cli Endangered species discovered clinging on in Great Sandy Desert 'island refuge' By Published On :: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 06:44:00 +1000 The discovery of endangered quolls, bilbies, and rock wallabies on islands of habitat in the Great Sandy Desert offers a rare glimmer of hope for wildlife managers. Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Environment:Endangered and Protected Species:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Eighty Mile Beach 6725
cli Feed the Little Children CEO Clint Durham By Published On :: Sat, 03 Aug 2019 08:01:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley Australia:WA:Broome 6725
cli Weather balloons vital for climate science but pollution they create poses dilemma for BOM By Published On :: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 06:32:00 +1000 They collect vital climate information, but weather balloons are also a daily contributor to plastic pollution levels it's a dilemma the Bureau of Meteorology is struggling to solve. Full Article ABC Kimberley canberra sydney brisbane melbourne kimberley perth Environment:All:All Environment:Environmental Impact:All Environment:Pollution:All Environment:Recycling and Waste Management:All Human Interest:All:All Science and Technology:Research:All Weather:All:All Australia:ACT:Canberra 2600 Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Derby 6728 Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
cli Rescuer calls for tough penalties after 'prime idiot' filmed hanging from cliff face at 'The Gap' By Published On :: Wed, 24 Apr 2019 19:18:00 +1000 A social media video of a tourist hanging off a notorious WA cliff on Easter Sunday has prompted a furious response from a sea rescue group. Full Article ABC Great Southern adelaide westernvic southwestvic greatsouthern perth Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Volunteers:All Disasters and Accidents:All:All Disasters and Accidents:Emergency Planning:All Environment:Conservation:National Parks Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Laws:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Horsham 3400 Australia:VIC:Port Campbell 3269 Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Goode Beach 6330 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
cli World record 'Everest of shearing' conquered as 16-year-old title clipped on WA farm By Published On :: Sun, 28 Apr 2019 16:46:00 +1000 Lou Brown used meditation and shear effort to clip about one sheep a minute for eight hours and claim the new world record. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Human Interest:All:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:Wool Rural:All:All Rural:Livestock:All Rural:Livestock:Sheep Production Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Kojonup 6395
cli Australia's $19b gold industry on edge of 'production cliff' as mines run out of gold, analyst warns By Published On :: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 09:52:00 +1000 Australia was built on gold rushes a century ago, but there is a warning it could slip from second to fourth on a list of the world's biggest gold producing nations by 2024. Full Article ABC Great Southern alicesprings greatsouthern goldfields Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Gold Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining Rural:Mining:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:WA:Boddington 6390 Australia:WA:Kalgoorlie 6430 Australia:WA:Kambalda 6442 Australia:WA:Laverton 6440 Australia:WA:Leinster 6437
cli Researchers on international hunt for 'climate change-resilient' grains By Published On :: Sat, 20 Jul 2019 07:30:00 +1000 Researchers are scouring the planet for drought and heat resistant crops as many Australian grain farmers face another failed winter season. Full Article ABC Great Southern southqld greatsouthern Disasters and Accidents:Drought:All Environment:Climate Change:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:Grain Science and Technology:Research:All Science and Technology:Research Organisations:All Australia:QLD:Toowoomba 4350 Australia:WA:Narrogin 6312
cli Wood carving by Darrel Radcliffe By Published On :: Sat, 05 Oct 2019 13:18:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Arts and Entertainment:All:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330
cli Tasmania News: Speeding motorcyclist charged, Basslink interconnector to be up and running next week By Published On :: Thu, 26 Sep 2019 14:41:00 +1000 DAILY BRIEFING: Police allege a motorcyclist was doing more than 200km/h, and Tasmania's Basslink interconnector will be back up and running by Monday. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
cli 'Tasmania News': Low-cost abortion clinic delayed, union says northern prison can't wait By Published On :: Tue, 01 Oct 2019 06:26:00 +1000 DAILY BRIEFING: A promised lost-cost abortion service for southern Tasmania is on hold indefinitely, and the union says more immediate solutions are needed to address prison overcrowding. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
cli Zetta Clifford By Published On :: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 20:27:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Homelessness:All Australia:All:All Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250
