
Solving an inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville operator with a singular potential by Yurko's method. (arXiv:2004.14721v2 [math.SP] UPDATED)

An inverse spectral problem for the Sturm-Liouville operator with a singular potential from the class $W_2^{-1}$ is solved by the method of spectral mappings. We prove the uniqueness theorem, develop a constructive algorithm for solution, and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions of solvability for the inverse problem in the self-adjoint and the non-self-adjoint cases


Differentiating through Log-Log Convex Programs. (arXiv:2004.12553v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

We show how to efficiently compute the derivative (when it exists) of the solution map of log-log convex programs (LLCPs). These are nonconvex, nonsmooth optimization problems with positive variables that become convex when the variables, objective functions, and constraint functions are replaced with their logs. We focus specifically on LLCPs generated by disciplined geometric programming, a grammar consisting of a set of atomic functions with known log-log curvature and a composition rule for combining them. We represent a parametrized LLCP as the composition of a smooth transformation of parameters, a convex optimization problem, and an exponential transformation of the convex optimization problem's solution. The derivative of this composition can be computed efficiently, using recently developed methods for differentiating through convex optimization problems. We implement our method in CVXPY, a Python-embedded modeling language and rewriting system for convex optimization. In just a few lines of code, a user can specify a parametrized LLCP, solve it, and evaluate the derivative or its adjoint at a vector. This makes it possible to conduct sensitivity analyses of solutions, given perturbations to the parameters, and to compute the gradient of a function of the solution with respect to the parameters. We use the adjoint of the derivative to implement differentiable log-log convex optimization layers in PyTorch and TensorFlow. Finally, we present applications to designing queuing systems and fitting structured prediction models.


Simulation of Integro-Differential Equation and Application in Estimation of Ruin Probability with Mixed Fractional Brownian Motion. (arXiv:1709.03418v6 [math.PR] UPDATED)

In this paper, we are concerned with the numerical solution of one type integro-differential equation by a probability method based on the fundamental martingale of mixed Gaussian processes. As an application, we will try to simulate the estimation of ruin probability with an unknown parameter driven not by the classical L'evy process but by the mixed fractional Brownian motion.


Positive Geometries and Differential Forms with Non-Logarithmic Singularities I. (arXiv:2005.03612v1 [hep-th])

Positive geometries encode the physics of scattering amplitudes in flat space-time and the wavefunction of the universe in cosmology for a large class of models. Their unique canonical forms, providing such quantum mechanical observables, are characterised by having only logarithmic singularities along all the boundaries of the positive geometry. However, physical observables have logarithmic singularities just for a subset of theories. Thus, it becomes crucial to understand whether a similar paradigm can underlie their structure in more general cases. In this paper we start a systematic investigation of a geometric-combinatorial characterisation of differential forms with non-logarithmic singularities, focusing on projective polytopes and related meromorphic forms with multiple poles. We introduce the notions of covariant forms and covariant pairings. Covariant forms have poles only along the boundaries of the given polytope; moreover, their leading Laurent coefficients along any of the boundaries are still covariant forms on the specific boundary. Whereas meromorphic forms in covariant pairing with a polytope are associated to a specific (signed) triangulation, in which poles on spurious boundaries do not cancel completely, but their order is lowered. These meromorphic forms can be fully characterised if the polytope they are associated to is viewed as the restriction of a higher dimensional one onto a hyperplane. The canonical form of the latter can be mapped into a covariant form or a form in covariant pairing via a covariant restriction. We show how the geometry of the higher dimensional polytope determines the structure of these differential forms. Finally, we discuss how these notions are related to Jeffrey-Kirwan residues and cosmological polytopes.


