
Tasmanian Inland Exploration.


Inferring Express Trusts from Inexplicit Contracts.


SACAT’S Expanding Jurisdictions.


From you to two : how to expand your network and grow your business / Sam Ackland.


Forum 2019 : 5A Instructing experts in the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court / paper presented by John McGinn, Hugh Burton Chambers.


Forum 2019 : 7A Cross examination of documents / paper presented by: Edward Stratton-Smith, Edmund Barton Chambers.


Forum 2019 : 7B Privilege : recent developments as to privilege self: incrimination and stay of civil proceedings, privilege over investigative reports and privilege over instructions to experts / paper presented by Alex Lazarevich, Anthony Mason Chambers


Fault lines in certainty of objects of express trusts / paper presented by Gino (G.E.) Del Pont, Universiity of Tasmania.


Obligations of executors to potential family provision claimants / paper presented by The Hon. Justice Samuel Doyle, Supreme Court of South Australia.


Ethics unboxed : lifting the lid on ethical culture & practice / paper presented by Jane LeMessurier, LeMessurier Harrington Consulting.


Family law unboxed : unveiling current pitfalls / paper and slides presented by Sue Harrington, LeMessurier Harrington Consulting and Siobhan Parker, David Burrell & Co.


Land tax changes : the consultation proposals / presented by Bernie Walrut. Murray Chambers.


Revisiting the forum non-convenience and inappropriate forum / paper presented by Dr Ricky J. Lee, Globalex Tax & Legal.


CTP update : meeting the threshold for a CTP claim / paper presented by Alex Ward, Edmund Barton Chambers.


An unexpected Outcome : The heel prick test.


Wills and Estates Unboxed - Slides - J LeMessurier.


Land Tax Changes - The consultation Proposals - Bernie Walrut SLIDES.


Everyday Revolutions : Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia.


The China Defence Universities Tracker : exploring the military and security links of China's universities / Alex Joske.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is building links between China’s civilian universities, military and security agencies. Those efforts, carried out under a policy of leveraging the civilian sector to maximise military power (known as ‘military–civil fusion’), have accelerated in the past decade. Research for the China Defence Universities Tracker has determined that greater numbers of Chinese universities are engaged in defence research, training defence scientists, collaborating with the military and cooperating with defence industry conglomerates and are involved in classified research.1 At least 15 civilian universities have been implicated in cyberattacks, illegal exports or espionage. China’s defence industry conglomerates are supervising agencies of nine universities and have sent thousands of their employees to train abroad.


Federal Executive Council handbook 2019 / Federal Executive Council.

This handbook outlines the diversity of matters submitted to the Executive Council and presented to the Governor-General and Executive Councillors.


Ecological anxiety / Jeremy Gadd.


Exploring & affirming my life : a course in spiritual reminiscence / Don Jamieson.

Exploring and Affirming My Life is designed to v help the reader undertake a personal exploration of his or her own life. Often important life issues get overlooked in the bustle of modern living and a guided encouragement to find issues that need to be celebrated or need to be reconciled helps as we grow older. Reminiscence can be a natural process of life but on its own it doesn't always bring out those things we need to focus upon. This book encourages the reader to look at spiritual issues particularly, and to find the joy and the forgiveness which comes when our lives are in tune with the wonderful God who loves us so deeply.


Portfolio additional estimates statements 2018-19 : explanations of additional estimates 2018-19 : Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Richer veins for behavioural insight : an exploration of the opportunities to apply behavioural insights in public policy / Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government, Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The use of behavioural insights in public policy has traditionally focused on small, low cost 'nudges' to improve communications, increase compliance and enhance the way services are delivered. But BETA has begun to look beyond to identify a smaller set of 'richer veins' where BI can offer high financial and social impact. These areas includes consumer choice, financial decision-making and personal wellbeing.


School enrolment and attendance measure randomized controlled trial : full report / Rebecca Goldsteinand, Prof. MichaelJ.Hiscox.

This researchprojectimplemented a randomizedcontrolledtrial ofthe SEAM program in Terms 3 and 4 ofthe 2016 school year. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of the SEAM program. The study enrolled 448 treatment group students who were referred to SATOs for potential SEAM intervention, and 448 matched control group students who were not referred to SATOs. Approximately one-third of treatment group students received a compulsory conference notice, approximately one-third of treatment students' families signed an attendance plan, about 20% had a compulsory conference take place, and payment was suspended for approximately 5% of treatment students. No significant differences following any of these interventions were observed between treatment and control students.


