PHP 5.6.19 is available

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.6.19. This is a security release in which several security bugs were fixed. All PHP 5.6 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version. For source downloads of PHP 5.6.19 please visit our downloads page, Windows binaries can be found on windows.php.net/download/. The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.


PHP 7.1.19 Released

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.1.19. All PHP 7.1 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version. For source downloads of PHP 7.1.19 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on windows.php.net/download/. The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.


PHP 7.2.19 Release Announcement

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.2.19. This is a security release which also contains several minor bug fixes.All PHP 7.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.For source downloads of PHP 7.2.19 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on windows.php.net/download/. The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Setting up the Options page was easy. But setting it up to make it obvious, user friendly, and easy to use was another matter.

I really didn't want to get into adding options until after Version 1.0 was released, but the separation of GEDCOM tags from "other stuff" is necessary right now.

I spent the last week trying out various ideas. What I ended up doing was calling the page: "Report" because all the settings on it relate to the Everything Report. Rather than custom building the page at this time, since I'm sure I'll be changing items as I go, I've used a treeview where you can select the options. The treeview has three parts:

  1. Contents - so you can select which sections of the Everything Report to include and what to name them.
  2. Extra Info - listing some extra information generated by Behold you may want to include, such as Generation number, or AutoOrg relevance.
  3. Text to Display - which lists some of the phrases used within the Everything Report, so you can change them if you want. Eventually all the phrases will be included. This will allow the Everything Report to be displayed in any language, and all I will need are volunteers to translate all the phrases (and also the Tag text). The idea is that I will make these available as Behold files for each language that will be downloadable from the Behold website.

I'll also be adding a needed Title and a Footer, both customizable, to the Everything Report.

So the hard part really was figuring out how to best set this up. I think it's good enough for the Version 1 release this way. A few more days and I should have this completed.


Kvelertak Mastodon European Tour 2019

Kvelertak hit the capital as part of the Mastodon tour with a new vocalist in the ranks and a performance that struck surprisingly mixed results.


Mastodon Mastodon European Tour 2019

Mastodon's tour rolls in to London with Scott Kelly in tow as well. Characteristically gigantic live performance from Atlanta Georgia's finest.


Tool Tool European Tour 2019

We headed to Lisbon for the mighty TOOL. This is a band for whom everyone ran out of superlatives many many years ago.


All Points East 2019 Review

We headed down to the Bring Me The Horizon day at All Points East. Here's who we checked out across the two main stages!


Download Festival 2019 Review: Part 1

Rain mud and riffs. Download 2019 boasted one of the strongest ever line-ups - here's who we checked out across the Friday and Saturday!


Download Festival 2019 Review: Part 2

Onwards to the Sunday night and one of the most impressive days at Download for many years. Here's who we checked out!!


2019 Review

Another BIG year in heavy music! We run through the festival highlights the goodbye's the returns and the albums of the year! BIG we said!


Mastodon European Tour 2019

No further details available.


Tool European Tour 2019

No further details available.


Smart Home - Free Shipping with $199 purchase

Free Shipping with $199 purchase


Roxio - 20% off Toast 19 Pro Was: $149.99 Now: $119.99.

20% off Toast 19 Pro Was: $149.99 Now: $119.99. # Expiration: 12-31-2030


Relaciones Públicas: ¿En quién confiar en tecnología? Reflexión sobre la crisis de Samsung

Al comienzo de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com tuvimos como cliente a Samsung.

Fue un tema extraño que no salió a la luz pública por retrasos del desarrollo.

Nos quedamos con las ganas de hincarle el diente a una marca tan llamativa, pero el recuerdo de aquello viene a mi mente al ver la desastrosa gestión que ha realizado la empresa coreana con la crisis del Galaxy Note 7, que le ha significado un gran problema financiero, pero sobre todo de imagen que puede ser incluso más grave para sus productos.