A reaction-diffusion system to better comprehend the unlockdown: Application of SEIR-type model with diffusion to the spatial spread of COVID-19 in France. (arXiv:2005.03499v1 [q-bio.PE])

A reaction-diffusion model was developed describing the spread of the COVID-19 virus considering the mean daily movement of susceptible, exposed and asymptomatic individuals. The model was calibrated using data on the confirmed infection and death from France as well as their initial spatial distribution. First, the system of partial differential equations is studied, then the basic reproduction number, R0 is derived. Second, numerical simulations, based on a combination of level-set and finite differences, shown the spatial spread of COVID-19 from March 16 to June 16. Finally, scenarios of unlockdown are compared according to variation of distancing, or partially spatial lockdown.


On the connection problem for the second Painlev'e equation with large initial data. (arXiv:2005.03440v1 [math.CA])

We consider two special cases of the connection problem for the second Painlev'e equation (PII) using the method of uniform asymptotics proposed by Bassom et al.. We give a classification of the real solutions of PII on the negative (positive) real axis with respect to their initial data. By product, a rigorous proof of a property associate with the nonlinear eigenvalue problem of PII on the real axis, recently revealed by Bender and Komijani, is given by deriving the asymptotic behavior of the Stokes multipliers.


Maximum of Exponential Random Variables, Hurwitz's Zeta Function, and the Partition Function. (arXiv:2005.03392v1 [math.PR])

A natural problem in the context of the coupon collector's problem is the behavior of the maximum of independent geometrically distributed random variables (with distinct parameters). This question has been addressed by Brennan et al. (British J. of Math. & CS. 8 (2015), 330-336). Here we provide explicit asymptotic expressions for the moments of that maximum, as well as of the maximum of exponential random variables with corresponding parameters. We also deal with the probability of each of the variables being the maximal one.

The calculations lead to expressions involving Hurwitz's zeta function at certain special points. We find here explicitly the values of the function at these points. Also, the distribution function of the maximum we deal with is closely related to the generating function of the partition function. Thus, our results (and proofs) rely on classical results pertaining to the partition function.


Fourier transformation and stability of differential equation on $L^1(Bbb{R})$. (arXiv:2005.03296v1 [math.FA])

In the present paper by the Fourier transform we show that every linear differential equations of $n$-th order has a solution in $L^1(Bbb{R})$ which is infinitely differentiable in $Bbb{R} setminus {0}$. Moreover the Hyers-Ulam stability of such equations on $L^1(Bbb{R})$ is investigated.


A Note on Cores and Quasi Relative Interiors in Partially Finite Convex Programming. (arXiv:2005.03265v1 [math.FA])

The problem of minimizing an entropy functional subject to linear constraints is a useful example of partially finite convex programming. In the 1990s, Borwein and Lewis provided broad and easy-to-verify conditions that guarantee strong duality for such problems. Their approach is to construct a function in the quasi-relative interior of the relevant infinite-dimensional set, which assures the existence of a point in the core of the relevant finite-dimensional set. We revisit this problem, and provide an alternative proof by directly appealing to the definition of the core, rather than by relying on any properties of the quasi-relative interior. Our approach admits a minor relaxation of the linear independence requirements in Borwein and Lewis' framework, which allows us to work with certain piecewise-defined moment functions precluded by their conditions. We provide such a computed example that illustrates how this relaxation may be used to tame observed Gibbs phenomenon when the underlying data is discontinuous. The relaxation illustrates the understanding we may gain by tackling partially-finite problems from both the finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional sides. The comparison of these two approaches is informative, as both proofs are constructive.


Exponential decay for negative feedback loop with distributed delay. (arXiv:2005.03136v1 [math.DS])

We derive sufficient conditions for exponential decay of solutions of the delay negative feedback equation with distributed delay. The conditions are written in terms of exponential moments of the distribution. Our method only uses elementary tools of calculus and is robust towards possible extensions to more complex settings, in particular, systems of delay differential equations. We illustrate the applicability of the method to particular distributions - Dirac delta, Gamma distribution, uniform and truncated normal distributions.


Differential Machine Learning. (arXiv:2005.02347v2 [q-fin.CP] UPDATED)

Differential machine learning (ML) extends supervised learning, with models trained on examples of not only inputs and labels, but also differentials of labels to inputs.

