
New Version of PMC Help is Released

The PMC user's guide, PMC Help has been updated to include new and improved information on navigating the site as well as descriptions and instructions on using the new search functions, such as Limits and Advanced Search Builder. Further updates will also be forthcoming.


A Facelift for PMC

PMC has recently undergone another redesign to improve the look and feel and functionality of the site, featuring more white space, cleaner lines and enhanced navigation on its article, issue, and journal archive pages. For more information, see the article in the July-August 2012 issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin.


UKPMC Rebranded as Europe PMC

With the addition of several European sponsoring agencies, including the European Research Council, UKPMC was renamed Europe PMC as of November 1, 2012. Europe PMC is an outgrowth and expansion of UKPMC, which was first launched in January 2007 with sponsorship from the Wellcome Trust and several other funders of biomedical research in the UK. Europe PMC receives all of its final published articles directly from the U.S. PMC archive. It also accepts and processes author manuscripts of journal articles funded by the Europe PMC sponsoring agencies and makes them available to U.S. PMC and PMC Canada. For more information, see PMC International.


PubReader – A New Presentation Style for PMC

NCBI has developed a new web presentation style called PubReader, which offers you an easier way to use your Web browser to read the articles in PMC. Designed particularly for enhancing readability and navigation on tablet and other small screen devices, PubReader can also be used on desktops and laptops and from multiple web browsers. For more information on PubReader, see the article in the November-December issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin.


PMC Advisory Committee Appoints New Members

As of February 1, 2013, the following new members have been appointed to serve on the PMC National Advisory Committee: Ms. Sharon Terry of the Genetic Alliance; Dr. C. Victor Jongneel of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Dr. Bevin Engelward of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dr. Randall Morse of the Wadsworth Center; and Dr. Adelita Cantu of the University of Texas. For more information, see PMC National Advisory Committee.


New OA Web Service for PMC

PMC is pleased to announce the new OA web service, designed to allow tool developers an easier way to find content in the PMC open access subset. Until now, it has not been easy for outside users to determine which articles in the subset are new or have been updated recently. Our new OA web service addresses this need. It provides a simple API to allow you to query the subset, to find PDF or tgz (tarred-gzipped) format files, either by article ID, or by date/time ranges. More information, along with examples, is available from the documentation page, at OA Web Service. Your feedback is welcome; please send it to the PMC Help Desk, at


Keep Better Track of PMC Features

PMC has created a new email list for announcements of new or updated tools and utilities to help you keep better track of improvements to the archive. To find out more information about the list, or to subscribe, please visit PMC-Utils-Announce.


A New PMC Mailing List and RSS Feed

PMC has recently replaced the PMC-News mailing list and its accompanying RSS feed with a new PMC-Announce list and a new RSS feed. Please note that the older list and feed have now been retired. To subscribe to the new announcement list, see To see the new RSS feed, update your news reader to subscribe to


PMC Releases New ID Converter

PMC has just released an upgrade to our ID converter, now dubbed the PMCID - PMID -Manuscript ID - DOI Converter. This utility allows you to start with the unique identifier for an article that is in PMC, and find additional unique identifiers that may apply to the article. Improvements include support for DOIs, auto-detection of the ID type based on its format, and enhanced output. It also provides output in any of several different formats: HTML, XML, JSON, or CSV. This tool uses an underlying web service, that is also publicly available for those needing programmatic access to this data. See the ID Converter API documentation.


Three Million Articles are Now in PMC!!

As of February 21, 2014, PMC became home to three million articles! As listed on our home page, the content has been provided in part by 1441 full participation journals, 277 NIH Portfolio journals and 2470 selective deposit journals. For related information on PMC milestones, see these announcements from 2007 and 2010, respectively.


PMC Advisory Committee Meeting to be Held in June

This year's PMC Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 10. The meeting will take place in the NLM Board room starting at 9:30 am. Stay tuned for further details.


Updated PMC journal review process and minimum requirements

The PMC Overview and FAQ have been updated to provide more information on the Scientific Quality Review Process for journals that apply to participate in PMC.

In 2014, PMC implemented a scientific and editorial quality review procedure whereby expert consultants from outside the National Library of Medicine (NLM) conduct an independent review of journals seeking to participate in PMC. This was in response to a significant increase in new publishers and journals applying to participate in PMC, many of which are unknown to NLM in terms of quality and publishing practices. The independent review, which was approved by the PMC National Advisory Committee (see minutes from June 10, 2014), follows an assessment by NLM that the journal meets NLM’s criteria for its collection, as outlined in the Collection Development Manual.

PMC also recently updated the minimum requirement on the number of substantive, peer-reviewed articles needed before a journal can apply to PMC. The new 25-article minimum ensures that the reviewers have a sufficient amount of content on which to base their recommendation for inclusion in PMC. The new minimum article requirement takes effect on January 1, 2016. Publishers are encouraged to use the 25-article minimum as a guideline in the interim when submitting applications.


Public Access Expansion and PMC

Last month marked the third anniversary of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memorandum directing Federal agencies with more than $100 million in annual research and development (R&D) expenditures to develop plans for increasing public access to the results of the research they support, including scholarly publications. As a result of this directive, in 2015, PMC started providing support as a public access repository for funding agencies beyond the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).

As of March 2015, the following additional agencies are using the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) system to facilitate the deposit in PMC of peer-reviewed manuscripts that fall under their public access policies:

  • Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ/HHS)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/HHS),
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA/HHS),
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and
  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Additionally, the following additional HHS and other federal agencies have announced public access plans and committed to using PMC as the repository for agency-funded publications:

  • Administration for Community Living (ACL/HHS)
  • Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR/HHS)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

PMC will continue to update the list of participating funding agencies at Public Access and PMC as these agencies begin implementation of their policies.