cli Tasmania news: Driver plunges over cliff, request for bushfire funds 'still being prepared' By Published On :: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 17:37:00 +1100 DAILY BRIEFING: An elderly female driver has a fright after her car swerves off a road and over a cliff, and the Tasmanian Government holds off formally asking the Commonwealth to help pay for firefighting in the Wilderness World Heritage Area last summer. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
cli Councils to 'improve safety' of Tasmanian cliff edges two years after Maggie Lore's death By Published On :: Sun, 20 Oct 2019 13:51:00 +1100 The death of 17-year-old Maggie Lore at the Blackmans Bay blowhole in 2017 prompts a southern Tasmanian council to conduct a risk assessment of several areas in its municipality. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Death:All Disasters and Accidents:All:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:Travel Health and Safety Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250
cli Australia's wool clip expected to be lowest in almost 100 years as drought bites By Published On :: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 14:29:00 +1000 Australian wool totals are forecast to be down by 12.7 per cent on last year a drop of 43 million kilograms, and the lowest yield since 1924, when the industry was much smaller. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast southeastnsw westernplains centralwest illawarra riverina newengland westqld southqld northqld adelaide southeastsa eyre northandwest hobart northtas gippsland southwestvic westernvic southwestwa esperance wheatbelt greatsouthern Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Manufacturing Disasters and Accidents:Drought:All Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:Wool Rural:All:All Australia:NSW:Bega 2550 Australia:NSW:Bourke 2840 Australia:NSW:Crookwell 2583 Australia:NSW:Forbes 2871 Australia:NSW:Goulburn 2580 Australia:NSW:Hay 2711 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Parkes 2870 Australia:NSW:Tamworth 2340 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:QLD:Blackall 4472 Australia:QLD:Charleville 4470 Australia:QLD:Cunnamulla 4490 Australia:QLD:Hughenden 4821 Australia:QLD:Longreach 4730 Australia:QLD:Quilpie 4480 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Tambo 4478 Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:Clare 5453 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:VIC:Bairnsdale 3875 Australia:VIC:Hamilton 3300 Australia:VIC:Horsham 3400 Australia:WA:Bunbury 6230 Australia:WA:Esperance 6450 Australia:WA:Geraldton 6530 Australia:WA:Katanning 6317
cli Mavis Clinch and Mabel Crouch from Victoria By Published On :: Sat, 04 May 2019 09:20:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast southeastsa eyre goldfields Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:Travel Health and Safety Rural:Rural Tourism:All Sport:Golf:All Australia:SA:Bordertown 5268 Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690 Australia:WA:Balladonia 6443 Australia:WA:Caiguna 6443 Australia:WA:Cocklebiddy 6443 Australia:WA:Fraser Range 6443 Australia:WA:Kalgoorlie 6430 Australia:WA:Kambalda 6442 Australia:WA:Norseman 6443
cli Waterloo Bay cliffside deaths still haunt South Australian town 170 years later By Published On :: Tue, 28 May 2019 06:00:00 +1000 A series of killings that happened 170 years ago have created deep rifts in South Australias Waterloo Bay and a new cliffside monument is at the centre of the debate. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast eyre Community and Society:History:All Community and Society:Regional:All Government and Politics:Forms of Government:Colonialism Government and Politics:Local Government:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:Murder and Manslaughter Unrest Conflict and War:All:All Australia:All:All Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Elliston 5670 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606
cli Almost 1,500 tonnes of netting waste creates headache for recycling and fishing industries By Published On :: Mon, 16 Sep 2019 13:18:00 +1000 Ghost netting in South Australia's pristine waters is causing a headache for the local council and the fishing, tourism, and recycling industries. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast eyre Environment:Conservation:Marine Parks Environment:Environmental Policy:All Environment:Pollution:Water Pollution Environment:Recycling and Waste Management:All Government and Politics:Local Government:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Rural:Fishing Aquaculture:All Science and Technology:Animals:Mammals Science and Technology:Animals:Mammals - Whales Science and Technology:Biology:Marine Biology Australia:SA:Coffin Bay 5607 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Streaky Bay 5680 Australia:SA:Tumby Bay 5605 China:All:All
cli Clive and Sasha By Published On :: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 10:15:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central Victoria centralvic Environment:All:All Environment:Endangered and Protected Species:All Environment:Environmental Impact:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Human Interest:All:All Human Interest:Animals:All Australia:VIC:Gunbower 3566
cli Driver set to avoid jail over death of professional cyclist Jason Lowndes By Published On :: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 07:45:00 +1100 A judge indicates a woman who pleaded guilty to dangerous driving over the death of cyclist Jason Lowndes, who was killed when he was struck from behind while on a training run in 2017, is unlikely to go to jail. Full Article ABC Central Victoria centralvic Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Prisons and Punishment:All Sport:All:All Sport:Cycling:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Bendigo 3550
