
Five top tips to get your home sold despite Brexit jitters

There are steps you take to help sell your home, such as replacing old fixtures and fittings and jazzing up your garden.


Shipshape Plymouth! The seaside city is undergoing a major makeover 

The UK's Ocean City will over the next 12 months celebrate the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Pilgrim Fathers on the Mayflower.


Six top tips for decorating your Christmas tree to make it Instagram worthy

The 'Mary Berry of Christmas trees' who dresses them for the rich and famous reveals how to decorate yours no matter how big or small the budget.


Six top tips for making sure you avoid the pitfalls of buying a leasehold property

Helen Marsh, a partner at law firm Forsters, provides six top tips for avoiding some of the most common pitfalls of buying a leasehold property.


Seven tips to make the most of the upturn in the property market and sell your home quickly

From spring cleaning your home to putting out fresh flowers and removing any pets, here are seven tips to make the most of the upturn in the property market and get your home sold quickly.


Six tips to prepare your home for sale for when lockdown ends

We highlight things you can do during lockdown to prepare your property for sale and get it into the most valuable condition for when the market recovers.


How SIPs really work

SIPs aren't guaranteed return products, don't treat them like one


Money Tips for Tech-Millionaires

New-found tech wealth is great but there are some financial mistakes new millionaires should avoid. Dow Jones' Daisy Maxey reports. PHOTO: Getty


Hong Kong Market slips on doubts over coronavirus drug

Risk sentiment deteriorated after a news report, citing inadvertently released results, said the closely watched antiviral drug remdesivir had had no effect on patients in its first randomised clinical test.


Eight core infrastructure sector output dips 6.5% in March 2020

Eight core infrastructure sector output rises marginally by 0.6% in FY2020


NLC India slips after fire accident at Neyvali plant

NLC India fell 0.46% to Rs 43.70 after the company said eight workers were injured in a fire accident at the TS II power plant in Neyveli, Tamil Nadu.


Stuck on cruise ships during pandemic, crews beg to go home

Carolina Vasquez lost track of days and nights, unable to see the sunlight while stuck for two weeks in a windowless cruise ship cabin as a fever took hold of her body. On the worst night of her encounter with COVID-19, the Chilean woman, a line cook on the Greg Mortimer ship, summoned the strength to take a cold shower fearing the worst: losing consciousness while isolated from others. Vasquez, 36, and tens of thousands of other crew members have been trapped for weeks aboard dozens of cruise ships around the world long after governments and cruise lines negotiated their passengers' disembarkation. Some have gotten ill and died; others have survived but are no longer getting paid. Both national and local governments have stopped crews from disembarking in order to prevent new cases of COVID-19 in their territories. Some of the ships, including 20 in US waters, have seen infections and deaths among the crew. But most ships have had no confirmed cases. "I never thought this would turn


European 2021 equestrian championships cancelled

European equestrianism on Saturday became the latest sport to adjust its calendar because of the postponement of the Olympics with the announcement that it had cancelled its 2021 eventing championships. With the Tokyo Games put back to next summer, other sports that had planned major championships for 2021 have been forced to react. The European equestrian championships were scheduled for Haras du Pin in Normandy from 11 to 15 August, which meant they were due to start just three days after the rearranged Olympics ends. The French equestrian federation, which announced the cancellation in a press release, said a postponement had been considered but rejected and, instead, Haras du Pin was "positioning itself for the organisation of the European Eventing Championship in 2023." Eventing sees a single rider and mount compete at show-jumping, dressage and cross-country.


COVID-19 lockdown: Delayed academic plans and uncertainty---anxiety grips CBSE class 12 students

17-year-old Pratyusha Jha, wakes up scrambling for newspapers these days to look for any news about her pending board exams and is anxious about what the future has in store for her. Similar concerns are shared by Bipin Kumar, a class 12 student, who says the announcement of board exams from July 1 to 15 brought limited clarity as the larger questions remain unanswered. The COVID-19 lockdown, came with a different set of concerns for class 12 students, whose board exams were postponed midway following the outbreak of coronavirus, putting on hold their future plans as well. "Everyday I have been looking for news about the exams and about entrance exam dates. I feel unfortunate that this happened during the year I was supposed to take the big college leap. I don't want my future decisions to be shaped by this very year as what I opt to study now will remain with me lifelong," Pratyusha told PTI. Ending some uncertainty for students, HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' on Friday ...


Partnerships for a Cleaner "South"

Tackling the globalization of waste requires new partnerships that span national boundaries and different sectors of society, says Ravi Agrawal.


Trade rules and what they eclipse | The Supreme Court just made it easier for you to save lives; here’s how!

