
The Major Cell Populations of the Mouse Retina

Chang-Jin Jeon
Nov 1, 1998; 18:8936-8946


Highly Selective Receptive Fields in Mouse Visual Cortex

Cristopher M. Niell
Jul 23, 2008; 28:7520-7536


Synaptic Modifications in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons: Dependence on Spike Timing, Synaptic Strength, and Postsynaptic Cell Type

Guo-qiang Bi
Dec 15, 1998; 18:10464-10472


The analysis of visual motion: a comparison of neuronal and psychophysical performance

KH Britten
Dec 1, 1992; 12:4745-4765


The Fusiform Face Area: A Module in Human Extrastriate Cortex Specialized for Face Perception

Nancy Kanwisher
Jun 1, 1997; 17:4302-4311


Cogliere l'attimo per garantire una crescita sostenuta

Italian translation of the BIS press release on the presentation of the Annual Economic Report 2018, 24 June 2018. Le autorità possono fare in modo che l'attuale ripresa economica si mantenga oltre il breve termine avviando riforme strutturali, ridando margine di manovra alle politiche monetarie e di bilancio per affrontare eventuali future minacce, e incoraggiando la pronta attuazione delle riforme regolamentari, scrive la Banca dei Regolamenti Internazionali (BRI) nella sua Relazione economica annuale. ...


È ora di accendere tutti i motori

Italian translation of the speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, on the occasion of the Bank's Annual General Meeting, Basel, 30 June 2019.


È ora di accendere tutti i motori, afferma la BRI nella sua Relazione economica annuale

Italian translation of the BIS press release on the presentation of the Annual Economic Report 2019, 30 June 2019.


Le Comité de Bâle finalise sa revue du traitement réglementaire des expositions aux actifs souverains sans modifier les règles existantes et publie un document de discussion

French translation of the press release about the Basel Committee publishing a discussion paper on "The regulatory treatment of sovereign exposures" (7 December 2017)


Face aux cryptomonnaies, les autorités doivent être prêtes à agir - Agustín Carstens

French translation of Press Release about BIS General Manager Agustín Carstens giving a speech on "Money in the digital age: what role for central banks?" (6 February 2018)


La confiance est le chaînon manquant des cryptomonnaies actuelles, selon la BRI

French translation of the Press Release on the pre-release of two special chapters of the Annual Economic Report of the BIS, 17 June 2018. Trust is the missing link in today's cryptocurrencies - Cryptocurrencies' model of generating trust limits their potential to replace conventional money, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) writes in its Annual Economic Report (AER), a new title launched this year.


Le Communiqué de Bâle finalise les principes relatifs aux tests de résistance, passe en revue les moyens pour mettre fin aux comportements d'arbitrage réglementaire, s'accorde sur la liste annuelle des G-SIB et discute du ratio

French translation of press release - the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is finalising stress-testing principles, reviews ways to stop regulatory arbitrage behaviour, agrees on annual G-SIB list, discusses leverage ratio, crypto-assets, market risk framework and implementation, 20 September 2018.


Les banques centrales et la dette : des risques émergents pour l efficacité de la politique monétaire en Afrique

French translation of BIS Papers No 99 - Central banks and debt: emerging risks to the effectiveness of monetary policy in Africa?, October 2018.


Il est temps d'allumer tous les moteurs

French translation of the speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, on the occasion of the Bank's Annual General Meeting, Basel, 30 June 2019.


Rapport économique annuel de la BRI : Il est temps d'allumer tous les moteurs

French translation of the BIS press release on the presentation of the Annual Economic Report 2019, 30 June 2019. La politique monétaire ne peut plus être le principal moteur de la croissance économique, et d'autres leviers de politique publique doivent être actionnés pour faire en sorte que l'économie mondiale connaisse une dynamique durable ...


Informe Trimestral del BPI, marzo de 2018: La volatilidad vuelve a cobrar protagonismo tras un episodio de inestabilidad en los mercados bursátiles

Spanish translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2018


Monedas digitales emitidas por bancos centrales

Spanish version of executive summary of report on Central bank digital currencies published by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and the Markets Committee, March 2018.


Las monedas digitales de bancos centrales podrían afectar a los pagos, la política monetaria y la estabilidad financiera

Spanish version of Press release about CPMI and the Markets Committee issuing a report on "Central bank digital currencies" (12 March 2018)


La confianza es el eslabón perdido en las criptomonedas actuales, según el BPI

Spanish translation of the Press Release on the pre-release of two special chapters of the Annual Economic Report of the BIS, 17 June 2018. Trust is the missing link in today's cryptocurrencies - Cryptocurrencies' model of generating trust limits their potential to replace conventional money, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) writes in its Annual Economic Report (AER), a new title launched this year.