More information about the current status of public access expansion as a result of the OSTP memo can be found on the White House blog.


PMC Bulk Download via FTP is Now Using New Naming Conventions

A large-scale update of the file names used for articles available via the PMC FTP service for bulk download was undertaken in early January 2017. The new file naming convention is PMCID-based (e.g., PMC4855680.tar.gz) rather than being built from article citation data (i.e., journal abbreviation_pub date_volume_issue_page). This update was made following user reports that the previous naming convention was resulting in missing contents in cases where citation data was duplicated across multiple articles. The new convention will ensure that file names are unique and that the corpus available via the FTP service is complete.


PMC Continues to Expand its Role as a Repository for Federally and Privately-funded Research

Since March 2016, the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) system has added support for researchers from the following federal agencies to deposit in PMC any manuscripts that fall under the agency’s public access policy:

  • Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR/HHS; intramural only at this time)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA; intramural only at this time)
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA; intramural/civil servants and grantees)

Manuscript deposit support for all Administration for Community Living (ACL/HHS) researchers will be available in NIHMS by October 2017 and for Department of Homeland Security researchers in early 2018.

Additionally, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Open Access Policy now requires their grantees to make their published research results available in PMC immediately upon publication under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. Manuscript deposit support is not provided in NIHMS for Gates-funded researchers; rather the final published version of any Gates-funded article is to be deposited directly to PMC by the publisher or a funder-supported data provider without author involvement. More information on this open access policy is available on the Gates Foundation website.

PMC will continue to update the list of participating funding agencies at Public Access and PMC as support is implemented.


Updated guidance on data deposit and linking in PMC

In response to the growing interest in the availability of data associated with articles, PMC is reviewing current practices around data and seeking feedback on how to best serve the data needs of the research community.

As part of these efforts, the PMC policy statement on supplementary data was recently updated to more clearly articulate the requirement that any supplementary data (images, tables, video, or other documents / files) that are associated with an article must be deposited in PMC with an article. The search filter "has suppdata[filter]" can be used in PMC to discover records with associated supplementary data files.

In addition to providing supplementary data with an article, NLM is also encouraging journals and authors to make research data available in a public repository and include the relevant data citation(s) in the paper. Guidance for PMC data providers on tagging data citations is available in the Tagging Guidelines. This guidance is based on the JATS4R recommendations on data citations.

Starting this month, the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) system will also accept deposits of small datasets accompanying deposits of funded author manuscripts for inclusion of PMC. (Guidance for authors is available in the NIHMS FAQ.)

If you have suggestions on future directions in data for PMC to consider, please let us know at


PMC Canada Status Update

PMC Canada, sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), with operational support provided by the National Research Council (NRC), has been a valued partner in the PMC International network since 2009. CIHR and NRC have now notified NLM of their decision to permanently take PubMed Central Canada (PMC Canada) offline on February 23, 2018. Details of this decision are available on the PMC Canada website.

The decision to decommission PMC Canada does not affect the status or operations of NIH’s PubMed Central (US) or Europe PubMed Central. PMC Canada content will remain in the PMC archive and be publicly searchable on NLM’s PubMed Central (US) and through Europe PMC. CIHR researchers who publish in journals that deposit their articles directly into NIH’s PubMed Central or deposit manuscripts co-funded with current PMC-participating funders will continue to be considered in compliance with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications.

NIH and NLM have appreciated our cooperation with CIHR and NRC over the last several years and will continue to identify new opportunities to work together to support open access and research excellence.


PMC Year in Review

As we kick off a new year, we wanted to take this opportunity to look back on 2017, which was a milestone year for PMC.

Last year, PMC made nearly half a million articles available for the public to access with the support of participating journals, publisher programs, and research funders. Also, in addition to expanding support for public access to research results and the linking of those results to the underlying dataset(s), PMC released several other policy and resource updates. These include:

  1. Clearer statement of scope for PMC (see also the updated entry in the NLM Collection Development Manual for “Journals”);
  2. Guidance for journals on reapplying to PMC;
  3. Policy statements on the scientific, editorial, and technical standards for PMC (including details on the journal reevaluation process), the supply of back content, the eligibility of non-English language journals, and the maintenance of publishing schedules;
  4. Production data requirements for PMC-participating journals; and
  5. Major update to the PMC Article Previewer, a tool that allows publishers to see or “preview” how articles will appear in PMC and resolve data problems prior to submission.

In September, NLM recognized the achievements to date in the Wellcome Trust and NLM Biomedical Journal Digitization project, which has added a dozen new historical titles and more than a half million pages to the PMC archive. The PMC archive now includes content from as far back as the late 18th century.

Many thanks all our participants and users for a wonderful year!


Data Filters in PMC and PubMed

Looking for journal articles with associated data sets? New search filters in PMC and PubMed aim to increase the discoverability of articles with associated data information.

In PMC, users can now search on or append searches with filters to discover articles with specific types of associated data, i.e., to find

  1. articles with associated supplementary material, use “has suppdata”[filter];
  2. articles that include a data availability or data accessibility statement, use “has data avail”[filter]; or
  3. articles that include data citation(s), use “has data citations”[filter]

Alternatively, users can run a search on “has associated data”[filter] to find all articles with any type of data section described above.

In PubMed, users can now search on or append searches with data[filter] to find articles with related data links in either the Secondary Source ID field or the LinkOut – Other Literature Resources field (both located below the abstract). These data links may be to records in other NLM databases (e.g., GenBank) or external data repositories (e.g., figshare, Dryad).

The provision and availability of associated datasets still varies widely from article to article, but it is our hope that this small step helps improve the discoverability of this material and supports wider community efforts to advance science in new directions.


