
Friday Dec 21 - The Holy Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia and Those With Her


Friday Dec 28 - The Twenty Thousand Martyrs burned to death in their church in Nicomedia


Apr 22 - Holy Martyr Leonidas


Apr 22 - Holy Martyr Leonidas


Holy Martyr Leonidas


Holy Martyr Leonidas


Sep 23 - Holy Martyr Iraida Of Alexandria


Holy Martyr Iraida of Alexandria


Holy Martyr Iraida of Alexandria


Aug 31 - St. Gennadius, Patriarch Of Constantinople and St. Aidan Of Lindisfarne


Sep 20 - Great Martyr Eustathius Placidas And His Family


Mar 22 - Martyr Drosida Of Antioch


Martyr Drosida of Antioch and Five Nuns


Holy Martyr Leonidas


Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne


Martyr Drosida of Antioch, and Five Nuns


Holy Martyr Leonidas


Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne


Great Martyr Eustathius Placidas, with His family


Holy Martyr Iraida of Alexandria


Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne


Great Martyr Eustathius Placidas with his Family


Great Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, with His Family


Holy Martyr Iraida (Rais) of Alexandria (308)

She was an Egyptian maiden, variously called Iraida, Rais and Raida. One day, while drawing water from a well near the sea, she saw a ship laden with Christians being taken by their pagan persecutors to torture and death. By God's grace, Iraida was touched by a desire to suffer for the Lord. She went to the ship, confessed herself to be a Christian, and was immediately taken prisoner with the other servants of Christ. They were all taken to the Egyptian town of Antinopolis, where Iraida was the first of the company to be beheaded.


Great Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, with his family (118)

Before baptism he was a renowned military commander under Trajan. While hunting in the woods, he met a great stag with a shining Cross between his antlers. Through the stag, the Lord spoke to Placidas (his pagan name) and told him to find a priest and be baptized into Christ. Returning home, he found that his wife Tatiana had also had a vision in which she was told to become a Christian. They were baptized, Placidas receiving the name Eustathius, and Tatiana the name Theopiste; their two sons were baptized with them. Eustathius and his family were almost immediately subjected to a series of grievous trials, in which all were separated from one another. After years of hardship they were re-united, and returned to Rome with honor when the Emperor sought out Eustathius to command his army once again. But when the Emperor Hadrian (who had succeeded Trajan) commanded them to worship the idols, all of them refused. They were put together into a large bronze ox which was heated white-hot in a fire. When their bodies were removed, they were found to be dead but intact. The Prologue concludes, 'Thus this glorious general gave to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's, and entered into the eternal Kingdom of Christ our God.'


Holy Martyr Iraida (Rais) of Alexandria (308)

She was an Egyptian maiden, variously called Iraida, Rais and Raida. One day, while drawing water from a well near the sea, she saw a ship laden with Christians being taken by their pagan persecutors to torture and death. By God's grace, Iraida was touched by a desire to suffer for the Lord. She went to the ship, confessed herself to be a Christian, and was immediately taken prisoner with the other servants of Christ. They were all taken to the Egyptian town of Antinopolis, where Iraida was the first of the company to be beheaded.


Great Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, with his family (118)

Before baptism he was a renowned military commander under Trajan. While hunting in the woods, he met a great stag with a shining Cross between his antlers. Through the stag, the Lord spoke to Placidas (his pagan name) and told him to find a priest and be baptized into Christ. Returning home, he found that his wife Tatiana had also had a vision in which she was told to become a Christian. They were baptized, Placidas receiving the name Eustathius, and Tatiana the name Theopiste; their two sons were baptized with them. Eustathius and his family were almost immediately subjected to a series of grievous trials, in which all were separated from one another. After years of hardship they were re-united, and returned to Rome with honor when the Emperor sought out Eustathius to command his army once again. But when the Emperor Hadrian (who had succeeded Trajan) commanded them to worship the idols, all of them refused. They were put together into a large bronze ox which was heated white-hot in a fire. When their bodies were removed, they were found to be dead but intact. The Prologue concludes, 'Thus this glorious general gave to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's, and entered into the eternal Kingdom of Christ our God.'


Holy Martyr Leonidas

He was the father of Origen, the great early Christian writer. For his constant faith in Christ, he was first deprived of all his property, then condemned to death. Origen wrote to his father in prison: "Father, do not worry about us, and do not flee from martyrdom on our account."


