
ADA provides suggestions to help protect dentists from employee theft

Nearly 49% of responding dental practices have experienced employee theft, and nearly 46% of those have experienced theft or embezzlement more than once, according to a survey conducted by the ADA Council on Dental Practice.


Study clubs ‘enhance the level of care provided’

The Duluth Dental Forum in northeastern Minnesota celebrated its 75th anniversary in late 2019, stating that it was the second-oldest study club of its kind in the United States.


CDC to offer coronavirus guidance during webinar Jan. 31

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will provide interim guidance to clinicians regarding the coronavirus outbreak during a webinar at 2 p.m. EST Jan. 31.


Florida oral surgeon stays atop branding as practice expands

There is an art to conveying just who you are at every stage of your dental practice. One minute you could be a single-dentist practice with a hygienist and a receptionist, and then, the next thing you know, you could have a group practice and maybe even several locations.


ADA provides suggestions to help protect dentists from employee theft


Give Kids A Smile kicks off Feb. 7

The American Dental Association’s Give Kids A Smile program will bring free oral health services to hundreds of thousands of children across the U.S. beginning Feb. 7.


Hoosiers welcome young dental patients for Give Kids A Smile national kickoff

Indianapolis -- Seven-year-old Jordan Randle made a big promise after visiting Give Kids A Smile for the first time during the national kickoff event Feb. 7 in Indianapolis.


PBHS adds mobile chairside patient education system to ADA TV

PBHS, Inc. announced in January the launch of Consult Mode, an addition to ADA TV that enables dental providers to demonstrate 3D procedural animations, videos and tutorials chairside via tablets, iPads and other hand-held devices.


Dr. Bettie McKaig, first female ADA vice president, dies

Dr. Bettie R. McKaig, who served as the Association’s first vice president from 1998-99, died Feb. 3. She was 70.


ADA opposes CMS’ Medicaid block grant guidance

The ADA said it believes a new policy from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid could be “detrimental” to the millions of adults who rely on Medicaid for dental care.


New dentists, ADA officers and Board members meet Feb. 9 to exchange ideas

Dr. Emily Mattingly, chair, New Dentist Committee, 6th District, shares her experience as a new dentist in a rural Missouri town. Three other NDC members also shared new dentist perspectives.


Former ADA President Robert M. Anderton dies at 82

Dr. Robert M. Anderton, ADA president from 2000-01 and ADA trustee from 1995-99, died Feb. 14.


Indian Health Service, ADA collaborate on Give Kids A Smile for first time

It was a Give Kids A Smile event not only for the children of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians but also no fewer than 117 Indian Health Service dental programs across 24 states that were participating in GKAS with the events alone estimated to involve 14,000 American Indian/Alaska Native children.


NIDCR seeks comments on research proposal

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research is seeking comments on a proposed research initiative on dental fear and anxiety.


ADA releases coronavirus handout for dentists based on CDC guidelines

The handout covers strategies for helping prevent the transmission of suspected respiratory disease in the dental health care setting and answers frequently asked questions related to the virus, based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Phishing email claims to be from ADA president

At least one American Dental Association member has reported receiving a phishing email appearing to come from an address containing ADA President Chad P. Gehani's name and including a link to "view member's details."


Wisconsin faces wave of anti-fluoridation efforts

The ADA and the Wisconsin Dental Association are partnering up with other fluoridated water proponents to address February anti-fluoridation movements in three Wisconsin municipalities: Lake Delton, Berlin and Hayward.


Study: Evidence does not support classifying fluoride as cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine announced March 5 that it does not find that the National Toxicology Program adequately supported its conclusion that fluoride is “presumed” to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.


Connecticut Foundation for Dental Outreach postpones Mission of Mercy dental clinic amid coronavirus concerns

The Connecticut Foundation for Dental Outreach has postponed the Connecticut Mission of Mercy Free Dental Clinic scheduled for March 20-21 in Danbury, Connecticut, "out of abundant caution" amid the coronavirus disease outbreak.


OSHA issues coronavirus guidance

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued new guidance for health care providers to prepare workplaces for COVID-19.


Free ADA webinar offering answers to pressing COVID-19 questions

The ADA is partnering with the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention in providing a free on-demand webinar on Friday, March 20, with content for the program based on questions the ADA has received from members looking for guidance while navigating the novel coronavirus pandemic.


ADA develops guidance on dental emergency, nonemergency care

The ADA provided its members and their patients detailed guidance on March 18 on what to consider dental emergencies and nonemergencies dental care as part of an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus disease, COVID-19, and alleviate the burden on hospital and emergency departments.


Association provides coronavirus infection control resources for dentists

The ADA is sharing with members the CDC guidelines on the use of personal protective equipment on its website dedicated to COVID-19.


ADA begins to address coding, billing procedures during COVID-19 outbreak

The ADA is releasing a guide intended to help dental offices navigate issues related to coding and billing for virtual check-ins in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.


ADA president thanks dentists for grassroots efforts in response to CARES Act

As the Senate works to pass a stimulus package aimed at granting relief to the millions of Americans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ADA is thanking dentists across the nation for making their voices heard in Washington on that same legislation.


HRSA updates FAQs for health centers during COVID-19

The Health Resources and Services Administration says it is working to keep health centers and health center program partners updated on the latest information regarding COVID-19.


ADA urges CDC to provide ‘immediate guidance’ on protecting dental patients, staff from COVID-19 during emergency treatments

The American Dental Association is urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide immediate guidance on the best way to protect dental patients and staff from the transmission of COVID-19 during emergency and urgent care situations.