Drastic Fabric : Elizabeth Jenner, Carly Snoswell, Henry Jock Walker and Sera Waters / [text by] Andrew Purvis.


Warm Earth : Bridget Currie & Bernadette Klavins / [text by] Liam Sprod..


Set texts / John Watson.


Seismic processing, inversion, and AVO for gold exploration : case study from Western Australia / Christopher B. Harrison and Milovan Urosevic.

"We investigate the potential of using high-resolution seismic methods for rock characterization and for targeting of gold deposits at the St. Ives gold camp. The application of seismic methods in hard-rock environments is challenged by complex structures, intrinsically low signal-to-noise ratio, regolith distortions, and access restrictions. If these issues can be addressed, then the unparalleled resolving power of reflection seismic can be used for mineral exploration. Appropriate spatial sampling of the wavefield combined with a survey geometry design and rigorous data processing to incorporate high fold and long offsets are necessary for creation of high-quality seismic images. In the hard-rock environment of Western Australia, accurate static corrections and multiphase velocity analysis are essential processing steps. This is followed by a rigorous quality control following each processing step. In such a case, we show that the role of reflection seismic could be lifted from mere identification of first-order structures to refined lithological analyses. Five deep boreholes with sonic logs and core sample test data wer eused to calibrate 2D seismic images. Despite seismic images were produced with relatively robust scaling it was possible to achieve reasonably high seismic-log correlation across three of the tightly spaced boreholes using a single composite wavelet. Amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) analysis indicated that gold-bearing structures may be related to elevated AVO effect and increased reflectivity. Consequently, partial stack analysis and acoustic and elastic inversions were conducted. These results and impedance crossplots were then evaluated against known gold occurrences. While still in the preliminary stages, hard-rock seismic imaging, inversion, and the application of AVO techniques indicated significant potential for targeting mineral reserves" -- Summary.


Interim technical report : project 3.1 : 3D seismic exploration for hard rock environments : seismic exploration of nickel deposits / Milovan Urosevic and DET CRC Project 3.1 Researchers.

"Researchers of DETCRC 3.1 project acquired substantial experience in seismic exploration of Nickel deposits across Yilgarn craton, Western Australia. There are many lessons learnt and various approaches trialled. The validity of the research conducted and the outputs achieved were verified against real field data provided by the sponsors and affiliates to DET CRC. Research quality was scrutinised by publishing in high level journals. In general high quality images are achieved over nickel rich Kambalda province that allowed for an accurate structural interpretation. Rock identification and characterisation is still challenging particularly due to lack of calibration of seismic images with borehole logs and borehole seismic. Several case histories are documented and briefly analysed. The difference between Komatiitic nickel deposit of Australia and Canada is also commented in light of seismic response and required technology for its detection" -- Executive summary.


Interim technical report : project 3.1 : lower cost, more effective 3D seismic exploration for hard rock environments : seismic exploration for mineral deposits case study summary table / authors: Milovan Urosevic, Andrej Bona.

"This document is intended to summarise the current state, understanding and the use of seismic reflection method for mineral exploration. Its primary objective is to provide a point of reference, based on actual case studies, for mineral explorers interested in the application of seismic methods to their project. It provides summary information (including the purpose of the survey, acquisition methods, geometry and cost, processing procedures and key findings) that are intended to provide the reader with an objective means of assessing the cost effectiveness of the technique with respect to exploration objectives. It is also aimed at exchange of information between DETCRC sponsors, affiliates and researchers. Finally we hope that this table will help in shaping future research efforts and direction within Project 3.1, regarding the application of seismic for mineral exploration.This is only initial work and it is hoped that it will evolve into a document or a catalogue that will be extensively used by the mineral industry to achieve their exploration objectives in more efficient and effective way" -- Executive summary.


Locating and evaluating fixed safety cameras in South Australia / CN Kloeden, TJ Bailey, TP Hutchinson.

