spa History of Spanish Psychology, 1800–2000 By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 14:11:00 +0000 AHP readers may be interested in a recent piece on “History of Spanish Psychology, 1800–2000” in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Full details below. “History of Spanish Psychology, 1800–2000,” by Javier Bandrés. Abstract: In the history of Spanish psychology in the 19th century, three stages can be distinguished. An eclectic first stage was defined … Continue reading History of Spanish Psychology, 1800–2000 → Full Article General
spa How to spark your curiosity, scientifically | Nadya Mason By Published On :: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 14:47:27 +0000 Curious how stuff works? Do a hands-on experiment at home, says physicist Nadya Mason. She shows how you can demystify the world around you by tapping into your scientific curiosity -- and performs a few onstage experiments of her own using magnets, dollar bills, dry ice and more. Full Article Higher Education
spa The Hope and Despair of Being an Oklahoma Teacher By Published On :: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0000 After the midterm elections, Oklahoma teacher Amanda Becker reflects on the future of teacher activism in the state. Full Article Oklahoma
spa American public space, rebooted: What might it feel like? By Published On :: 2020-05-04T07:23:37-04:00 Full Article Education
spa Audit slams Española Public Schools’ finances By Published On :: 2020-05-08T04:03:58-04:00 Full Article Education
spa Special Education Enrollment Increases in Texas in Wake of Newspaper Investigation By Published On :: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 00:00:00 +0000 About 14,000 more students in the state are enrolled in special education, after the state lifted what it called a "benchmark" enrollment figure of 8.5 percent. Full Article Texas
spa New York Leap-Frogs ESSA With Its Own Financial Transparency Rule By Published On :: Tue, 03 Apr 2018 00:00:00 +0000 New York will require some districts next year to have their school-by-school spending amounts approved by the state, an effort to assure that state funds are being distributed as intended. Full Article New_York
spa American public space, rebooted: What might it feel like? By Published On :: 2020-05-04T08:41:19-04:00 Full Article Education
spa Audit slams Española Public Schools’ finances By Published On :: 2020-05-08T08:50:21-04:00 Full Article Education
spa Don't worry about the rent : choosing new office space to boost business performance / Darren Bilsborough. By Published On :: Full Article
spa Spaghetti madness : inspired by Great Food / by Louie Laudonia. By Published On :: Annotation. Spaghetti Cook Book. Full Article
spa The Spanish connection / Seán Hampsey. By Published On :: Full Article
spa Trigger warnings : political correctness and the rise of the right / Jeff Sparrow. By Published On :: Trump, Donald, 1946- -- Public opinion. Full Article
spa Fascists among us : online hate and the Christchurch massacre / Jeff Sparrow. By Published On :: Fascism -- History -- 21st century. Full Article
spa The four horsemen : the discussion that sparked an atheist revolution / Dawkins, Harris, Dennett, Hitchens ; foreword by Stephen Fry. By Published On :: Dawkins, Richard, 1941- -- Religion. Full Article
spa The Pokémon Go phenomenon : essays on public play in contested spaces / edited by Jamie Henthorn, Andrew Kulak, Kristopher Purzycki and Stephanie Vie. By Published On :: Pokémon Go (Game) -- Social aspects. Full Article
spa 19th century British Library newspapers (1800-1900) Part 2 By Published On :: British newspapers from the 19th century selected by the British Library's editorial board. Includes both national and regional newspapers. All newspapers are full text and fully searchable. Full runs are available where possible. Full Article
spa Diseases of the nervous system : being a treatise on spasmodic, paralytic, neuralgic and mental affections : for the use of students and practitioners of medicine / by Charles Porter Hart. By Published On :: London : Boericke & Tafel, 1881. Full Article
spa Dispensatorium homoeopathicum / auctore Dr. Caspario. By Published On :: Lipsiae : Sumtibus Baumgaertneri, 1829. Full Article
spa A dissertation on the best mode of treating spasmodic cholera ; with a view of its history and progress, from its origin in India, in 1817 down to the present time ; together with an appendix, containing a review of Dr McCormac's pamphlet, &c / by By Published On :: London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1834. Full Article
spa Electric waves : being researches on the propagation of electric action with finite velocity through space / by Heinrich Hertz ; authorised English translation by D.E. Jones ; with a preface by Lord Kelvin. By Published On :: London : Macmillan, 1893. Full Article
spa Entwurf einer Relationspathologie / von G. Ricker. By Published On :: Jena : Fischer, 1905. Full Article
spa Toledo, Spain: buildings and streets. Coloured etching, 17--. By Published On :: A Paris (rue St Jacques au dessus de celle des Mathurins au Gd. St. Remy : ches Huquier fils, graveur, [between 1700 and 1799] Full Article
spa Palace of La Granja, San Ildefonso, Spain. Coloured etching, 17--. By Published On :: A Paris (rue St. Jacques au dessus de la fontaine St Severin aux 2 colonne no 257) : chez J. Chereau, [between 1700 and 1799] Full Article