Aprovechar el momento para lograr un crecimiento sostenido

Spanish translation of the BIS press release on the presentation of the Annual Economic Report 2018, 24 June 2018. Las autoridades pueden prolongar el actual repunte económico más allá del corto plazo aplicando reformas estructurales, reconstruyendo el espacio de las políticas monetaria y fiscal para afrontar futuras amenazas y fomentando una pronta implementación de las reformas reguladoras, sostiene el Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BPI) en su Informe Económico Anual. ...


Ha llegado la hora de poner en marcha todos los motores

Spanish translation of the speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, on the occasion of the Bank's Annual General Meeting, Basel, 30 June 2019.


Ha llegado la hora de poner en marcha todos los motores, afirma el BPI en su Informe Económico Anual

Spanish translation of the BIS press release on the presentation of the Annual Economic Report 2019, 30 June 2019.



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C'mon Son! - :ccp:


Engineering researcher’s non-invasive aid to monitoring pressure in the skull wins gold medal


Bottom Line: iPhone SE Packs Great Value for the Money

Apple's new iPhone SE delivers incredible value and performance, has a surprisingly good camera, and handles videos well. Reviewers were impressed by the phone's A13 chipset. However, criticisms include insufficient battery life, absence of night mode, and lack of 5G support. "For those of us concerned about money ... the SE provides the greatest bang for the buck," said tech analyst Rob Enderle.


Red Hat's Virtual Summit Crowds Hint at Future Conference Models

In what could be a trial run for more of the same, Red Hat last week held a first-ever virtual technical summit to spread the word about its latest cloud tech offerings. CEO Paul Cormier welcomed online viewers to the conference, which attracted more than 80,000 virtual attendees. The company made several key announcements during the online gathering and highlighted customer innovations.


MakuluLinux Delivers Modernity With New Core Platform

If you are looking for a well-designed Linux distro that is far from mainstream, loaded with performance features not found elsewhere, check out the 2020 upgrade of the MakuluLinux Core distro. It could change your perspective on what a daily computing driver should offer. Developer Jacque Montague Raymer recently released the 2020 edition of MakuluLinux Core OS.


This feed has moved

Update your feedreader: this feed has now moved to XxXxxXxXxXXxXXxXXXXxXX


Uganda newspaper targets homosexuals


Timothy Egan: John Roberts' America


Ten MORE egregious lies from 2010 campaign ads


Opry Memories


Objects and Memory


Services for Shangukeidí clan mother scheduled


Seventeen people participate in SHI's moccasin workshop


Students get hooked on salmon


Monetary policy: 10 years after the financial crisis

Speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, to the Basler Bankenforum, Basel, 5 September 2019.


Vulnerabilities in the international monetary and financial system

Speech by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the BIS, at the OECD-G20 High Level Policy Seminar, Paris, 11 September 2019.


Wise fiscal policy is not about helicopter money

Op-ed by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the BIS, published in Il Sole 24 Ore, 8 November 2019.


The changing colour of money - new directions for payment systems, currencies

Op-ed by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, published in The Business Times Singapore, 13 November 2019.


The future of money and the payment system: what role for central banks?

Lecture by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, at the Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 5 December 2019.


Fingolimod Rescues Demyelination in a Mouse Model of Krabbe's Disease

Krabbe's disease is an infantile neurodegenerative disease, which is affected by mutations in the lysosomal enzyme galactocerebrosidase, leading to the accumulation of its metabolite psychosine. We have shown previously that the S1P receptor agonist fingolimod (FTY720) attenuates psychosine-induced glial cell death and demyelination both in vitro and ex vivo models. These data, together with a lack of therapies for Krabbe's disease, prompted the current preclinical study examining the effects of fingolimod in twitcher mice, a murine model of Krabbe's disease. Twitcher mice, both male and female, carrying a natural mutation in the galc gene were given fingolimod via drinking water (1 mg/kg/d). The direct impact of fingolimod administration was assessed via histochemical and biochemical analysis using markers of myelin, astrocytes, microglia, neurons, globoid cells, and immune cells. The effects of fingolimod on twitching behavior and life span were also demonstrated. Our results show that treatment of twitcher mice with fingolimod significantly rescued myelin levels compared with vehicle-treated animals and also regulated astrocyte and microglial reactivity. Furthermore, nonphosphorylated neurofilament levels were decreased, indicating neuroprotective and neurorestorative processes. These protective effects of fingolimod on twitcher mice brain pathology was reflected by an increased life span of fingolimod-treated twitcher mice. These in vivo findings corroborate initial in vitro studies and highlight the potential use of S1P receptors as drug targets for treatment of Krabbe's disease.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT This study demonstrates that the administration of the therapy known as fingolimod in a mouse model of Krabbe's disease (namely, the twitcher mouse model) significantly rescues myelin levels. Further, the drug fingolimod also regulates the reactivity of glial cells, astrocytes and microglia, in this mouse model. These protective effects of fingolimod result in an increased life span of twitcher mice.