Differential ML is applicable in all situations where high quality first order derivatives wrt training inputs are available. In the context of financial Derivatives risk management, pathwise differentials are efficiently computed with automatic adjoint differentiation (AAD). Differential ML, combined with AAD, provides extremely effective pricing and risk approximations. We can produce fast pricing analytics in models too complex for closed form solutions, extract the risk factors of complex transactions and trading books, and effectively compute risk management metrics like reports across a large number of scenarios, backtesting and simulation of hedge strategies, or capital regulations.

The article focuses on differential deep learning (DL), arguably the strongest application. Standard DL trains neural networks (NN) on punctual examples, whereas differential DL teaches them the shape of the target function, resulting in vastly improved performance, illustrated with a number of numerical examples, both idealized and real world. In the online appendices, we apply differential learning to other ML models, like classic regression or principal component analysis (PCA), with equally remarkable results.

This paper is meant to be read in conjunction with its companion GitHub repo https://github.com/differential-machine-learning, where we posted a TensorFlow implementation, tested on Google Colab, along with examples from the article and additional ones. We also posted appendices covering many practical implementation details not covered in the paper, mathematical proofs, application to ML models besides neural networks and extensions necessary for a reliable implementation in production.


Prediction of Event Related Potential Speller Performance Using Resting-State EEG. (arXiv:2005.01325v3 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Event-related potential (ERP) speller can be utilized in device control and communication for locked-in or severely injured patients. However, problems such as inter-subject performance instability and ERP-illiteracy are still unresolved. Therefore, it is necessary to predict classification performance before performing an ERP speller in order to use it efficiently. In this study, we investigated the correlations with ERP speller performance using a resting-state before an ERP speller. In specific, we used spectral power and functional connectivity according to four brain regions and five frequency bands. As a result, the delta power in the frontal region and functional connectivity in the delta, alpha, gamma bands are significantly correlated with the ERP speller performance. Also, we predicted the ERP speller performance using EEG features in the resting-state. These findings may contribute to investigating the ERP-illiteracy and considering the appropriate alternatives for each user.


Generative Adversarial Networks in Digital Pathology: A Survey on Trends and Future Potential. (arXiv:2004.14936v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Image analysis in the field of digital pathology has recently gained increased popularity. The use of high-quality whole slide scanners enables the fast acquisition of large amounts of image data, showing extensive context and microscopic detail at the same time. Simultaneously, novel machine learning algorithms have boosted the performance of image analysis approaches. In this paper, we focus on a particularly powerful class of architectures, called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), applied to histological image data. Besides improving performance, GANs also enable application scenarios in this field, which were previously intractable. However, GANs could exhibit a potential for introducing bias. Hereby, we summarize the recent state-of-the-art developments in a generalizing notation, present the main applications of GANs and give an outlook of some chosen promising approaches and their possible future applications. In addition, we identify currently unavailable methods with potential for future applications.


SCAttNet: Semantic Segmentation Network with Spatial and Channel Attention Mechanism for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images. (arXiv:1912.09121v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

High-resolution remote sensing images (HRRSIs) contain substantial ground object information, such as texture, shape, and spatial location. Semantic segmentation, which is an important task for element extraction, has been widely used in processing mass HRRSIs. However, HRRSIs often exhibit large intraclass variance and small interclass variance due to the diversity and complexity of ground objects, thereby bringing great challenges to a semantic segmentation task. In this paper, we propose a new end-to-end semantic segmentation network, which integrates lightweight spatial and channel attention modules that can refine features adaptively. We compare our method with several classic methods on the ISPRS Vaihingen and Potsdam datasets. Experimental results show that our method can achieve better semantic segmentation results. The source codes are available at https://github.com/lehaifeng/SCAttNet.