Open Access Week 2018 and PMC

Collaboration with publishers and funders to ensure the openness and preservation of the scientific record is one of PMC’s core principles. Open Access Week offers an opportunity to celebrate some of the recent outcomes of these collaborations:

  • In July 2018, the PMC corpus of publicly accessible articles hit 5 million articles.
  • In May 2018, the PMC Open Access Subset surpassed the 2 million article mark.
  • The Author Manuscript Collection now includes more than 500,000 papers for text mining.
  • The PMC and Research Funder Policy page underwent an update in September 2018 to increase transparency around funder support in PMC for publishers, authors, and the public.
  • Funder policy support in PMC has been extended to the US Department of Homeland Security, in addition to several new US private research funders via the Health Research Alliance.

In FY2018 more than 200 new journals committed to archiving their complete contents in PMC, to be made publicly accessible in 12 months or less.


Discovering Associated Data in PMC

In the NLM Strategic Plan released earlier this year, we noted that “[c]reating efficient ways to link the literature with associated datasets enables knowledge generation and discovery.” To that end, PMC is now aggregating data citations, data availability statements and supplementary materials, as available, in an Associated Data box. This box will only display on articles that have one or more of these features in the article.

To limit your search to records with an Associated Data box, you can use the new "Associated Data" facet on the search results page:

We hope that exposing this content in a consistent format and in an easy to find and easy to access manner, you will more readily find the datasets you need to further accelerate discovery and advance health. As part of our ongoing commitment to making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable (FAIR), we encourage you to contact us with your feedback on these updates and with any other suggestions you may have for improving discovery of related data in PMC.


PMC Adds Support for Machine-Readable Clinical Trial Information

Machine-readability of scholarly outputs is critical to supporting large-scale analysis of the scientific literature. To that end, PMC’s Tagging Guidelines and internal processes have been updated to support the JATS4R recommendations for tagging clinical trial information. NLM encourages PMC-participating publishers, journals, and data providers to review this guidance. Please contact us at if you have any questions.


PMC Tagging Guidance for Peer Review Documents Now Available

Peer review documents, including review reports and editor decision letters, are increasingly being published along with the articles they review. This practice is intended to make the publishing process more transparent. To support these efforts, PMC’s Tagging Guidelines have been updated to include the tagging of peer review documents. NLM encourages PMC-participating publishers, journals, and data providers to review this guidance. Please contact us at if you have any questions.


PMC Collaborating with Publishers in Response to COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

On March 13, 2020, the National Science and Technology Advisors from a dozen countries, including the United States, called on publishers to voluntarily agree to make their COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications and associated data immediately accessible in PubMed Central (PMC) and other appropriate public repositories to support the ongoing public health emergency response efforts.

For more information on which publishers have responded to this call and how to discover COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications in PMC, see the main COVID-19 Initiative page.

A FAQ is also available. If you have questions not addressed in the FAQ, please contact

You can learn more about how this initiative fits into the wider NLM response to the current public health emergency in Dr. Patti Brennan's post, "How Does a Library Respond to a Global Crisis?"


Development of a Dental School Strategic Plan to Inform Interprofessional Education

Changes in U.S. health care delivery systems and Commission on Dental Accreditation standards provide impetus for interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice, but roadmaps for engaging dental and dental hygiene faculty to incorporate IPE in a systematic manner are limited. The purpose of this report is to describe the process for creating a strategy and gathering a variety of baseline data to use for determining objectives and metrics and the subsequent development of an IPE strategic plan at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry (SOD). SOD IPE committee members included representation from the UNC Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Business. A three-phase framework was developed. Phase 1 (IPE assessment) was an internal environmental scan including a 2017 faculty survey, departmental mapping of IPE activities, comparison of UNC with national results on the IPE component of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) survey of dental school seniors (2016 graduating class), identification of faculty joint/adjunct appointments at other UNC schools, and a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis. Phase 2 (visioning) consisted of development of IPE mission, vision, and priorities. In Phase 3 (implementation), priorities were developed. Data-gathering led to a strategic plan with three objectives: 1) increase faculty engagement and recognition, 2) develop predoctoral dentistry and dental hygiene IPE curricula, and 3) develop an infrastructure that supports IPE. Specific initiatives and activities, supporting metrics, and estimated costs were developed for each objective. The framework guided a systematic, transparent, and organized process for collecting and monitoring the evidence and directing activities. A three-year strategic plan for IPE was developed in 2017, and implementation is ongoing.


Viral DNA Binding Protein SUMOylation Promotes PML Nuclear Body Localization Next to Viral Replication Centers


Human adenoviruses (HAdVs) have developed mechanisms to manipulate cellular antiviral measures to ensure proper DNA replication, with detailed processes far from being understood. Host cells repress incoming viral genomes through a network of transcriptional regulators that normally control cellular homeostasis. The nuclear domains involved are promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies (PML-NBs), interferon-inducible, dot-like nuclear structures and hot spots of SUMO posttranslational modification (PTM). In HAdV-infected cells, such SUMO factories are found in close proximity to newly established viral replication centers (RCs) marked by the adenoviral DNA binding protein (DBP) E2A. Here, we show that E2A is a novel target of host SUMOylation, leading to PTMs supporting E2A function in promoting productive infection. Our data show that SUMOylated E2A interacts with PML. Decreasing SUMO-E2A protein levels by generating HAdV variants mutated in the three main SUMO conjugation motifs (SCMs) led to lower numbers of viral RCs and PML-NBs, and these two structures were no longer next to each other. Our data further indicate that SUMOylated E2A binds the host transcription factor Sp100A, promoting HAdV gene expression, and represents the molecular bridge between PML tracks and adjacent viral RCs. Consequently, E2A SCM mutations repressed late viral gene expression and progeny production. These data highlight a novel mechanism used by the virus to benefit from host antiviral responses by exploiting the cellular SUMO conjugation machinery.

