
Neonatal Outcome Following Cord Clamping After Onset of Spontaneous Respiration

Delaying cord clamping beyond 30 to 60 seconds after birth seems beneficial for all infants due to blood transfusion from placenta. Experimental data have demonstrated that ventilation implemented before cord clamping improved cardiovascular stability by increasing pulmonary blood flow.

Healthy self-breathing neonates in a low-resource setting are more likely to die if cord clamping occurs before or immediately after onset of spontaneous respirations. The risk of death/admission decreases by 20% for every 10-second delay in clamping after breathing. (Read the full article)


Prevention of Traumatic Stress in Mothers of Preterms: 6-Month Outcomes

Interventions based on principles of trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy have been shown to reduce symptoms of trauma and depression in mothers of premature infants. It is not known whether these benefits are sustained at long-term follow-up.

A brief, cost-effective 6-session manualized intervention for parents of infants in the NICU was effective in reducing symptoms of parental trauma, anxiety, and depression at 6-month follow-up. There were no added benefits from a 9-session version of the treatment. (Read the full article)


Treatment Outcomes of Overweight Children and Parents in the Medical Home

Pediatricians need to treat overweight in early childhood. Family-based interventions in specialized clinics are efficacious in children age 8 years and older. Data regarding treatment of younger children are limited in specialty clinics and primary care.

This study shows that a 12-month family-based behavioral intervention in primary care is more efficacious compared with Control condition with a child-only focus. Weight outcome differences between Intervention and Control persist in children and parents after a 12-month follow-up. (Read the full article)


A Multicenter Cohort Study of Treatments and Hospital Outcomes in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Neonatal narcotic abstinence syndrome (NAS) has become more prevalent in the United States. There is no strong evidence base for NAS treatment and thus no consensus regarding NAS management, including the best treatment drug or best taper strategy.

This study demonstrates that regardless of the initial treatment opioid chosen, use of a standard treatment protocol with stringent weaning guidelines reduces duration of opioid exposure and length of hospital stay for infants with NAS. (Read the full article)


Incidence, Etiology, and Outcomes of Hazardous Hyperbilirubinemia in Newborns

Total serum bilirubin levels ≥30 mg/dL have been labeled as "hazardous." Levels this high are rare, occurring in 3 to 10 per 100 000 births. Few studies have examined etiologies and long-term outcomes in these infants.

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a major identifiable cause, but is under-assessed. Chronic, bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity is rare and only occurred in the setting of additional risk factors (prematurity, G6PD deficiency, sepsis) and at levels far above recommended exchange transfusion thresholds. (Read the full article)


Impact Locations and Concussion Outcomes in High School Football Player-to-Player Collisions

Recent concussion research has examined the role of impact location (ie, the area on the head to which impact occurred); however, no studies exist regarding impact location’s association with concussion outcomes (eg, symptomatology, symptom resolution time, return to play).

This study is the first to examine the association of impact location and concussion outcomes in young athletes. Our findings suggest that impact location, as assessed by sideline observers/player report, is likely of little use in predicting clinical outcomes. (Read the full article)


Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment

Puberty suppression has rapidly become part of the standard clinical management protocols for transgender adolescents. To date, there is only limited evidence for the long-term effectiveness of this approach after gender reassignment (cross-sex hormones and surgery).

In young adulthood, gender dysphoria had resolved, psychological functioning had steadily improved, and well-being was comparable to same-age peers. The clinical protocol including puberty suppression had provided these formerly gender-dysphoric youth the opportunity to develop into well-functioning young adults. (Read the full article)


Single-Family Room Care and Neurobehavioral and Medical Outcomes in Preterm Infants

The single-family room (SFR) NICU is a major response to improve care and reduce developmental morbidity in preterm infants. However, no studies have examined how and why this model is associated with changes in medical and neurobehavioral outcome.

This study shows improved medical and neurodevelopmental outcome in infants hospitalized in the SFR model of care. More important, improvements occurred specifically in relation to increases in maternal involvement and developmental support afforded by the SFR environment. (Read the full article)


Early Developmental Outcomes of Children With Congenital HHV-6 Infection

Neurodevelopment can be adversely affected by viral infections. Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) is similar to cytomegalovirus and can cause central nervous system disease. Congenital HHV-6 infection occurs in ~1% of live births, with unknown neurodevelopmental consequences.