A Tale of Two Perplexities: Sensitivity of Neural Language Models to Lexical Retrieval Deficits in Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type. (arXiv:2005.03593v1 [cs.CL])

In recent years there has been a burgeoning interest in the use of computational methods to distinguish between elicited speech samples produced by patients with dementia, and those from healthy controls. The difference between perplexity estimates from two neural language models (LMs) - one trained on transcripts of speech produced by healthy participants and the other trained on transcripts from patients with dementia - as a single feature for diagnostic classification of unseen transcripts has been shown to produce state-of-the-art performance. However, little is known about why this approach is effective, and on account of the lack of case/control matching in the most widely-used evaluation set of transcripts (DementiaBank), it is unclear if these approaches are truly diagnostic, or are sensitive to other variables. In this paper, we interrogate neural LMs trained on participants with and without dementia using synthetic narratives previously developed to simulate progressive semantic dementia by manipulating lexical frequency. We find that perplexity of neural LMs is strongly and differentially associated with lexical frequency, and that a mixture model resulting from interpolating control and dementia LMs improves upon the current state-of-the-art for models trained on transcript text exclusively.


Algorithmic Averaging for Studying Periodic Orbits of Planar Differential Systems. (arXiv:2005.03487v1 [cs.SC])

One of the main open problems in the qualitative theory of real planar differential systems is the study of limit cycles. In this article, we present an algorithmic approach for detecting how many limit cycles can bifurcate from the periodic orbits of a given polynomial differential center when it is perturbed inside a class of polynomial differential systems via the averaging method. We propose four symbolic algorithms to implement the averaging method. The first algorithm is based on the change of polar coordinates that allows one to transform a considered differential system to the normal form of averaging. The second algorithm is used to derive the solutions of certain differential systems associated to the unperturbed term of the normal of averaging. The third algorithm exploits the partial Bell polynomials and allows one to compute the integral formula of the averaged functions at any order. The last algorithm is based on the aforementioned algorithms and determines the exact expressions of the averaged functions for the considered differential systems. The implementation of our algorithms is discussed and evaluated using several examples. The experimental results have extended the existing relevant results for certain classes of differential systems.


DMCP: Differentiable Markov Channel Pruning for Neural Networks. (arXiv:2005.03354v1 [cs.CV])

Recent works imply that the channel pruning can be regarded as searching optimal sub-structure from unpruned networks.

However, existing works based on this observation require training and evaluating a large number of structures, which limits their application.

In this paper, we propose a novel differentiable method for channel pruning, named Differentiable Markov Channel Pruning (DMCP), to efficiently search the optimal sub-structure.

Our method is differentiable and can be directly optimized by gradient descent with respect to standard task loss and budget regularization (e.g. FLOPs constraint).

In DMCP, we model the channel pruning as a Markov process, in which each state represents for retaining the corresponding channel during pruning, and transitions between states denote the pruning process.

In the end, our method is able to implicitly select the proper number of channels in each layer by the Markov process with optimized transitions. To validate the effectiveness of our method, we perform extensive experiments on Imagenet with ResNet and MobilenetV2.

Results show our method can achieve consistent improvement than state-of-the-art pruning methods in various FLOPs settings. The code is available at https://github.com/zx55/dmcp


Near-optimal Detector for SWIPT-enabled Differential DF Relay Networks with SER Analysis. (arXiv:2005.03096v1 [cs.IT])

In this paper, we analyze the symbol error rate (SER) performance of the simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) enabled three-node differential decode-and-forward (DDF) relay networks, which adopt the power splitting (PS) protocol at the relay. The use of non-coherent differential modulation eliminates the need for sending training symbols to estimate the instantaneous channel state informations (CSIs) at all network nodes, and therefore improves the power efficiency, as compared with the coherent modulation. However, performance analysis results are not yet available for the state-of-the-art detectors such as the approximate maximum-likelihood detector. Existing works rely on Monte-Carlo simulation to show that there exists an optimal PS ratio that minimizes the overall SER. In this work, we propose a near-optimal detector with linear complexity with respect to the modulation size. We derive an accurate approximate SER expression, based on which the optimal PS ratio can be accurately estimated without requiring any Monte-Carlo simulation.