IMPORTANCE PML nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) are implicated in general antiviral defense based on recruiting host restriction factors; however, it is not understood so far why viruses would establish viral replication centers (RCs) juxtaposed to such "antiviral" compartments. To understand this enigma, we investigate the cross talk between PML-NB components and viral RCs to find the missing link connecting both compartments to promote efficient viral replication and gene expression. Taken together, the current concept is more intricate than originally believed, since viruses apparently take advantage of several specific PML-NB-associated proteins to promote productive infection. Simultaneously, they efficiently inhibit antiviral measures to maintain the viral infectious program. Our data provide evidence that SUMOylation of the viral RC marker protein E2A represents the basis of this virus-host interface and regulates various downstream events to support HAdV productive infection. These results are the basis of our current attempts to generate and screen for specific E2A SUMOylation inhibitors to constitute novel therapeutic approaches to limit and prevent HAdV-mediated diseases and mortality of immunosuppressed patients.


The Four Arabidopsis Choline/Ethanolamine Kinase Isozymes Play Distinct Roles in Metabolism and Development

Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are two major phospholipid classes in eukaryotes. Each biosynthesis pathway starts with the phosphorylation of choline (Cho) or ethanolamine (Etn) catalyzed by either choline or ethanolamine kinase (CEK). Arabidopsis contains four CEK isoforms, but their isozyme-specific roles in metabolism and development are poorly described. Here, we showed that these four CEKs have distinct substrate specificities in vitro. While CEK1 and CEK2 showed substrate preference for Cho over Etn, CEK3 and CEK4 had clear substrate specificity for Cho and Etn, respectively. In vivo, CEK1, CEK2, and CEK3 exhibited kinase activity for Cho but not Etn, although the latter two isoforms showed rather minor contributions to total Cho kinase activity in both shoots and roots. The knockout mutants of CEK2 and CEK3 both affected root growth, and these isoforms had nonoverlapping cell-type-specific expression patterns in the root meristematic zone. In-depth phenotype analysis, as well as chemical and genetic complementation, revealed that CEK3, a Cho-specific kinase, is involved in cell elongation during root development. Phylogenetic analysis of CEK orthologs in Brassicaceae species showed evolutionary divergence between Etn kinases and Cho kinases. Collectively, our results demonstrate the distinct roles of the four CEK isoforms in Cho/Etn metabolism and plant development.


Children With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities as Organ Transplantation Recipients

The demand for transplantable solid organs far exceeds the supply of deceased donor organs. Patient selection criteria are determined by individual transplant programs; given the scarcity of solid organs for transplant, allocation to those most likely to benefit takes into consideration both medical and psychosocial factors. Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities have historically been excluded as potential recipients of organ transplants. When a transplant is likely to provide significant health benefits, denying a transplant to otherwise eligible children with disabilities may constitute illegal and unjustified discrimination. Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities should not be excluded from the potential pool of recipients and should be referred for evaluation as recipients of solid organ transplants.


In Utero Antidepressants and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Kindergarteners


To determine if in utero selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or selective serotonin norepinephrine inhibitor (SNRI) exposure is associated with developmental vulnerability in kindergarten among children whose mothers were diagnosed with prenatal mood or anxiety disorder.


Linkable administrative data were used to create a population-based cohort of 266 479 mother-child dyads of children born in Manitoba, Canada, between 1996 and 2014, with follow-up through 2015. The sample was restricted to mothers who had a mood or anxiety disorder diagnosis between 90 days before conception (N = 13 818). Exposed women had ≥2 SSRI or SNRI dispensations during pregnancy (n = 2055); unexposed mothers did not have a dispensation of an SSRI or SNRI during pregnancy (n = 10 017). The Early Development Instrument (EDI) was used to assess developmental health in kindergarten children. The EDI is a 104-component kindergarten teacher-administered questionnaire, encompassing 5 developmental domains.


Of the 3048 children included in the study who met inclusion criteria and had an EDI, 21.43% of children in the exposed group were assessed as vulnerable on 2 or more domains versus 16.16% of children in the unexposed group (adjusted odds ratio = 1.43; 95% confidence interval 1.08–1.90). Children in the exposed group also had a significant risk of being vulnerable in language and/or cognition (adjusted odds ratio = 1.40; 95% confidence interval 1.03–1.90).


Exposure to SSRIs or SNRIs during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of developmental vulnerability and an increased risk of deficits in language and/or cognition. Replication of results is necessary before clinical implications can be reached.


Developmental Support for Infants With Genetic Disorders

As the technical ability for genetic diagnosis continues to improve, an increasing number of diagnoses are made in infancy or as early as the neonatal period. Many of these diagnoses are known to be associated with developmental delay and intellectual disability, features that would not be clinically detectable at the time of diagnosis. Others may be associated with cognitive impairment, but the incidence and severity are yet to be fully described. These neonates and infants with genetic diagnoses therefore represent an emerging group of patients who are at high risk for neurodevelopmental disabilities. Although there are well-established developmental supports for high-risk infants, particularly preterm infants, after discharge from the NICU, programs specifically for infants with genetic diagnoses are rare. And although previous research has demonstrated the positive effect of early developmental interventions on outcomes among preterm infants, the impact of such supports for infants with genetic disorders who may be born term, remains to be understood. We therefore review the literature regarding existing developmental assessment and intervention approaches for children with genetic disorders, evaluating these in the context of current developmental supports postdischarge for preterm infants. Further research into the role of developmental support programs for early assessment and intervention in high-risk neonates diagnosed with rare genetic disorders is needed.


