
Authority and control in the countryside: from antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (sixth-tenth century) / edited by Alain Delattre, Marie Legendre and Petra M. Sijpesteijn

Rotch Library - DE94.A95 2019


Scribbling through history: graffiti, places and people from antiquity to modernity / edited by Chloé Ragazzoli, Ömür Harmanşah, Chiara Salvador and Elizabeth Frood

Rotch Library - GT3912.S37 2018


Der Orient in der Schweiz: neo-islamische Architektur und Interieurs des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts = L'Orient en Suisse: architecture et intérieurs néo-islamiques des 19e et 20e siècles / herausgegeben von Francine Giese, Leïla el-W

Rotch Library - NA1347.O75 2019


The art salon in the Arab region: politics of taste making / edited by Nadia von Maltzahn and Monique Bellan

Rotch Library - N7265.3.A78 2018


Latifa Echakhch: le jardin mécanique / [texts] Célia Bernasconi, Michel Racine

Rotch Library - N7390.3.E27 A4 2019


Nukhustīn rūyārūyīʹhā-yi hunar-i ʻaṣr-i Nāṣirī bā hunar-i gharb (mūsīqī, namāyish, naqqāshī) / Muṣṭafá Laʻlʹshāṭirī

Rotch Library - N7284.L358 2018


Esoteric images: decoding the late Herat school of painting / by Tawfiq Daʻadli

Rotch Library - ND3399.N5 D33 2019


Designing identity: the power of textiles in late antiquity / edited by Thelma K. Thomas ; including contributions by Jennifer L. Ball, Edward Bleiberg, Kathrin Colburn, Helen C. Evans, Christine Kondoleon, Brandie Ratcliff, Thelma K. Thomas, and Elizabet

Rotch Library - NK8907.D47x 2016


L'art préroman hispanique. Photographies inédites de Zodiaque

Rotch Library - N7103.F66 1973


L'agronomie de la Mésopotamie antique: analyse du "Livre de l'agriculture nabatéenne" de Qûṯâmä / par Mohammed El Faïz

Rotch Library - HD2065.E4 1995


Possession: the curious history of private collectors from antiquity to the present / Erin L. Thompson

Rotch Library - DE60.T48 2016


ReOrienting the Sasanians: East Iran in Late Antiquity / Khodadad Rezakhani

Rotch Library - DS286.R49 2018


The arts of ornamental geometry: a Persian compendium on similar and complementary interlocking figures = Fī tadākhul al-ashkāl al-mutashābiha aw al-mutāwafiqa (Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms. Persan 169, fols. 180r-199r): a volume commemoratin

Rotch Library - QA464.A78513 2017


Antipodean antiquities : classical reception down under / edited by Marguerite Johnson


[ASAP] Comparing Gas–Liquid Segmented and Tube-in-Tube Setups for the Aerobic Dimerization of Desmethoxycarpacine with an Automated Flow Platform

Organic Process Research & Development
DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00525


Assam hikes excise duty on liquor by 25%


24-yr-old killed in Bengal after liquor protest

A 24-year-old youth was killed by three drunken men at Bamangachhi near Barasat in North 24 Parganas on Friday afternoon. The victim, Ali Hossain, was hit by a hammer on his head at least thrice when he protested against the men consuming liquor on a burial ground, taking advantage of the deserted road due to the lockdown.


Nanoparticle induced barrier function assessment at liquid–liquid and air–liquid interface in novel human lung epithelia cell lines

Toxicol. Res., 2019, 8,1016-1027
DOI: 10.1039/C9TX00179D, Paper
Open Access
Lars Leibrock, Sandra Wagener, Ajay Vikram Singh, Peter Laux, Andreas Luch
To answer questions about nanoparticle toxicity, translocation and biokinetics following inhalation exposure, in vitro models should have functional barrier properties to mimic the in vivo situation as closely as possible.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


HC orders closure of Liquor shops in Tamil Nadu, allows online sales

The opening of shops in districts, except Chennai on May 7, has resulted in people thronging the outlets without maintaining social distancing norms