"Fixed safety cameras that detect red light running and speeding vehicles are known to be an effective method of controlling driver behaviour and producing road safety benefits. While no definitive best practice for choosing safety camera locations was found in the literature, there are a number of criteria that are frequently used and that make sense: locations with a high number of crashes (particularly injury crashes); locations with a high proportion of speeding vehicles; locations with high traffic volumes; locations with large numbers of unprotected road users (pedestrians and bicyclists); different camera types covering different areas of the road network; and deploying cameras widely throughout the road network. Evaluation of the effects of safety cameras on particular sites and as a whole can be attempted using a number of methodologies: changes in crash numbers before and after installation; changes in vehicle speeds before and after installation; and changes in offence detections from the time of installation onwards. There are limitations with each of these methodologies such that evaluating the effectiveness of an individual safety camera is often not possible. By tracking many safety camera sites for a long period of time, the effect of the safety cameras can be examined but there will always be other factors that may explain any observed changes. A true experiment could be conducted to determine safety camera effects but it would involve deliberate non-treatment of good candidate sites for many years. This study gives a reasonable set of principles for selecting safety camera sites and evaluating their effectiveness. However, the detailed processes for South Australia will depend on what data is available, the resources and funding that can be applied, and political and other considerations." -- page 3.


An examination of offences at South Australian safety camera sites / CN Kloeden, TP Hutchinson.

"Fixed safety cameras that detect speeding (and in some cases red light running) are known to be a generally effective method of controlling driver behaviour and producing road safety benefits. They were first introduced in South Australia in 1988 and are now in operation at more than 150 locations around the State. Data on the speeding and red light running offences recorded at each of the sites are now publicly available. If the number of offences declines over time, this is an indication that the safety cameras are becoming increasingly effective in preventing speeding or red light running behaviour. The offence rates of the five types of safety cameras in use in South Australia were examined on a site by site basis. Safety cameras located in South Australian 50-90 km/h speed limit zones in built-up areas showed a similar overall trend in offence rates: speeding offence rates decreased rapidly during the first two to three years of operation; continued declines in speeding offence rates occurred for many years after that; and red light running offences showed general declines over time but not as consistently or to the same extent as speeding offences. Making the cameras more conspicuous from the time of installation may accelerate their positive effects. Safety cameras may also prevent vehicle speeding on high speed rural roads upon installation (this could not be measured here) but there appears to be little change in offence rates after this time. This is possibly due to the more conspicuous nature of these cameras. The tolerances applied to point to point average speed measurements appear to be the same as applied to spot speed measurements and could reasonably be reduced." -- Summary.


Exploring the prevalence of in-vehicle driver distraction in moving traffic : a pilot study / G Ponte, LN Wundersitz.


Oxford picture dictionary : English/Chinese = Yingwen/Zhongwen / Jayme Adelson-Goldstein, Norma Shapiro.

English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers.


Exhaustion : a history / Anna Katharina Schaffner.



Winx : the authorised biography / Andrew Rule.

Race horses -- Australia -- History.


Axiomatic / Maria Tumarkin.

Time -- Philosophy.


The greatest flight : reliving the aerial triumph that changed the world / Peter McMillan ; photographs by James L. Stanfield ; historical text by Terry Gwynn-Jones ; construction text by John La Noue ; foreword by Walter J. Boyne.

McMillan, Peter -- Travel.


Exploded view / Carrie Tiffany.

Families -- Fiction.


The death of expertise : the campaign against established knowledge and why it matters / Tom Nichols.

Ability -- United States.


The forgotten creed : Christianity's original struggle against bigotry, slavery, and sexism / Stephen J. Patterson.

Bible. Galatians, III, 28 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc


In the closet of The Vatican : power, homosexuality, hypocrisy / Frédéric Martel ; translated by Shaun Whiteside.

Catholic Church -- Clergy -- Sexual behavior.


In search of your German roots : a complete guide to tracing your ancestors in the Germanic areas of Europe / Angus Baxter.

German Canadians -- Genealogy.


The mockingbird next door : life with Harper Lee / Marja Mills.

Lee, Harper, 1926-


Walking towards thunder / Peter Fox.

Fox, Peter.


The first wave : exploring early coastal contact history in Australia / edited by Gillian Dooley and Danielle Clode.

Discoveries in geography.


Volcanoes & earthquakes / Chiara Maria Petrone, Roberto Scandone & Alex Whittaker.



This is not a drill : an Extinction Rebellion handbook / edited by Clare Farrell, Alison Green, Sam Knights and William Skeaping.

Extinction Rebellion (Organisation).


The art of feminism : images that shaped the fight for equality / Helena Reckitt, consultant editor ; written by Lucinda Gosling, Hilary Robinson, and Amy Tobin ; preface by Maria Balshaw ; foreword by Xabier Arakistain.

Feminism and art.