HHV-6 congenital infection is associated with lower scores on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development II Mental Development Index compared with control infants at 12 months of age and may have a detrimental effect on neurodevelopment. (Read the full article)


Health Outcomes in Young Adults From Foster Care and Economically Diverse Backgrounds

Youth in foster care are at higher risk of health problems at entrance and during their stays in care. Little is known about this group’s risk of health problems in young adulthood, in comparison with other populations of young adults.

This is the first prospective study to our knowledge demonstrating that former foster youth are at higher risk of chronic health problems than economically secure and insecure general population young adults. (Read the full article)


Neuroimaging and Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Extremely Preterm Infants

White matter abnormality (WMA) on neuroimaging is considered a crucial link with adverse neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants. Brain MRI is more sensitive in detecting WMA than cranial ultrasound (CUS), but questions remain about timing and prognostic value of modalities.

Near-term CUS and MRI abnormalities were associated with adverse 18- to 22-month outcomes, independent of early CUS and other factors, underscoring the relative prognostic value of later neuroimaging in this large, extremely preterm cohort surviving to near-term. (Read the full article)


Psychosocial Outcomes of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Adulthood

Prenatal alcohol exposure can cause congenital neuropsychological and behavioral disabilities in later life. These usually lead to secondary disabilities (adverse outcome when the individual interacts with environmental settings), such as problems with school, the law, alcohol, or drugs.

This was a 30-year psychosocial register–based follow-up on adults with fetal alcohol syndrome and state care comparison group. The FAS-group had lower education and higher rates of unemployment, social welfare, and mental health problems than peers. Rates of criminality did not differ. (Read the full article)


Utility of Symptoms to Predict Treatment Outcomes in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is associated with significant comorbidity: behavioral problems, sleepiness, and impaired quality of life. However, the utility of OSAS symptoms versus polysomnography in the prediction of comorbidities or response to treatment is not well known.

Among children with OSAS, the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire, a well-validated, simple 1-page symptom inventory, predicts key adenotonsillectomy-responsive OSAS comorbidities and their improvement after adenotonsillectomy. In contrast, polysomnographic results do not offer similar predictive value. (Read the full article)


Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Management and Outcomes Among Children With Type 1 Diabetes

Previous studies have demonstrated racial and ethnic differences in glycemic control even after adjustment for variables such as insulin dosage, diabetes duration, and socioeconomic status. It is controversial whether genetic, physiologic, cultural, socioeconomic, and/or provider-related factors underlie these disparities.

This study in a large, racially/ethnically diverse sample of children with type 1 diabetes demonstrates that racial disparities in insulin treatment methods and diabetes outcomes remain even after adjustment for socioeconomic status. (Read the full article)


Cognitive Outcomes After Neonatal Encephalopathy

Surviving infants with neonatal encephalopathy treated with hypothermia have lower rates of moderate to severe cerebral palsy and cognitive impairment at 18 to 24 months. Limited data exist on the association between cognitive functioning and neuromotor, behavioral, and school outcomes.

Although the incidence of death or IQ <55 is reduced after therapeutic hypothermia, survivors of neonatal encephalopathy with and without cerebral palsy are at elevated risk for subnormal IQ and the need for specialized educational services at 6 to 7 years. (Read the full article)


Parent-Reported Outcomes of a Shared Decision-Making Portal in Asthma: A Practice-Based RCT

Strategies are needed to engage families of chronically ill children at home in an ongoing process of shared decision-making regarding treatment that is responsive to families’ concerns and goals and children’s evolving symptoms.

This study evaluated a novel patient portal that facilitates shared decision-making in asthma. The portal was feasible and acceptable to families, improved outcomes, and provides a model for improving care through an electronic health record portal. (Read the full article)


Sociodemographic Attributes and Spina Bifida Outcomes

Functional capabilities in patients with spina bifida depend on the spinal level of the lesion and its type. Sociodemographic characteristics have been shown in other conditions to be an important additional influence on outcomes, making them important for risk adjustment.

Males, non-Hispanic blacks, and patients without private insurance have less favorable functional outcomes in spina bifida, and age also has an impact. These attributes need to be considered by clinicians and researchers and used in comparing care outcomes across clinic settings. (Read the full article)


Trajectories and Outcomes Among Children With Special Health Care Needs

Children with special health care needs are a growing population in developed countries. They are at risk for poorer learning and behavioral outcomes, and their parents are more likely to have poorer mental health.