Future Bioeconomy Supported by More Than One Billion Tons of Biomass Potential

By The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Within 25 years, the United States could produce enough biomass to support a bioeconomy, including renewable aquatic and terrestrial biomass resources that could be used for energy and to develop products … Continue reading


Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of Coronavirus

The CDC designed a flawed test for COVID-19, then took weeks to figure out a fix so state and local labs could use it. New York still doesn’t trust the test’s accuracy By Caroline Chen, Marshall Allen, Lexi Churchill and Isaac Arnsdorf Propublica…

  • News/Nation & World


Polyglycol ether-free sulphosuccinates based on polyglycerol partial esters and use thereof

The invention relates to polyglycol ether-free, polyglycerol partial ester-based sulphosuccinates, the preparation thereof, and the use of these in cosmetic formulations and also in cleaning compositions in the industrial and domestic sector and formulations comprising these sulphosuccinates.


Compounds and methods useful for directing stem cell differentiation

The presently-disclosed subject matter relates to compounds of the formula: and methods for use thereof. The presently-disclosed subject matter relates methods of selectively differentiating a stem cell, and methods of screening for compounds useful for enhancing terminal differentiation of committed cardiac progenitor cells.


Novel 6-acyl-(6H)-dibenz[c,e][1,2]oxaphosphorin 6-oxides, their preparation and their use as photoinitiators

The invention relates 6-acyl-(6H)-dibenz[c,e][1,2]oxaphosphorin-6-oxides of the formula ##STR1## wherein each of R1, R2 and R3 may be present one or more times and R1, R2 and R3 represent halogen having an atomic number of from 9 to 35, alkyl or alkoxy each having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms and wherein Ar represents an aromatic hydrocarbon group having from 6 to 10 carbon atoms.The invention further relates to a process for the preparation of the afore-mentioned compounds and polymerizable compositions containing them as an essential ingredient as a photo-initiator. Finally the invention relates to 6-alkoxy-(6H)-dibenz[c,e][1,2]oxaphosphorin of the formula II ##STR2## wherein each of R1 and R2 may be present once or more times and R1 and R2 represent halogen having an atomic number of from 9 to 35, alkyl or alkoxy each having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, at least one R1 being, however, halogen and wherein R4 represents alkyl having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms.


Initial hydrotreating of naphthenes with subsequent high temperature reforming

A process for the production of aromatics through the reforming of a hydrocarbon stream is presented. The process utilizes the differences in properties of components within the hydrocarbon stream to increase the energy efficiency. The differences in the reactions of different hydrocarbon components in the conversion to aromatics allows for different treatments of the different components to reduce the energy used in reforming process.


Initialization method of a perpendicular magnetic random access memory (MRAM) device

Methods using a sequence of externally generated magnetic fields to initialize the magnetization directions of each of the layers in perpendicular MTJ MRAM elements for data and reference bits when the required magnetization directions are anti-parallel are described. The coercivity of the fixed pinned and reference layers can be made unequal so that one of them can be switched by a magnetic field that will reliably leave the other one unswitched. Embodiments of the invention utilize the different effective coercivity fields of the pinned, reference and free layers to selectively switch the magnetization directions using a sequence of magnetic fields of decreasing strength. Optionally the chip or wafer can be heated to reduce the required field magnitude. It is possible that the first magnetic field in the sequence can be applied during an annealing step in the MRAM manufacture process.


Method for limiting the degassing of tritiated waste issued from the nuclear industry

A method and device for limiting the degassing of tritiated waste issued from the nuclear industry are provided. The method reduces an amount of generated tritiated hydrogen (T2 or HT) and/or tritiated water (HTO or T2O) including at least one piece of tritiated waste from the nuclear industry. The method includes placing the package in contact with a mixture including manganese dioxide (MnO2) combined with a component that includes silver; and placing the package in contact with a molecular sieve.