Development of the Proximal-Anterior Skeletal Elements in the Mouse Hindlimb Is Regulated by a Transcriptional and Signaling Network Controlled by Sall4 [Developmental and Behavioral Genetics]

The vertebrate limb serves as an experimental paradigm to study mechanisms that regulate development of the stereotypical skeletal elements. In this study, we simultaneously inactivated Sall4 using Hoxb6Cre and Plzf in mouse embryos, and found that their combined function regulates development of the proximal-anterior skeletal elements in hindlimbs. The Sall4; Plzf double knockout exhibits severe defects in the femur, tibia, and anterior digits, distinct defects compared to other allelic series of Sall4; Plzf. We found that Sall4 regulates Plzf expression prior to hindlimb outgrowth. Further expression analysis indicated that Hox10 genes and GLI3 are severely downregulated in the Sall4; Plzf double knockout hindlimb bud. In contrast, PLZF expression is reduced but detectable in Sall4; Gli3 double knockout limb buds, and SALL4 is expressed in the Plzf; Gli3 double knockout limb buds. These results indicate that Plzf, Gli3, and Hox10 genes downstream of Sall4, regulate femur and tibia development. In the autopod, we show that Sall4 negatively regulates Hedgehog signaling, which allows for development of the most anterior digit. Collectively, our study illustrates genetic systems that regulate development of the proximal-anterior skeletal elements in hindlimbs.


Pits and CtBP Control Tissue Growth in Drosophila melanogaster with the Hippo Pathway Transcription Repressor Tgi [Developmental and Behavioral Genetics]

The Hippo pathway is an evolutionarily conserved signaling network that regulates organ size, cell fate, and tumorigenesis. In the context of organ size control, the pathway incorporates a large variety of cellular cues, such as cell polarity and adhesion, into an integrated transcriptional response. The central Hippo signaling effector is the transcriptional coactivator Yorkie, which controls gene expression in partnership with different transcription factors, most notably Scalloped. When it is not activated by Yorkie, Scalloped can act as a repressor of transcription, at least in part due to its interaction with the corepressor protein Tgi. The mechanism by which Tgi represses transcription is incompletely understood, and therefore we sought to identify proteins that potentially operate together with Tgi. Using an affinity purification and mass-spectrometry approach we identified Pits and CtBP as Tgi-interacting proteins, both of which have been linked to transcriptional repression. Both Pits and CtBP were required for Tgi to suppress the growth of the Drosophila melanogaster eye and CtBP loss suppressed the undergrowth of yorkie mutant eye tissue. Furthermore, as reported previously for Tgi, overexpression of Pits repressed transcription of Hippo pathway target genes. These findings suggest that Tgi might operate together with Pits and CtBP to repress transcription of genes that normally promote tissue growth. The human orthologs of Tgi, CtBP, and Pits (VGLL4, CTBP2, and IRF2BP2) have previously been shown to physically and functionally interact to control transcription, implying that the mechanism by which these proteins control transcriptional repression is conserved throughout evolution.


Alcohol Causes Lasting Differential Transcription in Drosophila Mushroom Body Neurons [Developmental and Behavioral Genetics]

Repeated alcohol experiences can produce long-lasting memories for sensory cues associated with intoxication. These memories can problematically trigger relapse in individuals recovering from alcohol use disorder (AUD). The molecular mechanisms by which ethanol changes memories to become long-lasting and inflexible remain unclear. New methods to analyze gene expression within precise neuronal cell types can provide further insight toward AUD prevention and treatment. Here, we used genetic tools in Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the lasting consequences of ethanol on transcription in memory-encoding neurons. Drosophila rely on mushroom body (MB) neurons to make associative memories, including memories of ethanol-associated sensory cues. Differential expression analyses revealed that distinct transcripts, but not genes, in the MB were associated with experiencing ethanol alone compared to forming a memory of an odor cue associated with ethanol. Adult MB-specific knockdown of spliceosome-associated proteins demonstrated the necessity of RNA-processing in ethanol memory formation. These findings highlight the dynamic, context-specific regulation of transcription in cue-encoding neurons, and the lasting effect of ethanol on transcript usage during memory formation.


Development of IFN-Stimulated Gene Expression from Embryogenesis through Adulthood, with and without Constitutive MDA5 Pathway Activation [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]

Key Points

  • The augmented ISG profile of RdRP mice develops largely postnatally.

  • Elevated ISG expression is then maintained through adulthood.

  • The ISG signature in adults requires persistent type I IFN signaling.


    Development and Characterization of an Avirulent Leishmania major Strain [INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND HOST RESPONSE]

    Key Points

  • Virulent and avirulent parasites significantly differ in their proteome profiles.

  • Avirulent parasites fail to inhibit CD40 signaling.

  • Avirulent parasite strain is a potential antileishmanial vaccine candidate.


    GRASP55 Is Dispensable for Normal Hematopoiesis but Necessary for Myc-Dependent Leukemic Growth [IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT]

    Key Points

  • Golgi morphology and Grasp55 expression are regulated during hematopoiesis.

  • Hematopoiesis is not affected in Grasp55-deficient mice.

  • Grasp55 regulates Myc-transformed leukemic cell survival.


    Innate-like CD27+CD45RBhigh {gamma}{delta} T Cells Require TCR Signaling for Homeostasis in Peripheral Lymphoid Organs [IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT]

    Key Points

  • E4 is an enhancer element that regulates transcriptions of TCR genes.

  • E4–/– mice have fewer CD27+CD45RBhigh V2+ T cells in peripheral organs.

