lc Nautilus Welcomes Progress On Maritime Labour Convention Amendment

Nautilus, an international trade union for maritime workers, has welcomed the outcome of top-level talks on updates to the Maritime Labour Convention to include measures to address bullying and harassment and to safeguard seafarers' wages when they are held captive.

lc US Senators Urge 'Fairness' Change To Capital Gains Tax Calculations

A group of 21 Republican members of the US Senate have signed a letter to the Treasury Secretary urging him to amend how capital gains tax liability is calculated.

lc Switzerland Welcomes Removal From EU Tax Grey List

The Swiss Government has welcomed Switzerland's removal from the EU's list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, and said that the country meets and implements international tax standards.

lc NZ Accountants Welcome Tax Reform Decisions

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) has given a guarded welcome to the New Zealand Government's response to the recommendations of the Tax Working Group.


Unsafe Sex may Increase Due to Alcohol and Marijuana Use

Alcohol and marijuana, when used separately or combined, increase the risk of condomless sex among young adults, a new study finds. bThis increased


Now You Can Put Plasters to Your Mouth Ulcers

Plasters for mouth ulcers have been developed by experts at the University of Sheffield. The research team created these plasters using special polymers which are able to stick to moist surfaces.


Alcohol, Sweets Help Identify High Carbon Footprint Households

High carbon footprint households are identified by confectionery, alcohol, and restaurant food and not by increased meat consumption, stated new study


Alcohol is the Key Ingredient in Hand Sanitizers to Fight Corona

Novel coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, is mainly spread when droplets from a person's mouth or nose are transferred to other people. Touching anything


Gene Therapy Prevents Disorders With Alcohol Exposure in ALDH2 Deficiency, Says Study

Gene therapy to treat aldehyde dehydrogenase type 2 (ALDH2) deficiency helps prevent increased risk for esophageal cancer and osteoporosis linked to chronic alcohol exposure, revealed study.


Drinking Alcohol Can Weaken Bones of People Living with HIV

Any level of alcohol consumption is linked to lower levels of a protein involved in bone formation in people living with HIV, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.


Alcohol-based Disinfectants Effective Against COVID-19: WHO

Alcohol-based hand disinfectants are effective against the novel coronavirus, according to the study published in the journal iEmerging Infectious Diseases/i.


Alcohol Use by Fathers Before Conception may Negatively Impact Child Development

Paternal consumption of alcohol before conception and maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy can generate several deficits in the offspring, reports a new study.


NBRI Develops New Alcohol-based Herbal Sanitizer

The National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) has developed an alcohol-based herbal sanitizer under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research


Alcatel Launches GPS-Enabled Kids' Smartwatch

Alcatel, TCL communication's mobile brand, on Wednesday launched a GPS-enabled smartwatch in India which allows kids to communicate with pre-approved contacts at Rs.4,799.


Tackling harmful alcohol use: Switzerland

Levels of alcohol consumption in Switzerland have decreased in the last 30 years, but are still above the OECD average. In 2012, an average of 9.9 litres of pure alcohol per capita is consumed in Switzerland, compared with an estimate of 9.1 litres in the OECD.


Global Forum on tax transparency welcomes new members and reviews 12 countries

At the Global Forum in Cape Town, South Africa, delegates from 81 jurisdictions and 11 international organisations evaluated whether all Forum members are exchanging tax information effectively.


IIM Calcutta To Incubate 100 Start-Ups By 2020

IIM Calcutta Innovation Park has chalked out plans to incubate 100 start-ups by 2020, of which 40 would be funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and DFID.


Caught on camera: Boiler explodes at NLC plant in Tamil Nadu's Cuddalore, 7 injured

A boiler explosion has been reported at Neyveli Lignite Corporation in Tamil Nadu's Cuddalore. Around seven people have been injured in the incident.


Use of EMI Calculator to Evaluate Personal Loan

Money plays an important role in our lives. We have a lot of dreams, but short of funds that are needed to keep them alive.  So we have to focus our goals and choose which one is best to you. It is difficult to save the entire...


