
Evaluation of herbal medicinal products : perspectives on quality, safety and efficacy / edited by Pulok K. Mukherjee, Peter J. Houghton


Pharmacology in nursing : Australia and New Zealand / Bonita E. Broyles, RN, BSN, EdD, PhD, Barry S. Reiss, BS, MS, PhD, Mary E. Evans, BSEd, MSN, PhD, RN, FAAN, Gayle McKenzie, M (Ed), Grad Dip Adv. Nurs (Critical Care, Grad Cert Ad. Nurs. (Clinical Ed),

Broyles, Bonita E


Social media marketing : strategies for engaging in Facebook, Twitter & other social media / Liana "Li" Evans

Evans, Liana


SiriusXM Just Made Podcasts and Other Music Services More Relevant

With the firing of Anthony Cumia from the Opie and Anthony Show, SiriusXM has started down a very dangerous path that could ultimately help other audio entertainment mediums gain traction from ex-SiriusXM subscribers.

In the early days of satellite, the concept was novel and engaging.

In the early days of satellite, the concept was novel and engaging.
complete article


Revamping Your Social Media Sites for the New Year

The end of the year is drawing near, which means its time for fresh starts and new beginnings. While that does apply to whichever New Year’s resolution you plan to make in 2016 (and, in all likelihood, abandon by February), it applies to social media sites as well.

Unfriend and Unfollow
The new year is the perfect time to go through your friends list with a fine-toothed comb. Here is a quick guide for whether you should be friends with someone online: Do you know who this person is? Have you seen him or her in the last year? Do you honestly think you’ll need to talk to him or her in the future?

complete article


Keep your Business Relevant on Social Media

Social media is driving our lives right now. You may say that is untrue, but I say you are in denial unless you are one of those emasculated men who share a Facebook account with your wife or you are part of the 1 percent who spends little to no time online. This is 2016 and Facebook has more than one billion daily active users. One billion. Daily. Active. Users. Amazing.

complete article


Structural bioinformatics tools for drug design: extraction of biologically relevant information from structural databases / Jaroslav Koča [and six more]

Online Resource


The Crucial role of domain knowledge in evaluating early-stage new product ideas / Florian Denker ; with a foreword by Univ. Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt

Online Resource


Kill bad meetings: and cut 50% of your meetings to transform your culture, improve collaboration, and accelerate decisions / Kevan Hall and Alan Hall

Dewey Library - HF5734.5.H55 2017


[ASAP] Evaluation of the Performance of Lipidyzer Platform and Its Application in the Lipidomics Analysis in Mouse Heart and Liver

Journal of Proteome Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00289


[ASAP] Evaluation of Tumor Interstitial Fluid-Extraction Methods for Proteome Analysis: Comparison of Biopsy Elution versus Centrifugation

Journal of Proteome Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00770


[ASAP] Evaluation of Injury Degree of Adriamycin-Induced Nephropathy in Rats Based on Serum Metabolomics Combined with Proline Marker

Journal of Proteome Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00785


An efficient assay for identification and quantitative evaluation of potential polysialyltransferase inhibitors

Analyst, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00721H, Paper
Open Access
Xiaoxiao Guo, Jodie R Malcolm, Marrwa M Ali, Goreti Ribeiro Morais, Steve Shnyder, Paul Loadman, L H Patterson, Robert Andrew Falconer
The polysialyltransferases (polySTs) catalyse the polymerisation of polysialic acid, which plays an important role in tumour metastasis. While assays are available to assess polyST enzyme activity, there is no methodology...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Discovery of Orally Bioavailable Chromone Derivatives as Potent and Selective BRD4 Inhibitors: Scaffold Hopping, Optimization, and Pharmacological Evaluation

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00035


[ASAP] A Chemical Switch for Transforming a Purine Agonist for Toll-like Receptor 7 to a Clinically Relevant Antagonist

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00011


[ASAP] Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Evaluation of Second Generation EZH2 Inhibitors with Long Residence Time

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.0c00045


[ASAP] Sigma Receptor Ligands Carrying a Nitric Oxide Donor Nitrate Moiety: Synthesis, In Silico, and Biological Evaluation

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.9b00661


[ASAP] Synthesis and Evaluation of <sup>11</sup>C- and <sup>18</sup>F-Labeled SOAT1 Inhibitors as Macrophage Foam Cell Imaging Agents

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.0c00127


The shrinking universe: Ireland at Venice 2019 / Eva Rothschild

Rotch Library - N6488.I8 V433 2019 I73


Panos Charalambous, Eva Stefani, Zafos Xagoraris / curated by Katerina Tselou

Rotch Library - N6488.I8 V433 2019 G8


Everything is relevant: writings on art and life 1991-2018 / Ken Lum

Online Resource


Medieval art in motion: the inventory and gift giving of Queen Clémence de Hongrie / Mariah Proctor-Tiffany

Rotch Library - N5262.C56 P76 2019


Devastation and laughter: satire, power, and culture in the early Soviet state, 1920s-1930s / Annie Gérin

Hayden Library - NX556.A1 G47 2018


Exemplary novels / Miguel de Cervantes ; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman ; edited by Roberto González Echevarría

Hayden Library - PQ6329.A6 G76 2016


33 revolutions / Canek Sánchez Guevara ; translated from the Spanish by Howard Curtis