  • Attenuation of TCR signal impairs homeostasis of T cells in peripheral organs.


    Serine Phosphorylation of the STAT1 Transactivation Domain Promotes Autoreactive B Cell and Systemic Autoimmunity Development [AUTOIMMUNITY]

    Key Points

  • STAT1-pS727 is required for SLE-associated AFC, GC, and autoantibody responses.

  • STAT1-pS727 in B cells promotes autoimmune AFC, GC, and autoantibody responses.

  • STAT1-pS727 is not required for foreign Ag– or gut microbiota–driven responses.


    Staphylococcus aureus Fibronectin Binding Protein A Mediates Biofilm Development and Infection [Bacterial Infections]

    Implanted medical device-associated infections pose significant health risks, as they are often the result of bacterial biofilm formation. Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of biofilm-associated infections which persist due to mechanisms of device surface adhesion, biofilm accumulation, and reprogramming of host innate immune responses. We found that the S. aureus fibronectin binding protein A (FnBPA) is required for normal biofilm development in mammalian serum and that the SaeRS two-component system is required for functional FnBPA activity in serum. Furthermore, serum-developed biofilms deficient in FnBPA were more susceptible to macrophage invasion, and in a model of biofilm-associated implant infection, we found that FnBPA is crucial for the establishment of infection. Together, these findings show that S. aureus FnBPA plays an important role in physical biofilm development and represents a potential therapeutic target for the prevention and treatment of device-associated infections.


    In utero MRI identifies consequences of early-gestation alcohol drinking on fetal brain development in rhesus macaques [Neuroscience]

    One factor that contributes to the high prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is binge-like consumption of alcohol before pregnancy awareness. It is known that treatments are more effective with early recognition of FASD. Recent advances in retrospective motion correction for the reconstruction of three-dimensional (3D) fetal brain MRI...


    Development of a therapeutic anti-HtrA1 antibody and the identification of DKK3 as a pharmacodynamic biomarker in geographic atrophy [Medical Sciences]

    Genetic polymorphisms in the region of the trimeric serine hydrolase high-temperature requirement 1 (HTRA1) are associated with increased risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and disease progression, but the precise biological function of HtrA1 in the eye and its contribution to disease etiologies remain undefined. In this study, we have...


    NRF3-POMP-20S Proteasome Assembly Axis Promotes Cancer Development via Ubiquitin-Independent Proteolysis of p53 and Retinoblastoma Protein [Research Article]

    Proteasomes are essential protease complexes that maintain cellular homeostasis, and aberrant proteasomal activity supports cancer development. The regulatory mechanisms and biological function of the ubiquitin-26S proteasome have been studied extensively, while those of the ubiquitin-independent 20S proteasome system remain obscure. Here, we show that the cap ’n’ collar (CNC) family transcription factor NRF3 specifically enhances 20S proteasome assembly in cancer cells and that 20S proteasomes contribute to colorectal cancer development through ubiquitin-independent proteolysis of the tumor suppressor p53 and retinoblastoma (Rb) proteins. The NRF3 gene is highly expressed in many cancer tissues and cell lines and is important for cancer cell growth. In cancer cells, NRF3 upregulates the assembly of the 20S proteasome by directly inducing the gene expression of the 20S proteasome maturation protein POMP. Interestingly, NRF3 knockdown not only increases p53 and Rb protein levels but also increases p53 activities for tumor suppression, including cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, protein stability and cell viability assays using two distinct proteasome inhibitor anticancer drugs, the 20S proteasome inhibitor bortezomib and the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 inhibitor TAK-243, show that the upregulation of the NRF3-POMP axis leads to ubiquitin-independent proteolysis of p53 and Rb and to impaired sensitivity to bortezomib but not TAK-243. More importantly, the NRF3-POMP axis supports tumorigenesis and metastasis, with higher NRF3/POMP expression levels correlating with poor prognoses in patients with colorectal or rectal adenocarcinoma. These results suggest that the NRF3-POMP-20S proteasome assembly axis is significant for cancer development via ubiquitin-independent proteolysis of tumor suppressor proteins.


    A Simple Clinical Tool for Stratifying Risk of Clinically Significant CKD after Nephrectomy: Development and Multinational Validation


    Clinically significant CKD following surgery for kidney cancer is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, but identifying patients at increased CKD risk remains difficult. Simple methods to stratify risk of clinically significant CKD after nephrectomy are needed.


    To develop a tool for stratifying patients’ risk of CKD arising after surgery for kidney cancer, we tested models in a population-based cohort of 699 patients with kidney cancer in Queensland, Australia (2012–2013). We validated these models in a population-based cohort of 423 patients from Victoria, Australia, and in patient cohorts from single centers in Queensland, Scotland, and England. Eligible patients had two functioning kidneys and a preoperative eGFR ≥60 ml/min per 1.73 m2. The main outcome was incident eGFR <45 ml/min per 1.73 m2 at 12 months postnephrectomy. We used prespecified predictors—age ≥65 years old, diabetes mellitus, preoperative eGFR, and nephrectomy type (partial/radical)—to fit logistic regression models and grouped patients according to degree of risk of clinically significant CKD (negligible, low, moderate, or high risk).


    Absolute risks of stage 3b or higher CKD were <2%, 3% to 14%, 21% to 26%, and 46% to 69% across the four strata of negligible, low, moderate, and high risk, respectively. The negative predictive value of the negligible risk category was 98.9% for clinically significant CKD. The c statistic for this score ranged from 0.84 to 0.88 across derivation and validation cohorts.


    Our simple scoring system can reproducibly stratify postnephrectomy CKD risk on the basis of readily available parameters. This clinical tool’s quantitative assessment of CKD risk may be weighed against other considerations when planning management of kidney tumors and help inform shared decision making between clinicians and patients.