Four distinct and replicable special health care need profiles across 2 childhood epochs were categorized as none, transient, emerging, and persistent. The cumulative burden of special health care needs shaped adverse outcomes more than did point prevalence. (Read the full article)


Infectious and Autoantibody-Associated Encephalitis: Clinical Features and Long-term Outcome

Encephalitis is a serious and disabling condition. There are infectious and immune-mediated causes of encephalitis, but many cases remain undiagnosed.

This large single-center study on childhood encephalitis provides insight into the relative frequency and clinicoradiologic phenotypes of infectious, autoantibody-associated, and unknown encephalitis. Risk factors for an abnormal outcome are also defined. (Read the full article)


Prescription Opioid Epidemic and Infant Outcomes

Although opioid pain relievers are commonly prescribed in pregnancy, their association with neonatal outcomes is not well described. Further, factors associated with development of neonatal abstinence syndrome, a neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome is inadequately understood.

Prescription opioid use in pregnancy is common and strongly associated with neonatal complications. Antenatal cumulative prescription opioid exposure, opioid type, tobacco use, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use increase the risk of neonatal abstinence syndrome. (Read the full article)


Outcomes and Costs of Surgical Treatments of Necrotizing Enterocolitis

Mortality rates and health care expenditures are high among infants requiring surgery for necrotizing enterocolitis. The impact of different surgical managements on mortality remains equivocal. Adjusted economic differences for various surgical treatments may exist but have not been elucidated.

After performing a relatively large-scale, adjusted analysis of cost and mortality for surgical managements currently used for treating necrotizing enterocolitis, a cost-benefit for a particular surgical approach was demonstrated while accounting for comorbidities and group assignment bias. (Read the full article)


Outcomes of Infants Born to Women Infected With Hepatitis B

Timely immunoprophylaxis and completion of the 3-dose hepatitis B vaccine series represents the cornerstone of perinatal hepatitis B prevention. Immunoprophylaxis for infants born to hepatitis B surface antigen–positive mothers reduces up to 95% of perinatal hepatitis B virus infections.

Despite recommended immunoprophylaxis, perinatal hepatitis B virus infection occurs among ~1% of infants. Infants born to mothers who are younger, hepatitis B e-antigen positive, or who have a high viral load or infants who receive <3 hepatitis B vaccine doses are at greatest risk of infection. (Read the full article)


Intensity of Perinatal Care for Extremely Preterm Infants: Outcomes at 2.5 Years

Considerable differences in outcome after extremely preterm birth have been reported between centers and regions providing a comparative level of care, but the reasons for these variations have been poorly examined.

In extremely preterm fetuses alive at the mother’s admission for delivery, and in infants born alive, mortality up to 2.5 years is reduced in regions with a more active use of perinatal interventions without increased neurodevelopmental morbidity. (Read the full article)


Incidence and Outcomes of Symptomatic Neonatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke

Neonatal arterial ischemic stroke is associated with later cerebral palsy and cognitive impairment. Many studies on neonatal ischemic stroke are limited by modest sample sizes, and prospective studies that include outcomes assessments are scarce.

Results from this prospective, nationwide, population-based study provide information on the epidemiology, associated clinical variables, clinical manifestation, vascular distribution, and treatment of neonatal arterial ischemic stroke. The study also provides outcomes regarding motor function and cognition. (Read the full article)


Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery in Infancy

Neurodevelopmental disabilities are the most common, and potentially the most damaging, sequelae of congenital heart defects. Children with congenital heart defects undergoing surgery in infancy have problems with reasoning, learning, executive function, inattention and impulsive behavior, language skills, and social skills.

Early neurodevelopmental outcomes for survivors of cardiac surgery in infancy have improved modestly over time, but only after adjustment for innate patient risk factors. As more high-risk infants with congenital heart defects survive cardiac surgery, a growing population will require significant societal resources. (Read the full article)


Developmental Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants Born to Adolescent Mothers

Infants born extremely premature and infants born to adolescent mothers are at risk for adverse developmental and behavior outcomes. There is limited research on the dual risk imparted to infants born extremely premature to adolescent mothers.

Extremely premature infants of adolescent mothers have significantly increased rates of behavior problems. Nonwhite race and living in ≥3 places by 18 to 22 months of age are risk factors for adverse behavior outcomes among infants of adolescent mothers. (Read the full article)


Outcomes of Infants With Indeterminate Diagnosis Detected by Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening

Little is known about the prevalence or outcomes of infants with indeterminate diagnostic results after a positive cystic fibrosis (CF) newborn screen (CF transmembrane conductance regulator–related metabolic syndrome [CRMS]).