Tackling harmful alcohol use: USA

Levels of alcohol consumption in the United States are close to the OECD average and have remained relatively stable in the last 20 years, but with a progressive shift from beer to spirit consumption. In 2011, an average of 8.6 litres of pure alcohol per capita was consumed in the United States, compared with an estimate of 9.5 litres in the OECD.


OECD welcomes ground-breaking peer reviews by China and US of their fossil fuel subsidies

The OECD has welcomed the release by China and the US of peer reviews of their fossil fuel subsidies.


OECD's Gurría welcomes positive outcome of US - Mexico trade talks

Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General, welcomes the positive outcome of the trade negotiations, carried out by the representatives of Mexico and the United States, which will be joined by Canada shortly.


OECD welcomes announcement of new trade agreement between US, Mexico and Canada

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría has welcomed the announcement of a new, modernised United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.


Tackling harmful alcohol use: Canada

Levels of alcohol consumption in Canada are close to the OECD average and have remained relatively stable in the last 20 years. In 2012, an average of 8.2 litres of pure alcohol per capita was consumed in Canada, compared with an estimate of 9.1 litres in the OECD.


OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría welcomes the signature of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA)

“I congratulate Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, President of the European Council Donald Tusk, and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on the signature of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). The deal comes at a crucial time when slowing trade growth and low investment are contributing to the weakness of the global economy.


OECD's Gurría welcomes positive outcome of US - Mexico trade talks

Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General, welcomes the positive outcome of the trade negotiations, carried out by the representatives of Mexico and the United States, which will be joined by Canada shortly.


OECD welcomes announcement of new trade agreement between US, Mexico and Canada

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría has welcomed the announcement of a new, modernised United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.


Estadísticas-tributarias-ALC: principales resultados para Mexico

La recaudación tributaria sobre PIB de México en 2018 (16.1%) estuvo por debajo del promedio de ALC (23.1%)¹ en la publicación de este año de las Estadísticas tributarias en América Latina y el Caribe en 6.9 puntos porcentuales y por debajo del promedio de la OCDE (34.3%).


Tax: The Global Forum on Tax Transparency welcomes Pakistan as new member

Pakistan has joined the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. As the 111th member of the Global Forum, it will participate in the peer review process which encourages all countries to adopt effective exchange of information in tax matters.


The Global Forum on Tax Transparency welcomes Azerbaijan and the Kingdom of Lesotho as new members

Azerbaijan and the Kingdom of Lesotho have joined the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. As the 119th and 120th members of the Global Forum, they will participate in the peer review process which encourages all countries to adopt effective exchange of information in tax matters.


OECD Secretary-General welcomes Liechtenstein’s moves toward transparency

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria welcomed today Liechtenstein’s announcement of plans to sign the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and take further steps to increase transparency and international co-operation.


Tax: OECD’s Gurría welcomes international progress towards automatic exchange of information

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría has welcomed moves by more than 40 countries – reinforced by EU leaders - to commit to a detailed timetable to step up the fight against tax evasion.


OECD welcomes the European Commission Initiative on Tax Transparency

The OECD Secretary-General Gurría welcomed the announcement and congratulated the Commission for the work done. "The European Commission’s initiative is another major step to tackle corporate tax avoidance.


OECD Secretary-General welcomes release of EU plan to curb corporate tax avoidance

The European Commission presented today an Action Plan to fundamentally reform corporate taxation in the EU. The Action Plan sets out a series of initiatives to tackle tax avoidance, secure sustainable revenues and strengthen the Single Market for businesses.


OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría welcomes European Commission corporate tax avoidance proposals

The European Commission presented today a series of measures for a coordinated EU-wide response to corporate tax avoidance, notably through implementation of the global standards developed under the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project. The Commission proposal would align tax laws in all 28 EU countries, in order to fight aggressive tax practices by multinational enterprises


OECD welcomes Viet Nam's commitment to implement the internationally agreed standards to tackle tax evasion and avoidance

Viet Nam has become the 100th jurisdiction to join the Inclusive Framework on BEPS ("IF") on an equal footing with all other IF members, as announced by Mr. DANG NGOC Minh (Deputy General Director of the General Department of Taxation - GDT) at the third plenary meeting of the IF held on 21-22 June 2017 in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.


