
Action research : improving schools and empowering educators / Craig A. Mertler, Arizona State University

Mertler, Craig A., author


What is it about Tribes? : the research-based components of the developmental process of Tribes Learning Communities / Bonnie Benard (WestEd)

Benard, Bonnie, author


Annual research report / School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Murdoch University. School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, author, issuing body


Higher education research methodology : a step-by-step guide to the research process / Ben Kei Daniel and Tony Harland

Daniel, Ben Kei, 1971- author


Documentation and the early years learning framework : researching in Reggio Emilia and Australia / Jan Millikan, Stefania Giamminuti

Millikan, Jan, author


Building research design in education : theoretically informed advanced methods / edited by Lorna Hamilton and John Ravenscroft


Three approaches to qualitative research through the ARtS : narratives of teaching for social justice and community / by Seungho Moon

Moon, Seungho, author


E-learning in the 21st century : a framework for research and practice / D.R. Garrison and Terry Anderson

Garrison, D. R. (D. Randy), 1945-


Exploratory Subgroup Analyses in Clinical Research


This essential guide on subgroup analyses in the emerging area of personalized medicine covers the issues of subgroup analyses from a practical and a theoretical/methodological point of view. The practical part introduces the issues using examples from the literature where subgroup analyses led to unexpected or difficult-to-interpret results, which have been interpreted differently by different stakeholders. On the technical side, the book addresses



Trends in biomedical research Mieczyslaw Pokorski, editor

Online Resource


Maple in mathematics education and research: Third Maple Conference, MC 2019, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, October 15-17, 2019, Proceedings / Jürgen Gerhard, Ilias Kotsireas (eds.)

Online Resource


Cyber security in india: education, research and training / Sandeep Kumar Shukla, Manindra Agrawal, editors

Online Resource


Structural equation modelling: application for research and practice (with AMOS and R) / Jitesh J. Thakkar

Online Resource


Statistical modeling in biomedical research: contemporary topics and voices in the field / Yichuan Zhao, Ding-Geng (Din) Chen, editors

Online Resource


OBSERVE to give students chance for out-of-this-world research

Grant makes statewide impact


HIV research news at next Carolina Science Cafe

Dr. Myron Cohen takes us behind the scenes of the most recent news about HIV transmission.


Research Slam!

Some UNC researchers have a special event planned just for you!


Management accounting research in practice [electronic resource] : lessons learned from an interventionist approach / Petri Suomala and Jouni Lyly-Yrjänäinen

Suomala, Petri, 1974-


Accounting & auditing research [electronic resource] : tools & strategies / Thomas R. Weirich, Thomas R. Pearson, Natalie T. Churyk

Weirich, Thomas R


Creative Business and Social Innovations for a Sustainable Future [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the 1st American University in the Emirates International Research Conference—Dubai, UAE 2017 / edited by Miroslav Mateev, Panikkos Poutziouris


Correct hardware design and verification methods [electronic resource] : 13th IFIP WG 10.5 advanced research working conference, CHARME 2005, Saarbrücken, Germany, October 3-6, 2005 : proceedings / Dominique Borrione, Wolfgang Paul (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2005]


Multiscale brain research on a microfluidic chip

Lab Chip, 2020, 20,1531-1543
DOI: 10.1039/C9LC01010F, Critical Review
Yanan Zhao, Utkan Demirci, Yun Chen, Pu Chen
We report recent progress in applying innovative microfluidic chip-based neurotechnologies to promote multiscale brain research across the hierarchical organizations from the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels up to the whole organism level.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Recent developments in midrash research: proceedings of the 2002 and 2003 SBL Consultation on Midrash / Lieve M. Teugels and Rivka Ulmer, editors

Online Resource


Legal Research Reports: Powers of the Mexican Federal Police with Foreign Country Comparisons

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report,  Powers of the Mexican Federal Police with Foreign Country Comparisons.