CRMS accounted for 15.7% of newborn screened diagnoses in the CF Patient Registry from 2010 to 2012 (CRMS:CF ratio = 5.0:1.0). Although most infants were healthy, some infants demonstrated clinical features concerning for CF. (Read the full article)


Validity of Bronchiolitis Outcome Measures

The Respiratory Distress Assessment Instrument (RDAI) and the Respiratory Assessment Change Score (RACS) are the most frequently used measurement instruments in bronchiolitis clinical trials. Evidence is scarce regarding their measurement properties and their suitability for use as evaluative instruments in clinical trials.

The RDAI is an incomplete measure of respiratory distress in bronchiolitis, with poor to moderate construct validity. It has adequate discriminative properties but considerable test-retest measurement error. The RDAI and RACS were moderately responsive, but methodologic issues limit the interpretation of this finding. (Read the full article)


Head Growth and Neurocognitive Outcomes

Microcephaly is known to be associated with neurocognitive disorders and increasing head size with hydrocephalus. Head circumference is widely measured in childhood, but its practical value as a screening test is unclear.

Measured head size is not a stable characteristic and centile shifts occur very commonly, mostly reflecting measurement error or regression to the mean. Even where head size was consistently extreme, it was not a good predictor of later developmental problems. (Read the full article)


A Comparison of the Request Process and Outcomes in Adult and Pediatric Organ Donation

Pediatric patients suffer higher mortality due to the shortage of transplantable organs. Factors influencing families’ donation decisions are similar for pediatric and adult patients. However, the general perception that families of pediatric patients are less willing to donate persists.

Communication emerged as a critical factor of family authorization, reinforcing its importance in the organ donation process. Patient age (ie, adult versus pediatric) was not predictive of family authorization. (Read the full article)


Association of National Guidelines With Tonsillectomy Perioperative Care and Outcomes

Tonsillectomy guidelines make evidence-based recommendations for the perioperative use of dexamethasone, no routine use of antibiotics, and discharge education of families and for surgeons to monitor bleeding complication rates. The impact of the guidelines on processes and outcomes is unknown.

The guidelines were associated with improvement in perioperative care processes but no improvement in outcomes. Perioperative dexamethasone use increased slightly, and antibiotic use decreased substantially. Bleeding rates were stable, but revisit rates for complications increased because of revisits for pain. (Read the full article)


Late Preterm Infants and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at Kindergarten

Late preterm infants, compared with full-term infants, have less proficiency in reading and math at school age, with increased need for individualized educational plans and special education services. They also have lower cognitive performance on standardized IQ exams.

Late preterm infants have worse outcomes at school entry, and development is variable during the preschool years, so socioeconomic status, language spoken in the home, maternal education, maternal race, and being a late preterm infant have a large impact. (Read the full article)


Unmet Health Care Need in US Adolescents and Adult Health Outcomes

Unmet health care need in adolescence is associated with poor contemporaneous health outcomes. Adolescence is increasingly recognized as an important stage of the life-course, when there may be a significant opportunity for health care interventions to improve later health outcomes.

The odds of adverse adult health outcomes were 13% to 52% higher among subjects who had reported unmet health care need in adolescence, compared with subjects with similar adolescent health outcomes, insurance coverage, and sociodemographic background but no unmet need. (Read the full article)


Infection-Related Hospitalization in Childhood and Adult Metabolic Outcomes

Childhood inflammatory mediators are associated with adult obesity, but the stimuli that initiate and perpetuate chronic inflammation start in early life are largely unknown.

Childhood infection-related hospitalization was independently associated with adverse adult metabolic variables, which suggests that infections and/or their treatment in childhood may contribute to causal pathways leading to adult cardiometabolic diseases. (Read the full article)


Outcome of Patients Initiating Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis During the First Year of Life

Historically, children with end-stage renal disease who initiated chronic dialysis during the first year of life were far less likely to survive or successfully receive a kidney transplant compared with those who initiated chronic dialysis at older ages.