In this edition, we celebrate the International Women's Day by bringing out inspiring stories of Soni Sori and the girl footballers from Chennai. We also look into why India's solar mission is in dispute with WTO, the Good Samaritan guidelines that are made compulsory now, and more.


Alang shipyard: Pushing more than ships to their graves

The ship-breaking yard of Alang in Gujarat, which brings millions of dollars into the state, wreaks heavy environmental damage and endangers thousands of labourers. Ramesh Menon, who first visited the yard in the early eighties, finds very little has changed over the decades.


Graveyard of ships struggles to survive

World's largest ship-breaking yard at Alang is crumbling as the EU Commission and the Supreme Court are now putting pressure to get them to create modern environmentally friendly facilities. If they do not do it, the graveyard of ships will die says Ramesh Menon.


Trade rules and what they eclipse

The ruling by the World Trade Organisation (WTO)’s dispute settlement body (DSB) in a complaint filed by USA against elements of India’s solar mission is again in the news. Shalini Bhutani helps to piece together the sequence of events and points out how the global trade architecture keeps domestic laws and policies under intense scrutiny.


Govt and Non-Govt Organizations : Partnerships

Susan Mani looks at the issues involved in the coming together of government and NGOs to improve service delivery.


Gardening Tips: हवा को शुद्ध करने के लिए घर में लगाएं ये Indoor Plants

नासा (NASA) के वैज्ञानिकों हवाले से लिखा है कि 'पौधों की जड़ें और उनसे जुड़े सूक्ष्मजीव तब रोगजनक वायरस, बैक्टीरिया और कार्बनिक रसायनों को नष्ट करते हैं.


Health Tips: तरबूज खाने के हैं गजब के फायदे, स्किन से जुड़ा कनेक्शन

तरबूज खाने से शरीर को कई तरह से फायदा पहुंचता है. यह न केवल हेल्दी होता है बल्कि शरीर में पानी की कमी को पूरा करता है.


Flipstart Sale: 80% की छूट पर करें खरीदारी SmartTV भी मिल रही है सस्ते में...

फ्लिपकार्ट पर तीन दिन सस्ते में खरीदारी करने का मौका दिया जा रहा है. जानें बेस्ट डील के बारे में...


इन 5 TIPS को फॉलो कर स्ट्रॉन्ग कर सकते हैं सेलफोन सिग्नल

हम आपको बता रहें है ऐसी ट्रिक्स के बारे में जिनसे आपका मोबाइल सिग्नल स्ट्रॉन्ग रहे.


नवरात्रि २०१९: डांडिया नाइट में लूट लेंगी महफ़िल, अपनाएं ये Tips

नवरात्रि २०१९, डांडिया: अभी से कर लें डांडिया नाइट और गरबा की तैयारी ताकि आखरी समय पर कुछ जरूरी चीज छूट न जाए...


Health Tips: बाल हो रहे हैं उम्र से पहले सफेद! ये हो सकती हैं वजह

असमय बाल सफेद होने की वजह (Reason of Premature White Hair): जानें समय से पहले क्यों सफ़ेद हो रहे हैं बाल...


स्ट्रेच मार्क्स को छिपा लेंगे ये Makeup Tips, नहीं होंगे आप शर्मिंदा

ड्रेस से झांकते ये स्ट्रेच मार्क्स काफी भद्दे लगते हैं. कई लोग ऐसे भी होते हैं जो स्ट्रेच मार्क्स की वजह से ही स्टाइलिश कपड़े कैरी नहीं कर पाते हैं.


लॉकडाउन में पार्लर हैं बंद, इस घेरलू नुस्खे से हटाएं Upper lips के अनचाहे बाल

हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं कुछ घरेलू नुस्खें (Home remedies) जिन्हें अपनाकर आप चेहरे के अनचाहे बालों से छुटकारा पा सकती हैं.


AIBA invited bids for World C'ships without ending BFI contract?

TOI has come across a documentary evidence, which shows that the AIBA had started exploring the potential candidate to partner as new host city for the tournament in November 2019 itself, despite being in contract with the BFI for the prestigious event.


लेडी IPS ने एक्टर के साथ खिंचाया फोटो, मचा बवाल

केरल कैडर की आईपीएस मेरिन जोसेफ विवादों में घिर गई हैं। उन्होंने ड्यूटी के समय ऑफिसियल ड्रेस में एक्टर के साथ फोटो खिंचाकर सोशल मीडिया पर डाल दिया था।


Eclipse 2020: एक ही महीने में सूर्य और चंद्र ग्रहण, जानें क्या होगा प्रभाव

इस वर्ष 5 जून को चंद्र ग्रहण और 21 जून को सूर्य ग्रहण है. इन दोनों ही ग्रहणों को भारत में देखा जा सकेगा.