Great Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, with his family (118)

Before baptism he was a renowned military commander under Trajan. While hunting in the woods, he met a great stag with a shining Cross between his antlers. Through the stag, the Lord spoke to Placidas (his pagan name) and told him to find a priest and be baptized into Christ. Returning home, he found that his wife Tatiana had also had a vision in which she was told to become a Christian. They were baptized, Placidas receiving the name Eustathius, and Tatiana the name Theopiste; their two sons were baptized with them. Eustathius and his family were almost immediately subjected to a series of grievous trials, in which all were separated from one another. After years of hardship they were re-united, and returned to Rome with honor when the Emperor sought out Eustathius to command his army once again. But when the Emperor Hadrian (who had succeeded Trajan) commanded them to worship the idols, all of them refused. They were put together into a large bronze ox which was heated white-hot in a fire. When their bodies were removed, they were found to be dead but intact. The Prologue concludes, 'Thus this glorious general gave to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's, and entered into the eternal Kingdom of Christ our God.


Martyr Drosida of Antioch, and five nuns (104) - March 22nd

'The daughter of the Emperor Trajan, she was seized with five other women when they were gathering the bodies of the martyrs who had suffered for Christ by night, and was for this cruelly mutilated by the Emperor. The five women were terribly tortured and at last thrown into molten copper, where they surrendered their souls to their Lord. But Drosida remained under strict imperial guard. However, she escaped from the court and baptised herself in a river. After eight days she gave her soul into God's hands.' (Prologue)


Great Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, with his family

Before baptism he was a renowned military commander under Trajan. While hunting in the woods, he met a great stag with a shining Cross between his antlers. Through the stag, the Lord spoke to Placidas (his pagan name) and told him to find a priest and be baptized into Christ. Returning home, he found that his wife Tatiana had also had a vision in which she was told to become a Christian. They were baptized, Placidas receiving the name Eustathius, and Tatiana the name Theopiste; their two sons were baptized with them. Eustathius and his family were almost immediately subjected to a series of grievous trials, in which all were separated from one another. After years of hardship they were re-united, and returned to Rome with honor when the Emperor sought out Eustathius to command his army once again. But when the Emperor Hadrian (who had succeeded Trajan) commanded them to worship the idols, all of them refused. They were put together into a large bronze ox which was heated white-hot in a fire. When their bodies were removed, they were found to be dead but intact. The Prologue concludes, 'Thus this glorious general gave to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's, and entered into the eternal Kingdom of Christ our God.


Martyr Drosida of Antioch, and five nuns (104) - March 22nd

'The daughter of the Emperor Trajan, she was seized with five other women when they were gathering the bodies of the martyrs who had suffered for Christ by night, and was for this cruelly mutilated by the Emperor. The five women were terribly tortured and at last thrown into molten copper, where they surrendered their souls to their Lord. But Drosida remained under strict imperial guard. However, she escaped from the court and baptised herself in a river. After eight days she gave her soul into God's hands.' (Prologue)


Great Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, with his family

Before baptism he was a renowned military commander under Trajan. While hunting in the woods, he met a great stag with a shining Cross between his antlers. Through the stag, the Lord spoke to Placidas (his pagan name) and told him to find a priest and be baptized into Christ. Returning home, he found that his wife Tatiana had also had a vision in which she was told to become a Christian. They were baptized, Placidas receiving the name Eustathius, and Tatiana the name Theopiste; their two sons were baptized with them. Eustathius and his family were almost immediately subjected to a series of grievous trials, in which all were separated from one another. After years of hardship they were re-united, and returned to Rome with honor when the Emperor sought out Eustathius to command his army once again. But when the Emperor Hadrian (who had succeeded Trajan) commanded them to worship the idols, all of them refused. They were put together into a large bronze ox which was heated white-hot in a fire. When their bodies were removed, they were found to be dead but intact. The Prologue concludes, 'Thus this glorious general gave to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's, and entered into the eternal Kingdom of Christ our God.


Grief During the Holidays

Chaplain Sarah and Fr. Adrian discuss the painful reality of grief during the holidays, and ways to carry that grief into the feast of the Nativity of Christ.