spa Capitals cut ties with Leipsic after disparaging comments By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 16:13:43 GMT The Washington Capitals on Friday placed Brendan Leipsic on unconditional waivers to terminate his contract after he made disparaging comments about women and teammates in a private social media chat. In a conversation involving his brother and Florida Panthers minor leaguer Jack Rodewald, Leipsic commented on the physical appearances of Vancouver forward Tanner Pearson's wife and Edmonton captain Connor McDavid's girlfriend. The NHL called it ''inexcusable conduct'' and said it would address the matter with the Capitals and Panthers. Full Article article Sports
spa Missouri Chief's Ouster Sparks Political, Legal Aftershocks By Published On :: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 The state's Republican governor is in a pitched battle with the state's educators over the process he used to fire Missouri's commissioner of education. Full Article Missouri
spa After Protracted Political Spat, Missouri Rehires Fired State Schools Chief By Published On :: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Former Republican Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens appointed enough board members to have Commissioner Margie Vandeven fired last year, but now that he's gone, the state board decided to hire her back. Full Article Missouri
spa Taking Herbal Baths | a zine about using herbs for bathing | relax rejuvenate soothing personal care | natural health bath spa | hand drawn By Published On :: 2019 Full Article
spa Recovery of simultaneous low rank and two-way sparse coefficient matrices, a nonconvex approach By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 22:00 EDT Ming Yu, Varun Gupta, Mladen Kolar. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 413--457.Abstract: We study the problem of recovery of matrices that are simultaneously low rank and row and/or column sparse. Such matrices appear in recent applications in cognitive neuroscience, imaging, computer vision, macroeconomics, and genetics. We propose a GDT (Gradient Descent with hard Thresholding) algorithm to efficiently recover matrices with such structure, by minimizing a bi-convex function over a nonconvex set of constraints. We show linear convergence of the iterates obtained by GDT to a region within statistical error of an optimal solution. As an application of our method, we consider multi-task learning problems and show that the statistical error rate obtained by GDT is near optimal compared to minimax rate. Experiments demonstrate competitive performance and much faster running speed compared to existing methods, on both simulations and real data sets. Full Article
spa Sparse equisigned PCA: Algorithms and performance bounds in the noisy rank-1 setting By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 22:02 EDT Arvind Prasadan, Raj Rao Nadakuditi, Debashis Paul. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 345--385.Abstract: Singular value decomposition (SVD) based principal component analysis (PCA) breaks down in the high-dimensional and limited sample size regime below a certain critical eigen-SNR that depends on the dimensionality of the system and the number of samples. Below this critical eigen-SNR, the estimates returned by the SVD are asymptotically uncorrelated with the latent principal components. We consider a setting where the left singular vector of the underlying rank one signal matrix is assumed to be sparse and the right singular vector is assumed to be equisigned, that is, having either only nonnegative or only nonpositive entries. We consider six different algorithms for estimating the sparse principal component based on different statistical criteria and prove that by exploiting sparsity, we recover consistent estimates in the low eigen-SNR regime where the SVD fails. Our analysis reveals conditions under which a coordinate selection scheme based on a sum-type decision statistic outperforms schemes that utilize the $ell _{1}$ and $ell _{2}$ norm-based statistics. We derive lower bounds on the size of detectable coordinates of the principal left singular vector and utilize these lower bounds to derive lower bounds on the worst-case risk. Finally, we verify our findings with numerical simulations and a illustrate the performance with a video data where the interest is in identifying objects. Full Article
spa Estimation of linear projections of non-sparse coefficients in high-dimensional regression By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 22:02 EDT David Azriel, Armin Schwartzman. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 174--206.Abstract: In this work we study estimation of signals when the number of parameters is much larger than the number of observations. A large body of literature assumes for these kind of problems a sparse structure where most of the parameters are zero or close to zero. When this assumption does not hold, one can focus on low-dimensional functions of the parameter vector. In this work we study one-dimensional linear projections. Specifically, in the context of high-dimensional linear regression, the parameter of interest is ${oldsymbol{eta}}$ and we study estimation of $mathbf{a}^{T}{oldsymbol{eta}}$. We show that $mathbf{a}^{T}hat{oldsymbol{eta}}$, where $hat{oldsymbol{eta}}$ is the least squares estimator, using pseudo-inverse when $p>n$, is minimax and admissible. Thus, for linear projections no regularization or shrinkage is needed. This estimator is easy to analyze and confidence intervals can be constructed. We study a high-dimensional dataset from brain imaging where it is shown that the signal is weak, non-sparse and significantly different from zero. Full Article