Task Errors Drive Memories That Improve Sensorimotor Adaptation

Traditional views of sensorimotor adaptation (i.e., adaptation of movements to perturbed sensory feedback) emphasize the role of automatic, implicit correction of sensory prediction errors. However, latent memories formed during sensorimotor adaptation, manifest as improved relearning (e.g., savings), have recently been attributed to strategic corrections of task errors (failures to achieve task goals). To dissociate contributions of task errors and sensory prediction errors to latent sensorimotor memories, we perturbed target locations to remove or enforce task errors during learning and/or test, with male/female human participants. Adaptation improved after learning in all conditions where participants were permitted to correct task errors, and did not improve whenever we prevented correction of task errors. Thus, previous correction of task errors was both necessary and sufficient to improve adaptation. In contrast, a history of sensory prediction errors was neither sufficient nor obligatory for improved adaptation. Limiting movement preparation time showed that the latent memories driven by learning to correct task errors take at least two forms: a time-consuming but flexible component, and a rapidly expressible, inflexible component. The results provide strong support for the idea that movement corrections driven by a failure to successfully achieve movement goals underpin motor memories that manifest as savings. Such persistent memories are not exclusively mediated by time-consuming strategic processes but also comprise a rapidly expressible but inflexible component. The distinct characteristics of these putative processes suggest dissociable underlying mechanisms, and imply that identification of the neural basis for adaptation and savings will require methods that allow such dissociations.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Latent motor memories formed during sensorimotor adaptation manifest as improved adaptation when sensorimotor perturbations are reencountered. Conflicting theories suggest that this "savings" is underpinned by different mechanisms, including a memory of successful actions, a memory of errors, or an aiming strategy to correct task errors. Here we show that learning to correct task errors is sufficient to show improved subsequent adaptation with respect to naive performance, even when tested in the absence of task errors. In contrast, a history of sensory prediction errors is neither sufficient nor obligatory for improved adaptation. Finally, we show that latent sensorimotor memories driven by task errors comprise at least two distinct components: a time-consuming, flexible component, and a rapidly expressible, inflexible component.


Astrocytes Modulate Baroreflex Sensitivity at the Level of the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract

Maintenance of cardiorespiratory homeostasis depends on autonomic reflexes controlled by neuronal circuits of the brainstem. The neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of these reflex pathways are well understood, however, the mechanisms and functional significance of autonomic circuit modulation by glial cells remain largely unknown. In the experiments conducted in male laboratory rats we show that astrocytes of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), the brain area that receives and integrates sensory information from the heart and blood vessels, respond to incoming afferent inputs with [Ca2+]i elevations. Astroglial [Ca2+]i responses are triggered by transmitters released by vagal afferents, glutamate acting at AMPA receptors and 5-HT acting at 5-HT2A receptors. In conscious freely behaving animals blockade of Ca2+-dependent vesicular release mechanisms in NTS astrocytes by virally driven expression of a dominant-negative SNARE protein (dnSNARE) increased baroreflex sensitivity by 70% (p < 0.001). This effect of compromised astroglial function was specific to the NTS as expression of dnSNARE in astrocytes of the ventrolateral brainstem had no effect. ATP is considered the principle gliotransmitter and is released by vesicular mechanisms blocked by dnSNARE expression. Consistent with this hypothesis, in anesthetized rats, pharmacological activation of P2Y1 purinoceptors in the NTS decreased baroreflex gain by 40% (p = 0.031), whereas blockade of P2Y1 receptors increased baroreflex gain by 57% (p = 0.018). These results suggest that glutamate and 5-HT, released by NTS afferent terminals, trigger Ca2+-dependent astroglial release of ATP to modulate baroreflex sensitivity via P2Y1 receptors. These data add to the growing body of evidence supporting an active role of astrocytes in brain information processing.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Cardiorespiratory reflexes maintain autonomic balance and ensure cardiovascular health. Impaired baroreflex may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and serves as a robust predictor of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. The data obtained in this study suggest that astrocytes are integral components of the brainstem mechanisms that process afferent information and modulate baroreflex sensitivity via the release of ATP. Any condition associated with higher levels of "ambient" ATP in the NTS would be expected to decrease baroreflex gain by the mechanism described here. As ATP is the primary signaling molecule of glial cells (astrocytes, microglia), responding to metabolic stress and inflammatory stimuli, our study suggests a plausible mechanism of how the central component of the baroreflex is affected in pathological conditions.