    Role of Impaired Nutrient and Oxygen Deprivation Signaling and Deficient Autophagic Flux in Diabetic CKD Development: Implications for Understanding the Effects of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2-Inhibitors

    Growing evidence indicates that oxidative and endoplasmic reticular stress, which trigger changes in ion channels and inflammatory pathways that may undermine cellular homeostasis and survival, are critical determinants of injury in the diabetic kidney. Cells are normally able to mitigate these cellular stresses by maintaining high levels of autophagy, an intracellular lysosome-dependent degradative pathway that clears the cytoplasm of dysfunctional organelles. However, the capacity for autophagy in both podocytes and renal tubular cells is markedly impaired in type 2 diabetes, and this deficiency contributes importantly to the intensity of renal injury. The primary drivers of autophagy in states of nutrient and oxygen deprivation—sirtuin-1 (SIRT1), AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), and hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1α and HIF-2α)—can exert renoprotective effects by promoting autophagic flux and by exerting direct effects on sodium transport and inflammasome activation. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by marked suppression of SIRT1 and AMPK, leading to a diminution in autophagic flux in glomerular podocytes and renal tubules and markedly increasing their susceptibility to renal injury. Importantly, because insulin acts to depress autophagic flux, these derangements in nutrient deprivation signaling are not ameliorated by antihyperglycemic drugs that enhance insulin secretion or signaling. Metformin is an established AMPK agonist that can promote autophagy, but its effects on the course of CKD have been demonstrated only in the experimental setting. In contrast, the effects of sodium-glucose cotransporter–2 (SGLT2) inhibitors may be related primarily to enhanced SIRT1 and HIF-2α signaling; this can explain the effects of SGLT2 inhibitors to promote ketonemia and erythrocytosis and potentially underlies their actions to increase autophagy and mute inflammation in the diabetic kidney. These distinctions may contribute importantly to the consistent benefit of SGLT2 inhibitors to slow the deterioration in glomerular function and reduce the risk of ESKD in large-scale randomized clinical trials of patients with type 2 diabetes.


    A kinesin adapter directly mediates dendritic mRNA localization during neural development in mice [Neurobiology]

    Motor protein-based active transport is essential for mRNA localization and local translation in animal cells, yet how mRNA granules interact with motor proteins remains poorly understood. Using an unbiased yeast two–hybrid screen for interactions between murine RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and motor proteins, here we identified protein interaction with APP tail-1 (PAT1) as a potential direct adapter between zipcode-binding protein 1 (ZBP1, a β-actin RBP) and the kinesin-I motor complex. The amino acid sequence of mouse PAT1 is similar to that of the kinesin light chain (KLC), and we found that PAT1 binds to KLC directly. Studying PAT1 in mouse primary hippocampal neuronal cultures from both sexes and using structured illumination microscopic imaging of these neurons, we observed that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) enhances co-localization of dendritic ZBP1 and PAT1 within granules that also contain kinesin-I. PAT1 is essential for BDNF-stimulated neuronal growth cone development and dendritic protrusion formation, and we noted that ZBP1 and PAT1 co-locate along with β-actin mRNA in actively transported granules in living neurons. Acute disruption of the PAT1–ZBP1 interaction in neurons with PAT1 siRNA or a dominant-negative ZBP1 construct diminished localization of β-actin mRNA but not of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (CaMKIIα) mRNA in dendrites. The aberrant β-actin mRNA localization resulted in abnormal dendritic protrusions and growth cone dynamics. These results suggest a critical role for PAT1 in BDNF-induced β-actin mRNA transport during postnatal development and reveal a new molecular mechanism for mRNA localization in vertebrates.


    The progressive development of microfabrics from initial deposition to slump deformation: an example from a modern sedimenary melange on the Nankai Prism

    The progressive development of microfabrics from initial deposition to slump deformation and then a submarine slide was investigated in an active subduction zone using cores recovered during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 333. A Pleistocene–Holocene sequence was recovered at Site C0018A, which was located on a slope basin on the footwall of the megasplay fault in the Nankai Trough, SW Japan. Six mass-transport deposit units intercalated with coherent intervals were recovered from the upper 190 m of the drilled succession. The initial microfabrics in the undeformed hemipelagic sediments were characterized by random and porous fabrics composed predominantly of clay aggregations and connectors. The initial fabrics were cardhouse fabrics, which consist of clay flakes with edge-to-edge (E–E) and/or edge-to-face (E–F) contacts. These initial microfabrics developed into compacted microfabrics, which are random and consolidated fabrics (bookhouse fabrics) that consist of clay flakes with E–F and/or face-to-face (F–F) contacts and develop during burial as a pure shear deformation. During slumping, these fabrics were then deformed under simple shear to become predominantly F–F contacts and form clay chains. Thus, the microfabrics in these submarine slides are a sedimentary mélange that developed locally into a preferred clay orientation with F–F contacts.

    Supplementary material: A schematic illustration showing sedimentation processes and fabrics is available at

    Thematic collection: This article is part of the Polygenetic mélanges collection available at:


    Progress toward Development of a Vaccine against Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection [Minireviews]

    A vaccine against congenital human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is a major public health priority. Congenital CMV causes substantial long-term morbidity, particularly sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), in newborns, and the public health impact of this infection on maternal and child health is underrecognized. Although progress toward development of a vaccine has been limited by an incomplete understanding of the correlates of protective immunity for the fetus, knowledge about some of the key components of the maternal immune response necessary for preventing transplacental transmission is accumulating. Moreover, although there have been concerns raised about observations indicating that maternal seropositivity does not fully prevent recurrent maternal CMV infections during pregnancy, it is becoming increasing clear that preconception immunity does confer some measure of protection against both CMV transmission and CMV disease (if transmission occurs) in the newborn infant. Although the immunity to CMV conferred by both infection and vaccination is imperfect, there are encouraging data emerging from clinical trials demonstrating the immunogenicity and potential efficacy of candidate CMV vaccines. In the face of the knowledge that between 20,000 and 30,000 infants are born with congenital CMV in the United States every year, there is an urgent and compelling need to accelerate the pace of vaccine trials. In this minireview, we summarize the status of CMV vaccines in clinical trials and provide a perspective on what would be required for a CMV immunization program to become incorporated into clinical practice.