cli Chunxing's Latrobe Valley battery recycling plant plan prompts concerns about lead emissions By Published On :: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 11:08:00 +1100 A proposal to build a lead battery smelter in the Latrobe Valley has sparked health concerns among the local community. The nearest house is little more than a kilometre from the site, as is a school. Full Article ABC Gippsland gippsland Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Lead Environment:All:All Environment:Recycling and Waste Management:All Health:All:All Australia:VIC:Morwell 3840
cli Private jetty ban to respond to coastal erosion and climate change in Victoria By Published On :: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 13:49:00 +1100 A draft Victorian Government policy rocks the boat, by banning any new private jetties along the Victorian coast. Full Article ABC Gippsland gippsland Environment:All:All Environment:Climate Change:All Environment:Conservation:Marine Parks Environment:Erosion:All Environment:Water Management:All Government and Politics:All:All Sport:Other Sports:Sailing Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Bairnsdale 3875 Australia:VIC:Metung 3904 Australia:VIC:Sale 3850
cli Open Bionics teams with Hanger Clinic to bring 3D printed Hero Arm to US By Published On :: Fri, 05 Apr 2019 14:29:39 +0200 Open Bionics announced on Thursday that it has partnered with Hanger Clinic to bring the first-ever medically-certified 3D-printed bionic arm to the United States. Full Article 3D Printing Applications
cli Senior research officer Clinton Revell explains the sterile leucaena project By Published On :: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 14:26:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Local kimberley Rural:All:All Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743
cli Curious central west questioner Hanne wanted to know what could change attitudes around cycling By Published On :: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 09:31:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Local centralwest Sport:Cycling:All Australia:NSW:Orange 2800
cli Pilbara mobile health clinic is also accepting adult clients By Published On :: Fri, 01 Jun 2018 10:16:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Local northwestwa Australia:WA:Roebourne 6718
cli Clifton Hills, the world's second-largest farm sells to Australian pastoralists By Published On :: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 16:34:00 +1100 A pair of Australian families have bought the world's second-biggest farm, at more than 16,500 square kilometres in size and home to 18,000 cattle. Full Article ABC Local adelaide Government and Politics:All:All Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:All:All Rural:Farm Labour:All Australia:All:All Australia:NT:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All
cli Internet of Things rain gauge sends climate data to the cloud By Published On :: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 08:21:00 +1100 An rain gauge that uploads real-time climate data to the internet from remote locations could save farmers time, money and help them keep better records. Full Article ABC Local farnorth northqld Education:University and Further Education:All Rural:All:All Science and Technology:Computers and Technology:Internet Science and Technology:Research:All Weather:All:All Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870 Australia:QLD:Innisfail 4860 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
cli Clive Palmer wrote 'false' entries in notebook to justify cash from Queensland Nickel By Published On :: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 00:01:00 +1000 Billionaire Clive Palmer is accused of faking entries in a green notebook in a bid to justify draining Queensland Nickel of millions of dollars for anything he wanted before it collapsed in 2016, a court is told. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:Company News:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Person:Clive Palmer:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
cli Clive Palmer made payment to mystery woman in Kyrgyzstan, court told By Published On :: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 15:17:00 +1000 Clive Palmer's multi-million-dollar payments to his father-in-law and a mysterious woman in Kyrgyzstan are among the funds he misused from Queensland Nickel coffers before its collapse, a court is told. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Company News:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Person:Clive Palmer:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
cli Clive Palmer lectured by judge after missing days of Queensland Nickel trial By Published On :: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 17:44:00 +1000 A judge gives Clive Palmer a dressing-down for his absence during the Queensland Nickel trial, saying other people who represent themselves in court could not afford to hire lawyers and still show up every day. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Company News:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Person:Clive Palmer:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