A pesar de que se sabe que las baterías de los móviles se recalientan e incluso se incendian y explotan (en la imagen  un iPhone 5 que quemó el asiento de un coche), la manera en como Samsung abordó la situación ponen en solfa la confianza a una marca que antes se consideraba robusta.

Primer interrogante: ¿Por qué explotan incluso estando desconectados?  No se sabe a ciencia cierta cómo es que una batería ha logrado calentarse tanto hasta explotar estando en reposo.

Segundo interrogante: ¿Cómo Samsung permitió que el tema llegara al punto que las aerolíneas prohibieran embarcar el teléfono afectado, incluso después de que un vuelo se viera afectado por un teléfono en llamas?  Si ya se sabía que el móvil era potencialmente un peligro no había nada que esperar.

Tercera interrogante: Si realmente consideran que el móvil es peligroso, ¿por qué distribuyen guantes ignífugos para que sus clientes envíen de vuelta el dispositivo por correo terrestre/marítimo?  No muestran mucha preocupación por la seguridad de sus consumidores.  

En resumen:

  1. No se cerró la crisis, porque aún hay varias interrogantes.
  2. Actuación lenta.  Incluso 
  3. La marca expone al peligro a sus consumidores y vuelve a hacerlo obligándoles a manipularlo nuevamente.

Para los actuales consumidores que estiman la marca Samsung, esta crisis puede tratarse de un percance, aunque sus consecuencias son realmente graves.

Para los fieles usuarios de otras marcas, esto les ayudará a reafirmar su "amor" por su decisión actual.

Los que más deben preocupar a Samsung son aquellos que se mueven por diferentes motivos (prestaciones, precio, etc.), pero que, ante una eventualidad como la de una posible explosión del teléfono seguramente optarán por otra marca más segura.

En una industria con tan alto grado de competencia, un error de estas dimensiones puede poner en serio riesgo la credibilidad y confianza de una marca y sus productos, lo que significará una posible amenaza para su viabilidad futura.


CF3190 LAPOINTE, Jean - Rire Aux Larmes

Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Pop


CF3191 LEBLANC, Hert - Tchin Tchin Câlice

Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Country


CF3192 ROBITAILLE, Damien - Cloches De Noël

Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Noël


CF3193 LEBLANC, Rhéal - Une Bonne Bouteille De Vin (Live)

Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Country


CF3194 LAI, Francis - La Guinguette

Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Danse


CA3195 MCCLINTON, Delbert - Stir It Up

Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Reggae


CF3196 KAÏN - Un Samedi Soir Québecois

Catégorie - GROUPES » Genre - Rock


CF3197 DUFOUR, Sara - On Va-tu Prendre Une Marche?

Catégorie - FEMMES » Genre - Rock


MP3198 BLONDYS - Tourterelle -ZR

Catégorie - FEMMES » Genre - Country


CF3199 BRUNEAU, Roxane - Côté Passager

Catégorie - FEMMES » Genre - Pop


Omega-3 and omega-6 supplements reduce risk of 19 types of cancer

New research has linked higher plasma levels of the healthy fats omega-3 and omega-6 to a reduced risk of developing particular types of cancer. The study adds to the on-again/off-again relationship that exists between scientists and the common supplements.

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Category: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & Mind

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The Cosby Show (TV Series 1984–1992) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb

The Cosby Show (TV Series 1984–1992) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.


Peru's national fibre backbone ups capacity by 195%

(Telecompaper) Peru's transport and communications ministry (MTC) said country's Fibre Optic Backbone Network (RDNFO) has increased contracted capacity by 195...