Hydrophilic gels from polyalkylether-based photoinitiators

The invention provides a method for the manufacture of a catheter comprising a hydrophilic gel. The method comprising the steps of combining a polymeric photoinitiator of the general formula (I): R1(A1)r-(R2(A2)m-O)o—(R3(A3)n-O)p—R4(A4)s (I) with one or more gel-forming polymers and/or gel-forming monomers to form a matrix composition, curing the matrix composition by exposing it to UV radiation, exposing the matrix composition to a swelling medium and incorporating the hydrophilic gel into a catheter. The invention also provides autocuring of the polymeric photoinitiator (I) to provide a gel precursor, a hydrophilic gel and a catheter comprising or coated with the hydrophilic gel of the invention.


Method for making a dual curable ethylene propylene diene polymer rubber coating using a photoinitiator and a peroxide

A durable ambient light curable waterproof liquid rubber coating with volatile organic compound (VOC) content of less than 450 grams per liter made from ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) in a solvent, a photoinitiator, an additive, pigments, and fillers, and a co-agent and a method for making the formulation, wherein the formulation is devoid of thermally activated accelerators.


On-demand photoinitiated polymerization

Compositions and methods for adjustable lenses are provided. In some embodiments, the lenses contain a lens matrix material, a masking compound, and a prepolymer. The lens matrix material provides structure to the lens. The masking compound is capable of blocking polymerization or crosslinking of the prepolymer, until photoisomerization of the compound is triggered, and the compound is converted from a first isomer to a second isomer having a different absorption profile. The prepolymer is a composition that can undergo a polymerization or crosslinking reaction upon photoinitiation to alter one or more of the properties of the lenses.


Method to facilitate fast context switching for partial and extended path extension to remote expanders

A method, apparatus, and system for switching from an existing target end device to a next target end device in a multi-expander storage topology by using Fast Context Switching. The method enhances Fast Context Switching by allowing Fast Context Switching to reuse or extend part of an existing connection path to an end device directly attached to a remote expander. The method can include reusing or extending at least a partial path of an established connection between an initiator and the existing target end device for a connection between the initiator and the next target end device, whereby the existing target end device and the next target end device are locally attached to different expanders.


System, method and computer program product for recursively executing a process control operation to use an ordered list of tags to initiate corresponding functional operations

In accordance with embodiments, there are provided mechanisms and methods for controlling a process using a process map. These mechanisms and methods for controlling a process using a process map can enable process operations to execute in order without necessarily having knowledge of one another. The ability to provide the process map can avoid a requirement that the operations themselves be programmed to follow a particular sequence, as can further improve the ease by which the sequence of operations may be changed.


Persistent-mode high-temperature superconducting shim coils to enhance spatial magnetic field homogeneity for superconducting magnets

A persistent-mode High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) shim coil is provided having at least one rectangular shaped thin sheet of HTS, wherein the thin sheet of HTS contains a first long portion, a second long portion parallel to first long portion, a first end, and a second end parallel to the first end. The rectangular shaped thin sheet of high-temperature superconductor has a hollow center and forms a continuous loop. In addition, the first end and the second end are folded toward each other forming two rings, and the thin sheet of high-temperature superconductor has a radial build that is less than 5 millimeters (mm) and able to withstand very strong magnetic field ranges of greater than approximately 12 Tesla (T) within a center-portion of a superconducting magnet of a superconducting magnet assembly.


Methods of splicing 2G rebco high temperature superconductors using partial micro-melting diffusion pressurized splicing by direct face-to-face contact of high temperature superconducting layers and recovering superconductivity by oxygenation annealing

Disclosed is a splicing method of two second-generation ReBCO high temperature superconductor coated conductors (2G ReBCO HTS CCs), in which, with stabilizing layers removed from the two strands of 2G ReBCO HTS CCs through chemical wet etching or plasma dry etching, surfaces of the two high temperature superconducting layers are brought into direct contact with each other and heated in a splicing furnace in a vacuum for micro-melting portions of the surfaces of the high temperature superconducting layers to permit inter-diffusion of ReBCO atoms such that the surfaces of the two superconducting layers can be spliced to each other and oxygenation annealing for recovery of superconductivity which was lost during splicing.