After discussing Mexico’s historical and current policing structure, this report then examines the structure of police forces in selected other countries. The main criteria for the inclusion of other countries was the functional and geographic divergence of law enforcement duties across various jurisdictional levels. The list of countries included is not intended to be exhaustive.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Protection of Indigenous Heritage

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Protection of Indigenous Heritage

This report surveys 11 jurisdictions on the legislative and policy frameworks affecting the protection of sacred places of indigenous peoples, their graves, remains, related artifacts, and indigenous cultural property generally. In the United States, a 1990 law, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) addresses the identification, repatriation, protection, regulated excavation, and custody of indigenous human remains and related cultural objects. The individual surveys in this report reflect research on whether there are corresponding laws in the selected jurisdictions similar to NAGPRA, and more generally discuss the protection of indigenous cultural patrimony.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Regulatory Approaches to Cryptoassets

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Regulatory Approaches to Cryptoassets

This report covers 46 jurisdictions, including the European Union, and focuses primarily on regulatory approaches to cryptoassets created through blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, in the context of financial market and investor protection laws. It also contains updated information regarding the application of tax and AML/CFT laws to cryptocurrencies in the countries covered. Additional countries not covered in this report may also have taken actions in one or both of these areas, but were not included due to there being no existing policies, or new or pending laws, related to financial regulation and oversight of cryptocurrency activities.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Limits on Freedom of Expression

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Limits on Freedom of Expression.

This report examines the scope of protection extended to freedom of speech in 13 selected countries. In particular, the report focuses on the limits of protection that may apply to the right to interrupt or affect in any other way public speech. The report also addresses the availability of mechanisms to control foreign broadcasters working on behalf of foreign governments. The terms “freedom of speech” and “freedom of expression” as used in this report are interchangeable.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 



Legal Research Reports: Criminalization of Illegal Entry Around the World

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Criminalization of Illegal Entry Around the World.

On the basis of a worldwide survey, this report identifies 162 countries that have laws criminalizing or otherwise punishing illegal entry.  The chart shows countries that impose criminal sanctions for illegal entry as well as countries that impose only civil or administrative penalties (typically fines and deportation). 

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports:The Revocation of Huguenot Rights to French Citizenship

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, The Revocation of Huguenot Rights to French Citizenship

The 1685 revocation of the Edict of Nantes deprived French Protestants, otherwise known as the Huguenots, of all religious and civil liberties.  This led to the widespread persecution of Huguenots, and over 400,000 emigrated from France as a result.  Religious freedom was re-established during the French Revolution, and a 1790 law provided that descendants of French individuals who had fled the country due to religious persecution had a right to settle in France and claim French citizenship.  This rule, confirmed in a slightly amended form in 1889, remained applicable until 1945, when the French Citizenship Code abrogated almost all prior legislation on the matter of citizenship, including the laws of 1790 and 1889.

The 1945 French Citizenship Code was adopted by way of an ordonnance, which is, in this context, an act of delegated legislation.  The French Constitution allows, under certain conditions, the executive branch to legislate in lieu of Parliament.  These acts of legislation, which are subject to both prior authorization and later confirmation by Parliament, are called ordonnances.  Once an ordonnance has been ratified or confirmed by Parliament, it becomes the equivalent of a law.  An ordonnance may amend or entirely abrogate prior legislation. 

The concept of delegated legislation has existed in France for a long time, under different names.  However, the 1945 ordonnance that instituted the then-new French Citizenship Code never authorized by Parliament, because France had no Parliament to speak of between July 1940 and October 1945.  It does not appear that the legality and legitimacy of the ordonnances of 1945 were ever challenged, and French courts treat them as a valid exercise of legislative authority.  The 1945 ordonnance which abrogated the right to French citizenship for descendants of Huguenots should therefore be seen as a valid piece of legislation under French law.

This report is one of the many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Legal Restrictions on Religious Slaughter of Animals in Europe

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Legal Restrictions on Religious Slaughter of Animals in Europe.

This report includes surveys of the laws of 25 European jurisdictions concerning the legality of religious slaughter, updating and expanding the Law Library’s March 2018 report. All European countries that do not allow kosher or halal slaughter of animals are included; some but not all countries that permit such slaughter subject to regulation are also included. In addition, the report summarizes a February 2019 European Court of Justice decision on religious slaughter and organic labeling. 

This report is one of the many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Supply Chain Regulation of Pharmaceutical Samples

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Supply Chain Regulation of Pharmaceutical Samples.

This research surveys several countries’ regulations regarding “serialization” of pharmaceutical products and whether these regulations apply to free medicinal product samples. The attached reports explore the specific “track and trace” or “serialization” laws and regulations in the European Union, Japan, and Turkey. While technical aspects of serialization differ across jurisdictions, one widely used benchmark for legislation is the voluntary GS1 standards, and specifically the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). Globally, it is estimated that 70 countries have based their regulatory requirements for traceability of pharmaceuticals on these standards.