spa On change-point estimation under Sobolev sparsity By Published On :: Wed, 08 Apr 2020 22:01 EDT Aurélie Fischer, Dominique Picard. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1648--1689.Abstract: In this paper, we consider the estimation of a change-point for possibly high-dimensional data in a Gaussian model, using a maximum likelihood method. We are interested in how dimension reduction can affect the performance of the method. We provide an estimator of the change-point that has a minimax rate of convergence, up to a logarithmic factor. The minimax rate is in fact composed of a fast rate —dimension-invariant— and a slow rate —increasing with the dimension. Moreover, it is proved that considering the case of sparse data, with a Sobolev regularity, there is a bound on the separation of the regimes above which there exists an optimal choice of dimension reduction, leading to the fast rate of estimation. We propose an adaptive dimension reduction procedure based on Lepski’s method and show that the resulting estimator attains the fast rate of convergence. Our results are then illustrated by a simulation study. In particular, practical strategies are suggested to perform dimension reduction. Full Article
spa Nonconcave penalized estimation in sparse vector autoregression model By Published On :: Wed, 01 Apr 2020 04:00 EDT Xuening Zhu. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1413--1448.Abstract: High dimensional time series receive considerable attention recently, whose temporal and cross-sectional dependency could be captured by the vector autoregression (VAR) model. To tackle with the high dimensionality, penalization methods are widely employed. However, theoretically, the existing studies of the penalization methods mainly focus on $i.i.d$ data, therefore cannot quantify the effect of the dependence level on the convergence rate. In this work, we use the spectral properties of the time series to quantify the dependence and derive a nonasymptotic upper bound for the estimation errors. By focusing on the nonconcave penalization methods, we manage to establish the oracle properties of the penalized VAR model estimation by considering the effects of temporal and cross-sectional dependence. Extensive numerical studies are conducted to compare the finite sample performance using different penalization functions. Lastly, an air pollution data of mainland China is analyzed for illustration purpose. Full Article
spa Sparsely observed functional time series: estimation and prediction By Published On :: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 22:04 EST Tomáš Rubín, Victor M. Panaretos. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1137--1210.Abstract: Functional time series analysis, whether based on time or frequency domain methodology, has traditionally been carried out under the assumption of complete observation of the constituent series of curves, assumed stationary. Nevertheless, as is often the case with independent functional data, it may well happen that the data available to the analyst are not the actual sequence of curves, but relatively few and noisy measurements per curve, potentially at different locations in each curve’s domain. Under this sparse sampling regime, neither the established estimators of the time series’ dynamics nor their corresponding theoretical analysis will apply. The subject of this paper is to tackle the problem of estimating the dynamics and of recovering the latent process of smooth curves in the sparse regime. Assuming smoothness of the latent curves, we construct a consistent nonparametric estimator of the series’ spectral density operator and use it to develop a frequency-domain recovery approach, that predicts the latent curve at a given time by borrowing strength from the (estimated) dynamic correlations in the series across time. This new methodology is seen to comprehensively outperform a naive recovery approach that would ignore temporal dependence and use only methodology employed in the i.i.d. setting and hinging on the lag zero covariance. Further to predicting the latent curves from their noisy point samples, the method fills in gaps in the sequence (curves nowhere sampled), denoises the data, and serves as a basis for forecasting. Means of providing corresponding confidence bands are also investigated. A simulation study interestingly suggests that sparse observation for a longer time period may provide better performance than dense observation for a shorter period, in the presence of smoothness. The methodology is further illustrated by application to an environmental data set on fair-weather atmospheric electricity, which naturally leads to a sparse functional time series. Full Article
spa Generalized bounds for active subspaces By Published On :: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 22:06 EST Mario Teixeira Parente, Jonas Wallin, Barbara Wohlmuth. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 917--943.Abstract: In this article, we consider scenarios in which traditional estimates for the active subspace method based on probabilistic Poincaré inequalities are not valid due to unbounded Poincaré constants. Consequently, we propose a framework that allows to derive generalized estimates in the sense that it enables to control the trade-off between the size of the Poincaré constant and a weaker order of the final error bound. In particular, we investigate independently exponentially distributed random variables in dimension two or larger and give explicit expressions for corresponding Poincaré constants showing their dependence on the dimension of the problem. Finally, we suggest possibilities for future work that aim for extending the class of distributions applicable to the active subspace method as we regard this as an opportunity to enlarge its usability. Full Article