User initiated rule-based restrictions on messaging applications

A method, system and computer program product are disclosed for user initiated rule based restrictions on sending messages from a sender to a receiver in a communications network. The receiver establishes a set of rules for the sender that allows the sender a limited number of defined messages events with the receiver. The defined message events may be messages or message sessions. When the sender attempts to send a message to the receiver, it is determined whether a message session currently exists between the sender and the receiver. If a current session exists, the rules set by the receiver are used to determine if the message is allowed to be sent to the receiver. If a session does not currently exist, the rules are used to determine whether a new session is allowed. If a new message session is allowed, a new session is established, and the message is sent to the receiver during the new session.


Continuous production process of tertiary alcohols by radical addition of secondary alcohols to alkenes

A process is disclosed for producing tertiary alcohols by radical addition of secondary alcohols to alkenes. The reaction is carried out as a continuous process in the presence of an organic peroxide as a radical initiator and during a mean contact time of the reaction mixture of up to a maximum of 1 hour.


Process for manufacturing partially cross-linked alginate solution

Described is a microfluidic process for manufacturing partially cross-linked alginate solution, wherein the alginate solution is a homogenous liquid which exhibits an elastic response (G') which is equal to or greater than its viscous response (G″). In particular, the process may comprise microfluidic mixing of sodium alginate and calcium gluconate solutions to provide an injectable partially cross-linked alginate solution.


Host initiated state control of remote client in communications system

A system and method for low-cost, fault tolerant, EMI robust data communications, particularly for an EV environment. A data communications method, including a) enabling a transmission of a wake signal from a host to a remote client through an isolator disposed at the remote client when the wake signal is asserted from the host at a host-portion of the isolator concurrent with a periodic enablement of a client-portion of the isolator by the remote client; and thereafter b) transmitting the wake signal from the host to the remote client through the isolator; c) controlling enablement of the client-portion responsive to the wake signal transmitted through the isolator; and thereafter d) disabling the transmission by deassertion of the wake signal at the host.


Vitamin D receptor modulators with partial agonist activity

The present invention provides a compound which functions as a selective vitamin D receptor modulator and has action-selectivity or tissue-selectivity such that it does not induce hypercalcemia but causes other effects. There is provided a compound represented by formula (I), a solvate thereof or a prodrug thereof. wherein m and n each independently represent 1 or 0;R represents a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group;Y represents an ethane-1,1-diyl group or an ethyne-1,2-diyl group; andZ1 represents a hydrogen atom and Z2 represents a hydroxyalkoxy group, orZ1 and Z2 jointly form a methylene group.


Hydrophilic gels from polyurethane-based photoinitiators

The present invention relates to the use of polymeric photoinitiators based on polyalkyletherurethane backbones in the production of hydrophilic gels, in particular hydrogels. The invention relates to methods for manufacturing hydrophilic gels using said polymeric photoinitiators, and the hydrophilic gels thus obtained.


Method for optimizing the operation of a hydrocarbon synthesis unit starting from synthesis gas, by controlling the partial pressure of CO

A method is described for optimizing the operation of a reaction section for the synthesis of hydrocarbons from a feed comprising synthesis gas, operated in the presence of a catalyst comprising cobalt, said method comprising the following steps: a) determining the theoretical partial pressure of CO in the reaction section;b) optionally, adjusting the partial pressure of CO determined in step a) to a value of 4 bar or higher;c) determining a new value for the theoretical partial pressure of CO in the reaction section.


Skull-focused RF-based stimulation apparatus, system and method for treating patients with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia

The portable, wearable, proximal Alzheimer's disease treatment invention is based upon creating an RF field of particular frequencies and intensities that are applied to the patient's head. To accomplish the aforementioned disease treatment functionality, a system was invented comprising a network of antennas connected to an RF generator via a feedline connector. The invention also provides methods for using measurements to monitor and manage the effectiveness of an ongoing disease treatment regimen, and databases which contain information about measurements, variables, and their relationships to clinical outcome.