In recent years, survival has improved markedly among children who initiate chronic peritoneal dialysis at <1 year of age. Among those infants who initiate dialysis after the neonatal period and later undergo kidney transplantation, graft survival has improved as well. (Read the full article)


Two-Year Outcomes of a Population-Based Intervention for Preschool Language Delay: An RCT

Preschool language delay predicts poorer academic performance, employment opportunities, and social relationships. Language for Learning, a systematic, population-based intervention for 4-year-olds with low language, is feasible, acceptable and has short-term benefits, but long-term benefits are unknown.

Population ascertainment at age 4 followed by a yearlong, one-on-one home program benefited phonological skills (an important literacy determinant) at age 6, but not the primary language outcomes. To be cost-effective, future follow-up would need to demonstrate lasting academic benefits. (Read the full article)


Childhood Health and Developmental Outcomes After Cesarean Birth in an Australian Cohort

A number of studies have reported an association between birth by cesarean delivery and adverse childhood health outcomes such as obesity, asthma, atopy, and a number of neurodevelopmental abnormalities. However, these studies have had limited capacity to control for confounders.

Using a prospective cohort while controlling for birth factors, social vulnerability, maternal BMI, and breastfeeding, we found few differences between children delivered by cesarean delivery and those born vaginally. Higher child BMI was explained by maternal BMI. (Read the full article)


Fin24.com | Sifiso Skenjana | How liquor could be used to improve health and economic outcomes post-coronavirus

Strategic partnerships could be used to create win-win outcomes, says Sifiso Skenjana.


A Comparison of Clinical Outcomes among Intensive Care Unit Patients Receiving Ceftriaxone 1 gram daily or 2 grams daily [Clinical Therapeutics]

Background: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients may experience ceftriaxone underexposure but clinical outcomes data are lacking. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of ceftriaxone dosing on clinical outcomes amongst ICU patients without central nervous system (CNS) infection.

Methods: A retrospective study of ICU patients receiving intravenous, empiric ceftriaxone for non-CNS infections was conducted. Patients ≥18 years of age who received ≤2 grams of ceftriaxone daily for ≥72 hours were included and categorized as receiving ceftriaxone 1 gram or 2 grams daily. The primary, composite outcome was treatment failure: inpatient mortality and/or antibiotic escalation due to clinical worsening. Propensity score matching was performed based on the probability of receiving ceftriaxone 2 grams daily. Multivariable logistic regression determined the association between ceftriaxone dose and treatment failure in a propensity-matched cohort.

Results: A total of 212 patients were included in the propensity-matched cohort. The most common diagnoses (83.0%) were pneumonia and urinary tract infection. Treatment failure occurred in 17.0% and 5.7% of patients receiving 1 gram and 2 grams daily, respectively (p=0.0156). Overall inpatient mortality was 8.5%. Ceftriaxone 2 gram dosing was associated with a reduced likelihood of treatment failure (adjusted odds ratio=0.190; 95% confidence interval: 0.059 – 0.607). Other independent predictors of treatment failure included sequential organ failure assessment score (aOR 1.440, 95% CI 1.254 – 1.653) and creatinine clearance at 72 hours from ceftriaxone initiation (aOR 0.980, 95% CI (0.971 – 0.999).

Conclusions: Ceftriaxone 2 grams daily when used as appropriate antimicrobial coverage may be appropriate for ICU patients with lower mortality risk.


Antibiotic Use and Outcomes in Children in the Emergency Department With Suspected Pneumonia


Antibiotic therapy is often prescribed for suspected community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children despite a lack of knowledge of causative pathogen. Our objective in this study was to investigate the association between antibiotic prescription and treatment failure in children with suspected CAP who are discharged from the hospital emergency department (ED).


We performed a prospective cohort study of children (ages 3 months–18 years) who were discharged from the ED with suspected CAP. The primary exposure was antibiotic receipt or prescription. The primary outcome was treatment failure (ie, hospitalization after being discharged from the ED, return visit with antibiotic initiation or change, or antibiotic change within 7–15 days from the ED visit). The secondary outcomes included parent-reported quality-of-life measures. Propensity score matching was used to limit potential bias attributable to treatment selection between children who did and did not receive an antibiotic prescription.


Of 337 eligible children, 294 were matched on the basis of propensity score. There was no statistical difference in treatment failure between children who received antibiotics and those who did not (odds ratio 1.0; 95% confidence interval 0.45–2.2). There was no difference in the proportion of children with return visits with hospitalization (3.4% with antibiotics versus 3.4% without), initiation and/or change of antibiotics (4.8% vs 6.1%), or parent-reported quality-of-life measures.