Global Forum publishes tax transparency compliance ratings for seven jurisdictions and welcomes three new members

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the Global Forum), published today seven peer review reports assessing compliance with the international standard on tax transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR).


OECD welcomes the launch of co-operative tax compliance programme in France

The OECD welcomes France's new programme on co-operative compliance, announced today. Co-operative compliance is an initiative for promoting better tax compliance developed by the OECD Forum on Tax Administration.


Global tax community welcomes new measures to enlist online marketplaces in the collection of VAT/GST in e-commerce

Meeting in Melbourne, Australia on 20-22 March 2019, around 300 participants attending the Global Forum on VAT, welcomed measures proposed in a new report by the OECD on The Role of Digital Platforms in the Collection of VAT/GST on Online Sales. The report includes new measures to make e-commerce marketplaces liable for the VAT/GST on sales made by online traders through their platforms.


Canada Exports of Alcoholic Beverages

Exports of (bop) - Alcoholic Beverages in Canada increased to 94.30 CAD Million in March from 89.20 CAD Million in February of 2020. Exports of (bop) - Alcoholic Beverages in Canada averaged 74.41 CAD Million from 1988 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 121.10 CAD Million in February of 2001 and a record low of 36.30 CAD Million in April of 1988. This page includes a chart with historical data for Canada Exports of (bop) - Alcoholic Beverages.


Estadísticas-tributarias-ALC: principales resultados para Chile

La recaudación tributaria sobre PIB de Chile en 2018 (21.1%) estuvo por debajo del promedio de ALC (23.1%)¹ en la publicación de este año de las Estadísticas tributarias en América Latina y el Caribe en 2.0 puntos porcentuales y por debajo del promedio de la OCDE (34.3%).


Myanmar pledges further investment climate reforms; welcomes OECD efforts to promote responsible investment

Deputy Minister of National Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Khin San Yee, presented her country’s ambitious efforts to improve the investment climate at meetings of the OECD Investment Committee and Advisory Group on Investment and Development from 15-17 October 2013 in Paris.


Tackling harmful alcohol use: Australia

Levels of alcohol consumption in Australia are close to the OECD average. After a decrease from 1980 to 1992, consumption has rebounded to some extent. In 2011, 10 litres of pure alcohol per capita were consumed in Australia, on average, compared with an estimate of 9.5 litres in 2011 in the OECD.


Australia - The OECD welcomes Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s announcement at COP21

The OECD welcomes Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s announcement at COP21 that Australia intends to ratify the Kyoto Protocol’s second commitment period, which sets mitigation targets and reporting requirements for 2013-2020.


Tackling harmful alcohol use: Japan

Levels of alcohol consumption in Japan are slightly below the OECD average and have slightly decreased in the last 20 years. In 2012, an average of 7.2 litres of pure alcohol per capita was consumed in Japan, compared with an estimate of 9.1 litres in the OECD.


The OECD Development Centre welcomes Japan’s joining

Japan, one of the founding members of the OECD Development Centre, makes a welcome return to the Centre. Japan’s re-entry is one of the milestones during a seminal week of activities at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, including celebrating the 2016 OECD Week, holding its Ministerial Council Meeting and convening a High-Level Meeting of its Development Centre Governing Board.


G20 ministers welcome OECD disaster risk assessment and financing framework

G20 Finance Ministers have welcomed a new OECD/G20 framework designed to help governments develop financial strategies for disaster risk management.


APEC Finance Ministers welcome OECD report on disaster risk financing in the Asia Pacific region

At their meetings on 19-20 September 2013, APEC Finance Ministers welcomed a survey report prepared by the OECD on disaster risk financing practices in the Asia Pacific region.


OECD’s Gurría welcomes Italian government measures to strengthen public finances

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría has welcomed the measures adopted by the Italian government to address fiscal sustainability while boosting growth and equity.


OECD’s Gurría welcomes budget proposal and economic reforms announced by the Spanish Government

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría welcomes the Spanish government's budget and the economic policy measures announced yesterday.