spa Detection of sparse positive dependence By Published On :: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 22:01 EST Ery Arias-Castro, Rong Huang, Nicolas Verzelen. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 702--730.Abstract: In a bivariate setting, we consider the problem of detecting a sparse contamination or mixture component, where the effect manifests itself as a positive dependence between the variables, which are otherwise independent in the main component. We first look at this problem in the context of a normal mixture model. In essence, the situation reduces to a univariate setting where the effect is a decrease in variance. In particular, a higher criticism test based on the pairwise differences is shown to achieve the detection boundary defined by the (oracle) likelihood ratio test. We then turn to a Gaussian copula model where the marginal distributions are unknown. Standard invariance considerations lead us to consider rank tests. In fact, a higher criticism test based on the pairwise rank differences achieves the detection boundary in the normal mixture model, although not in the very sparse regime. We do not know of any rank test that has any power in that regime. Full Article
spa Universal Latent Space Model Fitting for Large Networks with Edge Covariates By Published On :: 2020 Latent space models are effective tools for statistical modeling and visualization of network data. Due to their close connection to generalized linear models, it is also natural to incorporate covariate information in them. The current paper presents two universal fitting algorithms for networks with edge covariates: one based on nuclear norm penalization and the other based on projected gradient descent. Both algorithms are motivated by maximizing the likelihood function for an existing class of inner-product models, and we establish their statistical rates of convergence for these models. In addition, the theory informs us that both methods work simultaneously for a wide range of different latent space models that allow latent positions to affect edge formation in flexible ways, such as distance models. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the methods is demonstrated on a number of real world network data sets for different statistical tasks, including community detection with and without edge covariates, and network assisted learning. Full Article
spa High-Dimensional Interactions Detection with Sparse Principal Hessian Matrix By Published On :: 2020 In statistical learning framework with regressions, interactions are the contributions to the response variable from the products of the explanatory variables. In high-dimensional problems, detecting interactions is challenging due to combinatorial complexity and limited data information. We consider detecting interactions by exploring their connections with the principal Hessian matrix. Specifically, we propose a one-step synthetic approach for estimating the principal Hessian matrix by a penalized M-estimator. An alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is proposed to efficiently solve the encountered regularized optimization problem. Based on the sparse estimator, we detect the interactions by identifying its nonzero components. Our method directly targets at the interactions, and it requires no structural assumption on the hierarchy of the interactions effects. We show that our estimator is theoretically valid, computationally efficient, and practically useful for detecting the interactions in a broad spectrum of scenarios. Full Article
spa The Maximum Separation Subspace in Sufficient Dimension Reduction with Categorical Response By Published On :: 2020 Sufficient dimension reduction (SDR) is a very useful concept for exploratory analysis and data visualization in regression, especially when the number of covariates is large. Many SDR methods have been proposed for regression with a continuous response, where the central subspace (CS) is the target of estimation. Various conditions, such as the linearity condition and the constant covariance condition, are imposed so that these methods can estimate at least a portion of the CS. In this paper we study SDR for regression and discriminant analysis with categorical response. Motivated by the exploratory analysis and data visualization aspects of SDR, we propose a new geometric framework to reformulate the SDR problem in terms of manifold optimization and introduce a new concept called Maximum Separation Subspace (MASES). The MASES naturally preserves the “sufficiency” in SDR without imposing additional conditions on the predictor distribution, and directly inspires a semi-parametric estimator. Numerical studies show MASES exhibits superior performance as compared with competing SDR methods in specific settings. Full Article
spa Dynamical Systems as Temporal Feature Spaces By Published On :: 2020 Parametrised state space models in the form of recurrent networks are often used in machine learning to learn from data streams exhibiting temporal dependencies. To break the black box nature of such models it is important to understand the dynamical features of the input-driving time series that are formed in the state space. We propose a framework for rigorous analysis of such state representations in vanishing memory state space models such as echo state networks (ESN). In particular, we consider the state space a temporal feature space and the readout mapping from the state space a kernel machine operating in that feature space. We show that: (1) The usual ESN strategy of randomly generating input-to-state, as well as state coupling leads to shallow memory time series representations, corresponding to cross-correlation operator with fast exponentially decaying coefficients; (2) Imposing symmetry on dynamic coupling yields a constrained dynamic kernel matching the input time series with straightforward exponentially decaying motifs or exponentially decaying motifs of the highest frequency; (3) Simple ring (cycle) high-dimensional reservoir topology specified only through two free parameters can implement deep memory dynamic kernels with a rich variety of matching motifs. We quantify richness of feature representations imposed by dynamic kernels and demonstrate that for dynamic kernel associated with cycle reservoir topology, the kernel richness undergoes a phase transition close to the edge of stability. Full Article