ADA Member Advantage-endorsed companies respond to COVID-19 pandemic

During these uncertain times, there is a lot of anxiety and understandably some of that comes in the form of financial worries. ADA Member Advantage-endorsed companies that provide financial services have offered information for their customers and ADA members.


FDA alerts health care providers of EpiPen auto-injector errors

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced March 24 that it is alerting health care professionals, patients and caregivers of EpiPen autoinjector errors related to device malfunctions and user administration.


Labor Dept. releases new guidance in response to Families First Coronavirus Response Act

The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division released new guidance March 26 to help workers and employers understand provisions included in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.


HPI poll examines impact of COVID-19 on dental practices

The ADA Health Policy Institute launched an ongoing biweekly poll the week of March 23 that shows 76% of dentists surveyed had closed their offices to all but emergency patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Another 19% indicated their offices are closed completely.


ADA releases interim guidance on minimizing COVID-19 transmission risk when treating dental emergencies

The American Dental Association has released interim guidance for dentists on how to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission before, during and after treating dental emergencies.


Office of Federal Student Aid has an FAQ for student loan questions

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid has published an extensive FAQ addressing student loans, including answered questions that cover several new provisions from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.


CODA asks accredited dental programs for details on COVID-19 response

The Commission on Dental Accreditation announced April 3 that it directed all CODA-accredited dental programs to submit a report by May 15 on their use of distance learning, enhanced activities and other educational modalities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


CODA site visits rescheduled to 2021 due to COVID-19

The Commission on Dental Accreditation announced April 3 that it will reschedule all postponed and remaining site visits this year, including regular/reaccreditation and special focused site visits, to 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


ADA leadership answers members’ questions about minimizing risk of COVID-19 transmission

A panel of ADA experts answered members’ questions in a video released April 8 regarding the Association’s interim guidance for minimizing the risk of COVID-19 transmission while performing emergency and urgent dental care.


ADA council affirms importance of code of ethics during COVID-19 pandemic

The ADA Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs’ ethics subcommittee authored an online essay as part of its Ethical Moment series in the May issue of The Journal of the American Dental Association, affirming that the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct is just as important as ever when making the difficult decisions they encounter on a daily basis.


Researcher remembered for contributions to dentistry succumbs to COVID-19 complications

Dr. Leo M. Sreebny, Ph.D., who had a long and distinguished career in academia as a professor of dentistry and researcher, particularly in issues related to saliva and dry mouth, died April 5 from complications of COVID-19 at age 98.


Second week of HPI polling shows dentists’ response to COVID-19

The second round of results from the ADA Health Policy Institute poll on the impact of COVID-19 on dental practices showed significant financial impact, with collections for the vast majority of dentists less than 5% of what is typical in their practice.


Homeland Security issues alert on cybercriminals increasingly exploiting COVID-19 pandemic

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued an alert April 8 warning that cybercriminals are increasingly exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to target individuals, small and medium businesses and large organizations.


ADA president appoints task force for dental practice recovery after COVID-19 pandemic

American Dental Association President Chad P. Gehani has assembled an advisory task force to oversee the ADA’s development of tools for dentists as they bounce back from the effects of practice restrictions and closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


ADA president: ‘This will pass’

“Dentistry is very resilient to any obstacles put in front of the profession. It’s a great profession and if I have to do it over again, I would again want to be a dentist.” Those were the words of ADA President Chad P. Gehani in a candid interview about the Association’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


ADA urges HHS to federally recognize licensed dentists to administer point of service COVID-19 tests

The ADA sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services April 17 asking the agency to “issue federal recognition that licensed dentists may administer point of service tests authorized by the Food and Drug Administration” during the COVID-19 pandemic.


ADA advises dentists to follow science-backed guidance regarding COVID-19 testing, avoid 'gray market'

The ADA is urging dentists to be cautious about using novel coronavirus diagnostic tests before they have been properly evaluated and made available for dentists.


ADA antibiotics guideline authors to discuss C. diff infections in dentistry during Peggy Lillis Foundation conference

Two of the authors of the American Dental Association's antibiotics guideline will discuss C. diff infections and antibiotic stewardship in dentistry April 21 as part of a free, online conference organized by the Peggy Lillis Foundation.


Wisconsin dentists donate personal protective equipment amid COVID-19 pandemic

Wisconsin dentists have answered the call for personal protective equipment by organizing drives and donating their surplus supplies to hospitals and urgent care facilities treating patients with COVID-19.


ADA offers interim guidance as some states consider reopening

“To aid dentists who may be reopening their practices when state mandates are lifted,” the ADA issued an updated statement and interim guidance April 18 on the personal protective equipment recommended in order to practice during this pandemic and minimize the risk of virus transmission.


Senate votes to expand small business aid

The Senate passed new coronavirus relief legislation April 21 calling for much-needed funding for depleted federal loan programs that could help businesses nationwide, including dentists and dental practices, recover from the economic fallout of the pandemic.


Labor ends temporary nonenforcement of paid leave protections

The U.S. Department of Labor announced April 20 that it is ending the temporary period of non-enforcement of paid leave protections under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.


American College of Emergency Physicians endorses ADA's antibiotics guideline

The American College of Emergency Physicians has endorsed the American Dental Association's clinical practice guideline on the use of antibiotics for the management of pulpal- and periapical-related pain and swelling.