Ionic liquid assisted preparation and modulation of the photoluminescence kinetics for highly efficient CsPbX3 nanocrystals with improved stability

Nanoscale, 2020, 12,9569-9580
DOI: 10.1039/D0NR00579G, Paper
Ting Chen, Yanqiao Xu, Zhixiang Xie, Weihui Jiang, Lianjun Wang, Wan Jiang
A facile approach was performed to synthesize CsPbBr3 NCs with the assistance of ionic liquid [Bmim]Br, which could modulate the surface property and enhace the stability of NCs effectively.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A unique synthesis of rare-earth-Co-based single crystal particles by “self-aligned” Co nano-arrays

Nanoscale, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NR00490A, Paper
Qiong Wu, Liying Cong, Yue Ming, Chenglin Li, Zhenhui Ma, Xiangyu Ma, Yatao Wang
In this study, anisotropic SmCo5 magnets were prepared by a distinctive method, which is the high-temperature reductive annealing of Co@Sm2O3 with specially designed nanostructure. High resolution transmission electron microscope and...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


World's most unique monument


Sarasota's unique curbside culture


Hotel of 1890's now houses antiques


Governor's residence truly an antique


Del Ing. Jorge Enrique Rojas Chacon, jefe, Dirección de Ingenieria, MOPT, para Jhonny Guzmán Zamora, Sociedad de Usuarios de Agua ROGUMECA


Del Ing. Jorge Enrique Rojas Chacon, jefe, Unidad de Ingenieria, MOPT, para la Ingeniera María Lorena López Rosales, Vice-Ministra de Obras Públicas


Del Ing. Jorge Enrique Rojas Chacon, jefe, Unidad de Ingenieria, MOPT, para Jhonny Guzmán Z., presidente, SUA ROGUMECA


Del Ing. Jorge Enrique Rojas Chacon, jefe, Unidad de Ingeniería, MOPT, para el Lic. Randall Quirós Bustamante, Ministro, Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes


Del Ing. Jorge Enrique Rojas Chacon, jefe, Unidad de Ingenieria, MOPT, para Jhonny Guzmán Zamora, Sociedad de Usuarios de Agua ROGUMECA


Del Ing. Jorge Enrique Rojas Chacon, jefe, Unidad de Ingenieria, MOPT, para el Lic. Ronald Muñoz Corea, director, Dirección Jurídica


Del Ing. Jorge Enrique Rojas Chacon, jefe, Unidad de Ingenieria, MOPT, para el Lic. Ronald Muñoz Corea, director, Dirección Jurídica


Del Ing. Jorge Enrique Rojas Chacon, jefe, Unidad de Ingenieria, MOPT, para Jhonny Guzmán Z., presidente, SUA ROGUMECA


The marriage record of del Rio, Antonio and Saliquet, Josifa Garcia


The marriage record of Rodriquez, Antonio Esquia and Perez, Teresa


The marriage record of Betancourt, Jose Rodriquez and Zahoust, Lucia


The marriage record of Cuadra, Ramiro and Rodriques, Guadalupe


The marriage record of Martinez, Randolph and Rodriquez, Rosalin de la Cruz


The marriage record of Marra, Juan Francisco and Rodriquez, Ricaida


The marriage record of Corft, W. P. and Piquet, Madeline


The marriage record of Rodriquez, Manuel and Holland, Viola


The marriage record of Rodriguez, Enrique de la Paz and Ruiz, Maria J. Diaz


The marriage record of Alamo, Jose and Rodriquez, Maria V


The marriage record of Rodriquez, Manuel and Espino, Avelina Boquez y


Graecia antiqua, Sophiani


Effigies antiquae Romae, ex vestigiis aedificiorum ruinis


A Velvet frockcoat fleur de lei with oak leaf appliqué embroidered design


Stripe heels, a ruffled bonnet, appliqué lace up open boots and a pair of high heels


A Fur collared coat with braids, brass buttons and pants with appliqué


A Unique view of a cigar label during it's constucktion in a proof book for F. Garcia and Brothers Cigar Company.