Polymerizable tertiary ester compound, polymer, resist composition, and patterning process

The present invention provides a polymerizable tertiary ester compound represented by the following general formula (1a) or (1b). There is provided a polymerizable ester compound useful as a monomer for a base resin of a resist composition having a high resolution and a reduced pattern edge roughness in photolithography using a high-energy beam such as an ArF excimer laser light as a light source, especially in immersion lithography, a polymer containing a polymer of the ester compound, a resist composition containing the polymer as a base resin, and a patterning process using the resist composition.


Sequential start clutch for a material mixing machine

A mixer system includes a mixing chamber with a drive panel, open top, discharge opening in a side of the mixing chamber, and door configured to open and close the discharge opening. A first mixing auger is disposed inside the mixing chamber, and a first auger drive is disposed on another side of the drive panel and connected to the first auger through the drive panel and connected to a driveline. A second mixing auger is disposed inside the mixing chamber on the first side of the drive panel, and another auger drive is connected to the second auger through the drive panel. A clutch is connected between the second auger drive and the driveline and configured to mechanically connect and disconnect the second auger drive from the driveline based on an input. A method of sequentially starting different augers within a mixing chamber is provided.


Method of differentially diagnosing different types of dementia

The present invention relates to a method of differentially diagnosing different types of dementia. In particular, the method relates to the use of specific SPECT tracers for differentially diagnosing Alzheimer's disease, Lewy-Body Dementia, and Frontotemporal Dementia.


Media content spatial navigation

A method and system of providing a content guide that identifies a spatial relationship between the elements in the content guide is described. A controller receives electronic program guide data. The received electronic program guide data is parsed to identify a plurality of programs listed in the electronic program guide and data corresponding to at least one program description attribute for the identified programs. A relationship is determined between each identified program based on the at least one program description attribute. At least one cluster is generated and includes at least one of the plurality of identified programs based on the determined relationship. A user interface display processor generates a user interface display image representing a clustered content guide and including the at least one generated cluster enabling the user to view the relationship of the plurality of programs.


Mechanical adhesion of copper metallization to dielectric with partially cured epoxy fillers

In some embodiments, an improved mechanical adhesion of copper metallization to dielectric with partially cured epoxy fillers is presented. In this regard, a substrate build-up film is introduced having epoxy material and a plurality of epoxy microspheres, wherein an interior of the microspheres is not fully cured. Other embodiments are also disclosed and claimed.


Magnetic writer having a partially shunted coil

A method and system provide a magnetic transducer having an air-bearing surface (ABS). The magnetic transducer includes a main pole and at least one coil for energizing the main pole. The coil(s) have a number of turns. The magnetic transducer also includes at least one shunt coupled to at least one of the number of turns. At least one remaining turn of the number of turns carries a current. The shunt(s) carry a portion of the current from the shunted turn of the number of turns. Thus, the coil(s) have an effective number of turns is less than the number of turns.


Axle assembly having differential assembly with inverted differential bearings

An axle assembly having a carrier housing, a pair of axle tubes, a differential case, a pair of differential bearings and a pair of bearing adjusters. The carrier housing includes a cavity, which is configured to receive the differential case, and a pair of axle tubes that are mounted to the carrier housing. The differential case includes bearing bores into which the outer races of the differential bearings are received. The bearing adjusters are threaded to the carrier housing and support the differential bearings on a side opposite the differential case.


Polymerization initiating system and method to produce highly reactive olefin functional polymers

A method for producing highly reactive olefin polymers wherein at least 50 mol. % of the polymer chains have terminal double bonds, and a novel polymerization initiating system for accomplishing same.


Method and device for initiating cell measurement

This document discusses a method and device for initiating cell measurement. An initiating condition for initiating the measurement of a Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) cell and/or a Hybrid cell is preset by the network side. The measurement of the CSG cells and/or Hybrid cells is initiated by a User Equipment (UE) when the initiating condition is satisfied. The UE automatically initiates the measurement of the CSG cell and/or Hybrid cell when the UE is close to its own footprint area or fingerprint area.