This report is one of the many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 




Legal Research Reports: Regulation and Funding of Alternative Maternity Care Providers

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Regulation and Funding of Alternative Maternity Care Providers.

This report includes surveys of the regulation and funding of two types of alternative maternity care providers, midwives and doulas, in 10 countries around the world. All researched jurisdictions regulate the work of midwives, which is not the case when it comes to doula activities. Health care, which includes midwife services, is funded either by the government at the federal, provincial, territorial, or local level or by a national health insurance scheme. Doula services are not funded in the vast majority of the researched jurisdictions.

This report is one of the many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Laws Protecting Journalists from Online Harassment

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Laws Protecting Journalists from Online Harassment.

Attacks against journalists appear to be on the rise recently in countries around the world. These include attacks allegedly directed by governments or politicians, as well as by individuals displeased with their own media coverage or generally with the press. The widespread use of social media has facilitated harassment of journalists in online settings by a variety of means, including by disseminating threats and disinformation, stalking, and broadcasting private or personally identifiable information about targeted journalists (doxing). This report is composed of a survey of relevant international law instruments and activities directed at protection against online threats and harassment of journalists, as well as individual surveys for 11 countries. 

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Regulation of Foreign Involvement in Elections

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Regulation of Foreign Involvement in Elections.

This report includes surveys of 13 major democratic foreign jurisdictions on laws and policies addressing foreign involvement in elections. Reports of foreign interference in recent elections in the United States and elsewhere have prompted responses in several countries. For example, Australia, Canada, France, and South Africa have new laws in 2018 addressing political contributions, and most of the other countries surveyed in this report similarly have laws prohibiting foreign donations.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Greece: Higher Education Reforms and University Asylum

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Greece: Higher Education Reforms and University Asylum.

This report discusses the legislative history of the university asylum rule that prohibits police from entering universities without permission of a three-person panel (with exceptions). Relevant legislation and legislative resources are highlighted. A short bibliography is also included. (Nov. 2019)

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: European Union: Health Standards in Refugee Camps

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, European Union: Health Standards in Refugee Camps.

The European Union is tasked with establishing a Common European Asylum System. To that end, several legislative instruments have been adopted, including a directive on standards regarding reception conditions of applicants for asylum or subsidiary and temporary protection. For vulnerable persons, such as minors, there are special protections in place. Applicants have a right to receive necessary health care, which must at least include emergency care and essential treatment of illnesses and of serious mental disorders. (Dec. 2019)

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Airport Noise Regulations

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Airport Noise Regulations.

This multinational report on airport noise regulations surveys the laws of the European Union; six of its Member States (France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden); and the United Kingdom.  Noise thresholds typically vary between the surveyed jurisdictions as well as between individual airports, taking into account both geographic and commercial interests. All jurisdictions surveyed require that noise from airports be taken into account when planning and zoning new residential areas and airports. Other methods for limiting noise levels include the imposition of taxes or fines on airlines or airports that violate established noise thresholds.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 



Legal Research Reports: Legal Provisions on Gender Equality

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Legal Provisions on Gender Equality.

This report discusses the legal provisions governing inheritance rights, the legal age of marriage, and the transmittal of citizenship through the mother in 18 Middle Eastern and North African countries, including Israel, Iran, and 16 Arab countries (Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen). To the extent applicable, the report also discusses constitutional provisions promoting gender equality in these countries.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Points-Based and Family Immigration

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Points-Based and Family Immigration.

This report explains the points-based immigration systems adopted by Australia, Austria, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Each of these countries determines a noncitizen’s eligibility to obtain a particular visa or residence status partly by whether that noncitizen is able to score above a threshold number of points in accordance with the country’s points scoring system. All of the countries have points-based immigration system for skilled workers. Other categories for which a points-based immigration system is used include investor, entrepreneur/business start-up, persons with exceptional capabilities, temporary worker, and job seeker.  

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Plea Barganing

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Plea Bargaining.