spa Sparse and low-rank multivariate Hawkes processes By Published On :: 2020 We consider the problem of unveiling the implicit network structure of node interactions (such as user interactions in a social network), based only on high-frequency timestamps. Our inference is based on the minimization of the least-squares loss associated with a multivariate Hawkes model, penalized by $ell_1$ and trace norm of the interaction tensor. We provide a first theoretical analysis for this problem, that includes sparsity and low-rank inducing penalizations. This result involves a new data-driven concentration inequality for matrix martingales in continuous time with observable variance, which is a result of independent interest and a broad range of possible applications since it extends to matrix martingales former results restricted to the scalar case. A consequence of our analysis is the construction of sharply tuned $ell_1$ and trace-norm penalizations, that leads to a data-driven scaling of the variability of information available for each users. Numerical experiments illustrate the significant improvements achieved by the use of such data-driven penalizations. Full Article
spa Union of Low-Rank Tensor Spaces: Clustering and Completion By Published On :: 2020 We consider the problem of clustering and completing a set of tensors with missing data that are drawn from a union of low-rank tensor spaces. In the clustering problem, given a partially sampled tensor data that is composed of a number of subtensors, each chosen from one of a certain number of unknown tensor spaces, we need to group the subtensors that belong to the same tensor space. We provide a geometrical analysis on the sampling pattern and subsequently derive the sampling rate that guarantees the correct clustering under some assumptions with high probability. Moreover, we investigate the fundamental conditions for finite/unique completability for the union of tensor spaces completion problem. Both deterministic and probabilistic conditions on the sampling pattern to ensure finite/unique completability are obtained. For both the clustering and completion problems, our tensor analysis provides significantly better bound than the bound given by the matrix analysis applied to any unfolding of the tensor data. Full Article
spa Cook commemoration sparks 1970 protest By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 04:52:55 +0000 In 1970, celebrations and commemorations were held across the nation for the 200th anniversary of the Endeavour’s visit Full Article
spa Access thousands of newspapers and magazines with PressReader By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 03:40:42 +0000 Want to access thousands of newspapers and magazines wherever you are? Full Article
spa A Bayesian sparse finite mixture model for clustering data from a heterogeneous population By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 04:00 EDT Erlandson F. Saraiva, Adriano K. Suzuki, Luís A. Milan. Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 2, 323--344.Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian approach for clustering data using a sparse finite mixture model (SFMM). The SFMM is a finite mixture model with a large number of components $k$ previously fixed where many components can be empty. In this model, the number of components $k$ can be interpreted as the maximum number of distinct mixture components. Then, we explore the use of a prior distribution for the weights of the mixture model that take into account the possibility that the number of clusters $k_{mathbf{c}}$ (e.g., nonempty components) can be random and smaller than the number of components $k$ of the finite mixture model. In order to determine clusters we develop a MCMC algorithm denominated Split-Merge allocation sampler. In this algorithm, the split-merge strategy is data-driven and was inserted within the algorithm in order to increase the mixing of the Markov chain in relation to the number of clusters. The performance of the method is verified using simulated datasets and three real datasets. The first real data set is the benchmark galaxy data, while second and third are the publicly available data set on Enzyme and Acidity, respectively. Full Article
spa Recent developments in complex and spatially correlated functional data By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 04:00 EDT Israel Martínez-Hernández, Marc G. Genton. Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 2, 204--229.Abstract: As high-dimensional and high-frequency data are being collected on a large scale, the development of new statistical models is being pushed forward. Functional data analysis provides the required statistical methods to deal with large-scale and complex data by assuming that data are continuous functions, for example, realizations of a continuous process (curves) or continuous random field (surfaces), and that each curve or surface is considered as a single observation. Here, we provide an overview of functional data analysis when data are complex and spatially correlated. We provide definitions and estimators of the first and second moments of the corresponding functional random variable. We present two main approaches: The first assumes that data are realizations of a functional random field, that is, each observation is a curve with a spatial component. We call them spatial functional data . The second approach assumes that data are continuous deterministic fields observed over time. In this case, one observation is a surface or manifold, and we call them surface time series . For these two approaches, we describe software available for the statistical analysis. We also present a data illustration, using a high-resolution wind speed simulated dataset, as an example of the two approaches. The functional data approach offers a new paradigm of data analysis, where the continuous processes or random fields are considered as a single entity. We consider this approach to be very valuable in the context of big data. Full Article