    Development of an Extended-Specificity Multiplex Immunoassay for Detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype-Specific Antigen in Urine by Use of Human Monoclonal Antibodies [Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology]

    Current pneumococcal vaccines cover the 10 to 23 most common serotypes of the 92 presently described. However, with the increased usage of pneumococcal-serotype-based vaccines, the risk of serotype replacement and an increase in disease caused by nonvaccine serotypes remains. Serotype surveillance of pneumococcal infections relies heavily on culture techniques, which are known to be insensitive, particularly in cases of noninvasive disease. Pneumococcal-serotype-specific urine assays offer an alternative method of serotyping for both invasive and noninvasive disease. However, the assays described previously cover mainly conjugate vaccine serotypes, give little information about circulating nonvaccine serotypes, and are currently available only in one or two specialist laboratories. Our laboratory has developed a Luminex-based extended-range antigen capture assay to detect pneumococcal-serotype-specific antigens in urine samples. The assay targets 24 distinct serotypes/serogroups plus the cell wall polysaccharide (CWP) and some cross-reactive serotypes. We report that the assay is capable of detecting all the targeted serotypes and the CWP at 0.1 ng/ml, while some serotypes are detected at concentrations as low as 0.3 pg/ml. The analytical serotype specificity was determined to be 98.4% using a panel of polysaccharide-negative urine specimens spiked with nonpneumococcal bacterial antigens. We also report clinical sensitivities of 96.2% and specificities of 89.9% established using a panel of urine specimens from patients diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia or pneumococcal disease. This assay can be extended for testing other clinical samples and has the potential to greatly improve serotype-specific surveillance in the many cases of pneumococcal disease in which a culture is never obtained.


    Development of a High-Throughput Respiratory Syncytial Virus Fluorescent Focus-Based Microneutralization Assay [Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology]

    Neutralizing antibodies specific for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) represent a major protective mechanism against RSV infection, as demonstrated by the efficacy of the immune-prophylactic monoclonal antibody palivizumab in preventing RSV-associated lower respiratory tract infections in premature infants. Accordingly, the RSV neutralization assay has become a key functional method to assess the neutralizing activity of serum antibodies in preclinical animal models, epidemiology studies, and clinical trials. In this study, we qualified a 24-h, fluorescent focus-based microneutralization (RSVA FFA-MN) method that requires no medium exchange or pre- or postinfection processing to detect green fluorescent protein-expressing RSV strain A2 (RSVA-GFP)-infected cells, using a high-content imaging system for automated image acquisition and focus enumeration. The RSVA FFA-MN method was shown to be sensitive, with a limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) of 1:10, or 3.32 log2; linear over a range of 4.27 to 9.65 log2 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50); and precise, with intra- and interassay coefficients of variation of <21%. This precision allowed the choice of a statistically justified 3-fold-rise seroresponse cutoff criterion. The repeatability and robustness of this method were demonstrated by including a pooled human serum sample in every assay as a positive control (PC). Over 3 years of testing between two laboratories, this PC generated data falling within 2.5 standard deviations of the mean 98.7% of the time (n = 1,720). This high-throughput and reliable RSV microneutralization assay has proven useful for testing sera from preclinical vaccine candidate evaluation studies, epidemiology studies, and both pediatric and adult vaccine clinical trials.


    Development and Qualification of an Opsonophagocytic Killing Assay To Assess Immunogenicity of a Bioconjugated Escherichia coli Vaccine [Vaccines]

    The global burden of disease caused by extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) is increasing as the prevalence of multidrug-resistant strains rises. A multivalent ExPEC O-antigen bioconjugate vaccine could have a substantial impact in preventing bacteremia and urinary tract infections. Development of an ExPEC vaccine requires a readout to assess the functionality of antibodies. We developed an opsonophagocytic killing assay (OPA) for four ExPEC serotypes (serotypes O1A, O2, O6A, and O25B) based on methods established for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. The performance of the assay was assessed with human serum by computing the precision, linearity, trueness, total error, working range, and specificity. Serotypes O1A and O6A met the acceptance criteria for precision (coefficient of variation for repeatability and intermediate precision, ≤50%), linearity (90% confidence interval of the slope of each strain, 0.80, 1.25), trueness (relative bias range, –30% to 30%), and total error (total error range, –65% to 183%) at five serum concentrations and serotypes O2 and O25B met the acceptance criteria at four concentrations (the lowest concentration for serotypes O2 and O25B did not meet the system suitability test of maximum killing of ≥85% of E. coli cells). All serotypes met the acceptance criteria for specificity (opsonization index value reductions of ≤20% for heterologous serum preadsorption and ≥70% for homologous serum preadsorption). The assay working range was defined on the basis of the lowest and highest concentrations at which the assay jointly fulfilled the target acceptance criteria for linearity, precision, and accuracy. An OPA suitable for multiple E. coli serotypes has been developed, qualified, and used to assess the immunogenicity of a 4-valent E. coli bioconjugate vaccine (ExPEC4V) administered to humans.