Commutative Properties of Head Direction Cells during Locomotion in 3D: Are All Routes Equal?

Navigation often requires movement in three-dimensional (3D) space. Recent studies have postulated two different models for how head direction (HD) cells encode 3D space: the rotational plane hypothesis and the dual-axis model. To distinguish these models, we recorded HD cells in female rats while they traveled different routes along both horizontal and vertical surfaces from an elevated platform to the top of a cuboidal apparatus. We compared HD cell preferred firing directions (PFDs) in different planes and addressed the issue of whether HD cell firing is commutative—does the order of the animal's route affect the final outcome of the cell's PFD? Rats locomoted a direct or indirect route from the floor to the cube top via one, two, or three vertical walls. Whereas the rotational plane hypothesis accounted for PFD shifts when the animal traversed horizontal corners, the cell's PFD was better explained by the dual-axis model when the animal traversed vertical corners. Responses also followed the dual-axis model (1) under dark conditions, (2) for passive movement of the rat, (3) following apparatus rotation, (4) for movement around inside vertical corners, and (5) across a 45° outside vertical corner. The order in which the animal traversed the different planes did not affect the outcome of the cell's PFD, indicating that responses were commutative. HD cell peak firing rates were generally equivalent along each surface. These findings indicate that the animal's orientation with respect to gravity plays an important role in determining a cell's PFD, and that vestibular and proprioceptive cues drive these computations.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Navigating in a three-dimensional (3D) world is a complex task that requires one to maintain a proper sense of orientation relative to both local and global cues. Rodent head direction (HD) cells have been suggested to subserve this sense of orientation, but most HD cell studies have focused on navigation in 2D environments. We investigated the responses of HD cells as rats moved between multiple vertically and horizontally oriented planar surfaces, demonstrating that HD cells align their directional representations to both local (current plane of locomotion) and global (gravity) cues across several experimental conditions, including darkness and passive movement. These findings offer critical insights into the processing of 3D space in the mammalian brain.


Noncoding Microdeletion in Mouse Hgf Disrupts Neural Crest Migration into the Stria Vascularis, Reduces the Endocochlear Potential, and Suggests the Neuropathology for Human Nonsyndromic Deafness DFNB39

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a multifunctional protein that signals through the MET receptor. HGF stimulates cell proliferation, cell dispersion, neuronal survival, and wound healing. In the inner ear, levels of HGF must be fine-tuned for normal hearing. In mice, a deficiency of HGF expression limited to the auditory system, or an overexpression of HGF, causes neurosensory deafness. In humans, noncoding variants in HGF are associated with nonsyndromic deafness DFNB39. However, the mechanism by which these noncoding variants causes deafness was unknown. Here, we reveal the cause of this deafness using a mouse model engineered with a noncoding intronic 10 bp deletion (del10) in Hgf. Male and female mice homozygous for del10 exhibit moderate-to-profound hearing loss at 4 weeks of age as measured by tone burst auditory brainstem responses. The wild type (WT) 80 mV endocochlear potential was significantly reduced in homozygous del10 mice compared with WT littermates. In normal cochlea, endocochlear potentials are dependent on ion homeostasis mediated by the stria vascularis (SV). Previous studies showed that developmental incorporation of neural crest cells into the SV depends on signaling from HGF/MET. We show by immunohistochemistry that, in del10 homozygotes, neural crest cells fail to infiltrate the developing SV intermediate layer. Phenotyping and RNAseq analyses reveal no other significant abnormalities in other tissues. We conclude that, in the inner ear, the noncoding del10 mutation in Hgf leads to developmental defects of the SV and consequently dysfunctional ion homeostasis and a reduction in the EP, recapitulating human DFNB39 nonsyndromic deafness.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Hereditary deafness is a common, clinically and genetically heterogeneous neurosensory disorder. Previously, we reported that human deafness DFNB39 is associated with noncoding variants in the 3'UTR of a short isoform of HGF encoding hepatocyte growth factor. For normal hearing, HGF levels must be fine-tuned as an excess or deficiency of HGF cause deafness in mouse. Using a Hgf mutant mouse with a small 10 bp deletion recapitulating a human DFNB39 noncoding variant, we demonstrate that neural crest cells fail to migrate into the stria vascularis intermediate layer, resulting in a significantly reduced endocochlear potential, the driving force for sound transduction by inner ear hair cells. HGF-associated deafness is a neurocristopathy but, unlike many other neurocristopathies, it is not syndromic.