spa Spatiotemporal point processes: regression, model specifications and future directions By Published On :: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 04:00 EDT Dani Gamerman. Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 4, 686--705.Abstract: Point processes are one of the most commonly encountered observation processes in Spatial Statistics. Model-based inference for them depends on the likelihood function. In the most standard setting of Poisson processes, the likelihood depends on the intensity function, and can not be computed analytically. A number of approximating techniques have been proposed to handle this difficulty. In this paper, we review recent work on exact solutions that solve this problem without resorting to approximations. The presentation concentrates more heavily on discrete time but also considers continuous time. The solutions are based on model specifications that impose smoothness constraints on the intensity function. We also review approaches to include a regression component and different ways to accommodate it while accounting for additional heterogeneity. Applications are provided to illustrate the results. Finally, we discuss possible extensions to account for discontinuities and/or jumps in the intensity function. Full Article
spa A note on monotonicity of spatial epidemic models By Published On :: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 04:04 EDT Achillefs Tzioufas. Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 674--684.Abstract: The epidemic process on a graph is considered for which infectious contacts occur at rate which depends on whether a susceptible is infected for the first time or not. We show that the Vasershtein coupling extends if and only if secondary infections occur at rate which is greater than that of initial ones. Nonetheless we show that, with respect to the probability of occurrence of an infinite epidemic, the said proviso may be dropped regarding the totally asymmetric process in one dimension, thus settling in the affirmative this special case of the conjecture for arbitrary graphs due to [ Ann. Appl. Probab. 13 (2003) 669–690]. Full Article
spa Spatially adaptive Bayesian image reconstruction through locally-modulated Markov random field models By Published On :: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 04:04 EDT Salem M. Al-Gezeri, Robert G. Aykroyd. Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 498--519.Abstract: The use of Markov random field (MRF) models has proven to be a fruitful approach in a wide range of image processing applications. It allows local texture information to be incorporated in a systematic and unified way and allows statistical inference theory to be applied giving rise to novel output summaries and enhanced image interpretation. A great advantage of such low-level approaches is that they lead to flexible models, which can be applied to a wide range of imaging problems without the need for significant modification. This paper proposes and explores the use of conditional MRF models for situations where multiple images are to be processed simultaneously, or where only a single image is to be reconstructed and a sequential approach is taken. Although the coupling of image intensity values is a special case of our approach, the main extension over previous proposals is to allow the direct coupling of other properties, such as smoothness or texture. This is achieved using a local modulating function which adjusts the influence of global smoothing without the need for a fully inhomogeneous prior model. Several modulating functions are considered and a detailed simulation study, motivated by remote sensing applications in archaeological geophysics, of conditional reconstruction is presented. The results demonstrate that a substantial improvement in the quality of the image reconstruction, in terms of errors and residuals, can be achieved using this approach, especially at locations with rapid changes in the underlying intensity. Full Article
spa Halfspace depth and floating body By Published On :: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 22:03 EDT Stanislav Nagy, Carsten Schütt, Elisabeth M. Werner. Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 13, 52--118.Abstract: Little known relations of the renown concept of the halfspace depth for multivariate data with notions from convex and affine geometry are discussed. Maximum halfspace depth may be regarded as a measure of symmetry for random vectors. As such, the maximum depth stands as a generalization of a measure of symmetry for convex sets, well studied in geometry. Under a mild assumption, the upper level sets of the halfspace depth coincide with the convex floating bodies of measures used in the definition of the affine surface area for convex bodies in Euclidean spaces. These connections enable us to partially resolve some persistent open problems regarding theoretical properties of the depth. Full Article