Co. Manchester [and 1 in Gainsborough, 1 in Leith], M.DCC.LXXXVIII [1788]


Enteric fever : its prevalence and modifications, aetiology, pathology and treatment as illustrated by Army data at home and abroad / by Francis H. Welch.

London : H.K. Lewis, 1883.


Enzyklopadisches Handbuch der Heilpadagogik / herausgegeben von A. Dannemann, H. Schober, E. Schulze.

Halle a. S. : C. Marhold, 1911.


Epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis and its relation to other forms of meningitis : a report to the State Board of Health of Massachusetts / Report made by W.T. Councilman, F.B. Mallory, and J.H. Wright.

Boston : Wright & Potter Printing Co, 1898.


Epidemic diphtheria : a research on the origin and spread of the disease from an international standpoint / by Arthur Newsholme.

London : Swan Sonnenschein, 1898.


Epilepsy : its pathology and treatment : being an essay to which was awarded a prize of four thousand francs by the Academie Royale de Médécine de Belgique, December 31, 1889 / by Hobart Amory Hare.

London : Philadelphia, 1890.


Erkenntniß und Behandlung der Frauenkrankheiten im allgemeinen : 4 Vorträge, in d. Gynäkolog. Klinik zu Kiel im Sommer-Semester 1885 / gehalten von Carl Conrad Theodor Litzmann.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1886.


The errors of homoeopathy / by C.J. Barr Meadows.

London : H. Renshaw, 1861.


Eruptions of the face, head, and hands : with the latest improvements in the treatment of diseases of the skin / by T.H. Burgess.

London : H. Renshaw, 1849.


Essai critique sur le traitement de la pneumonie franche / par Baraduc.

Paris : Parent, 1874.


Essai sur l’alcalinitè du sang dans l’état de santé et dans quelques maladies / par J. Canard.

Paris : A. Parent, 1878.


Essai sur la digitale pourprée / par James Sanders ; traduit de l'anglais par A.F.G. Murat, avec des notes et des réflexions sur la matière médicale par le traducteur.

Paris : Ancelle, 1812.


Essai sur la syphilis du foie chez l'adulte / par Edouard Delavarenne.

Paris : O. Doin, 1879.


Essai sur l'application de la chimie a l'étude physiologique du sang de l'homme : et a l'étude physiologico-pathologique, hygiénique et thérapeutique des maladies de cette humeur / par P.S. Denis.

Paris : Béchet jeune, 1838.


Florida Mandates Mental Health Training for Students in Grades 6-12

After of a mandate approved by the State Board of Education, public schools in Florida will have to provide students at least five hours of mental health instruction starting in sixth grade.


People Keep on Saying They're Killing the Common Core. How Dead Is It?

Florida's governor declares a standards overhaul would "remove all vestiges" of the common core. But it remains unclear how much is really changing under the Florida Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking.


Florida governor orders schools closed rest of academic year


Idaho Educators Who Dressed Up as the Border Wall Put on Administrative Leave

After photos surfaced of staff at dressed in Halloween costumes as Mexicans and a border wall bearing the slogan "Make America Great Again," the employees responsible won't be returning to their classrooms on Monday.


Idaho district to graduate seniors at drive-in theater


New Hampshire offers guidance on high school graduations


A night at Nambucca Heads

There are moments that make you realise how much you love your job, and for me this happened during our night by the


Minnesota Education Leaders Grapple with Findings from Early-Ed. Audit

An audit of the early-childhood education offerings in Minnesota finds complexity and fragmentation as well as a lack of data about program effectiveness.


Minnesota bans large-scale high school graduation ceremonies


W.Va. Bill Would Give Districts More Choice in Textbook Adoption

But some Democrats say that could make the selection process more political.


Schools closed for rest of academic year amid virus threat


States to Schools: Teach Reading the Right Way

Worried that far too many students have weak reading skills, states are passing new laws that require aspiring teachers—and, increasingly, teachers who are already in the classroom—to master reading instruction that’s solidly grounded in research.


Cupid learning to read the letters of the alphabet. Engraving after A. Allegri, il Corrreggio.

[London] (at the Historic Gallery, 87 Pall Mall) : Pub.d by Mr Stone.


Allegorical tomb of William Cadogan, Earl Cadogan. Line engraving by N. Dorigny, 1736, after C. Vanloo.

[Paris?] : Mac. S. [le tout dirigé & mis au jour, par les soins de Eugene Mac-Swiny], [1741?]


Heads of figures in Raphael's painting of the Transfiguration of Christ. Stipple engravings by J. Godby after I.L. Goubaud after Raphael.

London (46 Pall Mall) : Pub.d by R. Bowyer & M. Parkes, 1st Jan.y 1830.


Les oeuures du R. P. Gabriel de Castaigne, tant medicinales que chymiques, : diuisées en quatre principaux traitez. I. Le paradis terrestre. II. Le grand miracle de la nature metallique. III. L'or potable. IV. Le thresor philosophique de la medec

A Paris : Chez Iean Dhourry, au bout du Pont-Neuf, près les Augustins, à l'Image S. Iean, M. DC. LXI. [1661]


The head of Lucretia. Etching by P. Fidanza, 1785, after G. Cagnacci.

[Rome] : [Chez Bouchard et Gravier], [1785]