cli Clive Palmer admonished by trial judge again By Published On :: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 13:28:00 +1000 Clive Palmer is admonished by Justice Debra Mullins over another delay in the Queensland Nickel trial, this time because his expert witness is in Brazil. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Company News:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Person:All:All Person:Clive Palmer:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
cli Clive Palmer paid $1 for Queensland Nickel before its collapse, liquidator tells court By Published On :: Sat, 27 Jul 2019 10:22:00 +1000 Clive Palmer paid just $1 for his Queensland Nickel business seven years before it collapsed over fatal cashflow problems, a liquidator tells a court in Brisbane. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Company News:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Person:All:All Person:Clive Palmer:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810 Australia:QLD:Yabulu 4818
cli Clive Palmer settles with biggest creditor in $200m Queensland Nickel lawsuit By Published On :: Thu, 01 Aug 2019 17:19:00 +1000 In a breakthrough during week three of a nine week trial over Clive Palmer's ill-fated Queensland Nickel venture, a "resolution" is reached on Aurizon's $90 million claim, as talks continue with liquidators trying to claw back money owed to other creditors. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Company News:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Person:All:All Person:Clive Palmer:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810 Australia:QLD:Yabulu 4818
cli Clive Palmer settles majority of $200 million lawsuit over Queensland Nickel's collapse By Published On :: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 09:59:00 +1000 Resources magnate Clive Palmer settles the majority of the $200 million lawsuit over the collapse of Queensland Nickel, including striking a deal with government-funded liquidators chasing millions in unpaid entitlements for refinery workers. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Company News:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Person:All:All Person:Clive Palmer:All Rural:All:All Rural:Mining:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
cli Clive Palmer agrees to repay millions but may still have to take the witness stand By Published On :: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 19:15:00 +1000 After denying responsibility for years, billionaire Clive Palmer has agreed to repay millions of dollars over the Queensland Nickel collapse, but he still faces a civil trial that may see him take the witness stand. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining Government and Politics:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Person:Clive Palmer:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
cli NT WorkSafe declines to lay charges after victims burned during Red CentreNATS By Published On :: Sat, 08 Jun 2019 11:24:00 +1000 No charges will be laid against the organisers of a car festival that left Chaise Bouchere with horrific burns to his face and limbs, after the Northern Territory safety watchdog decided that funding future safety initiatives would be more beneficial. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Community and Society:All:All Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:Workplace Disasters and Accidents:All:All Health:Occupational Health and Safety:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Laws:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All
cli Uluru visitor rush ahead of climbing ban prompts fears for local tourism By Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 17:48:00 +1000 Questions are being asked about what will be done to keep visitor numbers up once the option of ascending the ancient monolith is axed. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings darwin Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Environment:Conservation:National Parks Environment:Environmental Policy:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Yulara 0872
cli Cyclist safety laws coming to Northern Territory a 'challenge' for truck drivers, association says By Published On :: Wed, 03 Jul 2019 17:23:00 +1000 A road transport group says it will be difficult for truck drivers to give cyclists a wider berth, as required by new rules coming to the Territory. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings darwin Government and Politics:States and Territories:All Law Crime and Justice:Laws:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Darwin 0800
cli Uluru climb closure looms as region nears breaking point with overflow of tourists, 'influx of waste' By Published On :: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 07:43:00 +1000 Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park's overflow campground, nearby roadhouses, and the resort at Yulara are at capacity as tourists flood the area to climb the rock before its permanent closure in October, reportedly forcing tourists to camp illegally on the side of the road. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings darwin Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Environment:All:All Environment:Environmental Impact:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Australia:All:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Yulara 0872