Travelling the world in a 1950 MG YT Tourer image gallery


Aamir Khan to produce Sunny Deol-Rajkumar Santoshi's 'Lahore, 1947'

The project will mark the maiden collaboration between Sunny Deol and Aamir Khan, who have previously worked with Santoshi on separate projects


Get the Beats Solo 4 Wireless Headphones for $129 (originally $199) – $70 savings

The Beats Solo 4 features enhanced sound quality, up to 40 hours of battery life, and seamless Apple device integration. These on-ear headphones combine style with premium audio performance in a striking Cloud Pink finish. Reasons to Buy What Makes It Stand Out The Solo 4 improves upon its predecessor with enhanced audio quality and stronger build […]


Get the XFX MERC319 RX 7800XT for $489 (originally $539) – $50 savings

The XFX SPEEDSTER MERC319 features 16GB GDDR6 memory, advanced RDNA 3 architecture, and premium triple-fan cooling. This high-performance graphics card delivers excellent 1440p and 4K gaming capabilities. Reasons to Buy What Makes It Stand Out The MERC319 model represents XFX’s premium cooling solution. The triple-fan design and extended heatsink ensure lower temperatures and quieter operation compared to […]


Get the Sony XG300 Portable Speaker for $199 (originally $349) – $150 savings

The Sony XG300 Portable Speaker features IP67 waterproofing, powerful X-Balanced speakers, and up to 25 hours of battery life. This premium speaker combines durability with Sony’s signature sound quality. Reasons to Buy What Makes It Stand Out The XG300 delivers exceptional sound through Sony’s X-Balanced speaker units and dual passive radiators. The combination of MEGA BASS, ClearAudio+, […]


“태어나줘서 고마워” 260g ‘예랑이’ 숱한 고비 넘기고 3.19㎏으로 퇴원

삼성서울병원은 우리나라에서 가장 작게 태어난 ‘예랑이(이예랑양)’가 태어난 지 198일 만에 건강한 모습으로 퇴원했다고 앞선 12일 밝혔다. 이날 병원에 따르면 지난 4월 22일 260g으로 태어난 예랑이는 5일 건강을 회복해 3.19㎏으로 퇴원했다. 예랑이는 세계에서도 14번째로 작게 태어난 아기라고 전해졌다. 예랑이처럼 300g 미만으로 태어난


트럼프 ‘성추문 입막음’ 판단 연기… 美법원, 19일까지 유죄 평결 유보

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인의 ‘성추문 입막음’ 사건의 재판부가 트럼프 당선인에 대한 유죄 평결을 무효로 해달라는 요청에 대한 결정을 1주일 연기하기로 했다. AP통신 등에 따르면 뉴욕 맨해튼 형사법원의 후안 머천 판사는 12일(현지시간) 성추문 입막음 사건의 유죄 평결을 무효로 해달라는 트럼프 당선인 측 변호인의 요청에 대한 판단을 19일까지


人と防災未来センター、「1995.1.17から30年。あらためて知る 阪神・淡路大震災~30年を振り返り未来を展望する30コラム展~」を開催中

2024年11月1日から2025年3月30日まで、阪神・淡路大震災記念人と防災未来センター(兵庫県神戸市)において「1995.1.17から30年。あらためて知る 阪神・淡路大震災~30年を振り返り未来を展望する30コラム展~」が開催されています。


【令和6年11月1日~】「1995.1.17から30年。あらためて知る 阪神・淡路大震災 ~30年を振り返り未来を展望する30コラム展~」の開催について(人と防災未来センター, 2024/10/30)



アーキビスト(全国歴史資料保存利用機関連絡協議会関東部会): 災害誌と自治体史 : 震災復興の内と外 (第319回定例研究会「災害誌と自治体史 : 震災復興の内と外」) / 泉田 邦彦

(101):2024.3, p.10-15



Grab a Microsoft Office 2019 license for Mac or Windows for $27

This deal gets you a lifetime license to Microsoft Office 2019 for Windows or Mac and access to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more for 88% off.


Septiembre 19, 2011


Octubre 19, 2011


Noviembre 19, 2011


Diciembre 19, 2011


Enero 19, 2012


Febrero 19, 2012


Marzo 19, 2012


Abril 19, 2012


Mayo 19, 2012


Junio 19, 2012