
Ways in which conflict of interest situations can occur in rural and regional practices and how they can be avoided / presented by Vickianne West, Hugh Barton Chambers [and] Ros Burke, Law Society of South Australia.


Retirement living contracts : advising residents / [Danielle Macolino], Fisher Jefferies Barristers & Solicitors.


Ethics unboxed : lifting the lid on ethical culture & practice / paper presented by Jane LeMessurier, LeMessurier Harrington Consulting.


Family law unboxed : unveiling current pitfalls / paper and slides presented by Sue Harrington, LeMessurier Harrington Consulting and Siobhan Parker, David Burrell & Co.


"That's what she said" : how to draft a clear and effective affidavit in family law / paper presented by Marita Pangallo, Howard Zelling Chambers and Daniel Praolini, Capmpbell Chambers.


A kaleidoscope of paintings / Arlie Jane Kirkham.


The Capes : Guide book to walking Western Australia's Cape to Cape track.


Reading a balance sheet, slides - Kathy Mazzach.


Ethics in Commercial Practice - Dealing With conflicts - Slides - John Goldberg.


Superfund Death Benefits -Suzanne Mackenzie - SLIDES.


Essential Witness Preparation SLIDES - Michael Woods.


Important Issues about SMSFs for Family Lawyers - Slides - S Wild.


International Aspects of Property Settlement - Slides - Roy Hasda.


Elder Law - Rodney Lewis SLIDES.


Elder Law - Access to Justice when faily agreements lead to disagreements -Tina Cockburn SLIDES.


How to Run an Inheritance Family Provision Claim - Slides - Christina Flourentzou.


Wills and Estates Unboxed - Slides - J LeMessurier.


Navigating the Lifetime Support Scheme Rules - Slides - R Singh and R Weckert.


Visa Cancellations SLIDES - Chris Johnston.


Land Tax Changes - The consultation Proposals - Bernie Walrut SLIDES.


Adult Safeguarding - A rights based approach in responding to Elder Abuse - Elicia White_SLIDES.


Commercial and Estate Litigation Conflicts and other Ethical Duties - Dr Rachael Gray - SLIDES.


They didn't give up : Ludwig George DREYER and Louisa FOLLE.


Seek : A devotional guide towards surrender.


Aligning to aliveness : a simple guide to heart-centred living / Robert Beno.


Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 and its relevance to human health.


Indo-Pacific immune systems to enable healthy engagement with the Chinese state and China's economy / Michael Shoebridge.

This paper sets out three challenges to the creation of a future for Indo-Pacific states and peoples consistent with the visions of a ‘free and open Indo-Pacific’ (FOIP) expressed by Japan, India, the US and Australia, and now by the ASEAN outlook on the Indo-Pacific. It also describes a path for states to operate in an environment of coercive Chinese state power that seeks to influence how states relate and how they operate within their domestic boundaries.


Neidra's lore / Kaleen Kar.

The timeless, yet tragic, theme of reaching for the stars with Icarus-like wings-but forgetting who we are in the process. Destruction reigns down on a peaceful planet and now after everything else they need a new place to live. The search is on. Myana is a "multi-telepath" about to embark on a quest! See what adventures await Myana and Purza. How difficult it is for her to leave the safety of her home, a cave far beneath the surface where she can block out all the noise, to seek out inhabitable lands, not knowing how long the journey will be or how far away it will take her. What lies ahead for our reluctant explorer.


Any minute now / David Meldrum new.


Stories from the soul : a guide to finding meaning in your story / Lyn Bray.


On life / David Harris.


Newstart allowance : is it time to raise it? / research undertaken by The South Australian Centre for Economic Studies, University of Adelaide ; funded by the Independent Research Fund.

This paper assesses whether the Newstart Allowance for unemployed people should be increased. It investigates the relationship of the Newstart Allowance to Average Weekly Earnings, the Federal Minimum Wage, and Australian poverty lines, and considers the typical the duration of unemployment and long term unemployment, duration of time on income support, overseas allowances, cost of living, and a comparison with policy makers' remuneration. It finds that the value of the allowance has eroded since it was first set and that unemployment for many is not a transitional situation, and concludes that an increase is warranted to bridge the gap to the poverty line.


Regional recycling transport assistance package : program guidelines / prepared by: Waste Avoidance and Recovery Programs, Office of Resource Recovery, Department of Environment and Science.

The Regional Recycling Transport Assistance Package provides funding to support resource recovery and recycling in regional Queensland, helping fund the costs of transporting recyclable material from regional Queensland to facilities where it can be recovered or processed and turned into new products. Details regarding eligible applicants, projects and costs are provided in these guidelines.


Warm Earth : Bridget Currie & Bernadette Klavins / [text by] Liam Sprod..


Tabling Guidelines / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide advice to departments and entities on the procedures to be followed when presenting documents to the Parliament.


Utilisation of carp biomass : final report / Dr Janet Howieson, Andrew Tilley, Ewan Colquhoun, Elise O'Keefe, Steven Nash, Declan McDonald, Tony Evans, Gerry Gillespie, David Hardwick, Dr Sarah Beavis, Charles Francina, Daniel McCorey, Luke Wheat.


Vulnerable private renters : evidence and options / Australian Government Productivity Commission.


Pirates of romance / Asta Idonea..

"Xander joins his local am-dram group in order to make friends. He certainly doesn't expect to fall for the group's playboy star. Graeme is confident and easygoing. He believes in fun without commitment. However, all that changes when Xander gets under his skin" -- Pub;isher info.


Mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) guidelines.


I'm Not a Squid!.


The philosophy of war films / edited by David LaRocca.

War films -- History and criticism.


Gestational diabetes : your survival guide to diabetes in pregnancy / Paul Grant.

Diabetes in pregnancy -- Treatment -- Popular works.


Crossing the line : how Australian cricket lost its way / Gideon Haigh.

Cricket -- Australia -- Anecdotes.


All the boats on the ocean : how government subsidies led to global overfishing / Carmel Finley.

Fishery management -- United States -- History -- 20th century.


The binding / Bridget Collins.

Bookbinders -- Fiction.


Rewording the brain : how cryptic crosswords can improve your memory and boost the power and agility of your brain / David Astle.



101 marvellous movies you may have missed / David Stratton.

Motion pictures -- Reviews.


Talking sideways : stories and conversations from Finniss Springs / Reg Dodd and Malcolm McKinnon.

Dodd, Reg, 1940-


An open book / David Malouf.

Recollection (Psychology) -- Poetry.


Global discontents : conversations on the rising threats to democracy / Noam Chomsky ; interviews with David Barsamian.

Chomsky, Noam -- Political and social views.