Beauty tips: लॉकडाउन में घर पर ही लें साल्‍ट स्‍पा, स्किन दिखेगी ग्लोइंग

सॉल्ट स्पा के लिए आप घर में सामान्य तौर पर पाया जाने वाला सादा नमक, सेंधा नमक का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं.


Lockdown Beauty Tips: घर बैठे चीनी से मिलेगा पार्लर जैसा ग्लो, ऐसे करें यूज

महिलाएं घर में ही बने शुगर स्‍क्रब की मदद से डेड स्किन से छुटकारा पा सकती हैं. चीनी का इस्तेमाल कर आप बड़ी ही आसानी से घर बैठकर अपने चेहरे को ग्‍लोइंग और मुलायम बना सकती हैं.


Vastu Tips: कहीं आपके घर में ये वास्तु दोष तो नहीं

वास्तु टिप्स (Vastu Tips): अगर घर में कोई वास्तु दोष है तो न केवल घर के सदस्यों की तरक्की में दिक्कत आएगी बल्कि उनके दैनिक जीवन में भी कई परेशानियां आ सकती हैं...


Beauty Tips: दूध की मलाई से आएगी चेहरे पर चमक, आप जानती हैं इसके ये फायदे

दूध की मलाई के फायदे (Milk Cream Beauty Tips) : मलाई का फेस पैक चेहरे पर कुदरती चमक लेकर आती है. इस घर अपर बनाने के लिए दूध की मलाई में ...


घर बैठे दही और चीनी से हटाएं Upper Lips के बाल, ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल

नैचुरल तरीके से अपर लिप्स के बालों को हटाने के लिए दही, बेसन और हल्दी का पेस्ट बेस्ट है. ये त्वचा को एक्सफोलिएट करता है. साथ ही टैनिंग की समस्या को भी दूर करता है.


Covid-19 lockdown: Delayed academic plans and uncertainty - anxiety grips CBSE class 12 students


Ganjam district slips from orange to red zone after spike in Covid-19 cases


Tips to keep your skin oil-free in summers

Summers are just around the corner and so is the problem of oily and sticky skin. The season is even worse for people with oily skin, as their oil-emitting capacity doubles up. You must take care of skin in summers, along with keeping it oil-free as it becomes the most prone to sunburn during this time.


10 beauty tips from Blossom Kochhar

Renowned beauty guru and one of country's leading aromatherapy purveyors, Blossom Kochhar recently had a live chat with ETimes Lifestyle. From aromatherapy to haircare, here are some of the most interesting beauty questions Blossom answered.


वाराणसी के इस युवा ने बनाई 'Lipstick Gun', बटन दबाते ही मनचले भागेंगे दूर

ये लिपस्टिक गन (Lipstick Gun) चार्जेबल है और यह डिवाइस पूरी तरीके से मोबाइल से ब्लूटूथ के माध्यम से कनेक्ट होती है. इस लिपस्टिक में एक ही बटन है. जिससे फायर भी होगा और 112 को कॉल भी चला जाएगा.


Coronavirus scare grips markets; Sensex closes below 29K for first time in 3 years

Coronavirus scare grips markets; Sensex closes below 29K for first time in 3 years


5 ultra cool styling tips by Nida Mahmood

5 ultra cool styling tips by Nida Mahmood


Gold Dips as Coronavirus-led Curbs Ease, Tariff Worries Persist

Investors, however, remained worried about brewing Sino-US tensions after President Donald Trump threatened new tariffs on China for its handling of the outbreak.


Rupee Slips 18 Paise to 75.81 Against US Dollar in Early Trade

Forex traders said the weakness in the rupee was largely due to the strengthening US dollar. Besides, rising coronavirus cases in the country also weighed on the local unit.


India's Fuel Demand Dips Over 45% in April Amid Covid-19 Lockdown: Govt Report

Consumption of fuel, a proxy for oil demand, totalled 9.93 million tonnes - its lowest since 2007, government data showed on Saturday.


Swimming World Championships Moved from 2021 to 2022

FINA announced that world championships were due to be held in Fukuoka next year from July 16-August 1 but will instead take place from May 13-29 in 2022


2021 European Athletics Indoor Championships Event Schedule Released

The 36th edition of the European Athletics Indoor Championships is scheduled to take place from March 5 to 7 next year in Torun, Poland.


Sonakshi Sinha Gets Tips On Dealing With Trolls From Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sonakshi Sinha got in a live interaction with spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. As a part of her conversation, she talked about being trolled over the 'Ramayan' qeustion when she appeared on Kaun Banega Crorepati in September 2019.


Karisma Kapoor Misses Her Trips to London, Shares Throwback Video

Karisma Kapoor shared a slo-mo video from her trip to London to say how much she is missing the city while quarantined in Mumbai.