cli Uluru climb closure won't hurt visitor numbers, says Parks Australia By Published On :: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 18:23:00 +1000 Closing the climb at Uluru won't have a dramatic effect on tourist numbers, according to Parks Australia, who say visitor figures have been steadily increasing over the last six years. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings darwin Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Community and Society:Indigenous (Other Peoples):All Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Yulara 0872
cli Uluru custodian says it is time climb closure critics 'learn about the way we see it' By Published On :: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 21:59:00 +1000 People criticising the decision to close the Uluru climb need to understand how the traditional owners, the Anangu, relate to the site, a senior custodian of Uluru says. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Australia:All:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All
cli Thousands of mental health patient transfers show need for more clinicians in rural Australia, researchers say By Published On :: Sun, 01 Sep 2019 10:18:00 +1000 Australians suffering acute mental health episodes in rural and remote areas are increasingly having to travel far from family and friends for life-saving treatment, leading to calls for more specialist clinicians in the country. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings darwin brisbane northwest adelaide northandwest kimberley northwestwa perth Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Regional:All Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All Health:Adolescent Health:All Health:Child Health and Behaviour:All Health:Diseases and Disorders:Psychosis Health:Health Policy:All Health:Men's Health:All Health:Mental Health:All Health:Women's Health:All Science and Technology:Psychology:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Mount Isa 4825 Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:Port Augusta 5700 Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Derby 6728 Australia:WA:Karratha 6714 Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
cli Helicopter pilot recalls danger of Uluru rescues, surprised climb not closed sooner By Published On :: Wed, 25 Sep 2019 13:06:00 +1000 A veteran helicopter pilot recalls the rescues from Uluru he took part in and says he is surprised the climb has not been closed sooner. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Protocols Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:Travel Health and Safety Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All
cli NT Aboriginal health clinics close over Christmas for 'indefinite period' due to lack of staff By Published On :: Fri, 18 Oct 2019 10:38:00 +1100 It will take up to four hours for critically injured patients from these remote communities to reach emergency medical treatment if the NT Government pushes ahead with plans to close clinics. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Health:All:All Health:Healthcare Facilities:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Yuendumu 0872
cli Uluru tourism companies not worried about climb closure By Published On :: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 13:16:00 +1100 As people flock to Uluru in their thousands to make the ascent while they still can, tour operators are finding new ways for people to enjoy the area after the climb is closed for good next weekend. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Environment:Conservation:National Parks Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All
cli Uluru climb closure 2019: Arrival of final day gives voice to other claims by traditional owners By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 09:25:00 +1100 The climb closure at Uluru could motivate other traditional owner groups around the country to limit access to their cultural and sacred sites. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings westernvic Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Sacred Sites Environment:Conservation:All Environment:Conservation:National Parks Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Yulara 0872 Australia:VIC:Halls Gap 3381
cli Last day of climbing Uluru delayed by strong winds By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 11:34:00 +1100 Strong winds have delayed the final day of climbing Uluru, with hundreds of people waiting to climb the monolith. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Sacred Sites Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870
cli Uluru climb opens for the last time By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 14:58:00 +1100 Visitors rush to ascend Uluru hours before the climb's permanent closure. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Sacred Sites Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870
cli Climbers wait to ascend Uluru as traditional owners aim to educate By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 17:38:00 +1100 Tourists wait to ascend Uluru as high winds temporarily close the climb, while Anangu ranger Thiangu Thomas aims to educate those who don't understand the monolith's cultural significance. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Sacred Sites Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870
cli Uluru climb is permanently closed By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 20:40:00 +1100 Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Sacred Sites Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870