Among children with suspected CAP, the outcomes were not statistically different between those who did and did not receive an antibiotic prescription.


Body Dissatisfaction and Mental Health Outcomes of Youth on Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy


Our first aim was to examine baseline differences in body dissatisfaction, depression, and anxiety symptoms by gender, age, and Tanner (ie, pubertal) stage. Our second aim was to test for changes in youth symptoms over the first year of receiving gender-affirming hormone therapy. Our third aim was to examine potential differences in change over time by demographic and treatment characteristics. Youth experiences of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) are also reported.


Participants (n = 148; ages 9–18 years; mean age 14.9 years) were receiving gender-affirming hormone therapy at a multidisciplinary program in Dallas, Texas (n = 25 puberty suppression only; n = 123 feminizing or masculinizing hormone therapy). Participants completed surveys assessing body dissatisfaction (Body Image Scale), depression (Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms), and anxiety (Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders) at initial presentation to the clinic and at follow-up. Clinicians completed the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms and collected information on youth experiences of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and NSSI.


Affirmed males reported greater depression and anxiety at baseline, but these differences were small (P < .01). Youth reported large improvements in body dissatisfaction (P < .001), small to moderate improvements in self-report of depressive symptoms (P < .001), and small improvements in total anxiety symptoms (P < .01). No demographic or treatment-related characteristics were associated with change over time. Lifetime and follow-up rates were 81% and 39% for suicidal ideation, 16% and 4% for suicide attempt, and 52% and 18% for NSSI, respectively.


Results provide further evidence of the critical role of gender-affirming hormone therapy in reducing body dissatisfaction. Modest initial improvements in mental health were also evident.


Mental Health Outcomes Among Homeless, Runaway, and Stably Housed Youth


Runaway youth and homeless youth are at risk for adverse mental health outcomes. These 2 populations are frequently pooled together in both research and interventions yet may have unique health needs. We sought to assess differences in mental health outcomes among these populations.


We conducted a secondary data analysis of ninth- and 11th-graders in the 2016 minnesota Student Survey (n = 68 785). We categorized youth into 4 subgroups based on housing status in the previous year: (1) unaccompanied homeless youth (0.5%), (2) runaway youth (4%), (3) youth who had both run away and been homeless (0.6%), and (4) stably housed youth (95%). We performed multivariable logistic regression to compare 4 mental health outcomes (self-injury, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and depressive symptoms) across groups, controlling for demographics and abuse history.


Unstably housed youth had poorer mental health outcomes when compared with their stably housed peers (P < .05). For example, 11% of homeless youth, 20% of runaways, and 33% of youth who had experienced both had attempted suicide in the previous year compared with 2% of stably housed youth (adjusted odds ratios 2.4, 4.9, and 7.1, respectively). Other outcomes showed a similar pattern.


Our findings suggest that runaway and homeless youth represent unique populations with high levels of mental health needs who would benefit from targeted clinical and community interventions. Pediatric clinicians represent one potential point of screening and intervention.


Antibiotic Use and Outcomes in Children in the Emergency Department With Suspected Pneumonia

Matthew J. Lipshaw
Apr 1, 2020; 145:e20193138-e20193138


Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Preterm Infants With Retinopathy of Prematurity by Treatment


Variations in Practice and Outcomes in the Canadian NICU Network: 1996-1997

Shoo K. Lee
Nov 1, 2000; 106:1070-1079


Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial of a 42-Day Tapering Course of Dexamethasone to Reduce the Duration of Ventilator Dependency in Very Low Birth Weight Infants: Outcome of Study Participants at 1-Year Adjusted Age

T. Michael O'Shea
Jul 1, 1999; 104:15-21


Supplemental Therapeutic Oxygen for Prethreshold Retinopathy of Prematurity (STOP-ROP), A Randomized, Controlled Trial. I: Primary Outcomes

The STOP-ROP Multicenter Study Group
Feb 1, 2000; 105:295-310


Growth in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Influences Neurodevelopmental and Growth Outcomes of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants

Richard A. Ehrenkranz
Apr 1, 2006; 117:1253-1261


Abnormal Pulmonary Outcomes in Premature Infants: Prediction From Oxygen Requirement in the Neonatal Period

Andrew T. Shennan
Oct 1, 1988; 82:527-532


The EPICure Study: Outcomes to Discharge From Hospital for Infants Born at the Threshold of Viability

Kate Costeloe
Oct 1, 2000; 106:659-671