This report examines laws and practices related to plea bargaining in six countries: Georgia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Russia, and Singapore. Of these countries, three (Georgia, Malaysia, and Nigeria) have formalized both charge and sentence bargaining procedures in legislation. Russian legislation provides for a "special trial procedure" for defendants who plead guilty, and "special path" provisions based on Russia's approach are currently being considered as part of criminal procedure reforms in Indonesia. Russia has also implemented provisions on "pretrial cooperation agreements" aimed at providing incentives for individuals involved in organized crime to cooperate with authorities in exchange for a reduced sentence. Georgia also provides for "agreements on special cooperation". In Singapore, there are no current or proposed plea bargaining provisions in legislation. However, two programs have implemented that enable alternative case resolution processes to be applied. (March 2020) 

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 



Legal Research Reports: Continuity of Legislative Activities during an Emergency

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Continuity of Legislative Activities during Emergency Situations.

This reports the law of 36 foreign jurisdictions on the functioning of legislatures under emergency measures, arrangements in legislatures for a designated sub-group to constitute a kind of "emergency parliament" with devolved powers from the whole legislature, and arrangements made by national legislative bodies to ensure their work during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the vast majority of countries surveyed, legislatures have adopted preventative measures in response to the public emergency posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, no country surveyed has explicitly invoked the powers of an "emergency parliament" with the devolved power from the whole legislature. However, several countries surveyed give various other emergency powers to the legislature in times of emergencies. 

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 



Legal Research Reports: CORRECTION: Continuity of Legislative Activities during Emergency Situations

Previous version of this notice was sent with incorrect links. 

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Continuity of Legislative Activities during Emergency Situations.

This reports the law of 36 foreign jurisdictions on the functioning of legislatures under emergency measures, arrangements in legislatures for a designated sub-group to constitute a kind of "emergency parliament" with devolved powers from the whole legislature, and arrangements made by national legislative bodies to ensure their work during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the vast majority of countries surveyed, legislatures have adopted preventative measures in response to the public emergency posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, no country surveyed has explicitly invoked the powers of an "emergency parliament" with the devolved power from the whole legislature. However, several countries surveyed give various other emergency powers to the legislature in times of emergencies. 

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 



Legal Research Reports: Protection of Environmental Defenders in Latin America

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Protection of Environmental Defenders in Latin America.

This report includes surveys of laws guaranteeing the safety of environmental defenders in Latin America, especially in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. A United Nations Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, which was adopted for the specific purpose of promoting, protecting, and defending human rights in environmental matters was signed by Brazil, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. However, Colombia and Honduras are the only countries that have enacted specific legislation for the protection of environmental defenders.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Government Responses to Disinformation

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Government Responses to Disinformation.

Concerns regarding the impact of viral dissemination of disinformation on democratic systems of government, on political discourse, on public trust in state institutions, and on social harmony have been expressed by many around the world. This report addresses reported instances of alleged disinformation and highlights governmental responses to challenges posed by the spread of disinformation on social media platforms in 16 jurisdictions

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Child Protection Law and Policy

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Child Protection Law and Policy.

This report includes surveys of 16 foreign jurisdictions on laws and policies on protecting children from abuse and neglect. The introductory summary briefly describes domestic U.S. federal law before turning to a comparative analysis of foreign law. The individual country surveys in this report describe the law of each jurisdiction on protecting children from abuse and neglect. They also describe practices respecting data gathering and the publication of statistics, as applicable in each country.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Legal Research Reports: Virtual Civil Trials

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Virtual Civil Trials.

This report surveys the law of 25 foreign jurisdictions on the availability and functioning of virtual civil hearings and/or trials, including the structure of civil court systems and arrangements made to ensure the continuation of hearings and proceedings during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report describes foreign court systems that have adopted a range of options and procedural conditions for virtual hearings and/or trials in noncriminal cases in each jurisdiction surveyed.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Neural cell biology / editors, Cheng Wang, Director of Neurotoxicology, National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Jefferson, AR, USA, William Slikker, Jr., National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), Fo

Hayden Library - QP363.2.N47 2017


Clinical neuroanatomy / Stephen G. Waxman, MD, PhD (Bridget Marie Flaherty Professor of Neurology, Neurobiology, & Pharmacology, Director, Center for Neuroscience & Regeneration Research, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

Hayden Library - QM451.W38 2017


Brain-computer interface research: a state-of-the-art summary 6 / Christoph Guger, Brendan Allison, Mikhail Lebedev, editors

Online Resource


Pain and the conscious brain / Luis Garcia-Larrea, MD, PhD, Research Director at the INSERM Head, Central Integration of Pain-Lyon Centre for Neurosciences, Vice-Director, Human Biology Department, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, University Hospitals o

Hayden Library - QP355.2.P35 2016