Aidan of Lindisfarne (Sermon Aug. 31, 2014)

Fr. Andrew tells the story of St. Aidan of Lindisfarne and stresses how he was not just a bishop but also a neighbor.


Relationships and the Holidays

The chat room was hopping tonight as Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne talk about how to deal with difficult relationships during this holiday season. They couldn't get to all the questions and their prepared remarks so look for part two on January 9, 2018.


Black Friday and the Desires of the Heart

Each year on the Friday after Thanksgiving, shoppers and stores gear up for the busiest day of the shopping year. Fr. John reflects on what drives the passion for that day and how it relates to our quest for peace.


Aidan's Song - A Year in the Life of a Parish Priest

On this special edition of the Orthodixie Podcast, Fr. Joseph interviews the author of the new Conciliar Press book Aidan's Song: A Year in the Life of a Parish Priest. The book has been compared to the "Far Side" cartoon and the TV show Married With Children—but nothing quite compares to Fr. Aidan Wilcoxson's singing a rather surprising number on this very podcast. Aidan's Song is an insightful, moving, and often hilarious personal snapshot of a year in the life of a parish priest. Enjoy!


Nativity and the Solidarity of Mankind

Why does it matter that our God came down to earth and took on flesh? Elissa discusses using the Jesse Tree and other means to teach our children about the Feast of the Nativity.


The Consolidation of Christianity in the Byzantine Empire

Fr. John addresses the uncertainty in Byzantium following the death of Constantine and then the consolidation of Christianity shortly after that.


The Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem / Great and Holy Friday / Drita

54. Book 1: The Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem from The Twelve Great Feasts for Children by Sister Elayne, now Mother Melania (Conciliar Press, 2005) (duration 3.37) Book 2: Great and Holy Friday from The Three-Day Pascha Series by Mother Melania (Conciliar Press, 2006) (begins at 4:20, duration 5.25) Book 3: Drita: An Albanian Girl Discovers her Ancestor's Faith by Renee Ritsi (Conciliar Press, 2008) (begins at 9:58, duration 13.10)


Great and Holy Friday

142. Great and Holy Friday from The Three-Day Pascha Series by Mother Melania (Conciliar Press, 2006)


Friday Night Lamentations—A Happy Funeral

Fr. Ted explains that the Church provides a foretaste of the Resurrection before we celebrate it because, as Orthodox Christians, we know how this particular story ends.


Condos in Florida

"Where are our riches?" asks Fr. Ted. "Are they here or in heaven?"


The Apostolic Fathers - The Didache

If there was a catechism manual you could read that dates back to the time of the Apostle John or very soon thereafter, would you be interested? Believe it or not there is! Learn about The Didache as Dn. Michael Hyatt continues his series on the Apostolic Fathers.


Con Eperanza Hay Vida

Domingo 24 de Noviembre Pd. Nicolas predicó sobre como con esperanza podemos vivir una vida que aguanta las dificultades del mundo. Gálata 6:11-18


Dios da la Vida – La Importancia del Ayuno

Domingo 23 de Febrero Pd. Nicolás predicó sobre la importancia del ayuno y como Dios es el único quien puede darnos vida eterna. I Cor. 8:13-9:2 Sunday February 23 Fr. Nicholas preached about the importance of fasting and how God is the only one who can give eternal life. I Cor. 8:13-9:2


Tenga Claridad!

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la importancia de limpiar nuestros pensamientos y corazones para saber bien que es la voluntad de Dios. (Filipenses. 2:5-11) Fr. Nicholas preached about the importance of cleansing our minds and hearts in order to know with clarity the will of God. (Philippians 2:5-11)


Cuidado por los Lobos Malos

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la maldad en el mundo que puede tentarnos. Padre compartió la sabiduría de San Juan de la Escalera quien explicó las tres maneras que nos hagan a caer en la oscuridad. (Marcos 9:17-31) Fr. Nicholas preached about the evil in the world that can tempt us. Father shared the wisdom of St. John of the Ladder who explained the three ways we can fall into the darkness. (Mark 9:17-31)


Cuidado para la Vida Rapida

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la importancia de la paciencia. Nuestros metas toca tiempo y vamos a tener exito con Cristo cuando perseveramos. (Juan 5:1-15) Fr. Nicholas preached about the importance of patience. Our goals take time and we have success with Christ when we persevere. (John 5:1-15)