Hayden Library - PQ7392.S285 A1513 2016


Lyra mínima: del cancionero medieval al cancionero tradicional moderno / Aurelio González, Mariana Masera, María Teresa Miaja (editores)

Online Resource


Evaluation of multilingual and multi-modal information retrieval [electronic resource] : 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006, Alicante, Spain, September 20-22, 2006 : revised selected papers / Carol Peters [and others] (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, 2007


Russian studies of international relations: from the Soviet past to the post-Cold-War present / Marina Lebedeva ; with a foreword by Andrei P. Tsygankov

Dewey Library - JZ1238.R8 L43 2018


International negotiation: a process of relational governance for international common interest / Evangelos Raftopoulos

Dewey Library - JZ6045.R335 2019


Estados Unidos contra el mundo: Trump y la nueva geopolítica / Casandra Castorena, Marco A. Gandásegui, hijo y Leandro Morgenfeld (coordinación y edición) ; Grupo de Trabajo de Estudios sobre Estados Unidos

Online Resource


Estados Unidos: y la nueva correlación de fuerzas internacional / Marco A. Gandásegui, hijo (coordinador) ; Pablo Gentili y Pablo Vommaro, presentación ; Ronald H. Chilcote, prólogo ; Carlos Eduardo Martins [and fifteen others]

Online Resource


The European Union: facing the challenge of multiple security threats / edited by Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Anna Michalski, Niklas Nilsson, Lars Oxelheim

Dewey Library - JZ5588.E88 2018


Globalization and regime change: lessons from the New Russia and the New Europe / edited by Robin Alison Remington and Robert K. Evanson

Dewey Library - JZ1318.G57916 2020


Toward a theory of peace: the role of moral beliefs / Randall Caroline Watson Forsberg ; edited and with an introduction by Matthew Evangelista and Neta C. Crawford

Online Resource


New directions in peacebuilding evaluation / edited by Tamra Pearson D'Estrée

Dewey Library - JZ5538.N487 2020


A Framework for Achieving Competitive Integrated Employment: Findings from the SourceAmerica Pathways to Careers Evaluation

The employment rate among people with disabilities has consistently been low. People with disabilities face many barriers to securing competitive, integrated employment, such as lack of access to transportation, difficulty finding a job, and needs for workplace accommodations. Mathematica is evaluating the SourceAmerica Pathways to Careers program, a customized employment service model designed to help people with intellectual or developmental disabilities or autism obtain competitive integrated employment that matches their skills, interests, strengths, and abilities. This webinar featured a panel of experts who will discuss how Pathways promotes competitive integrated employment, give an employer’s perspective on partnering with Pathways and hiring its participants, present interim evaluation outcomes, and report on SourceAmerica’s plans to expand the customized employment service model.


Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth SSI Recipients: Early Findings from the PROMISE Evaluation


REL Webinar: Using Teacher Feedback in School Leader Evaluations

The goal of the webinar is to expand local and state leaders’ knowledge of teacher survey instruments to enhance the evaluation of school leaders.


Understanding the Power of Long-Term Impact Evaluations

International development programs are designed to make lasting and positive improvements in the health, education, and income of disadvantaged people around the world.


Interactivity, game creation, design, learning, and innovation : 6th International Conference, ArtsIT 2017, and second International Conference, DLI 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 30-31, 2017, Proceedings / Anthony L. Brooks, Eva Brooks, Nikolas

International Conference on Arts and Technology (6th : 2017 : Ērakleion, Greece),


Ancient and medieval theories of intentionality / edited by Dominik Perler


Feeling our feelings : what philosophers think and people know / by Eva Brann

Brann, Eva T. H


Home in America: On Loss and Retrieval / Thomas Dumm

Online Resource


Sex and stigma: stories of everyday life in Nevada's legal brothels / Sarah Jane Blithe, Anna Wiederhold Wolfe, and Breanna Mohr

Dewey Library - HQ145.N3 B55 2019


Taking back the boulevard: art, activism and gentrification in Los Angeles / Jan Lin

Rotch Library - HN80.L7 L56 2019


Unveiling desire: fallen women in literature, culture, and films of the East / edited by Devaleena Das and Colette Morrow

Hayden Library - HQ29.U58 2018


Tackling wicked problems in complex ecologies: the role of evaluation / edited by Rodney Hopson and Fiona Cram

Dewey Library - HN18.3.T33 2018


The self-emptying subject: kenosis and immanence, medieval to modern / Alex Dubilet

Hayden Library - BD362.D83 2018


Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of A Novel Glutamine Derivative (2S,4R)-2-amino-4-cyano-4-[18F]fluoro-butanoic acid

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ00410C, Paper
song Liu, Renbo Wu, Yuli Sun, Karl Ploessl, Yan Zhang, Yajing Liu, zehui wu, Lin Zhu, H. F. Kung
Glutamine is an important source of nutrient for tumor proliferation. Designing new glutamine-metabolizing PET imaging agents is useful for tumor diagnosis and treatment. Herein, a novel glutamine derivative, (2S,4R)-2-amino-4-cyano-4-[18F]fluoro-butanoic acid,...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] A Chemically Stable Fluorescent Mimic of Dihydroartemisinin, Artemether, and Arteether with Conserved Bioactivity and Specificity Shows High Pharmacological Relevance to the Antimalarial Drugs

ACS Infectious Diseases
DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00430