
Affirming the Incarnation

Fr. Ted reminds us that icons affirm that God really did come in the flesh.


The Incarnation

Christmas is important because God became man.


The Internal Battle

Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos describes the internal battle with the passions through the example of St. Mary of Egypt.


Trinity, Incarnation and Sacrament - Part 2

In part two of the series, we discuss different world views and philosophies that the Incarnational and Trinitarian Christian dogmas confront. We continue to discuss the importance of clear and precise dogma and what has happened to the concept of "sound doctrine" in the modern Christian world.


The Creed, Trinity, Incarnation, and the One Church Part 5

In part 5 of the series we continue the discussion of the importance of the Creeds, Christology and the incarnation of God in establishing the nature of the Church as the body of Christ. In this program we talk with Father John McCuen, a former Episcopal priest, about the nature of the "one, holy and apostolic Church" confessed in the Nicene Creed. Is it invisible? Is it "spiritual"? Is there still "one Church"?


The Trinity, Incarnation and Nature of the Church- Part 6

We continue the discussion of the nature of the Church and the self understanding of the Orthodox Church as being the "one true Church". How does this concept fit within the modern concepts of the "mystical" or "invisible Church"? We also discuss the early Christological heresies and how they relate to the modern concepts of the Church.


Incarnation, Sacrament and Salvation - Part 8

In Part 8 of the series we discuss the foundations of a "sacramental world view" based on the dogmas of the Incarnation and Trinity. How does God relate to creation and thus to the human being through the Incarnation and how does this manifest itself in the sacramental life of the Church?


Incarnation, Sacrament and Salvation - Part 9

In the ninth part of the series on forming an Orthodox world view, Steve and Bill continue the discussion of the sacramental world view in light of the Incarnation and Trinity.


Trinity, Incarnation and Sacrament: Dogma - Part 1

This is the first part of a nine-part series on forming an Orthodox world view that is founded on the dogmas of the Trinity, Incarnation, and sacrament. In part one we discuss the concept of "dogma" or doctrine. Is dogma important? How can we talk to modern people who believe they don't believe in "dogma"?


On the Incarnation - Lesson 1: In Defense of Old Books

Dn. Michael begins a new series on living "in, but not of" the world. He is using four texts from the St. Vladimir's Popular Patristics series. This week he covers C.S. Lewis's introduction to the St. Athanasius work On the Incarnation.


On the Incarnation - Lesson 2: St. Athanasius

Joel Miller stands in for Dn. Michael and continues the series "In But Not Of." In today's lesson, Joel teaches on the life of St. Athanasius.


On the Incarnation - Lesson 3:  Creation and Fall

Dn. Michael continues his series," In But Not Of," and discusses chapter one of On the Incarnation.


On the Incarnation - Lesson 4: God Pursues Us

Dn. Michael discusses chapter two in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson four in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation - Lesson 5:  Lost

Dn. Michael discusses chapter three in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson five in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation - Lesson 6

Dn. Michael discusses chapter four in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson six in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation - Lesson 7

Dn. Michael discusses chapter five in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson seven in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation: Lesson 8

Dn. Michael discusses chapter six in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson eight in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation: Lesson 9

Guest lecturer Joel Miller discusses chapter seven of St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson nine in Dn. Michael's series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation: Lesson 10

Dn. Michael discusses chapter eight in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson ten in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation: Lesson 11

Dn. Michael concludes his discussion of St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson eleven in his series "In But Not Of."


La Encarnación Tiene Valor

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre el significado de la encarnación y el sentido que está con nosotros para mantener la fe firme como las mártires antiguas. (Hebreos 11:9-10:40) Fr. Nicholas preached about the meaning the incarnation and the value it has for us in order to maintain the faith similar to the martyrs of the past. (Hebrews 11:9-10:40)


Pon Tus Ojos En La Vida Eterna

Carta: Rom 12: 6-14, Evangelio Mt 9: 1-8 El Padre Nicholas predicó de cómo usar nuestros dones para alcanzar la vida eterna. Sunday July 8, 2018 Letter: Rom 12: 6-14, Gospel: Mat 9: 1-8 Father Nicholas preached on how to use our gifts to reach eternal life.


A Brief Word About Eternal Punishment

How the concept of punishment in the world to come was understood at the time of Christ.


A Song in the Furnace

Fr. Lawrence Farley talks about his new book A Song in the Furnace, the message of the book of Daniel.


Eternal Security


An Alternative Eros


The Eternal Heavenly Banquet

Sermon on the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Colossians 3:4-11; Luke 14:16-24)


The Key to Experiencing Eternal Life Now

The question, "What must I do to be saved?" is usually interpreted of as, "How can I get to heaven?" Fr Thomas teaches us that eternal life is defined by Jesus as something we can have here and now and He teaches us what we need to do to experience it.


The Signs of the Eternal Day

On the eighth day of Pascha, Fr. Tom reminds us to heed the signs which point us to the Eternal Day.


The Ever-Present Eternal Sacrifice

Unpacking the Sunday epistle reading, Fr. Tom helps us to enter into the cosmic mystery that is Christ and the New Covenant. The Divine Liturgy is not a dead work; it is a provision to allow us to enter into the eternal sacrifice of God every time we gather.


The Eternal Eighth Day

Listen as Fr. Tom unpacks the overflowing implications of Pascha - the eternal eighth day, the resurrected body, and St. Thomas.


What is Eternal Life?

When we discuss Eternal Life, do we think primarily of being a good enough person so that we can get to Heaven? When does Eternal Life begin? Listen as Fr. Tom calls us to focus on becoming like Christ here and now.


Gregory the Theologian on the Incarnation

Fr. Gregory reads a sermon by St. Gregory the Theologian on the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


The Gift of Eternal Life

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn teaches that the challenge which the Father gave to Christ and to his disciples and to us is to learn and to achieve the work on earth that the Father wishes each of us to accomplish.


Memory Eternal


Eternal Healing Is Best


Eternal Healing IS Best


Unsearchable Riches and Eternal Purpose


Eternal Habitation


The Punishment of Eternal Destruction


Cursed With Eternal Life


Eternal Rescue vs. Temporary Rescue


Memory Eternal!


Eternal Healing IS Best!


Unsearchable Riches, An Eternal Purpose


Eternal Healing is Best


A Song in the Furnace

Bobby Maddex interviews Fr. Lawrence Farley, the author of the new AFP book A Song in the Furnace: The Message of the Book of Daniel.


The Wilderness Journal

Bobby Maddex interviews Angela Doll Carlson about her new AFP book The Wilderness Journal: 365 Days with the Philokalia. This is the second of the live call-in editions of Ex Libris!


Marriage is Eternal

Dr. Albert Rossi shares more about his view on the eternal nature of marriage and his relationship with his wife, of blessed memory.


The Feast of the Incarnation: The Fathers on the Nativity of Christ

In our broadcast for the Feast of the Nativity, we hear the words of the Fathers and the liturgical hymns of the Church on the mystery that brings the Son humanly into the world for the life and redemption of His creature.